Another fabulous piece, Reuben, and an important reminder. So many seem to have forgotten what the world was put through and believe they actually returned to „normal“.

What always struck me was while it was bad in most countries - including Germany - it seemed that those countries that always stood for individuality, freedom and new beginnings were the most targeted and worst affected. I'm talking about Australia, New Zealand and Canada. It was as if they wanted to prove that if it works here, it works everywhere.

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It is interesting to me Tanja that a memo apparently was sent out to activate a response that was similar in most of the West. It feels as though there may be another pandemic coming on!

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Mr. Abraham had two sons: Ishmael and Isaac.

Therefore, current Palestinians, whether recently killed or still alive are very closely related to genuine Jews, both Semitic people because same genealogical origins.

Before WW1, people of Jewish faith were a tiny minority in the Land of Palestine and living in perfect harmony with the Arab tribes.

The vast majority of current residents and IDF members are descendants of Khazarian, Ashkenazi or Sephardic Jews "imported" to Palestine by the British for their own geo-strategic purposes.

These people are currently committing atrocities and are the REAL anti-Semites (see above).

Please be so kind as to tell me where I am wrong.

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