Despite all wide reading about COVID matters, I was only dimly aware of the detail you supply on VAERS and its deficiencies. As pieces of the puzzle come slowly together, we are left with the startling realisation that the intention of COVID was to provide a pretext for the 'vaccination' campaign with a completely novel gene therapy. And the ultimate reason stares us in the face: it was to reduce the world's population via iatrogenic harm. The perception that there are too many humans on the planet seems to have driven a eugenicist mania among many people which causes them to support many anti-human policies which seem indistinguishable from Marxism/Jacobinism. As Brave New World and 1984 seem increasingly to be taken as instruction manuals rather than warnings, we would do well to remember the "Stockdale Paradox": you must maintain unwavering faith that you can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties, and at the same time, have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.

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As always a great read, great insight and I love the excerpt from your book. Ver much look forward to reading it.

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A typically fine essay from a fine writer. On a related theme..


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