A few years ago, while I was travelling in New Zealand, I met a French businessman who owned a number of retirement homes around the world, with the majority being in Florida. We discussed the situation in France at that time. This was before the second term of French President Emmanuel Macron and around the time of the yellow vests (gilets jaunes) citizens' protest movement in response to the President’s massive tax on fuel. My French friend told me something I hadn’t fully realized, despite many visits to France over a period of 30 years. Since the French Revolution, he said, France was, in reality, a socialist country. It made complete sense. The majority of the French population is on the government payroll and the idea of a government handout is baked into the DNA of French citizens.
As I remembered the conversation with the French businessman this week, I thought - no wonder there has been a massive protest movement in France in response to President Macron’s recent forced legislation to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 years.
The French Revolution
The original French revolutionaries grabbed power in 1789, at a time when France had the largest population in Europe, and there were many internal and external challenges. On the 14th July, 1789, the Bastille was seized. In August, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (Declaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen) - was passed by the National Constituent Assembly. Liberty, equality, property rights and the right to resist oppression were at the heart of these “rights”. A decentralization process was commenced and a free press flourished for a short period. However, with France under threat from surrounding armies, the revolutionary government took harsh action against its internal “enemies”. At the heart of the revolution was an atheistic philosophy that sought to put mankind at the centre of life. The “enemies”, therefore, included Catholic priests and the Catholic Church’s property. It is estimated that 50,000 people, many being priests, were executed by guillotine. The Church’s property was confiscated.
Then, a self-appointed “Committee of Public Safety” led by Maximilien de Robespierre took dictatorial action to eliminate perceived enemies. This period in France was known as “the terror”. At that time, France was under threat from surrounding nations and after some military success, order was restored, and Robespierre was arrested and guillotined, presumably for over-enthusiasm in his revolutionary zeal!
This chaos resulted in the rise of the young General Napoleon Bonaparte in 1795, who after great military successes, became the first consul of France in 1799 and self-proclaimed emperor in 1804.
Lessons from the French Revolution
The lesson seems to be that revolutionaries destroy everything, and then amid turmoil, a strong man steps up and takes control (take note of what happens next in the US!). Napoleon was a centralist who left no stone unturned involving action by the state. He changed the legal system, schools and colleges, the roads and transport, finance, and the military with the Emperor at the centre of everything. The Emperor’s reign was short but his influence was long. His legacy is still evident in France today and one suspects that President Macron sees himself as a type of new Napoleon, or as he described himself, a type of “Jupiter”.
The Rise of the Big State and Creation of Dependency
Embedded within the French state (and later European psyche), however was not a sense of individual independence, as with the USA, but rather dependence. Such dependency has been fostered in successive governments in Europe and the formation of the European Union has moved the whole of Europe and its now 27 nations into a dependency mindset. Not only is there creation of dependency but also the need for a governing elite (as Orwell wrote - “some animals are more equal than others”) to rule the citizens. The ruling elite is evident today with the unelected European Commissioners, who hold extensive powers. The bureaucrats at the centre of the EU have taken on the role of regulating everything, even specifications for toothbrushes!
It seems that, at least in Europe, the revolution that started in France 230 years ago has established centralized with unaccountable bureaucrats in charge of an expanding state where individual rights and responsibilities have largely been extinguished.
A fundamental commitment of this new European state is the elimination of God and the elevation of the worship of man. Paul-Henri Spaak, a former Belgian Prime Minister and EU architect, said :
“We do not want another committee, we have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people, and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking.
Send us such a man, and be he god or devil, we will receive him."
A humanist and increasingly transhumanist philosophy is promoted by the influential Word Economic Forum and its Chairman Klaus Schwab, and widely accepted by European leaders. This philosophy seeks to implement public-private partnerships – in a type of new fascism – a fusion of the state and global mega-companies. This technocratic New World Order, with its god of “climate science” is attempting to reduce the world population, eliminate individual freedom, introduce programmable currencies and control every aspect of the lives of its citizens. Amazingly enough, the citizens seem mostly willing to be shepherded into a future where they will “own nothing and be happy”. This ongoing revolution is happening by stealth and is led by a range of well-funded revolutionaries promoting climate and social “justice”.
The Last Bastion of Liberty and Resistance to Globalism – the USA
However, standing in the way of the globalists is the USA. The USA, with founders who had a profound understanding of the God of the Bible, took another path after its own revolution. At the heart of this revolution was the idea that individual rights were not given by the government but by God Himself. These were “unalienable rights”. The declaration states, in part:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness”.
The US Founding Fathers realized that all governments tended to tyranny. So within the Declaration of Independence, it is acknowledged that if a government sets itself against the unalienable rights given by God, then “it is the right of the people to abolish it, and institute new government”. This is why gun rights are so important for US citizens.
This declaration and the associated Constitution set the USA apart from all other countries, and for the subsequent two centuries, the USA has prospered. Alexis de Tocqueville published his famous book “Democracy in America”, after travelling to study the US jail system in 1831. After coming from European society, which even after the French Revolution, was very hierarchical, de Tocqueville wrote in the introduction of his book:
“Among the novel objects that attracted my attention during my stay in the United States, nothing struck me more forcibly than the general equality of condition among the people. I readily discovered the prodigious influence that this primary fact exercises on the whole course of society; it gives a peculiar direction to public opinion and a peculiar tenor to the laws; it imparts new maxims to the governing authorities and peculiar habits to the governed.”
This “general equality of condition among the people” noted by de Tocqueville was not achieved by government mandate but by establishing the principles of unalienable rights and freedom under the Declaration of Independence. The US Constitution and its foundational freedoms have long been barriers to the aims of the globalists and their desire to establish a global government. The League of Nations and its successor, the United Nations, have gradually acquired more power to centralize global decision-making. Still – even today and despite all the assaults on it - the US, as a (now wavering) beacon of freedom, stands in the way of the New World Order. To achieve the antichrist vision of a global government led by the son of Perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4), what will be required is a revolution - the overthrow of the US Constitution.
The New Revolution Underway in the USA
Such a revolution is indeed underway in the USA and the famous historian Dr Victor Davis Hanson (VDH) has recently written about this in an article published this week in The Daily Signal
He commences his article by writing that:
“We are in a Jacobin revolution of the sort that in 1793-94 nearly destroyed France. And things are getting scary.”
VDH continues by noting that currently, in the US, there is:
an assault on energy that has destroyed US energy autonomy;
in all practicality, the elimination of the southern border, with uncontrolled immigration;
erosion of the military, which is more committed to a woke agenda than defense of the country;
radical alteration of institutions (law officers, courts, the Electoral College and balloting laws);
the redefinition of racism. VDH says that “racist” now means “don’t dare object”;
the takeover of schools, universities and three-letter agencies (FBI, CIA, IRS etc), which have all become prisoners of a Marxist agenda;
radical alterations of US customs and traditions. For example, changing voting only on election day so that under the guise of a “health crisis”, 70% of votes in the 2020 Presidential election were cast before the election day and were subject to vote harvesting and manipulation;
Biological males have hijacked women’s sport.
VDH concludes his article this way:
“America now has three potential futures and two are bad.|
First, the Jacobins have two more years to finish what they started as the Founders’ dream descends into our worst nightmare.
Second, the revolution has so warped our legal system, our voting on Election Day, and the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, and the IRS, that even a despised, unpopular Left will “win” elections.
The third is that New York prosecutor Alvin Bragg has jumped the shark.
His pathetic prosecution is so patently incoherent, illiberal, and in spirit anti-American that two-thirds of the country will soon conclude the center is not holding. The Jacobins’ reign of terror is unsustainable. And so in 2024 the Left will not be defeated, but so defeated so that it is utterly discredited.
The choice is ours.”
Based on recent US elections, and dark money that is pouring in to support Marxist causes, the idea of the left being utterly defeated and discredited is probably a sign that the great VDH is on mind-altering and mood-enhancing drugs!
The Seven Mountains Strategy
As I read VDH’s article, my mind was drawn back to a presentation that I heard some years ago from Dr Lance Wallnau called “The Seven Mountain Strategy” -
Dr Wallnau noted that seven key areas shape culture or seven “kingdoms”. Lance called these seven mountains and noted that those who control these seven mountains, control the nations. The seven mountains he defines as: church/religion, education, the family, government, media/communication, arts, and business/finance.
I have found the seven mountains concept helpful in understanding the signs of the times. Increasingly it is evident the seven mountains are in the hands of the satanic antichrist system. Even the church and its training colleges have been taken over by the Marxists as has been demonstrated in the 2021 film, “Enemies Within the Church”.
The elevation of the current transgender issue seems yet another bizarre topic that seemingly has found its way randomly to the front of society’s concerns. It is tempting for the silent majority to see a series of apparently random assaults on our concept of normal society. Nothing is further from the truth. It is a planned attack on the family and follows the successful offensive against marriage. Each of the “seven mountains” is under the control of extremely well-funded, satanic, tax-exempt foundations and national leaders who have pledged their support to a one-world antichrist system.
It seems impossible for these seven mountains to be retaken by the “goodies”, failing dramatic intervention by God Himself. The violent assault on people who dare to question the prevailing mindset and Marxist agenda, is evidence that we are not fighting simply flesh and blood. As the great St Paul said, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). We are in the midst of a hidden but violent spiritual battle. We need to pray and put on the full armour of God (Ephesians 6:13-18). This is not a battle to enter lightly unless called by God.
What Can We Do?
As free speech is increasingly suppressed and every day more controls are implemented to restrict our freedom and choices, we need to put our focus on forming communities of freedom where like-minded individuals can operate below the radar. As I wrote last week
God is the God of the long game where “one thousand years are as a passing day” (Psalm 90:4). His plan is secure – the return of Jesus and restoration of the earth.
For those who put their trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the future (although challenging) is assured. However, it is essential to be alert to the “signs of the times” so that, like the Sons of Issachar, we would know what to do.
The VAERS Exposé
The extent of government complicity in the forced COVID-19 “vaccine” has been debated extensively outside the mainstream media. Of course, in the legacy media, the “safe and effective” narrative of governments has been promoted as being beyond debate. For many, it is impossible to believe that governments, fully armed with the details of the toxic effects of the rushed “vaccines”, could have forced these deadly products onto unsuspecting populations. However, revelations this week have established beyond doubt that there was awareness of how damaging these experimental injections were from the earliest days of the “vaccines” being released. An interview on The Highwire with Jefferey Jaxen by Del Bigtree has brought previously confidential information about the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS – see) to light. Jefferey Jaxen, an investigative journalist, has found internal emails related to the VAERS system at the start of the heavily promoted vaccination in the US at the end of 2020. The VAERS system is a self-reporting system about adverse vaccine events but is thought to capture only between 1 and 10% of the actual adverse events. It commenced operating in 1990, and the graph in Figure 1 shows the extraordinary increase in adverse events when the COVID-19 vaccines were introduced at the end of 2020.
Figure 1. Reports of Adverse Events to the US VAERS database between 1990 and 2023
Before the vaccines were rolled out in December 2020, the CDC contracted with General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) for US$35.4 million in August 2020 to help with an expected increase in data to go into VAERS. Mr Jaxen obtained the contract with GDIT, and it shows that the funds were provided to analyze information on vaccine adverse events after the COVID-19 vaccines.
By way of background, from 2014 to 2018, the VAERS system received an annual average of 53,000 reports per year, of which 5% were classified as serious. The contract indicated that with the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccines, there were expected to be up to 1,000 reports per day, of which 40% would be serious. So – it must have been clear from some of the trials that the CDC was anticipating a large number of serious side effects from the “vaccines” well before they were rolled out. This information was not made available to the public.
After the vaccines were introduced, freedom of information requests to the CDC showed that the VAERS data submitted to GDIT was massively greater than anticipated. Even in the early phases of the “vaccine” rollout, the anticipated 1,000 reports per day to VAERS was exceeded, and by the middle of January had reached 4,500 reports per day (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Daily reports of adverse events submitted to GDIT
This outstripped the capacity of GDIT to undertake the data analyses. However, despite this unprecedented increase in adverse events, which were known to the US government, Dr Fauci and Joe Biden continued to proclaim that the “vaccines” were “safe and effective”.
The VAERS database and the new information behind the entries provided clear evidence of the alarming impact of “vaccines” on people’s health. The fact that this was entirely ignored by the US government and its key health agencies indicates only one possibility – an intent to inflict damage to the health of millions of Americans. Because decisions by the FDA and CDC influence the whole world, this new information indicates something shocking – the vaccines were intended to kill and damage millions worldwide.
It is impossible to find any information about this shocking story about GDIT and VAERS in any mainstream publication. Undoubtedly this is the biggest scandal of our lifetime, and there is a worldwide coverup. Now, there are further pressures by health authorities around the world to force the public to take new COVID-19 “vaccine boosters”, which have only one purpose – to damage health further and enrich Big Pharma.
Vladimir Lenin is reported to have said, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth”. This is what we see and demonstrates a more profound issue in Western society – the government is not benign; it is actively working against us. We must question everything and listen to brave doctors and commentators uncovering the truth.
The former financial analyst, Ed Dowd, also gave an excellent interview this week about his research examining excess deaths from the COVID-19 “vaccines”. If you haven’t heard Ed speak about his research published in the book “Cause Unknown”, it is worthwhile listening to this 45 min interview. It adds further granularity to the COVID-19 “vaccine” scandal and the cover-up accompanying it.
The “Leaked” Pentagon Documents
President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way”. The news that highly classified documents were “leaked” is likely to represent not a security breach but a plan to achieve a range of other political ends.
Various newspapers have reported that the leak of highly classified documents represents a “serious national security risk” - but it seems likely to be a smokescreen. Most of the information relates to the Ukrainian government’s military strategy. A helpful analysis can be found in the New York magazine. Here is a summary:
At least 100 documents have been leaked prepared by a range of US intelligence agencies in February and March this year;
The documents show penetration of Russian security and intelligence services;
The US is spying on top allies, including the Ukrainian president;
The US is doubtful that the spring offensive of the Ukrainians will be successful;
Egypt’s president secretly planned to send rockets to Russia;
Russian hackers have claimed to access Canada’s natural gas infrastructure;
Israel’s secret service Mossad, fostered protests against the Israeli’s government plans to reform the judiciary;
China held secret negotiations with Nicaragua about building a new Caribbean port;
A range of NATO special forces have been operating inside Ukraine.
The Ukraine conflict is horrifying in the death and disaster inflicted on Ukraine because of support by the West. It is difficult to discern why Ukraine is being so heavily financed and supported by the US in particular, but it is certainly for none of the reasons being stated. Undoubtedly, there are more “leaks” to come. China seems to hold the future keys to the direction of the conflict, and it was interesting to see the EU and French Presidents in Beijing this week. They may have been getting riding instructions from President Xi!
NATO has heavily depleted its weapons defence, and China is increasing its pressure on Taiwan. The battle lines are being drawn, and China seems to have secured its future. Meanwhile, the West is distracted by various woke issues as we approach disaster.
I didn’t want to leave my readers and listeners too downcast this week and so I have included this week a short excerpt from my book, which is currently with the editor. This section is from a chapter titled “Wisdom in Love”.
What I Learned About Love from My Dogs
As an only child who grew up in a remote part of Australia, dogs, together with cats and ponies, were my early and only companions. My dogs would accompany me on adventures to find rabbits, throw stones along the river and play cowboys and Indians. As I grew up, I learnt about sheep dogs and how to work with them to muster sheep and move them around the farm and this helped me understand the unique capabilities of dogs. Much later as a veterinarian, I treated many dogs and was constantly surprised at their trust in humans. In more recent years, two small poodle crosses, Snowy and Teddy, have joined our family in life on the farm. I am constantly fascinated by these wonderful companions and the incredible things they can teach us. Here are a few of my observations of dogs that provide insights into the story of love:
Dogs teach us about faith. I hadn’t fully considered this until my wife remarked that we frequently take the dogs on long car trips and they always show delight about the travel. They jump into the car, having no idea where we are going, whether they will be in the car for five minutes or five days, and what we will do. However, they trust us and believe that whatever happens, it is going to be an adventure with something good in it for them. It is a wonderful insight into a life of faith in the one who cares for you. Dogs show faith daily by demonstrating that they believe in us to care for and provide for them. They show loyalty and devotion, though they do not know the future. They have no concerns, but they live by faith and know that what is coming will be good.
Dogs are loyal. Sometimes people mistreat their dogs at times, but for the most part, dogs never seem to take offense, but they are always faithful and loyal. The story of Hachiko, the dog who waited at Tokyo’s Shibuya train station every day for ten years in the hope that his dead master would return[1], is an astounding depiction of unwavering loyalty. Humans have a lot to learn from dogs about loyalty.
Dogs are always delighted to see us. When we return to the house after being outside, “Snowy”, our small Schnauzer-Poodle cross, can see us coming back through a large, sliding glass door. When he was young, he decided to show his delight in seeing us, by jumping 2 to 3 feet off the ground in a constant bounce until the door was opened. He continues to do this to this day, and his behaviour which appears to express great joy, has a remarkable impact on my wife and me and brings us great joy, when we return to the house and “feel the love”.
Dogs are forgiving. Sometimes we can inadvertently mistreat dogs or in some cases, with people; this treatment is deliberate. Dogs never seem to hold a grudge. When our little dogs hit the wire on an electric fence designed for the horse enclosure, it never occurred to them that we were responsible for this terrible shock, and they came running to us for comfort. Fortunately, experience is a great teacher and they haven’t touched the fence again.
Dogs demonstrate their delight in being with us. Dogs wag their tails in joy when they see us. They never seem to have a bad day but are always positive. We can learn a lot by following the lead of our dogs and being prepared to demonstrate our love more consistently to family and friends. Dogs show us unique expressions of unconditional love.
Dogs expect the best. In reality, it seems that dogs are a type of high-class socialist. They have a handout mentality and never have to work for a living unless they are working dogs. Even working dogs seem to work with pleasure and delight. However, they are also grateful socialists and always seem to expect the best. Whether going for a walk, chasing kangaroos or just waiting for their food, they anticipate that something good is coming their way at any moment.
Dogs are remarkably faithful companions and can be taught to do amazing things. From the time I was a young boy, I worked with sheep dogs and was always astounded at their capabilities. Dogs teach us many things but their love and devotion are a constant reminder to us that there is a God who loves us and that He Himself is love.
[1] https://allthatsinteresting.com/hachiko-dog
Despite all wide reading about COVID matters, I was only dimly aware of the detail you supply on VAERS and its deficiencies. As pieces of the puzzle come slowly together, we are left with the startling realisation that the intention of COVID was to provide a pretext for the 'vaccination' campaign with a completely novel gene therapy. And the ultimate reason stares us in the face: it was to reduce the world's population via iatrogenic harm. The perception that there are too many humans on the planet seems to have driven a eugenicist mania among many people which causes them to support many anti-human policies which seem indistinguishable from Marxism/Jacobinism. As Brave New World and 1984 seem increasingly to be taken as instruction manuals rather than warnings, we would do well to remember the "Stockdale Paradox": you must maintain unwavering faith that you can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties, and at the same time, have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.
As always a great read, great insight and I love the excerpt from your book. Ver much look forward to reading it.