Hi Bill - appreciated your comments and perspective. I suppose the key issue is that government intervention begets more government intervention when the first intervention doesn't work. If you look at what the Conservatives have been doing in the UK it is just a series of disastrous government interventions that will get even worse when Keir Starmer gets into power. In Australia the NDIS is a scheme that had noble intentions but doomed to rorting. Laissez-faire may be the only way to save us!!
Another great essay, Reuben. You are spot on with the means of the depopulation plan. It is a horrid vision that is being executed and will bring catastrophic results - and with certainty not the ones intended as it never works.
What worries me more at the moment though is your introduction of your post and I am sending you good vibes and energy and hoping very much that Iyar health issue is not as serious as it sounds. Thinking of you with kindness and gratitude for all you do. Tanja
Yes, you point out that the collectivist way is a bad choice.
The collectivist planning that is so centralised these days
can lead us into tyranny with do-gooders acting like tyrants
in their zeal to tell us what They think is good for Us.
But is laissez-faire a good thing to pursue as Hayek likes to tell us?
We are mesmerised by those buzz words “collectivism”, “governance”,
“social justice” vs “laissez faire”.
If we let the technocrats lead us, the elite will tell us what to do
so we soon get a tyranny backed up by hi-tech that is almost
impossible to get rid of. But if people just do what is right in
their own eyes, don’t we also run into all kinds of disaster, like
the Hebrews of ancient times? These days, we are seeing a
lot of truly pathological forms of behaviour from people who
surely should have known better. Look at the parlous state of the
West in the news, for instance.
How about letting God tell us what is right? We used to have
a more or less Christian culture where we knew what was the
right thing to do. There were boundaries not to be crossed
except in extraordinary circumstances. Perhaps we need a
“laissez-faire” restrained by Christianity. In Hayek’s time, there
was something like a very approximate version of cultural
Christianity. This does not seem to be true any more.
Hi Bill - appreciated your comments and perspective. I suppose the key issue is that government intervention begets more government intervention when the first intervention doesn't work. If you look at what the Conservatives have been doing in the UK it is just a series of disastrous government interventions that will get even worse when Keir Starmer gets into power. In Australia the NDIS is a scheme that had noble intentions but doomed to rorting. Laissez-faire may be the only way to save us!!
Another great essay, Reuben. You are spot on with the means of the depopulation plan. It is a horrid vision that is being executed and will bring catastrophic results - and with certainty not the ones intended as it never works.
What worries me more at the moment though is your introduction of your post and I am sending you good vibes and energy and hoping very much that Iyar health issue is not as serious as it sounds. Thinking of you with kindness and gratitude for all you do. Tanja