Our best hope may be Prince Harry!
This week my post is a bit early. I have been knocked down by some type of heart disorder and have been laying low, while waiting to see the cardiologist tomorrow. While doing so, I have come across a range of articles and podcasts which definitely worsened my condition but emboldened me to share these ideas with Sons of Issachar readers. The title of the post looks like hyperbole but I believe it is accurate. Depending on the state of my health, there may be no post next week, and if not, re-read this one!
The Lure of the Five-Year Plan
About 25 years ago, I came across the idea of five-year plans. At that time, I had no idea about the history of five-year planning in the Soviet Union and the bankruptcy of this planning approach. The organization that I was working for was part of a semi-government group and there was a requirement to produce a five-year plan. I was the research manager for this organization that provided competitive grants for horse research. I thought: that’s what we need for progress; a plan that outlines what is needed to make our horse industry more productive.
Armed with this plan, I thought that there could be focus and progress as we gained the attention of researchers with a laser-like approach. I met with various horse industry “stakeholders” and produced a five-year plan for the Australian horse industry. I was quite pleased with the glossy booklet and thought that we were making progress.
A few years later I became Dean of the University of Sydney Faculty of Veterinary Science. I thought: what we need is a five-year plan. So I worked with various academics and “stakeholders” to produce a plan for the veterinary school. So pleased was I with the work I had done that when I moved on to manage a major R&D funding organisation for the sheep and cattle sector, I produced a beautiful-looking five-year plan about 120 pages long. I thought to myself: this is the secret to life – work through the challenges you face, consult a few people and then produce a plan and then enact it. All will be well.
I became a planning advocate and worked as a consultant with government and commercial groups to help them develop five-year plans. I even produced a five-year plan for myself (it was a total failure)!
I started having some misgivings when, upon asking various staff about the contents of the plans, no one knew what they were. I also realized that many of our forecasts in the plans and assumptions made were completely wrong. However, I didn’t give up on planning but instead discovered the one-page business plan idea – see this link.
This process at least had the advantage of being brief – one page – and I commenced working with groups to produce one-year and one-page plans. This enabled the most important goals to be set and people within the group allocated to achieve the goals. When these were reviewed every 3 months, it did allow the team to see what had been achieved, what may have changed and where some effort needed to be directed. So, I started to advocate the idea of a one-page plan, and this process had better success.
Nonetheless, I still had some doubts about the overall value of planning and the brainpower required for even a smart group of individuals to determine all the variables and define in advance, the path to success.
The Road to Serfdom
The scales fell from my eyes, when an economist friend directed me to the challenging but seminal book of F.A. von Hayek – The Road to Serfdom. The book was published in 1944, some of the key arguments having been promoted in an essay in 1938 in the journal Contemporary Review. I acquired the 2007 edition of F.A. Hayek’s book titled The Road to Serfdom, Text and Documents, The Definitive Edition, edited by Bruce Caldwell and published by University of Chicago Press. The book was controversial at the time of publication because, in essence, von Hayek demonstrated that socialism was in fact, “the road to serfdom”. Professor von Hayek, originally from Vienna, was offered a professorship at the London School of Economics in 1932 and remained in this post until after World War II. The Labour Party in Great Britain, embraced socialism and central planning when they regained power in 1945 and von Hayek’s ideas were in opposition to these progenitors of the New World Order. Interestingly, von Hayek become a celebrity in the US when he toured in 1945, following a Reader’s Digest condensed version being published of The Road to Serfdom.
In one of the early chapters of The Road to Serdom, titled “Individualism and Collectivism”, von Hayek wrote:
“Before we can progress with our main problem, an obstacle has yet to be surmounted. A confusion largely responsible for the way in which we are drifting into things which nobody wants must be cleared up. This confusion concerns nothing less than the concept of socialism itself. It may mean, and is often used to describe, merely the ideals of social justice, greater equality, and security, which are the ultimate aims of socialism. But it means also the particular method by which most socialists hope to attain these ends and which many competent people regard as the only methods by which they can be fully and quickly attained. In this sense socialism means the abolition of private enterprise, of private ownership of the means of production, and the creation of a system of “planned economy” in which the entrepreneur working for profit is replaced by a central planning body.”
It is interesting that Professor von Hayek highlights the challenge of “social justice” and the problems that arise when the social planners try to right the collective wrongs with their centralized plans. In a paragraph that could have been written specifically for our times, von Hayek writes:
“It is true that the virtues which are less esteemed and practiced now—independence, self-reliance, and the willingness to bear risks, the readiness to back one’s own conviction against a majority, and the willingness to voluntary cooperation with one’s neighbors—are essentially those on which the working of an individualist society rests. Collectivism has nothing to put in their place, and in so far as it already has destroyed them it has left a void filled by nothing but the demand for obedience and the compulsion of the individual to do what is collectively decided to be good.”
We, in the West, have moved to a collectivist view, even in the US, where there has been embracing of “diversity, equity and inclusion” in government and company plans as well as ESG scores - an evaluation of a company’s “environmental, social and governance” performance, measured not by financial health but by “social justice”. The financial failure of many companies that have embraced this approach has led to the great quote, “go woke, go broke”.
One key sentence in Professor von Hayek’s book is food for thought:
“What our planners demand is a central direction of all economic activity according to a single plan, laying down how the resources of society should be “consciously directed” to serve particular ends in a definite way.”
Professor von Hayek and his mentor Ludwig von Mises were part of what has become known as the Austrian School of Economics. The Mises Institute – see summarizes von Mises beliefs as follows:
“Mises concluded that the only viable economic policy for the human race was a policy of unrestricted laissez-faire, of free markets and the unhampered exercise of the right of private property, with government strictly limited to the defense of person and property within its territorial area.”
After reading the works of Professor von Hayek and others, I realized that planners were doomed to failure. The illusion of central planning, embraced now by almost every government in the West, is a recipe for disaster. These central planners demand that our money should be taken by them and “consciously directed to serve ends in a definite way”. Instead, as Professor von Hayek states, collectivism destroys the individual and his efforts so that there is left:
“a void filled by nothing but the demand for obedience and the compulsion of the individual to do what is collectively decided to be good”.
Despite the warnings of F.A. Hayek and his mentor, Ludwig von Mises, the West has rushed headlong into a collectivist future with myriad planning departments set up across the world, with the socialist UN directing activities with Agenda 21, then Agenda2030. All of these plans have been warmly embraced by UN signatories.
Now we have the terrifying Our Common Agenda promoted by the Portuguese Marxist and UN Secretary-General, António Guterres. This may be the ultimate central plan that calls for: “inclusive, networked, and effective multilateralism to better respond and deliver for the people and planet and to get the world back on track by turbocharging action on the Sustainable Development Goals “.
I can hear the peoples of the world calling out for “inclusive, networked, and effective multilateralism” to “deliver for the people and planet”. It is tempting to see this as verbiage and to dismiss it all and get on with life. However, as a friend of mine often says, “these guys are as serious as a heart attack”. We need to know what is coming and plan accordingly.
The Depopulation Agenda
Ever since the publication of the Club of Rome book The Limits to Growth (download the pdf here), in 1972, there has been a growing call for global population reduction. A team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that were behind The Limits to Growth “fed data into a computer model” (which must have been rudimentary in 1972) and considered five factors. These five factors were: “population increase, agricultural production, nonrenewable resource depletion, industrial output and pollution generation”. The conclusion of course, was that we are headed for disaster – the models told us so. Too many people and not enough resources. The whole work was founded on various a priori assumptions.
This publication preceded ongoing and increasingly sophisticated climate models sponsored by the UN that purported to demonstrate a coming “climate catastrophe”. There has been extraordinary faith placed in computer models and nearly every country (except India and China) has rushed like lemmings towards the net zero cliff, seemingly on a suicide mission. Who could be directing all this what is the real agenda?
The Deagel Report
Well, this week, I have listened to a number of unrelated podcasts, and the 2014 Deagel Report has been mentioned in all of them. I have been trying to track down the report but it seems to have been removed from the internet at some stage in the last 12 months. Here is an overview from Wendell L. Malone from his substack in April 2023 titled “Is Deagal’s 2025 Population Forecast Coming True”-
He writes:
“The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank.
Deagel is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a disinformation asset.
If so, then it must be assumed that its population predictions for 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are based on strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in the intelligence community.”
Although the report is no longer accessible, a number of commentators have reported on it, and the original table can be viewed here.
Population reductions are forecast for the UK, Ireland and US at around 70% and for Australia at more than one-third, as you can see from a portion of the Deagel table reproduced here:
Figure 1. Part of a table from the Deagel report sbowing population reduction by country
What could result in such a dramatic population reduction? Is it just a crazy conspiracy theory?
A few years ago, I would have said yes, it is just a crazy conspiracy theory, but I am more realistic today about the reach and influence of the New World Order.
There are only a few options to produce large-scale population reduction in this time-frame: an energy crisis, famine, disease and war. We could be facing all four. Plans are well developed to:
destroy “non-renewable” energy sources,
dramatically reduce farming and livestock to “save the planet”,
prepare for new pandemics, most likely to be engineered, and
expand the Russia-Ukraine conflict which could morph into a world and nuclear war.
The insiders at Deagel must have been able to obtain secret information to forecast coming population reductions that involved considering the likelihood of all four events. This type of population reduction is a dream that the New World Order has harboured since the 1970s. Interestingly, Prince Philip, the father of the current New World Order globalist leader, said back in the 1980s that he would like to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to solve the overpopulation problem. We should have taken him seriously!
The Coming Global Famine
To add to the existing information that I was aware of, I came across an article recently published in The American Sentinel by Leo Hohmann titled: Globalists revving plans to engineer global famine and starvation: 13 nations agree to convert over to less-productive “green” farming methods
Hohmann’s article is detailed and worthwhile reading in full. He points out that a range of global organizations including: the UN’s FAO program and the World Bank, are forecasting global famine. He concludes as follows:
“Prepare now for famine. Stocking your pantry up is a short-term easy fix. We also need to be thinking long-term. If you’ve never grown a garden or raised chickens, that’s something you might want to think about in terms of increasing your skills. Maybe you’ve grown a garden for several years and have some experience, and you can share that with a neighbor who has raised chickens but has little or no gardening experience. Networking and cooperating with the people around us will be the key to survival once this global famine intensifies.
It may be that the actual famine never arrives in the wealthiest countries like America. Food may continue to be on the shelves, but I can guarantee that prices will continue to go up, substantially, on staple items like flour, bread, eggs, meat and dairy.
Pray for the best while preparing for the worst. Because we know that the globalists’ plan is to reduce the world population from 7.5 billion down to 1 or 2 billion. Dennis Meadows let the cat out of the bag and he’s a globalist insider at the Club of Rome whose engagement on this topic goes back to the early 1970s.”
The Worship of Mother Earth and the Takeover of Property Rights
For anyone who is alert about what is happening in society, while religion has been given the thumbs down, much effort has gone into earth worship and the promotion of “Mother Gaia”. School children have been indoctrinated into this neo-paganism, and the indoctrination has been largely successful. The UN’s climate agenda has been implemented even down to local government level and now we have Our Common Agenda - which as the document states, is designed to “get the world back on track by turbocharging action on the Sustainable Development Goals “.
Figure 2. Title page of the UN document “Our Common Future”
A UN Summit for the Future will be held 22-23 September 2024 and the UN states that agreement is already assured! As they declare in Our Common Agenda, “An action-oriented Pact for the Future is expected to be agreed by Member States” in September 2024. These guys and their highly paid consultants are relentless (like the Terminator) and are marshalling resources so that everyone falls into line at next year’s UN meeting. They even state that the recommendations across four broad areas:
A renewal of the social contract, anchored in human rights….
A focus on the future, through a deepening of solidarity with the world’s young people…
Urgent action to protect and deliver global commons and global public goods through a more networked, inclusive and effective multi-lateralism.
An upgraded UN that is fit for a new era and can offer more relevant, system-wide, multilateral and multi-stakeholder solutions.
One suspects that this technobabble must have been written by ChatGPT with the instructions: “write a series of goals for the UN that no one can understand and everyone will agree with”!
Undoubtedly private property rights will stand in the way in some countries, but in Australia, and I suspect many other countries, private property rights are increasingly restricted, with land use being made progressively difficult for agriculture. Re-wilding programs have become the latest fad in the UK and Europe.
Where Does King Charles Come In?
Good question! King Charles has long been an “environmentalist” (he says since 1968) but during COVID-19 he showed his dictatorial “inner man” when endorsing The Great Reseat of the World Economic Forum in 2021. He posited that the extensive riches of private companies and a military style campaign must be developed to provide the trillions of dollars needed to achieve a breakthrough during his speech at the WEF in 2020 . Prince Charles (as he was then) said : ”to move forward, we need nothing short of a paradigm shift; one that inspires at revolutionary levels and pace”. It is always interesting when a royal is promoting “a revolution” – please take note!
Charles advocated nothing less than a global plan implemented with “decisive leadership” and “pulling together in a coordinated global initiative”.
Subsequently, he launched the Terra Carta in 2021, a “sustainable markets initiative” - see this link.
The Terra Carta, a 17-page document, that I was unaware of until the last few days, is said to assert “the fundamental rights and values of nature”.
The document is well worthwhile reading because it is endorsed by the globalists and is being used by many as a guide. You can download the document at this link:
The Charter for Planet Earth alludes to the Magna Carta and human rights and Terra Carta is seen as a contemporary document to assert rights for the earth. Of course, these may well override human rights. The report uses the word “sustainable” or “sustainability” hundreds of times and someone was paid an enormous sum to produce the propaganda. Just one quote about what is being proposed will give you the flavour:
“Embedding a ‘Nature, People & Planet’ orientation, including 100% clean energy operations, into corporate vision and mission statements, operations, financing, reporting, consumer communications, procurement and supply chains, recognizing the importance of resilience and sustainability within industry systems”.
Who knows what this means, but I suspect that people will be squeezed out in the rush to protect nature and planet.
I suppose that my purpose with this post, starting with my own journey into the illusory delights of planning, is to demonstrate how dangerous the planning illusion is. The whole UN agenda is based on development of a global plan to save the planet and yet we know that failure is certain but worse, huge damage will be inflicted along the way. It is remarkably arrogant to assume that somehow with cunning plans, we can overhaul the work of the Creator. Yet, this is what is being promoted and implemented throughout national bureaucracies.
One only has to visit Sydney and Canberra to see the dangers in planning. Sydney developed in response to the needs of the early colony in the late 1700s and eventually expanded west, north and south in response to market forces. Canberra is an artificial city, created with planning experts to be the national capital of a newly federated country in the early 1900s. One can never drive through Canberra without a sense that it was designed by Soviet engineers, well-placed in the inner sanctum, and made to be as artificial as possible, as well as impossible to navigate. The planners had a love of roundabouts, bicycle lanes and now breathtakingly expensive light rail. Recently, there are proposals for cars to be banned and Canberrans (who love this no-car lifestyle) will be trapped within a gulag, but happy as they bicycle across the city to vegan coffee shops. Increasingly, surveillance cameras are being erected around the national capital and Canberrans are delighted as these devices send information back to President Xi, to “keep them safe”.
The planners are all collectivists and their plans involve increasing destruction of human rights and freedoms. Because this is happening by stealth and in the name of “protection”, by the time it is discovered, it will be too late.
Leo Hohman’s advice seems wise to me:
“Pray for the best while preparing for the worst. Because we know that the globalists’ plan is to reduce the world population from 7.5 billion down to 1 or 2 billion”
PS I don’t think that Prince Harry really is our best hope but as the old saying has it: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”!
Yes, you point out that the collectivist way is a bad choice.
The collectivist planning that is so centralised these days
can lead us into tyranny with do-gooders acting like tyrants
in their zeal to tell us what They think is good for Us.
But is laissez-faire a good thing to pursue as Hayek likes to tell us?
We are mesmerised by those buzz words “collectivism”, “governance”,
“social justice” vs “laissez faire”.
If we let the technocrats lead us, the elite will tell us what to do
so we soon get a tyranny backed up by hi-tech that is almost
impossible to get rid of. But if people just do what is right in
their own eyes, don’t we also run into all kinds of disaster, like
the Hebrews of ancient times? These days, we are seeing a
lot of truly pathological forms of behaviour from people who
surely should have known better. Look at the parlous state of the
West in the news, for instance.
How about letting God tell us what is right? We used to have
a more or less Christian culture where we knew what was the
right thing to do. There were boundaries not to be crossed
except in extraordinary circumstances. Perhaps we need a
“laissez-faire” restrained by Christianity. In Hayek’s time, there
was something like a very approximate version of cultural
Christianity. This does not seem to be true any more.
Another great essay, Reuben. You are spot on with the means of the depopulation plan. It is a horrid vision that is being executed and will bring catastrophic results - and with certainty not the ones intended as it never works.
What worries me more at the moment though is your introduction of your post and I am sending you good vibes and energy and hoping very much that Iyar health issue is not as serious as it sounds. Thinking of you with kindness and gratitude for all you do. Tanja