Good for you, Reuben, getting active and not sitting around to complain. I hope your group can make a difference in your region. As to bureaucracy, I believe that Germany is competing with Australia for the most absurd form filling championship.

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Thanks Tanja - it takes a lot of effort to beat the bureaucrats and I don't think that we will make it! We have a busy round of local "Meet the Candidates" events over the next few weeks at all the local towns. I'll update you about progress

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That’s a great move. We are in rural Victoria with a very big “freedom” group around us. I reckon many of them feel that it’s important to get involved on a local level. I wouldn’t know where to begin other than getting on some local art-related committees. Any resources you can point me at would be hugely appreciated. I’ll follow your journey. Best of luck

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Thanks Kate. There were several key steps for us:

1. Getting a group of 6 candidates who were of the same mind

2. Developing a simple strategy - ours was Back to Basics -Roads, Rates and Rubbish

3. Working out a simple election platform - we did this in a half-day strategy session and then developed a website - https://snowyontrack.au/ - our main ideas are outlined her

4. A substack newsletter so we can post regular updates

5. Getting onto a local podcast to explain our platform. Here is the interview we did with a bloke whom I've called "The Joe Rogan of Berridale" - https://open.spotify.com/episode/3hQkHtyWfGFU5aNOleji2N?si=lwzOdMTaQf2yVW9kK0C-Gg

6. Having a simple message to bring to local "Meet the Candidates" meetings.

Of course - it may be completely unsuccessful. I'll let you know

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