My last week has been taken up trying to negotiate my way through the bureaucracy of standing as a candidate for the local council elections. Five friends and I who live in the Snowy Mountains region, decided that with the local council delivering worse services and charging higher taxes, we could either complain or stand for election to help “fix the council”. It is easier to complain, but we thought we had to attempt to be part of the solution. So six of us in the Snowy Mountains area have decided to run for election to the council and the election date is 14th September, 2024.
Bureaucracy and Overgovernment
Australia is probably the most over-governed country in the world and may even be able to teach a thing or two to the European Union bureaucrats. There is a federal government, then state and territory governments, and then a series of local governments, which deal with things like roads and rubbish (trash).
Local governments are responsible for different city areas and large rural areas. My local council area, the Snowy Monaro Regional Council, covers 15,162 km2 with 10 urban areas. This is an area about ¾ the size of Wales in the United Kingdom! Eleven councillors represent a voting community of about 15,000 people.
In the last few years, council services have become worse but taxes for local homeowners and landholders have increased. Some like-minded people have come together to stand for positions on the local council and the elections.
We commenced attempting to complete nomination process almost three weeks ago. The whole procedure reminded me of the wonderful scene from the wonderful New Zealand film, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, about a 12yo boy and his foster father, on the run from the authorities. Toward the end of the film, the two fugitives encounter Psycho Sam:
Here is the dialogue between Psycho Sam and the boy, Ricky Baker who discuss the challenge of the government and bureaucracy:
Sam: “That’s a typical government - always trying to step on the little guy just for living his life. It never stops either. That’s why I can’t go back -not gonna be part of the machine. Form fillers.”
Ricky: “Form fillers ?”
Sam: “That’s how they get you. Anything you want to do in life, you have to fill out a form. And they’ve got forms for everything. You fill it out, it goes upstairs, and then they make you fill out a new form just to confirm that it was you who filled out the first form. And if you ever want to stop and want to stop filling out forms, well, there’s about five different forms for that….”
We six had to fill out forms and then get the forms witnessed by a Justice of the Peace to certify that it was us who filled out the forms. Then the forms had to be sent in to the authorities for verification that it really was each of us that filled in the forms. Then there were more forms to complete to say that we wanted to run as a group and then at the last minute, I had to drive all over the region to obtain signatures on yet another form to verify that we indeed wanted to stand as a group of candidates. It was a complicated process and the main conservative party in the state was unable to follow the steps and failed to have their selected potential councillors nominated at all. Heads have now rolled in the Liberal Party headquarters but fortunately we are well removed from the chaos.
Standing as a group allows electors to vote for a group rather than having to complete a complex numbering system where you have to put numbers beside the names of around 60 candidates in a preferencing system that almost no one understands.
Communication and Election Platform
We have started a substack account to post information about our campaign. Sons of Issaschar readers who are interested can keep up-to-date here by subscribing:
Figure 1. A promotional poster of our group of 6 who are standing for election as councillors in the Snowy-Monaro Regional Council.
Readers and listeners of the Sons of Issachar newsletter and podcast may be shocked that this man, who is deeply suspicious of bureaucracies, would decide to enter the local council's bureaucratic system. However, there is another old saying: “If you can’t beat them, join them”.
I’m definitely not trying to become the Klaus Schwab of the Snowy Mountains of Australia but it does seem important to try and push back the globalist agenda, starting locally. I have five colleagues from the Snowy Mountains region who are standing for council with me. We have a website that readers may be interested in: Click here.
While the issues we are running on for our campaign are local, they are relevant to every community all over the world. I thought that my readers may have some interest and so am including the main focus of our message here:
We are all of one mind – with council rates rising and services decreasing, there needs to be a change. In our discussions, we have reiterated an important life principle: those who have created a problem can’t fix it!
We believe that new blood is needed on the council to provide fresh perspectives and increase transparency and accountability.
What’s Wrong Currently
There are many things wrong with the current council but we believe that at the heart of the problem is the need for better governance ie the councillors need to clearly set the priority areas and then the staff deliver on these. Currently, this appears not to be happening.
At the heart of this is greater transparency, which most of the current councillors actually voted against! For better long-term governance – the idea of bringing council back to local responsibilities rather than the merger forced by the state government, will be important.
Our Platform
We have a simple platform: Back to Basics – reduce rates, fix the roads and get rid of the rubbish ie ensure that the basic functions of council are prioritized. Currently, these seem to have been lost in a bureaucratic morass.
Of course, this process of beating the bureaucracy, developing a strategy and communication plan and all the supplementary materials has been time consuming and challenging. So, I have had limited time to work on the bigger picture of what is happening in the world. However, I still have found some interesting information this week to share with my listeners and readers.
The Democratic Party National Convention (DNC) in Chicago and Angry Joe
I have only dipped into various speeches at the DNC and attempts to promote Kamala Harris as a visionary leader, because I knew that I had no access to Valium, and I could need expensive therapy if I listened to all the speeches.
What I have seen has been a smokescreen, and the Democratic Party has used inspirational figures like the Obamas to tell us that Kamala is bringing us hope and that all will be well. What little we know about her policies demonstrates that America would become a socialist state under her leadership. One wit has called her economic program KAMUNISM! There will be massive taxation of everyone who shows any entrepreneurial abilities.
In the meantime, Joe Biden has been quietly thrown off the train and was relegated to 11:30pm for his farewell speech on the first night of the DNC. Since then Biden and his supporters have said that they are unhappy about this treatment and there is even talk of revenge! Red State News posted an article yesterday. Nick Arama of Red State News writes:
“….his team was not exactly happy, as Matt Margolis at our sister site PJ Media reported.
Alex Thompson of Axios reported that a longtime Biden aide texted him, “This is awful. He literally set up a campaign and handed it over to them—do they have to cut him out of prime time?"
Joe's team may be thick, but they get an insult when they're handed one. How could you not? And now that Harris has taken over, one has to think that's all on her that he was treated like old newspaper.”
Biden immediately left the convention to holiday in California. In the 3.5 years of his presidency, he must have had more vacations than any other president because most Mondays and Fridays he was at his beach house. Nick Arama notes:
“It also says a lot about Biden that he was out of there like a shot and wasn't sticking around to hear the speeches from Barack Obama or Kamala Harris; he's on more vacation for a week. That says exactly what he thinks about them in return.
Margolis noted the report that Obama threatened Biden that they had Kamala on board with making a 25th Amendment move against him. That could leave Biden disturbed at Harris, in addition to how everything went down at the DNC, although he did endorse her.
While Biden said during his remarks that reports about him being angry weren't true, over the years, Joe Biden has shown that he's a very petty man who doesn't like to be challenged. He's been challenged in a big way with all this. So I don't think I believe him when he says that he isn't angry.
It also sounds like there may be some kind of revenge on someone's mind.
Peter Hamby at Puck News reports that something is brewing behind the scenes. "Make no mistake: Biden, and a handful of advisers in his inner circle, are still licking their wounds after the party putsch to get him out of the race," he writes. "They would love to live in a world where Biden was still the nominee, even if things are unquestionably better for the party now, with a tidal wave of post-Biden excitement that has Harris surging in the polls."
Hamby continues:
I’m also told by two Democratic sources that Biden communications adviser Anita Dunn gave a rather salty departure speech at her farewell event after leaving the White House two weeks ago, with an odd reference to The Godfather and vague allusions to “getting revenge,” one person told me. Harris herself isn’t a big fan of Dunn, so her departure was probably for the best.”
Mind you, Joe has to stay in power until January so that he can pardon Hunter for any convictions that Hunter may face before then. It will be an interesting 6 months and it will remain to be seen whether Kamala can hide from the press for the reamining 75 days of the election campaign. So far she has avoided the press for the first 26 days as she spreads joy and her socialist plot.
The Communist Agenda in the US
James Lindsay was interviewed by Eric Metaxas this week. I have a link to the podcast on the 16th August here:
I recommend readers listen to the podcast, which promotes James Lindsay’s film: “Beneath Sheep’s Clothing”. The film website says: “James Lindsay is an author, internationally recognized speaker, and the founder and president of New Discourses. He is best known for his relentless criticism of "Woke" ideology, the now-famous Grievance Studies Affair, and his bestselling books including Race Marxism and Cynical Theories..”
One fascinating piece of information provided by Dr Lindsay was that Karl Marx in his early writings declared that he had made a pact with Satan. This, of course, explains many things about the communist movement.
In his discussion with Eric Metaxas in the podcast, Lindsay went on to say:
“But what I've said is(and it's in the film actually me saying) that what all communist revolutions have in common, besides the communists, is that the people going through them figured out they were dealing with communism one day too late! And I think we've actually got to jump on this - we have a historical record. We have people making very good parallels between the Soviet Union between the French Revolution even in between the the communists in China the the Cultural Revolution explaining that what we're going through. … we don't necessarily know what that resistance is going to require but I think we're doing a better job than might have been expected. We're certainly doing better than the Russians or the Chinese did in their respective revolutions in 1917 and 1949 and so I am pretty hopeful.
This is where … I'm grateful to Madam Vice President Harris and to Governor (not weird) Walz for the fact that they've put communism on the ticket. They're forcing the national conversation. Like you mentioned Elon Musk .. is kind of waking up to this. Well he openly said the other day on X that they're communists; that Kamala Harris is a communist. The regime has responded by putting out a wave of propaganda saying Musk doesn't know what communism is. They're not denying the charge; they're saying he doesn't understand it, which is kind of their signature that he's correct. So I think we're about to have the national conversation that we need in order to save this country….”
I thought that Dr Lindsay’s comment that what all communist revolutions have in common is: “that the people going through them figured out they were dealing with communism one day too late” is such an important insight.
We all need to take note because this is the direction of travel of most of the West’s democracies.
The Terror Factory Built by Joe and Kamala – Afghanistan
Sam Faddis is a former CIA agent who writes a fascinating and insightful substack about various international and national issues in the US. This week he wrote about the damage caused by the Biden-Harris administration in relation to Afghanistan and the fact that the US administration has equipped the militants there for further terrorism. Faddis writes:
“One of the hallmarks of the Biden/Harris administration has been its insistence on denying reality. We fled Afghanistan and left a security vacuum into which all the Islamic terrorist organizations on the planet flooded. The results will be catastrophic for the entire world. Joe and Kamala never speak of it and do nothing to stave off what is at this point the inevitable.
The Afghan Taliban are working hand in glove with their brethren in the Pakistani Taliban. An army of jihadists is being armed and trained and is already waging war inside Pakistan. The goal is to topple the Pakistani government in Islamabad. At stake is control of roughly 200 nuclear weapons and their delivery systems.
American intelligence turns a blind eye. The United Nations to its credit does not and continues to sound the alarm. The Afghan Taliban are providing their Pakistani brethren with weapons abandoned by the United States in Afghanistan and night vision devices. These weapons are being used extensively in attacks on Pakistani forces. The tide is turning against civilization and in favor of the barbarians.
The Pakistani Taliban are also receiving help from Al Qaida which is back in strength in Afghanistan. A network of training camps has been set up. Thousands of new fighters are being trained.
Al Qaida’s support does not stop at training. Al Qaida is now actively assisting the Pakistani Taliban in attacks inside Pakistan. Afghanistan has fallen, but the war is not over. It is, in fact, expanding….”
Mr Faddis goes on to write about the Afghani and Pakistani Taliban and links to the terrorist group ISIS-K. The US administration is distracted with an election campaign and Mr Faddis’ post doesn’t even cover the hundreds of thousands of potential terrorists who have crossed the US border in the last three years. He concludes as follows:
“It will only get worse. There has been no meaningful reaction by the United States government to any of this. Our intelligence collection capability in Afghanistan is virtually nil. We are conducting no significant operations to penetrate any of the terrorist organizatioins mentioned above. The focus of this administration is on pretending that none of this is happening.
That may seem a viable tactic to those individuals working overtime to put Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the White House. It will not prevent the inevitable. Joe and Kamala built a terror factory, and we are all going to pay the price.”
Foreign policy never seems a big election issue in US elections, unfortunately. However, if US electors support Harris, they will not only get a socialist nightmare but an enhancement of terrorism, as the administration seeks to appease the Islamists.
Spike Detox Breakthrough – Dr Peter McCullough
Dr Naomi Wolf has been a relentless campaigner about the dangers of the mRNA vaccines to people’s health. She had a fascinating interview on 16th August with Dr Peter McCullough, the US cardiologist who has almost single-handedly fought against compulsory vaccination with the mRNA COVID vaccines. The interview can be heard on her substack at this link.
Dr McCullough explains that the spike protein was engineered at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and is not a natural product. Long COVID and vaccine injury are both related to the spike protein. In the interview he said that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a bat coronavirus that was loaded with the spike protein to become intentionally more invasive because of gain of function research that was overseen with US funding and support.
One of the important differences with other coronaviruses is the presence of blood clots which occur in the body as a result of the spike protein in the SARS-CoV-2 virus and also from the various vaccines. He recommends that extended range of antibody test against the spike protein, a test that is commercially availability. It is an indirect proxy of how much spike protein is in the body.
The spike protein itself causes inflammation and has been found in the blood vessels and also the major body organs. Thus, the injection of spike protein in the vaccines in conjunction with the lipid nanoparticles, causes inflammation. Lipid nanoparticles ensure that the spike protein circulates everywhere in the body and can circulate for as long as 6 months.
In relation to the spike protein’s long-term presence in the body, Dr McCullough spoke about a range of detoxification programs. He said:
“Blood clots that were not resolving cardiac arrests that were occurring years after taking the shots. … the spike protein must still be there, and we saw antibodies that are sky high years afterwards. We came to that conclusion and so we developed what was called base spike protein detoxification. It's been copyrighted under my name largely because people can locate it and that involves the triple combination of nattokinase, bromelain and curcumin … and then we can add other things to it. So the most common drug I add to that is a prescription drug called colchicine which has now been broadly approved by the FDA for prevention of heart disease. It's for sure mandatory in any form of myopericarditis and very well defends against vaccine myocarditis and that's been demonstrated in the literature. If there are autoimmune syndromes and people with autoimmune symptoms, the most common drug I use is hydroxychloroquine, if there are signs of persistent SARS CoV2 symptoms. So, swollen lymph nodes, rashes, cranial nerve abnormalities (having a loss of taste and smell hearing vision, headaches) …. The most common drug I’ve used in prolonged COVID is ivermectin…”
Dr McCullough explains this detox protocol (with dose rates) in a short YouTube video:
The problem of spike protein toxicity, associated particularly with the mRNA vaccines is an area that most doctors have little knowledge. It is extraordinary that after several years of demonstration of the damaging impacts of the vaccines, people are still getting “shots” – now as many as booster six and seven. There is such deception that Dr McCullough said in his interview that at a medical conference, a medical colleague came to talk to him and said that after having a number of COVID vaccines, he couldn’t use his left arm. However, he said that when he needs to have more vaccines, he’ll get the shot in his other arm!
The COVID vaccines represent an ongoing public health crisis and everyone should be aware that there are still no detailed long-term studies or proof of efficacy. There are however excellent studies demonstrating the damaging effects of the COVID vaccines on health.
Emergency Roll Out of Mpox Vaccine
James Roguski who has identified the dangers associated with the plans of World Health Organization (WHO) to acquire more power when there are pandemics, has highlighted the new dangers of an “emergency” from monkeypox.
In his latest substack post, Mr Roguksi provides a statement from the South African “Vaccine” Injury Medico-Legal Study-Group (SAVIMS). The group issued the following statement about the “emergency” of monkeypox and the proposal to vaccinate the whole of Africa:
“We are deeply concerned about the recent announcements made by Africa CDC Director General Jean Kaseya on 13 August 2024 and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on 14 August 2024.
It is important to address these announcements openly to the public.
In his statements, Director General Jean Kaseya declared regarding monkeypox vaccines, “We have a clear plan to secure more than 10 million doses in Africa, starting with 3 million doses in 2024.”
We at SAVIMS would like to point out pertinent facts to both institutions and other relevant bodies of interest:
There is no prescribed vaccine with documented level 1 scientific evidence for monkeypox. The current WHO recommended live virus vaccines, Jynneos and ACAM2000, are (a) intended for smallpox and are thus experimental for monkeypox; (b) have reported serious adverse effects and (c) contain live viral strains which may instigate a resurgence of the eradicated smallpox virus.
The potential use of mRNA vaccines. There is no scientific evidence supporting the use of any mRNA vaccine to prevent or mitigate any infectious disease. The observed data of adverse reactions to experimental mRNA vaccines far outweighs any benefit.
Informed consent is an ethical concept that is codified in the law and is in daily practice at every health care institution. Three fundamental criteria are needed for clinical informed consent: the patient must be competent, adequately informed, and not coerced. It is not possible for any recipient of these vaccines to receive a legitimate informed consent based on the current research.
The article by Allan-Blitz et al, “A position statement on Mpox as a Sexually Transmitted Disease,” concluded that monkeypox is a sexually transmitted disease.” Preventative measures for this scenario should necessitate and provoke relevant clinical and primary health care and education initiatives directed at the high-risk group. There is no merit for the recommendation of experimental vaccines to the general population.
The statistics and analysis, regarding the collated monkeypox data in the DRC and other countries in Africa by the WHO, warrant further investigation, and must be independently audited. The areas in which the highest statistics were collated should detail the criteria for testing, the procedures for testing, equipment sensitivity and specificity, personnel skill, clinical scenarios, and provocation for testing these specific communities. What tests were done to investigate and exclude other diseases, including communicable diseases?
There have been no autopsy reports published on the deaths related to monkeypox. The lack of formal documented autopsy, lack of information regarding equipment test sensitivities and specificities, and lack of information on procedures validating random collation of data, further reduces and invalidates the authenticity of the statistics.”
James Roguski has quite a lot more detail in his substack post but the information above is enough to provide arguments against the vaccine, when you hear that this is an “emergency” and we all should be vaccinated.
“The Council” – Who is Running the U.S.?
A fascinating article was published this last week, titled “The Council – Who is Running the United States”. An article from The Intelligencer provides information on the current “council”, running the country. The current members include:
“US Inspector General Michael Horowitz, FBI Director Christopher Wray, US Attorney General Merrick Garland, Director Office Professional Responsibility (OPR) Jeffrey Ragsdale, Chief Public Integrity Sector (PIN) Corey Amundson, Deputy USAG Lisa Monaco, 1st Principal Deputy USAG Marshall Miller…………
“Whether the intent of the formation of “The Council” was originally crafted to promote good government stewardship, or malevolently implemented as a tool of progressive social reconstruction, “The Council” has morphed into the master of US politics, policy, and the economy.
They are above the system. Over it. Beyond it. Familial and generational. They are the “them” who now bend the American people and our elected representatives to their will, and up to now, it has all been done in the open, wrapped in the US flag, under false color of law and detriment to the American people.
Every “investigation” of public official malfeasance and corruption falls within the realm of their purview. They unilaterally decide the trajectory of “justice” in the United States, and hence, who is “punished” and who is not. Any appointed or elected public official – including the President of the United States – is ripe for their “investigation,” isolation, smearing, persecution in the guise of prosecution, and destruction at their whim.
They are the puppet masters of a wide variety of boogeymen crafted or adapted to their purposes.”
The article is quite detailed and covers past and current US presidents, as well as the role of the intelligence community. There also is a business arm that includes luminaries such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. There are also other shady groups that involve blackmail, propaganda and extortion.
There are “targets” ie individuals to “take out” who are threats to the work of “the Council”. These include: Donald Trump, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Mike Lindell, John Eastman, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Robert Malone and Christina Bobb.
The article should be read in full and provides an explanation as to why Joe Biden was useful as a puppet. Those on “the Council” could make all the policies and just have Biden rubber-stamp them and read speeches written for him. Undoubtedly, Kamala Harris is someone who can be manipulated by the Council and so it seems likely with all the influence of this group, Kamala will be shoehorned into the presidency, unless enough Americans object and the election result becomes “too big to rig”.
The Globalist Crackdown on Free Speech
I have been following events in the UK closely, since Sir Keir Starmer and his socialist idealogues gained access to government, with only 34% of the vote. Following the riots, there has been a heavy-handed approach to online “hate speech” and there have been hundreds and perhaps thousands of arrests.
Leo Hohmann writes in a recent substack (August 14) that the UK crackdown on free speech is part of a globalist model to collapse the US and perhaps all of the West.
“Schools in the United Kingdom will begin teaching students about so-called “misinformation” and the dangers of “extremist content” as the nation continues to devolve into violent street riots fueled by Islamic migrants.
According to Fox News, the new initiative will indoctrinate students on how to discern real information from fake news, by embedding “critical thinking” into the school curriculum, including English and math classes.”
The campaign and legislation by the British government is the outcome of a dramatic increase in Muslim immigration over the last 20 years. Mr Hohmann writes:
“The U.K. government has been importing non-assimilating Muslim migrants for decades, flooding some cities to the point where even police are careful to tread lightly for fear of offending the foreign culture, which has gradually become the dominant culture. Churches, abandoned by once faithful Christian communities, are routinely converted into mosques. The Muslim call to prayer rings out from bullhorns three times a day. Anyone who offends this foreign culture, or hurts the feelings of a Muslim, gets ridiculed as a “racist” and an “Islamophobe.” Now they can even be arrested.”
In the UK there has been grooming and sexual abuse of young girls by Muslim gangs and of course an epidemic of stabbings. Mr Hohmann has a very depressing assessment toward the end of his post:
“They use the migrants to create cultural tension, rampant violent crime and eventually, in the final stages of the takeover, you see civil uprisings. But when the citizens rise up to voice their contempt of such policies, they are the ones who get demonized as extremists and criminals. The two-tier justice system we now see playing out in Britain is the exact same plan for the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Australia and other formerly free Western nations. Globalists create the problem by importing Muslims and other Third World malcontents, then when the local population finally realizes they are being abused and rise up in anger, they get hauled off to jail. Those who aren’t jailed are now intimidated into submission to the new normal, which is tyranny.”
We have been brainwashed about the benefits of multiculturalism and prevented from speaking about the downside because of “hate speech” laws. Of course, this is part of the globalist agenda, led by the United Nations and so the multicultural policies will be promoted by most governments in the West, at the expense of their citizens.
Good for you, Reuben, getting active and not sitting around to complain. I hope your group can make a difference in your region. As to bureaucracy, I believe that Germany is competing with Australia for the most absurd form filling championship.
That’s a great move. We are in rural Victoria with a very big “freedom” group around us. I reckon many of them feel that it’s important to get involved on a local level. I wouldn’t know where to begin other than getting on some local art-related committees. Any resources you can point me at would be hugely appreciated. I’ll follow your journey. Best of luck