
Thanks Stephanie - appreciate your insights and ideas I had never heard before. It is interesting that Dr Nordangård was able to strip away the deception and come to some of the core and then put it together with music. "Doom Rock' seems an appropriate genre for our times.

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We all seem to arrive inside the big room of “awake, eyes open” through different doors. For me it was gold/fiat currency and the Federal Reserve followed later by a deep dive into the Rockefeller push into pharmaceuticals, “sanitation,” and the Flexner Report. But I find it particularly interesting that Nordangaard then added the layer of music. Very expressive of E.O. Wilson’s idea of “consilience,” that all these things are related. My economic understanding also took me into the realm of music (music theory as it pertains to monetary theory). Lately my research into economics has led me to bells and how they may have been intended to resonate with the earth to dislodge alluvial gold, which is similar to Tesla’s description of the grounding poles beneath Wardenclyffe. Anyway, very much enjoyed the video interview with Nordangaard.

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Oct 5Liked by Reuben J Rose

Thank you As I have discovered, Monopoy IS DIGITAL. Its the shortest distance between 2 nodes.The thought that doing well by doing good has two polarized people. Whats good for one....Ya, is not good for another. GOD has the monopoly, not man. Its coming in digital medical and dental where you will be turned into an avatar and you Digital Bio Id will be stored in EPIC software starting inn 2025. Its already under way. They serve health boards globally under the new TEFCA. Billing codes are in place to share.

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