I too will not forget the pain, loss of freedom and choice that has been forced upon us by an over reaching government. Although we appear to be in the eye of the storm before this election we are still under medical apartheid in Australia. Although the lockdowns and mask mandates have been dropped in most cases, I still can not work as a teacher or easily travel in this world without a vaccine passport. Thanks Reuben for keeping us informed. Although we are trodden on and pushed down we can take comfort knowing that God knows all and is in control.

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This is excellently written and gives great insight to the past two years. As a mother of two I can assure you that I haven’t forgotten the pain of birth one bit (that is either a rumor that you forget or something is wrong with me) and I will most certainly not forget what had been done to us in the past two years and the agony that has caused. No one should ever forget this and thankfully there are people like you to help prevent that.

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