Understanding the Context and Trajectory of Our Times
If anyone has experienced a woman giving birth, it is a miracle than any woman wants to do it again! However, it seems to be that the wonder of the newborn baby dulls the pain and trauma of giving birth, which is fortunate because the human species would have come to an end after the first birth! Similarly, as many COVID-19 restrictions are eased and vaccine mandates forgotten, it is easy to forget that for a period of 2 years, we all lost our freedoms and were subjected to medical tyranny. Life seems to be returning to “normal” and most people that I talk to are forgetting the fundamental changes imposed by all Western governments. And this was all related to a disease that was acknowledged to have a mortality rate similar to the flu and much lower in children and young people.
Biosecurity legislation, which in many countries had been lurking in the background and previously unused, gave governments unprecedented powers to act against individual freedoms. Given that governments from the US to Canada, UK to New Zealand and Australia acted in a similar way, it is hard to resist the idea of central direction – perhaps even an evil individual - lay behind this. Catherine Austin Fitts calls this person “Mr Global”. In reality, it is Satan himself, the great deceiver, murderer and father of lies (John 8:44). Modern Christianity seems to have dispensed with Satan but the Bible tells us that he is like a prowling lion (1 Peter 5:8) and so we need to be alert because Satan works in many cunning and deceitful ways.
In the last 2 years, governments have used fear to set up elaborate digital mechanisms for population surveillance and control using tools to track people with a digital ID, or so called “green passport”. Digital IDs are becoming mandatory in the European Union and legislation is being prepared in Australia. The “selling point” is simplicity and ease of movement but of course identity theft and government monitoring of everyone is not mentioned.
Governments acquired a taste for total control and they won’t give this up, particularly as the majority of the population was compliant. In Australia, a number of State Governments were rewarded by the electorate with substantial majorities in elections after the imposition of draconian lockdowns. Governments created fear and then provided an apparent “solution” – their message: give us total control and we will keep you safe.
A group of conspirators planned this move against the world population and Iain Davis has identified the conspirators and their helpers, the “useful idiots”, in his new book. It is worthwhile reading Pseudopandemic (New Normal Technocracy), which can be obtained as a free pdf on Iain’s website. Iain outlines the key to pandemic response which can be found in the Global Public Private Partnerships (G3P).
The groups involved are: the government, non-governmental organisations, philanthropists and their foundations, private corporations including the media, think tanks and intergovernmental organisations. Private interests and foundations which have the cash, dominate the government interests and the old saying is true: “always bet on the horse called self-interest because it is always trying”. We are seeing the rise of the merchant billionaires and these individuals are getting richer and more influential, dominating the views of government.
Further “pandemics” and shutdowns due to the “climate emergency” are coming and we need to be prepared for ongoing government over-reach. It is worthwhile reviewing the what occurred during COVID-19 and asking: what can we do to prevent future government over-reach? I am going to tackle this question by examining the important principles that I have learnt during this period so that we can apply the principles to future “pandemics”. This is important in understanding the signs of the times.
1. “Government is not the solution, it’s the problem”
One of my favourite quotes from President Ronald Reagan came from his meetings across the US with General Electric (GE) workers in the days prior to his presidency. Reagan visited all 139 of the GE plants and it is estimated that he spoke to around 250,000 employees during the late 1950s and 1960s. When Reagan took on the role for GE as an ambassador, he was a Democrat but his ideas evolved as he realized that the solutions for people’s problems were not more government “help”. As Reagan spoke to factory workers, the personal stories he heard made him realize that the most effective way for government to help people was for government to get out of the way so that people could take responsibility. He coined the wonderful saying that the 9 most terrifying words in the English language are:
“I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.
Governments have utilized the COVID-19 crisis to entrench themselves at the centre of everything. From this position government ‘solutions’ have been imposed on populations with no regard for the freedoms that have been the bedrock of western civilisation for centuries. What seemed only possible in totalitarian countries like China or North Korea, we experienced in all Western countries and draconian laws were imposed as well as experimental injections mandated, which will impact people’s lives forever. All this was done in the name of “biosecurity” and “public health”.
As soon as you hear that freedoms have to be restricted because of public health concerns, know that we are heading into a trap and we need to resist any laws that restrict individual freedoms. Citizens of the UK are starting to realise that the much vaunted National Health Service, is a bureaucratic disaster with poor care, interminable waiting lists, no individual choice and overreach by an army of highly paid bureaucrats. Giving the government control of our health is a step into the abyss of totalitarianism. When the next pandemic is forced onto us, remember “government is not the solution, it is the problem”. It is important to lobby our own representatives against signing the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed “international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness” planned for legal implementation in 2024. Nations signing up will be slaves to WHO bureaucrats and their imposition of global requirements and restrictions, which will override national laws.
2. Don’t Trust Government-Funded Public Health Officials
None of us knew it but government health departments, and universities with departments of public health were waiting to ambush government leaders and the general public with computer models that showed that hundreds of millions would die from COVID-19. Saner voices such as those who proposed The Great Barrington Declaration were blocked on the news and social media, and people like Professor Neil Ferguson at Imperial College London with hundreds of millions of pounds in funding from groups like the Gates Foundation, persuaded governments to apply draconian lockdowns. Epidemiologists who had lurked in the back rooms of governments and universities, suddenly were thrust into the spotlight and were constantly on television screens. They seemed to like the spotlight and government leaders abdicated their responsibilities and handed control to unelected health bureaucrats with unintelligible spreadsheets. This led to the prominence of the seemingly ubiquitous Dr Anthony Fauci, the Director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Fauci’s advice was accepted as though it was Moses himself descending from Mt Sinai with tablets of stone. However, it turns out that Fauci is compromised with an extensive range of conflicts of interest as outlined by Robert F Kennedy Jnr in his book The Real Anthony Fauci. The book’s subtitle outlines the focus: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. The sole apparently sane and independent epidemiologist was Dr Anders Tegnell, who provided advice against lockdown to the Swedish government. Dr Tegnell understood the negative impacts of lockdown on the economy, mental health and education and so Sweden fared better than other countries in terms of the economic and social impacts of COVID-19. Additionally, Sweden still had a result in terms of death rates that were better than many European neighbours. We live in a society where we are asked to trust the “experts” but these “experts” often have an incomplete picture and also may be wrong, with only partial sight of some of the relevant data. This has led to me coining a new saying: “never trust a man with a model”.
3. Don’t Trust the Drug Licensing Authorities
Government bodies like the US Federal Drug Administration (FDA), the UK Medical and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), and the EU European Medicines Agency - all have similar functions. They are tasked with the assessment of various biological agents and drugs to ensure their safety and efficacy. Unfortunately, none of these agencies and their scientific advisors are free of the taint of conflicts of interest. Information compiled by Robert F Kennedy Jnr and investigations into the FDA showed that the FDA failed to identify and disclose conflicts of interest involving its scientific advisors. We had all assumed that there were independent scientists and physicians assessing clinical trials of various medicines and vaccines but remarkably enough, more than 50% of the FDA’s drug review budget comes from the biopharmaceutical industry, as outlined by Forbes magazine in 2018 well before the pandemic. Similar issues have been raised in relation to advisors to the MHRA in the United Kingdom and the TGA in Australia. It seems very likely that Omnicom (an international communications company hired by the UK government) and similar media advice companies coined the phrase “safe and effective” for governments to use in relation to the COVID-19 vaccines. So – we have been manipulated by governments and their mainstream media conspirators. In addition, given that the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour, the appalling trail of damage left by multinational pharmaceutical companies over the last decades should have been a warning that Big Pharma is not to be trusted. It is worthwhile reading the Global Justice UK report which covers the shocking history of drug scandals by companies such as Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Gilead, Pfizer, Moderna and Sanofi. Despite a history of harm to millions, governments indemnified companies from any legal action related to adverse effects. It is clear that the billions of dollars of profit by Big Pharma has heavily influenced government health regulatory agencies which are compromised and cannot be trusted to have our best interests at the core of their mission. My recommendation is that as soon as you hear the words “safe and effective” – run from the treatment as fast as possible.
4. Don’t Trust the Media
I was first alerted to the symbiotic relationship between the government and mainstream media when I read Laura Dodsworth’s book State of Fear
In her book, Laura informed people about a government induced “state of fear” and that this was a policy implemented following the advice of psychologists and behavioural experts. On 22nd March 2020, a meeting of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour (SPI-B) – noted that people’s personal sense of threat from the coronavirus, needed to be elevated because of the low risk of death in most age groups. The recommendation from SPI-B (even the name is Orwellian) to the government was to frighten people. Iain Davis has outlined the full story of how the government “bought” the mainstream media with advertising funds and the role of Omnicom, an international communications company which was awarded £1.6 billion of media “buy in” contracts since 2018. In September 2019, the BBC convened the “Trusted News Summit” with its partners. Tony Hall, then Director-General of the BBC and President of the European Broadcasting Union led the meeting group which included the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google, The Hindu, and The Wall Street Journal. Other partners were AFP, CBC/Radio-Canada, Microsoft, Reuters, and The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, and the group said “we are also consulting Twitter on areas of potential collaboration”. The purported aim was to combat misinformation. Like Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” in his book 1984, the aim appeared to be to erase any opposing view and promote what those in charge deem “what the truth is”. It is extraordinary that the “Trusted News Initiative” came into being just before the pandemic and was then used to shut down any opposing views. Governments around the world promoted fear of the virus and this was supported by media which were paid large sums in advertising revenue. It is important for each of us to do our own research and to look for information in the independent media. I have provided a list of websites that I use and I believe are reliable and provide an alternate view.
5. Don’t Trust Doctors
Just after the vaccines became available, I spoke to an elderly friend in a nursing home and outlined some of the issues in relation to the vaccines, their efficacy and side-effects. She listened but then said to me that her father had always said “trust your doctor”. Her doctor reassured her that there were no problems with the vaccines and so she took an mRNA vaccine and suffered terrible health consequences, as did several other friends. I was alarmed that the medical profession was “all in” with the vaccine and so I spoke to some local family doctors who were not interested in hearing about negative vaccine reactions. I even outlined to one doctor the tens of thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of individual severe adverse events reported in the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). His reply was that “many people’s dishwashers also break down after getting the vaccine”! This doctor was not interested in the extensive adverse events which he thought were just random events. I was horrified but realized how effective the government had been in pressurizing doctors to “toe the line”.
Despite many adverse reactions including thousands of young people with myocarditis induced by the vaccines, the vaccines were said to be “safe and effective”. Doctors were threatened with de-registration (in effect their livelihood being shut down) if they spoke negatively of the vaccines. I have spoken to many general physicians and realised that these good men and women have been taken hostage by government drug regulatory agencies which have heavily promoted the vaccines as “safe and effective” despite a tsunami of information showing that they are unsafe and ineffective.
Excellent alternative medical sources are now available to your local doctor who is likely to have been compromised and pressured by government. In the US, the Frontline Doctors and individual brave doctors such as Dr Zelenko , Dr Kory , Dr Fleming, Dr Malone, Dr Mercola and Dr Cole can be trusted to provide independent medical advice in relation to COVID-19 and the vaccines. Look for similarly independent and well-informed doctors in your own community. Such doctors are rare but they must be there, although probably laying low.
Our Western societies with freedoms that seemed embedded into the constitutional DNA will never return to normal. We need to be alert to ongoing moves by the government to restrict freedoms and impose further control and surveillance of populations. Many Western leaders have spoken of their admiration for China and its totalitarian rule
The mechanism for further control will be via the “convenience” of digital IDs and then programmable central bank digital currencies. The 5 principles that I have outlined in this Newsletter article are areas where we need to be vigilant for our own health and welfare. Do whatever you can to resist the digital state and get off social media.
I too will not forget the pain, loss of freedom and choice that has been forced upon us by an over reaching government. Although we appear to be in the eye of the storm before this election we are still under medical apartheid in Australia. Although the lockdowns and mask mandates have been dropped in most cases, I still can not work as a teacher or easily travel in this world without a vaccine passport. Thanks Reuben for keeping us informed. Although we are trodden on and pushed down we can take comfort knowing that God knows all and is in control.
This is excellently written and gives great insight to the past two years. As a mother of two I can assure you that I haven’t forgotten the pain of birth one bit (that is either a rumor that you forget or something is wrong with me) and I will most certainly not forget what had been done to us in the past two years and the agony that has caused. No one should ever forget this and thankfully there are people like you to help prevent that.