Just when I think my tinfoil hat needs replacing someone with obvious intelligence agrees with me...... "It would be wise to store some critical food items, have a supply of cash and, if possible, gold as a hedge." Done. Along with splitting bank accounts among 3 institutions - none of them the Big 4 and two of them not in the Big 8, and with local branches / local owned. And building relationships with other like-minded people in the area that produce food and/or provide services. And still not sure we are ready.
Yes - keep your tinfoil hat handy Annette! Sounds like you are well across the story and have taken appropriate actions - although we don't know what may be coming next - eg the Trump shooting. I suppose all we can do is to take as many precautions as we can.
Just when I think my tinfoil hat needs replacing someone with obvious intelligence agrees with me...... "It would be wise to store some critical food items, have a supply of cash and, if possible, gold as a hedge." Done. Along with splitting bank accounts among 3 institutions - none of them the Big 4 and two of them not in the Big 8, and with local branches / local owned. And building relationships with other like-minded people in the area that produce food and/or provide services. And still not sure we are ready.
Yes - keep your tinfoil hat handy Annette! Sounds like you are well across the story and have taken appropriate actions - although we don't know what may be coming next - eg the Trump shooting. I suppose all we can do is to take as many precautions as we can.