Fascinating read. Thanks. I assume that our Australian leaders, in the thrall of the technocrat elite, with some corrupt & some ignorant have not even contemplated a real rising of the population? I wonder how much further we will go - or how bad does it have to be, as mandating a bioweapon appears to have been accepted - before there is a revolt or revolution? Perhaps Managed Retreat, already State Govt policy in NSW will be the trigger?

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Thanks Annette. I think that our leaders are well down the technocratic food chain and I reckon Albo just gets a memo from Penny, who gets a memo from Xi!

The Australian population doesn't have a great history of resistance, and it still seems extraordinary to me that 96% of the population complied with government vaccine mandates. About 40 years ago, I saw a sign painted on a fence near Harold Park in Sydney that said, "Australians are just bloody-minded sheep". I didn't know what that mean thent but I think I do now.

It will be interesting to see the response to the next vaccine mandate and lockdown. With the bird flu "crisis" - it may not be far away.

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Agree - they are desperate to manufacture another pandemic for profit asap - especially as Monkey (money) pox was ignored. The 96% figure, I believe, is not correct. Too many have had none at all - some openly that lost their jobs, some that cheated using fake ticks - that figure may have been calculated on the number of shots shipped, not injected, which is a big difference. I believe that the figure of vax-free is more like 10%, with many more - perhaps up to another 30-40% that stopped at two shots and only had those under duress. Nobody, of course, had informed consent.

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I also thought that the 96% figure was "fake news" but it is quoted by the government and they must have all the names and details. Whatever the figure, it was horrifyingly high.

We had a friend who visited a "vaccination clinic" in 2021 and she was horrified and confronted the nurse in charge because as you say, no-one had informed consent. Almost all people thought that the vaccines had been thoroughly tested and they could rely on the goverrnment and the doctors. The doctors were effectively threatened and the public health apparatus fell into line. It still seems like the most extraordinary scandal that has never received any publicity. There must be a lot of money flowing somewhere.

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