Interesting, very interesting Mr. Rose, to see how you and Mr. Phillips interpret the current affairs in the Levant ...🤔🤔🤔

How stupid and brainwashed, do you both think, the Goy really is ??

There is a HUGE difference between a

- genuine, faithful, self-respecting person of Jewish faith who would never, not in his most audacious dreams forcefully colonize and subjugate Palestine and the

- Zionist Entity ILLEGALY occupying the lands of Palestine. currently committing atrocities against humanity (which of course they consider sub-human)

If Rabbi Jaacov Parrin could tout: "A million Arab lives have less value than a Jewish fingernail", then there are no surprises ...

To lead a shameless life is not considered to be a virtue according to the Goy's standard.

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Appreciate your perspective Klaus and understand that there are big differences between the Jewish state as it is run and the Jewish people. I was trying to present a big picture view of how I see the situation and realize this would be disputed. I do appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback

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YES !!!👍👍👍

There is a BIIIIIIIG difference between

- people of genuine Jewish faith who are ALL most appreciated on the entire planet

because they contributed so much to civilization in many, many fields) and

- the evil creatures calling themselves Zionists (either Jewish or even Christian) who are

currently executing the most despicable atrocities and feel no sense of shame for their

evil actions or continuous public lying about it.

Even their trope about anti-Semitism is just one of their dirty tricks because

- the vast majority of Zionists currently residing in the occupied lands of Palestine are

NOT Semites but mainly of Khazarian, Ashkenazi or Sephardic origin and therefore

- the Zionists themselves are the REAL anti-Semites because any Palestinian, dead or

alive, has more pure Semitic DNA than any of these Zionists.

You are free to convey this info to Mrs. Phillips (of course, she "knows", but doesn't tell)

Thanks for your nice reply to my own ranting about the topic !!👍👍

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This reminds me of the famous quote that I heard many years ago: "The result of all communication is misunderstanding"!

I knew that Israel was a dangerous area to write about and appreciate all different viewpoints. It is hard to find a point of agreement or a way forward - which, in essence, is the issue that is facing those who will have to try to pull together a solution.

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I can see I made a mistake signing up for this site. The world is full of people who want to make the world black or white. This site is just another site for someone who is blind to reality and rooted in scripture.

Oh and just to be clear, having working with Palestinians I found them largely dislikable and annoying. I also believe they are untrustworthy. I have been pro-Israel for the majority of my life but what is happening in that part of the world is as much a fault of the Israeli State as it is the Palestinians in Gaza. It seems like too many today wish to conflate antisemitisim with anti Israeli State opinion. Why?...... because it is very historically convenient I guess. This writer doesn't help. This writer does analyze why Hamas undertook their suicidal operation. He does not analyze the history that led here. He does not present solutions. He simple grasps onto the old trope of "Jew haters".

I repeat, I have supported Israel and their industrious people since I first watched the Israelis trounce the Arabs states in 1967 on my family black and white TV. But in recent years I have watched them flounder diplomatically time and again. Netanyahu is leading the state to destruction.

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Thanks for the perspective which I appreciate. It does seem that there has been loss of support for Israel over the last 30 years and there is a problem in the current leadership. Most importantly, it is unclear how this terrible attack in Gaza could have happened and why it took so long for help to arrive.

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{...how this terrible attack in Gaza could have happened and why it took so long for help to arrive....} ???? 🤔🤔🤔

Mr. Rose, could you please be so kind as to elaborate in more detail ??

- which {attack IN Gaza}? The 07.10.24 by Hamas breaking-OUT of the open-air prison or the subsequent pounding and erasing of anything built or living INSIDE the area?

- {could have happened}? Since mid of June 2007 "special conditions" for the Palestinians inside the barbed concrete walls of Gaza apply. For sure you know about the Nakba in 1948, Irgun, etc., etc. Actio results in re-actio.

- which help to arrive? The IDF-troops having been deployed to the North before the outbreak and delaying the "defense" by at least 7 hrs. or the help from the West supplying all the deadly military gear to the IDF?

Even the name Israel DEFENCE force is an insult to anybody having left two active brain-cells inside his skull. In case you followed the recent hearings at the ICJ, it became evident for the wide public, that the former British occupiers did NOT have the authority to "give" these lands to Zionists. At its time, the apartheid-state has been recognized by a UN-majority only due to heavy financial (and other kinds) of intervention in many member-states.

How can a political entity be entitled to "defend" lands which most obviously is not theirs but ripped from the real owners by brutish force alone ?? 🤔🤔🤔

The Zionist Matrix has been very successful in cloaking reality for a long time, therefore the current rabid call for censorship everywhere.

Have a nice time !!

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