“Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once” Acts 9:18
The latest census data and polls from most Western countries indicates a decline in those who believe in God. Gallup is the group that has been polling people in the US since the 1940s and their findings are that less than half the people polled indicated that religion was important in their lives. The data, collected for more than 70 years, indicate a declining belief in God and a political divide, with Democrats much less likely to believe in God than Republicans. As I have discussed in this newsletter previously, your worldview is influential in determining your response to almost any issue presented. If God and his eternal truths are outside your worldview, then you will be more likely to be influenced by the prevailing worldview, which these days is anti-God, “progressive” - and “woke”. The result of the progressive and woke worldviews is a great deception where a narrative is promoted by media and governments that seeks to persuade us that we need to reject what we can see and ignore our own consciences about what is right.
In Steven Wilkinson’s Pitchfork Papers last week, he addressed the dilemma we find ourselves in:
“However, when you believe that what you think you know and can see cannot be because the official narrative says it is wrong and subversive, you are on dangerous terrain. The state of having to ignore what you can see to be true puts most people - especially the bourgeois middle classes who are both proud of their education and are strongly predisposed to trusting the institutions of government - into a state of disorienting cognitive dissonance. The easiest response is to trust the narrative from authority and brand the sensory evidence as false. This is especially true if the only or primary source of your information is controlled and beholden to those with a vested interest in that narrative.”
The great St Paul was one of the people whose primary source of information was, as Steven has described, “controlled and beholden to those with a vested interest in that narrative”. In St Paul’s case, this was the narrative of the Jewish Sanhedrin after Jesus’ death. The view was that followers of Jesus were dangerous and needed to be arrested and killed. In the Book of Acts (Acts 9:1-2), we are told that Saul (St Paul’s birth name) was an enemy of the early church and:
“breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.”
However near Damascus,
“a light shone around him from heaven. Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”
And he said, “Who are You, Lord?”
Then the Lord said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” Acts 9:4-5
Saul was rendered blind and was 3 days and nights in Damascus without eating and drinking but his worldview was turned around after his encounter with Jesus. God then spoke to Ananias, one of the disciples of Christ (called people of the Way) who told him to go to Saul (who would be expecting him) and to put his hand on Saul “so that he may receive his sight” (Acts 9:12). The story then tells us that Ananias goes to Saul and declares that Jesus sent him so that Saul may receive his sight back and “Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once” Acts 9:18. Saul then became known as Paul and was the greatest advocate for Jesus and Christian doctrine in history. He and his small band of fellow believers changed the Western world.
This is where we get the common expression – “now the scales have fallen from my eyes” – in other words – now I can see clearly what is true. In relation to the narrative of events that we are being presented with by governments and media, we need to have the scales fall from our eyes. Then, like Saul, we can turn our viewpoint around 180 degrees so that we believe what we instinctively know to be true rather than believe the presented globalist narrative. This narrative will undoubtedly lead to destruction of our freedom and ensure that by 2030 “we own nothing” which according to the World Economic Forum will make us “be happy”. It does seem likely then that “they” will own everything and be even happier!
With these ideas in mind, it is important for us to be clear sighted about what is before us as a society and ensure that “the scales fall from our eyes” so that we can push aside what is certainly a media and Western government collusion for a unipolar worldview, which is nothing less than a “new world order”. This idea has been a long time in the making, having been spoken about by President George H.W. Bush in 1991 but also in different phrases by others preceding him, for at least 100 years. However, the “new world order” has gathered momentum and now has been rebranded as “the great reset” or Agenda 2030. We need to understand the cunning of the “new world order”, which now has control of the media, Big Tech, “progressive” politics, entertainment, the law, the financial system, religion and education. Dr Lance Wallnau, a Christian prophetic commentator writes about control of these areas by the political left as control of the 7 Mountains of Culture
I listened this week to a very interesting podcast by Dr Wallnau, who was speaking with Kevin Freeman, an economic commentator -
Lance had a prophetic understanding in 2015 that Donald Trump would become President of the US and would be like a modern King Cyrus. He outlined this in a 2016 book called God’s Chaos Candidate: Donald J Trump and the American Unraveling. Cyrus was a Persian king who reigned between 539 and 530 BC - and was instrumental in the captured children of Israel being released from Babylon to return to Israel. In his book, Wallnau outlines how God spoke to him in the period when there were 15 Republican candidates in the race for Presidential nomination. He said that he heard in his spirit God speak and say “Donald Trump is a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness”. He correctly forecast Trump’s election in 2016 and has been a commentator, from a Christian worldview, on the US and international affairs via his daily podcast which I can recommend.
Many people believe that there cannot be an international globalist conspiracy for a one world government because it would be too difficult to coordinate all the parts of a complex system. However, when you realize that the 7 Mountains of Culture are under the control of the “new world order” and that globalists like Klaus Schwab are manipulating the election of key Western leaders - we need to take note and have the “scales fall from our eyes”. Then we can see what is being implemented to restrict our freedom and ensure that we meet the requirements for control by the “new world order”, which is that we own nothing (I know that I won’t be happy!).
Here are some of the points made in the conversation between Lance Wallnau and Kevin Freeman:
The battle today is not just political left vs political right or Democrat vs Republican, but rather those who love their nation’s sovereignty vs globalists (elites with a “new world order” philosophy);
China has global empire aspirations, Russia is a hybrid of nationalist plus globalist ambitions and the Catholic Church has had its roots in globalism since the middle ages and therefore it isn’t surprising that Pope Francis is a globalist;
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has slowed down the globalist new world order;
One view of the new world order is epitomized by China and Russia – an authoritarian state that controls everything we do. In contrast the World Economic Forum wants control through a global economic system. In either view, the right of nations for self-determination is eliminated;
Russia has become stronger during the Ukrainian conflict because they control oil and gas and now have a stronger alliance with China. These nations will combine to commit economic war against the US;
Russia has fostered a new global economic grouping of the so called “BRICS Nations” - an idea developed by Goldman Sachs in a white paper in 2001 and promoted by President Putin. The BRICS nations are: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa and last month they had their 14th Summit meeting in Beijing which was a virtual meeting. There is a good commentary on this meeting by James Corbett. This grouping has enormous economic power as the countries represent more than half of the world’s population and they aim to dominate the global economy and there are significant issues also for defence and security.
Global investment firms like Vanguard, State Street and BlackRock - control much of the world company investments. BlackRock controls US$10 trillion of investments. They all are promoting and mandating a dangerous woke ideology via Environment, Social and Governance scores for companies (ESGs). It has been estimated that professionally managed assets with ESG mandates are as much as US$46 trillion in 2021. The claim is that ESGs indicate ethical behaviour by companies in relation to being good for the environment, good for society and good for corporate governance. However, it actually translates into eliminating fossil fuels, applying social justice and critical race theory and governance requiring gender and LGBTQ+ quotas in addition to minority quotas. This ESG program is being forced onto companies and nations because high ESG scores will be required to receive financing. ESGs are designed to bring in a globalist agenda and some of the impact can be seen in countries with high ESGs which now are facing social unrest and food shortages.
The summary of these points is that there is a clever and sinister globalist plan that is being implemented in all Western countries and will increasingly impact our lives. This is being done without any democratic process because countries have signed up to the UN agenda 2030 and availability of funds is dependent on meeting ESG targets. In my view, nothing less than a satanic plot is in progress with the aim of enslaving us, with the end result of us worshiping the “beast”. We need to have the “scales fall from our eyes” and understand that when we hear about new laws in diverse areas such as: zero emissions targets, ESG scores, online safety, transgender rights, “social justice”, “trusted news”, population lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations and vaccine passports, that these are not just abstract concepts that we can ignore. Everything we see or hear needs to be interpreted with an understanding that there is a desire by global decision makers to destroy the family and national sovereignty, create chaos and implement rule by a group of global overlords.
It is possible to understand this with a few recent examples. A few months ago the UK Government announced that Northern Ireland farmers would have to reduce cattle and sheep numbers by more than 1 million to meet climate targets. The push to blame farm animals for climate change will accelerate and impact food supplies internationally. Dutch farmers are fighting back against their government’s plan to decimate farming so that the government can reach zero emissions. More than 30% of farmers would be forced out of business in proposals by the Dutch government and the flow-on effect for food production would be drastic, as Holland is the second biggest exporter of primary produce, after the USA. On the energy front, oil and gas exploration will not be possible because banking groups will not provide financial support to vital projects due to the impact their ESG scores. The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals will negatively affect the growth and development of all Western countries and regulate land ownership and animal use in agriculture. Government bureaucrats are implementing regulations behind the scenes with the backing of the broad international agreements signed up by UN members, without the need for any local agreement. The impact will be seen practically in issues like land use, where eventually farmers will be unable to use fertilizers, plant crops or breed animals because of the need to meet ESG scores.
We are easily deceived each day. As we leave our house to go shopping or to work, the sun is shining and all seems well with the world. In fact we walk out into a spiritual battle where the 7 Mountains of Culture already are under the control of those who intend to enslave us. Like St Paul, we need a Road to Damascus experience - an encounter with Jesus that leads us to the truth.
We need to be skeptical about everything we read and hear and ask a simple question: could this fit a global government agenda, allow more government control and restrict freedom? With the scales off our eyes, it is easier to see the truth and stand up for freedom.
A Summary of Some Significant Events Around the World in the Last Week
I have had the opportunity this week to understand two visions for the USA. This was a result of watching the new film – Michelle Obama 2024 – Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power - and reading the veteran political strategist Dick Morris’ new book about President Trump called The Return: Trump’s Big 2024 Comeback. The USA stands today at a crossroads and after almost 250 years as a beacon of liberty, could degenerate into a lawless and bankrupt socialist hellhole. This is one of the futures that becomes evident from the Michelle Obama 2024 film. Michelle Obama has carefully crafted an iconic role for herself and has positioned herself for a presidential bid. Her narrative is that of a black girl from the south side of Chicago who has overcome white prejudice to become the First Lady. The film shows that this story is a fabrication and at all stages of her early life, she has had unique educational opportunities that were a direct result of her father’s political influence in the Chicago Democrat machine. She also benefited from affirmative action policies that resulted in her gaining entrance to Princeton and Harvard universities. She has been drawn to the elites and must have had an extraordinary public relations promotion machine behind her, being featured on countless fashion magazine covers. The filmmaker Joel Gilbert notes that Mrs Obama has positioned herself perfectly for a presidential bid with the same formula as her husband. This is: a bestselling autobiography, the keynote speech at the Democrat National Convention and starting up a voter registration organization. Michelle Obama has been influenced by radical left-wing Democrats and the filmmaker believes that if she becomes President in 2024, she will further polarize the US by promoting destructive racial divisions. She has close relationships with 1960s radicals and convicted terrorists, Bernadine Dohrn and her husband Bill Ayers. Gilbert believes that Mrs Obama would take directions from the global elites and follow a destructive socialist and “progressive” agenda for the USA.
In contrast, I heard a fascinating interview this week with Dick Morris -
related to his new book about President Trump’s re-election. The book is interesting because Morris has identified that, even allowing for election fraud in 2020, the Republicans lost the popular vote. This was because the Democrats, through manipulating postal voting because of COVID-19, were able to get an increase in voter turnout by as much as 50% greater than previous elections. He writes that the Democrats invented new rules and unless the Republicans understand the new rules, they will lose the 2022 and 2024 elections and beyond. In his book Morris identifies what “we must do to stop the elections of 2022 and 2024 from being stolen, to make sure that more legal, eligible voters cast ballots for Republicans”. He also believes that Donald J Trump must be the Republican Presidential candidate (“accept no substitutes”) to preserve the foundations of the US. Finally, Morris notes that Trump’s return is critical because:
“The Democrats are trying to transform America into a nation none of us will recognize. An economy dominated by inflation, where our savings, investments, pensions, 401(k)s, IRAs, and home values shrink each year as the dollar devalues. A country of porous borders and raging crime. They want to see a society as segregated by race as Mississippi or South Africa ever was, but this time with whites bearing the brunt of discrimination. A place where gender is a matter of opinion, and an accoutrement that can be changed as easily and whimsically as hair color. A nation dependent on China for its technology. A society where big tech, big media, and big brother tell us what to read and what to see. An unrecognizable land.” I believe that Morris is correct in his assessment and his book is compelling in making the case that Trump is the only person who can push back the forces of darkness. This is borne out by latest polling which shows that Trump is double digits ahead of likely Republican rivals.
However, after being all in for Trump prior to 2020, I now have some misgivings, particularly after Trump overseeing the “Operation Warp Speed” vaccinations that have destroyed people’s health. Ultimately though, he may be the best of the available options.
What a remarkable race it will be if it is President Trump vs Mrs Obama. After Trump’s great nicknames for other previous candidates – “crooked Hilary”, “lyin’ Ted”, “little Marco”, “crazy Bernie” and “sleepy Joe”, I wonder what he will come up with for Michelle Obama?
United Kingdom & Europe
The Conservative Party has been through several rounds of voting for a new Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister, while Boris Johnson has been pictured in Royal Air Force jets, as though nothing has happened. He will remain Prime Minister until early September when the final round of voting of 160,000 Conservative Party members will be revealed. I was impressed by Kemi Badenach, a native Nigerian whose simple “manifesto” was stated as:
“We Conservatives need to get back to first principles. You can’t spend what you haven’t earned. Government should do less, better. Property ownership should be spread as widely as possible. Nations need borders. The family is the first, and best, source of welfare.”
It was disappointing that she didn’t reach the list of the final two candidates as she provided a genuine conservative choice.
After an amazing round of MP’s “knockout” votes over the last 10 days, two candidates remain: Rishi Sunak (the former Chancellor of the Exchequer), who would be the first British Hindu Prime Minister and Liz Truss (the Foreign Minister and recent Brexit negotiator), who was anti-Brexit and previously a Liberal-Democrat. Truss’ parents were involved in the nuclear disarmament movement and she has moved gradually to the political right. The options now look problematic for the UK. Liz Truss is favourite to be the next PM as she has had a higher approval rating with Conservative Party members. It does seem remarkable that it will take more than 1 month to finalise the decision about who is PM. The process is that postal votes will be sent out to Party members next week with results announced on 5 September. In the meantime, there will be meetings throughout the country with the two candidates and also 2 television debates.
A slight challenge is that Boris will have to notify the Queen about the new PM when the Conservative Party decides on 5 September but the Queen is likely to be away on her annual holiday in Scotland at her Balmoral estate. So it could mean that Boris has to travel to Scotland (the Queen traditionally invites the PM and spouse to stay during her summer break) in order to resign and recommend the next PM. One imagines that there may be some challenging dinner conversations. It does seem fortunate that Prince Harry has moved to the US and is not likely to ever become king, given his UN speech this week
where he outdid even the most woke left wingers.
As I was thinking about the course ahead for Great Britain, I read this article from the UK Telegraph about the UK leadership challenge – which was interesting and insightful. Gordon Rayner writes:
“one thing seems certain: the Tories are entering the “nastiest” leadership campaign in their history. A combination of ingredients, including a disconnect between MPs and party members, a win-or-bust scenario for both contenders and genuine animosity between their supporters, has cooked up a noxious stew that will be brought to the boil over the next six weeks…….It will be a battle of ideology, policy and personality, with Mr Sunak, the prudent, centrist, polished public schoolboy against Ms Truss, the tax-cutting, Right-wing, robotic Yorkshire lass.”
Sounds like a difficult choice!
Russia and Ukraine
It is interesting that there seems to be an inverse correlation between stories in the media about Ukraine and COVID-19. Five months ago it appeared that Russia’s invasions of Ukraine had somehow fixed COVID-19. Suddenly there were no more COVID-19 stories as everyone rushed around to put up their blue and yellow flags. Of course it couldn’t last, and now there are almost no stories about Ukraine but many about new strains of the SARS-CoV2 virus, upsurges in hospitalizations, the need for more “vaccinations” and masks being essential. It is as though Mr Global has given a directive and fear is being induced in various Western populations.
Iain Davis has written an excellent recent article called “Putin’s False Flag” which provides a fresh perspective. He notes that some commentators see Putin as a possible saviour, motivated by his love for Russia and the church, to stand against the “new world order”. Iain’s view is that Putin only
“cares about the Russian state because that is the source of his power and authority and a multipolar world order, ostensibly controlled by Russia, China and the BRICS, is no better than the G7-led, unipolar alternative.”
Putin had a dramatic rise to power after being nominated Prime Minister in 1999 by Boris Yeltsin and the issue that propelled him to power was a series of terrorist attacks that resulted in advancing Putin as an advocate for the military and a strongman. When Yeltsin resigned, Putin became President in December 1999 and then he won the presidential election in March 2000. Davis notes that Putin had
“operational control of the organisation that planned and carried out the Russian apartment bombings. The highly coordinated and well planned operation killed 317 Russian men, women and children and injured approximately 630 more in just 17 days. Putin then exploited the resultant public fear and anger to seize power”.
This false flag operation shows Putin’s Machiavellian personality and his ruthlessness in eliminating any opposition has enabled him to become a virtual dictator. Iain’s article has a great deal of detail about the apartment bombings and how they have been used by Putin.
With this background, we can then examine Putin’s aims in invading Ukraine. Western leaders know that Ukraine cannot win the war and Putin also knows that Ukraine can’t win. Meanwhile the body counts rise but particularly the Ukrainian side. It does seem that Putin has decided to move against the West and is shoring up his position and the Russian ruble by developing financial and trading alliances through the BRICS nations – Brasil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Putin has stated that his reason for invasion of Ukraine “to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine”. The European Union is reliant on Russian gas and oil and Russia seems to hold many cards as energy resources becoming increasingly scarce.. Iain Davis concludes in his article - about the Ukraine war with his comment that
“The conflict in Ukraine is a proxy war for supranational sovereignty and ultimately global control. Now we must ask: What are the protagonists motives and how do they envisage the future of humanity?”.
My answer is that these folks are not for us and their vision for humanity is the vast mass being under their control.
China vs The West
China’s economy has taken a hit and the South China Morning Post reports that economic growth is at a two year low. There appears to be a Party “purge” being implemented ahead of the 5 year party conference with reports that “gangsters” are being eliminated. There has been announcement of a “100 Days of Action” anti-crime campaign and one can imagine that any opponents of President Xi will receive a knock on the door during the night, in a similar way to opponents of Stalin. However there are unlikely to be show trials but people will simply disappear.
President Xi is scheduled for an unprecedented third term as Party Leader at the 20th National Congress of the CCP which will be held later this year. I did like this quote from the Global Times: Inspection teams are being employed across China to “purify” public security departments at the local level. They report that “The Chinese government needs to crush such crimes in a deeper and comprehensive way to further improve people’s sense of security,” according to Zhang Yiwu, a professor of Chinese literature at Peking University.
It sounds exactly what Australia’s Victorian State Premier Dan Andrews might have said and gives us a glimpse of our future.
I have been gripped by the remarkable series, viewable on Apple TV+ called Tehran. The series is transfixing and intense and is the story of an Israeli Mossad agent in Tehran and the double cross and triple cross of international espionage. An Israeli friend says that it is very realistic and helpful to understand what is happening behind the scenes, as Iran tries to develop a nuclear weapon, which they almost certainly will use against Israel.
The issues raised in the film Tehran came to mind this week with the summit meeting in Tehran of the Presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey. In their communiqué, the focus was on Syria and its “sovereignty” and condemnation of Israel for attacks on Syria. Shortly after the meeting, the Iranian Army’s Ground Forces commander, Brigadier General Kioumars Heydari said that - “Iran is ready to export advanced armaments, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), to friendly states.” The UAVs are armed drones and will be handed over to Russia for use in Ukraine and beyond. President Khamenei praised Russia’s opposition to Israel and Tehran’s siding with Russia could help to delay the nuclear pact with Iran, much desired by the Biden administration. Turkey is part of NATO but clearly President Erdogan’s heart is elsewhere and the West needs to be exceedingly careful in its dealings with Turkey.
Amir Tsafarti, quoting the advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader, has revealed that Iran has developed nuclear weapon capability and is a “nuclear threshold country”.
Iran now has the capability to enrich uranium, probablhy to 90% which is well beyond the 3% allowed under the old JCPOA. He noted that the Israeli Military Chief of Staff has said “the preparation of the military option against the Iranian nuclear program is a moral obligation and a national security order” . Tsafarti reports that 27 secret nuclear sites are spread across Iran and many of these are not known to the International Atomic Energy Agency.
As I have noted previously, Israel will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapon capability, and so we can expect action against Iran in the next months and a return to international focus on the Middle East.
To me, it feels a bit like it must have felt in England after declaration of war against Germany in September 1939. There was a period called “the phoney war” - when no fighting against Germany had begun. After global war on Western populations via pandemic lockdowns and forced vaccinations, we seem to be in a “phoney peace” when people think that life has returned to normal. However, the evil globalists, having employed the tools of biosecurity legislation, lockdowns and population monitoring, are simply regrouping for the next assault. Get ready and get the scales off your eyes!
Thanks Tim - appreciate your support and thanks for what you are doing. I have just been listening to a new James Delingpole podcast where he is talking to "prepper" James Walton - and the interview reminded me of the importance of community - even remote community - where we can learn and discuss the challenges of life.
Another superb essay. Thank you and God bless you.