Thanks, Reub, for such a strong article researched so thoroughly which reveals what is happening secretly behind the scenes and which is going to overwhelm people when this dismal, wicked future descends on them. I first wrote some strong words and opinions about the truth you have researched so deeply and so well, but I have decided to rewrite what I first wrote and make it less wild, but I still hold to my thoughts.

Every person who is allowed to speak publicly is someone who has been groomed to tell this one story handed down from those with power above them but no official or elected position, "Build back better (?)". People are only able to speak if they hide the truth from the general public and speak deliberate lies and deceit to hide the evil plan the really arrogant wealthy have for the future of this world. They have all been indoctrinated to repeat what they have been to told to say and not to move a millimetre away from it. The phrase "build back better" comes into every public speech to cover the disaster which is planned against the people of the world; it is obviously a phrase which has been deliberately been given to influential people which they are compelled to use. It may be building, but it's definitely not "back", but is in fact "forward" to something the world has never seen before. The truth of what is planned has been deliberately held back from us because of the opposition to this planned permanent destruction will do to everyone's lives, except those in the know; it is deliberate lies and misinformation to hide the evil which will fall on us, the ordinary people. The trouble is that most people have fallen down in the belief that their leaders are trying to save them from every crisis, but it's from a non-existent crisis, it's a trap hidden under some well designed camouflage.

We need to build back better to way back in time as God made it to be in the past, before this deliberate subjugation and destruction of mankind as we know it, which is now upon us, existed. We need to build backwards from the arrogance we have of having so many new, clever scientific advances at our disposal, and beyond that to believe that we can replace God and do His job better than Him in controlling the climate and everything else He does! We need to get back to the Garden of Eden where we can live in God's world in the way He intended us to live - do what is right, be happy, enjoy life, go back from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and to live only with the tree of life which God gave us for our benefit. We are being led like lambs along a road to evil and all we do is bleat or surrender.

Now the third word in our phrase is "better". There is definitely a crying need to "build back better", but not in the way which is being planned, which is to take away man's freedom and choice. For the few who are controlling this move "forward" (?), it will be better for them, or so they think, but for the 95% (?) of others life is going to be disastrous. Gone will be the freedom to lead our lives in the way God created us to be, to have freedom of choice, to live in a way which satisfied us as individuals, to be able to see the beauty which God desires us to have. Their idea is not to go back but to go forward, to the brave (?) new world of the future, controlling people by using all the scientific advances, the technology, that this age has discovered, not as something to guide and help us all, but something in which we can be chained into subservience, do as we are ordered, have not the slightest say in what the future should look like, but we will be held on a chain like a dog in the kennel on an iron lead. We will be puppets on a string operated by those who have selfishly garnered together for themselves the wealth of the world and who are rich enough to have armies to support them or can pay anyone on the street to take up that rôle. What can we do about it but hold mass protests as we have no power source to have an impact on our governments, which are either oppressive dictatorships or have turned from the democratic ways that we believed we were being led by?

A 180 degree turnaround is the most necessary thing this world needs right now and needs to hold on to. Mankind is claiming to take over from God because they have decided they know so much nowadays, so much more than God knows (?!), with their 'great scientific genius!', that they will replace Him. Nothing will be natural from now on; instead we'll manufacture food from unnatural sources and tell everybody that this is far superior, much healthier and more enjoyable than natural food. I'd like to say we are being led up the garden path, but the opposite is true - we are being forced away from the garden path! We need to turn 180 degrees and put the clock back something like 5,000 years! We need to go back to the Garden of Eden, so that we can eat from the tree of life and be made whole. God's going to enable the survivors to do this after Christ's second coming when He'll destroy all those who have eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and take only those who have eaten from the tree of life into eternity. This is where Habakkuk 3:16-19 comes in and we must take note of it and do what he says, because God is our only hope and our strength - "...my body trembles, my lips quiver...Yet I will quietly wait for the day of trouble...Though the fig tree should not blossom...I will take joy in the God of my salvation. God, the LORD, is my strength; He makes my feet like the deer's; He makes me tread on my high places."

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Thanks Rog for your amazing essay. I may just copy it and use it as next week's newsletter! Thanks for all your excellent thoughts. and the great verse from Habakkuk

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