The list of evidence is a powerful reminder of the controls that are being or have been placed around us. It is so easy to slip into complacency with the elite controlled media. Thanks Reub for keeping us awake to the trap that is closing in around us. How do we stand against it?

I really liked the quote in AUKUS article regarding the submarines!!! The Clarkson Farm is a huge reminder of the corruption that comes upon bureaucrats with narrow vision who are given a little bit of power. It is insane the hoops that people have to go through to do anything with their land. It is sadly the same in Australia and becoming worse. Thanks for your insights Reub and keep them coming. We need more people to wake up to what is happening on a global scale.

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Thanks so much Adi and your question is a good one - how do we stand against those who seek to control us? We need to be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves. I suppose that the first thing is for us to be aware. Much is hidden from view.

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