And if the judge makes judgments using the standards of Jesus outlined in what we have called his sermon on the mount, then no human person on earth will meet the requirements of these seven laws, including the judge him- or herself and the executioner wielding the sword (or guillotine or blade or ...). So if the judge and the executioner are non-human, perhaps labelled as a super AI, then mass decapitations can be expected to bring about world peace ... by mass extinction.
Decapitation on the testimony of only one witness is clearly contrary to the consistent witness of the Hebrew Scriptures (and the New Testament) requiring at least two or three witnesses, with penalties for giving false witness the same as the penalties for the accused … in the case of these laws, that penalty being decapitation. Decapitation … reminders of ISIS and of Revelation 20:4 (and perhaps 6:9, 13:15, 18:23b-24). Nothing about the hope of Messiah here.
Thanks Hume for your insights and Bible references. We need to be able to see over the horizon to what is coming even if we don't know when. It feels like we are being caught in some type of cunning pincer movement and there are processes in place to trap us and we are completely unaware. There is certainly a view isn't there that people are the problem and the planet would be much better off with far less and even none!
And if the judge makes judgments using the standards of Jesus outlined in what we have called his sermon on the mount, then no human person on earth will meet the requirements of these seven laws, including the judge him- or herself and the executioner wielding the sword (or guillotine or blade or ...). So if the judge and the executioner are non-human, perhaps labelled as a super AI, then mass decapitations can be expected to bring about world peace ... by mass extinction.
Decapitation on the testimony of only one witness is clearly contrary to the consistent witness of the Hebrew Scriptures (and the New Testament) requiring at least two or three witnesses, with penalties for giving false witness the same as the penalties for the accused … in the case of these laws, that penalty being decapitation. Decapitation … reminders of ISIS and of Revelation 20:4 (and perhaps 6:9, 13:15, 18:23b-24). Nothing about the hope of Messiah here.
Thanks Hume for your insights and Bible references. We need to be able to see over the horizon to what is coming even if we don't know when. It feels like we are being caught in some type of cunning pincer movement and there are processes in place to trap us and we are completely unaware. There is certainly a view isn't there that people are the problem and the planet would be much better off with far less and even none!