As my daughter laid in the dentist chair for her second visit after not being able to complete the work on the first - I was holding her hand thinking how we may end up having to do twilight dentistry again.

I decided instead to pray and ask God to help her through the paid and fear, and 5 minutes later the drilling was done and the tooth could be filled.

People rarely believe in the power of prayer, and will rarely invest in their relationship with God long enough to find it. But those of us who do - what a blessing we hold!

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Jess, I agree. Most folks deny we are more spirit than flesh (therefore they focus on this world versus the next) and live half a life in my experience. Prayer is the heavy artillery of God’s warfare against the flesh, Satan and our own selfishness. It costs us nothing to bow our haughty heads or bend a prideful knee to appeal to the Creator. The power we access when we do is no less than the power that created the universe… that spoke it into existence. To believe otherwise is to put one’s faith (literally) into a phantom lightning bolt hitting a puddle 4.3 billion years ago in which some amino acids were magically formed that one day turned into something resembling an amoeba which eventually turning into a tadpole (uhh… how?) that turned into a fish that turned into a monkey that turned into a human (really??!). The faith necessary to believe that hogwash is astonishing …especially when life whispers to us daily there is a God who love us …believe in Him.

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The *pain and fear

Oh the fun of autocorrect

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