Exceptional commentary, Rueben! I found the discussion on facts versus truth very enlightening, and your "questions" are spot on. It's remarkable how the same false and destructive narratives magically appeared in South Wales, the entire United States and everywhere in between.
Glad to hear you had a successful book launch. Keep up the good work, my friend.
I always look forward to my Friday morning read of your newsletter, Reuben. You never disappoint and todays edition is brilliant giving a lot of food for thought, not only about fact and truth but also asking the right questions. This is something to read and reread. Happy weekend!
It is a challenging area Tanja to work out what really is happening and I realize that at best I have done a modest job but it is important to ask some questions.
James Delingpole is full of shit. Sorry to blunt and to disagree but he has been and remains the biggest disappointment of Covid and simply exists to make a name for himself out of an enormous narcissistic ego. There is absolutely no “pup” and this continual need to chalk this all up to shadowy figures is precisely what is not needed and furthermore takes us further away from the so called “truth”. It astounds me how much and how often people need to see something bigger at play. I’ve learned the hard way at huge personal cost the past three years exactly why chasing around after the Delingpoles of this world for information and “truth” leads precisely nowhere. And furthermore to abject disappointment. There is never any substance to what he or anyone else writes and certainly never any suggestions as to resolve. What is obvious however is that no one can ever simply settle on the idea that our lords and masters are just massively incompetent and easily led by “experts”. Or that they’re easily led by Arab lies and the desire for the easy route to bolster their political stability. It’s really that simple. I can’t even bring myself to read his utter garbage. Everyone and his wife and dog decided within seconds it was all some major conspiracy which is why my instant reaction was to assume the opposite. And I’ve read enough to prove to myself incompetence is simply where it lies. Over reliance on a stupid wall and led by the nose towards a peace that was never ever going to happen. There is tons of soul searching in the Israeli press on this that no one needs a Delingpole. All Rabbit holes and conspiracy. And yet it’s never fully conceded is it. It’s never fully revealed. It’s never fully possible to bring anyone to Justice. And so the truth simply gets buried under men’s egos whether that’s Delingpoles or Boris. Or Netanyahu. When will this end? How many more lives need to be so absolutely and heinously destroyed before we see the truth as simple. HATRED. And nothing more. Not everything can be chalked up to conspiracy. What next. Was Christ a conspiracy? Was Herods slaughter a conspiracy? Was Exodus a conspiracy? And what if everything is? What in the end is anyone going to actually do about it? The Covid inquiry has literally laid bare it’s incompetence. The trial the Israelis are planning for all the captured terrorists will make Delingpole look stupid. And then what??
I thought of you Alison as I wrote my article and I anticipated a challenging response. I was right! My point with James' article was that I think he is right about pattern recognition. Thanks for your great feedback and challenge. Yes - I think that there are conspiracies and the chief conspiracy is evil against good. What is happening around Gaza is a reflection of this and it is too horrific for us all to bear. You are right - ultimately we need to stand for truth but increasingly truth is more difficult to identify. However, evil is clear and has been uncovered with the unbelievable Western support for Hamas - an organization that has a charter of extermination of the Jews. Of course this has also been the charter of Iran but we all pretend that they couldn't mean what they say. I appreciate your writing and I being forced to consider an alternative - I think you see that there is massive incompetence. I hope that you are right but I sense that what we are seeing is more sinister. Thanks for taking the time to read what I wrote and give me a shakeup!
Reuben. It’s always always far simpler than what we believe.
In this case it’s simply Jew hatred. Unless of course someone is wont to tell me the Holocaust was also a lie? I think I know who does this.
James btw bought Covid hook line and sinker and once tweeted that Piers Morgan was “right. Maybe this is really serious”. I recall my gob being smacked that someone so apparently smart couldn’t see that our lords and masters were being led by the nose by China and its puppets in the WEF to usher in broken economies and terrify us all. It went further with “experts” leading our idiotic hamstrung government ——-and behind it all who stood to gain from the panic? Our MEDIA. . So you’ll excuse me if his hot take on October 7th leaves me not only cold and disgusted but rolling my eyes.
If you want truth you don’t start with modern vainglorious journalists.
Do you remember the Palestinian boy and his father caught in a crossfire during the second Intifada? The father slumped in despair after his son was killed? Images which shot around the globe. It is no understatement to point out how deep that went into Arab psyche. The hatred it created went off the scale.
The man behind said images was a journalist. Not some dark force in a corner of a new world order pulling strings in geopolitics. The journalist staged the incident and even laughed when showing other images fresh out or Pallywood admitting all were also staged. Since then we have seen countless images of staged mourning wailing and dying Arabs. Because the people behind it know it sells. And the journalists make a nice tidy profit from their images. All it takes is some vainglorious stupidity and profiteering and ta da! The entire Arab world erupts and more news and more news and more news. Meanwhile people die. And Jews are hated and plus cá change. The picture of al-Dura, apparently dead across his father’s knees, was shown for days on Arab and international TV stations and was cited as inspiration by both Osama bin Laden and the killers of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. I can attest to just how far that image went to forment off the scale hatred. It was like nothing in earth. And not a politician in sight. Just a sodding journalist looking for money and glory.
Only months later did the IDF complete an intense investigation that it said showed with certainty that, if al-Dura was killed, it could not have been from shots fired from the IDF position.
A further report got hold of footage asserting that not only was al-Dura not killed by IDF bullets but that, at the end of the raw footage, he was categorically alive
6 years I worked with many picture desk editors and know how vainglorious and profiteering they are. How can I forget one evening in the nineties when the images of dying Diana arrived on my picture editors desk at the Mirror and they all trooped off to the pub to paw over them enjoying a pint laughing and eager to circulate. In an age of fast internet had we had it back then I dare say someone would have easily released them. Then denied it. At what cost? Who does it serve? Just one nobody who worked in the media who couldn’t care less about the outcome.
It’s always always always simple.
The WEF wreaked havoc with Covid and frankly that was simple and obvious but it doesn’t automatically stand to reason that terrorism is equally all some government conspiracy.
Its frankly the absolute catastrophe of stupid appeasing morons. The podcast I posted up on Tuesday is simply common sense.
As for Israel. Depending on tacky easy deals with Arabs and relying on a stupid wall and paying off Hamas for a quiet life is all it was. The hatred however was never ever going to go away. It historically never ever has. It runs deep. And appeasement is never ever the answer.
Whatever else the idea that the truth is to be found at the end of a narcissistic glory hunting journalists pen is not something I can ever countenance. I wouldn’t trust someone for whom the stakes are so damn low and comfortable from a distance. And when everyone is horrified and aghast at how easy it was to infiltrate Israel all that tells me is this: it simply was easy to infiltrate Israel! Also something many of its own more astute citizens had always and Long feared. As usual the comments sections of their papers reveal more than mr Delingpole.
With the Arab world. We are ALWAYS out manoeuvred.
Dear Alison - I like the message in your great graphic on Soul Purpose - "your heart and my heart are very, very old friends"! Thanks for being a new "old friend". I look forward to talking to you and perhaps at some stage you can email me a phone number?
The UK-Australia time difference makes my response a bit late but I do appreciate the time you have taken and your great advice: "if you want the truth you don't start with modern vainglorious journalists".
I was quite impacted by your post some time ago about the young Palestinian man when you were studying in France (Toulouse?) and I suppose what it means is how effective indoctrination is so that "facts" are seen through an entirely different lens.
As I read through your response, I continue to ask Pilate's question - what is truth? I think that you are taking the situation with Israel and the response by various "sleeper cells" in the West to indicate a more generic issue. Are you proposing that what we are challenged by in the bigger picture is Islam vs the West as a fundamental cultural issue?
Of course when you look at the concentration of media ownership even "facts" are suspect and as you say powerful images can be staged. I used to be a great supporter of the cockup theory and I saw it in many different institutions. However, behind many of the cockups seem to be a conspiracy with (at least in my assessment) a move towards centralization and globalization together with restriction of freedom. All elements are pushing in one direction, and it seems to me that those dark forces are pushing us into global conflict.
If I had to put my finger on the biggest issue, I don't think it is incompetence but deception. And the thing that I keep thinking about is a quote from someone who said that "the thing about deception is that it is so deceiving". Mostly we don't know we are being deceived and I put my hand up in this area. For me the COVID-19 response by governments and the dictatorial stances taken (especially in the UK and Australia) indicated something very sinister, even though the costly UK inquiry demonstrates incompetence at every level. Behind all the incompetence was an overriding philosophy, which is that of the New World Order - global control. It's clear I am a conspiracy theorist (or realist)!
When you have the time, I would appreciate your response to a few questions that arise from your post:
1. Do you think that there is a spiritual force behind the horrific antisemitism that has come down across the millenia?
2. Are there journalists or publications that you trust?
3. How do we avoid deception?
There are many other questions but thanks for considering these and look forward to talking to you.
And just to be clear. This is the position supported as the truth? The abject denial of testimony from ordinary people freely available all across the internet? That grandmothers and medics are lying about what they endured and saw and are actors? This is “the truth”.
Also why doesn’t Delingpole pop down to Israel and explain to the grandmother who watched her granddaughter being tortured on une sofa next to her or the medic who sat with a terrified an dying eight year old girl who has her arm chopped of and lay bleeding to death for hours alone that this was her being “sold a pup”. The entire world could watch video footage of the ease with which this hate filled men disabled and swung over that wall and rampages through the streets. It hardly takes a Delingpole to determine what he has. It’s literally all over the internet and all across the Israeli press. Sometimes the truth is as simple as taking your eye off the ball and forgetting who your enemies are. Whether they’re Marxists in our classrooms or men who hate Jews that much. As an Irish terrorist once said “ you need to be lucky ALL the time. We need to get lucky just ONCE”. It’s really that simple. No more truth uncovering needed.
Terrorism is not Covid. Not everything is the same.
Another superb spiritual and cultural review. Kudos, Reuben !
Hear, hear.
Thanks for your support Tim
Exceptional commentary, Rueben! I found the discussion on facts versus truth very enlightening, and your "questions" are spot on. It's remarkable how the same false and destructive narratives magically appeared in South Wales, the entire United States and everywhere in between.
Glad to hear you had a successful book launch. Keep up the good work, my friend.
I always look forward to my Friday morning read of your newsletter, Reuben. You never disappoint and todays edition is brilliant giving a lot of food for thought, not only about fact and truth but also asking the right questions. This is something to read and reread. Happy weekend!
It is a challenging area Tanja to work out what really is happening and I realize that at best I have done a modest job but it is important to ask some questions.
James Delingpole is full of shit. Sorry to blunt and to disagree but he has been and remains the biggest disappointment of Covid and simply exists to make a name for himself out of an enormous narcissistic ego. There is absolutely no “pup” and this continual need to chalk this all up to shadowy figures is precisely what is not needed and furthermore takes us further away from the so called “truth”. It astounds me how much and how often people need to see something bigger at play. I’ve learned the hard way at huge personal cost the past three years exactly why chasing around after the Delingpoles of this world for information and “truth” leads precisely nowhere. And furthermore to abject disappointment. There is never any substance to what he or anyone else writes and certainly never any suggestions as to resolve. What is obvious however is that no one can ever simply settle on the idea that our lords and masters are just massively incompetent and easily led by “experts”. Or that they’re easily led by Arab lies and the desire for the easy route to bolster their political stability. It’s really that simple. I can’t even bring myself to read his utter garbage. Everyone and his wife and dog decided within seconds it was all some major conspiracy which is why my instant reaction was to assume the opposite. And I’ve read enough to prove to myself incompetence is simply where it lies. Over reliance on a stupid wall and led by the nose towards a peace that was never ever going to happen. There is tons of soul searching in the Israeli press on this that no one needs a Delingpole. All Rabbit holes and conspiracy. And yet it’s never fully conceded is it. It’s never fully revealed. It’s never fully possible to bring anyone to Justice. And so the truth simply gets buried under men’s egos whether that’s Delingpoles or Boris. Or Netanyahu. When will this end? How many more lives need to be so absolutely and heinously destroyed before we see the truth as simple. HATRED. And nothing more. Not everything can be chalked up to conspiracy. What next. Was Christ a conspiracy? Was Herods slaughter a conspiracy? Was Exodus a conspiracy? And what if everything is? What in the end is anyone going to actually do about it? The Covid inquiry has literally laid bare it’s incompetence. The trial the Israelis are planning for all the captured terrorists will make Delingpole look stupid. And then what??
I thought of you Alison as I wrote my article and I anticipated a challenging response. I was right! My point with James' article was that I think he is right about pattern recognition. Thanks for your great feedback and challenge. Yes - I think that there are conspiracies and the chief conspiracy is evil against good. What is happening around Gaza is a reflection of this and it is too horrific for us all to bear. You are right - ultimately we need to stand for truth but increasingly truth is more difficult to identify. However, evil is clear and has been uncovered with the unbelievable Western support for Hamas - an organization that has a charter of extermination of the Jews. Of course this has also been the charter of Iran but we all pretend that they couldn't mean what they say. I appreciate your writing and I being forced to consider an alternative - I think you see that there is massive incompetence. I hope that you are right but I sense that what we are seeing is more sinister. Thanks for taking the time to read what I wrote and give me a shakeup!
Reuben. It’s always always far simpler than what we believe.
In this case it’s simply Jew hatred. Unless of course someone is wont to tell me the Holocaust was also a lie? I think I know who does this.
James btw bought Covid hook line and sinker and once tweeted that Piers Morgan was “right. Maybe this is really serious”. I recall my gob being smacked that someone so apparently smart couldn’t see that our lords and masters were being led by the nose by China and its puppets in the WEF to usher in broken economies and terrify us all. It went further with “experts” leading our idiotic hamstrung government ——-and behind it all who stood to gain from the panic? Our MEDIA. . So you’ll excuse me if his hot take on October 7th leaves me not only cold and disgusted but rolling my eyes.
If you want truth you don’t start with modern vainglorious journalists.
Do you remember the Palestinian boy and his father caught in a crossfire during the second Intifada? The father slumped in despair after his son was killed? Images which shot around the globe. It is no understatement to point out how deep that went into Arab psyche. The hatred it created went off the scale.
The man behind said images was a journalist. Not some dark force in a corner of a new world order pulling strings in geopolitics. The journalist staged the incident and even laughed when showing other images fresh out or Pallywood admitting all were also staged. Since then we have seen countless images of staged mourning wailing and dying Arabs. Because the people behind it know it sells. And the journalists make a nice tidy profit from their images. All it takes is some vainglorious stupidity and profiteering and ta da! The entire Arab world erupts and more news and more news and more news. Meanwhile people die. And Jews are hated and plus cá change. The picture of al-Dura, apparently dead across his father’s knees, was shown for days on Arab and international TV stations and was cited as inspiration by both Osama bin Laden and the killers of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. I can attest to just how far that image went to forment off the scale hatred. It was like nothing in earth. And not a politician in sight. Just a sodding journalist looking for money and glory.
Only months later did the IDF complete an intense investigation that it said showed with certainty that, if al-Dura was killed, it could not have been from shots fired from the IDF position.
A further report got hold of footage asserting that not only was al-Dura not killed by IDF bullets but that, at the end of the raw footage, he was categorically alive
6 years I worked with many picture desk editors and know how vainglorious and profiteering they are. How can I forget one evening in the nineties when the images of dying Diana arrived on my picture editors desk at the Mirror and they all trooped off to the pub to paw over them enjoying a pint laughing and eager to circulate. In an age of fast internet had we had it back then I dare say someone would have easily released them. Then denied it. At what cost? Who does it serve? Just one nobody who worked in the media who couldn’t care less about the outcome.
It’s always always always simple.
The WEF wreaked havoc with Covid and frankly that was simple and obvious but it doesn’t automatically stand to reason that terrorism is equally all some government conspiracy.
Its frankly the absolute catastrophe of stupid appeasing morons. The podcast I posted up on Tuesday is simply common sense.
As for Israel. Depending on tacky easy deals with Arabs and relying on a stupid wall and paying off Hamas for a quiet life is all it was. The hatred however was never ever going to go away. It historically never ever has. It runs deep. And appeasement is never ever the answer.
Terrorism is armed hatred. Lucky always. Lucky once. It’s simply that.
Whatever else the idea that the truth is to be found at the end of a narcissistic glory hunting journalists pen is not something I can ever countenance. I wouldn’t trust someone for whom the stakes are so damn low and comfortable from a distance. And when everyone is horrified and aghast at how easy it was to infiltrate Israel all that tells me is this: it simply was easy to infiltrate Israel! Also something many of its own more astute citizens had always and Long feared. As usual the comments sections of their papers reveal more than mr Delingpole.
With the Arab world. We are ALWAYS out manoeuvred.
And their visceral Hatred is its own motivation.
Dear Alison - I like the message in your great graphic on Soul Purpose - "your heart and my heart are very, very old friends"! Thanks for being a new "old friend". I look forward to talking to you and perhaps at some stage you can email me a phone number?
The UK-Australia time difference makes my response a bit late but I do appreciate the time you have taken and your great advice: "if you want the truth you don't start with modern vainglorious journalists".
I was quite impacted by your post some time ago about the young Palestinian man when you were studying in France (Toulouse?) and I suppose what it means is how effective indoctrination is so that "facts" are seen through an entirely different lens.
As I read through your response, I continue to ask Pilate's question - what is truth? I think that you are taking the situation with Israel and the response by various "sleeper cells" in the West to indicate a more generic issue. Are you proposing that what we are challenged by in the bigger picture is Islam vs the West as a fundamental cultural issue?
Of course when you look at the concentration of media ownership even "facts" are suspect and as you say powerful images can be staged. I used to be a great supporter of the cockup theory and I saw it in many different institutions. However, behind many of the cockups seem to be a conspiracy with (at least in my assessment) a move towards centralization and globalization together with restriction of freedom. All elements are pushing in one direction, and it seems to me that those dark forces are pushing us into global conflict.
If I had to put my finger on the biggest issue, I don't think it is incompetence but deception. And the thing that I keep thinking about is a quote from someone who said that "the thing about deception is that it is so deceiving". Mostly we don't know we are being deceived and I put my hand up in this area. For me the COVID-19 response by governments and the dictatorial stances taken (especially in the UK and Australia) indicated something very sinister, even though the costly UK inquiry demonstrates incompetence at every level. Behind all the incompetence was an overriding philosophy, which is that of the New World Order - global control. It's clear I am a conspiracy theorist (or realist)!
When you have the time, I would appreciate your response to a few questions that arise from your post:
1. Do you think that there is a spiritual force behind the horrific antisemitism that has come down across the millenia?
2. Are there journalists or publications that you trust?
3. How do we avoid deception?
There are many other questions but thanks for considering these and look forward to talking to you.
A la prochaine!
And just to be clear. This is the position supported as the truth? The abject denial of testimony from ordinary people freely available all across the internet? That grandmothers and medics are lying about what they endured and saw and are actors? This is “the truth”.
Oh my God!
Also why doesn’t Delingpole pop down to Israel and explain to the grandmother who watched her granddaughter being tortured on une sofa next to her or the medic who sat with a terrified an dying eight year old girl who has her arm chopped of and lay bleeding to death for hours alone that this was her being “sold a pup”. The entire world could watch video footage of the ease with which this hate filled men disabled and swung over that wall and rampages through the streets. It hardly takes a Delingpole to determine what he has. It’s literally all over the internet and all across the Israeli press. Sometimes the truth is as simple as taking your eye off the ball and forgetting who your enemies are. Whether they’re Marxists in our classrooms or men who hate Jews that much. As an Irish terrorist once said “ you need to be lucky ALL the time. We need to get lucky just ONCE”. It’s really that simple. No more truth uncovering needed.
Terrorism is not Covid. Not everything is the same.