“There are 2 roads in life son – one is you’re winning or learning and the other is you’re losing all the way to the grave. You better choose quickly – or otherwise life will choose it for you.”
It is extraordinary to see the helplessness of a baby. In contrast, as a veterinarian who has assisted in deliveries of calves, foals and lambs it is incredible to see these beautiful baby animals up on their feet minutes after being born and then soon after having their first drink.
It is a long road to independence for the human infant, although previous generations accelerated the process by sending children away to boarding school when they were very young. I was sent to a school in Sydney about 8 hours drive away from my home in the Snowy Mountains, when I was 8 years old and it was a harsh introduction to the realities of life. Whilst it was a tough environment, I can say looking back that it was character building. Nothing since has seemed as difficult, and for me was a bit like shock therapy, without any high voltage needing to be applied! An only child growing up in remote Australia with only animals as friends was transplanted to the inner city of Sydney and boys trying to stuff my head down a toilet bowl. I should have realized the challenges ahead as when I arrived at the school, it was a movie evening and the film being viewed was “Creature from the Black Lagoon”. I had nightmares for months but I now read that the film is considered a classic!
I suppose no one escapes life trauma-free, as we’ve discovered for those of us brave enough to view the “Harry and Meghan” Netflix series. The various events of life - good and bad – teach us, if we are willing to learn, actions that will result in pain and those that result in pleasure. Life brings us a range of circumstances each day where inevitably we come across the law of sowing and reaping. It is a foundational law of God. St Paul tells us some detail about this in his letter to the Galatians 6:7-9
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”
This is quite a complex concept because “sowing to the spirit” yields spiritual fruit rather than necessarily, physical fruit. I found this explanation helpful from Margaret Köstenberger :
“As Paul observes, sowing to the Spirit yields delicious fruit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control (5:22). Sowing to the flesh, on the other hand, results in the destructive consequences such as strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, drunkenness, orgies, etc. (5:19–21). In addition, Paul cautions believers not to succumb to pride or envy and not to compare themselves to others (5:26–6:4). In the final judgment, each of us will have to give an account of what we (not others!) have done”.
I frequently have made reference to the verse about sowing and reaping in my newsletters because the law of sowing and reaping is providentially designed to lead us into better life decisions. Unfortunately however, parents often seek to minimize the impact of this law in the lives of their children by providing a soft landing rather than experiencing natural consequences. All of us probably know a situation where a mother who loves her son has provided him with a place to live while he deals in drugs, steals from her and trashes the house. Undoubtedly, while the motivation appears to be love, the end result is destruction for son and mother, who have failed to understand the law of sowing the reaping. I suppose it is why I have been drawn into the Paramount film series “Yellowstone”.
Wisdom from “Yellowstone”
I have been fascinated by the “Yellowstone” series, which was recommended to me by my dentist and is violent, explicit and traumatic. Initially, I was inclined to reject any further viewing. However, I have been drawn in because, at its heart it demonstrates powerfully the law of sowing and reaping on a large family ranch in Montana where greed, jealousy, love and hate dwell as bedfellows. There also is a lot of cowboy wisdom dished up and I have loved many of these moments. I was watching an episode this week where a 14 year old malcontent boy ends up sleeping in the barn and working shoveling horse manure on the ranch. One of the older cowboys says to the kid:
“So, you want to be a cowboy?”
The kid replies:
“No – but life sorta robbed me of options”.
The cowboy then says:
“Yeah – that’s the way it usually starts”.
Another young dropout who is sent to Texas to learn about being a cowboy is told:
“All cowboying is you and a horse – each trying not to let the other one down”.
Somehow, this captures something of the essence of the remarkable relationship between man and horse, which is significant to me as a former equine veterinarian, and also not least because Jesus is coming back on a white horse (Revelation 19:11). A partnership with horses is a fertile learning ground!
Shortly after these encounters, the foreman of the ranch tells the young boy the harsh realities of life, and this quote is my favorite:
“There are 2 roads in life son – one is you’re winning or learning and the other is you’re losing all the way to the grave. You better choose quickly – or otherwise life will choose it for you.”
There is something profound about the way “Yellowstone” presents the challenges of life on a beautiful ranch in rural Montana and there is much wisdom to be learnt from the series, although after watching it, you may end up needing treatment for PTSD!
I have been reflecting on the many tough lessons embedded in Yellowstone, which if nothing else, is an effective antidote for our current woke culture, when I came upon a significant passage in the Book of Proverbs. Wisdom is presented as a woman crying out in various key locations so that she tells us:
“..I will speak of excellent things,
And from the opening of my lips will come right things;
For my mouth will speak truth;
Wickedness is an abomination to my lips.
All the words of my mouth are with righteousness;
Nothing crooked or perverse is in them…” (Proverbs 8:6-8).
Wisdom is portrayed as the most desirable thing in life, more than gold or precious stones and she shuns wickedness and embraces righteousness.
Wisdom Was At The Beginning with God
Amazingly enough, Lady Wisdom, was crafted by God into the fabric of creation from its very foundation. Proverbs 8:22-31 lays this out in a wonderful way:
“The LORD possessed me at the beginning of His way,
Before His works of old.
I have been established from everlasting,
From the beginning, before there was ever an earth.
When there were no depths I was brought forth,
When there were no fountains abounding with water.
Before the mountains were settled,
Before the hills, I was brought forth;
While as yet He had not made the earth or the fields,
Or the primal dust of the world.
When He prepared the heavens, I was there,
When He drew a circle on the face of the deep,
When He established the clouds above,
When He strengthened the fountains of the deep,
When He assigned to the sea its limit,
So that the waters would not transgress His command,
When He marked out the foundations of the earth,
Then I was beside Him as a master craftsman;
And I was daily His delight,
Rejoicing always before Him,
Rejoicing in His inhabited world,
And my delight was with the sons of men”.
The core of this part of the Book of Proverbs tells us something quite astonishing. God Himself is Wisdom and a design feature of the universe at the time of creation. Wisdom is an eternal characteristic of God and He desires for us as “sons of men” to be drawn into His understanding and character. Because – after all - His delight is with the sons of men. What a remarkable idea – the God of all Creation has built the discovery of wisdom into His handiwork - because of His delight in and love for us.
This section of Proverbs tells us that:
“I (wisdom) traverse the way of righteousness,
In the midst of the paths of justice, that I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth…” (Proverbs 8:20-21).
So seeking righteousness and justice will lead us on the road to wisdom.
Receiving Correction
Along the road to righteousness and justice and towards wisdom, lies the obstacle of correction.
King Solomon tells us:
“He who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself,
And he who rebukes a wicked man only harms himself.
Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you;
Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you.
Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser;
Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning” (Proverbs 9:7-9).
It seems that some of us are un-correctable! This is an important piece of wisdom and most of us have had the experience of trying to correct a resistant person and doing this actually harms us. We need to have discernment to know whom to provide correction. Jesus amplifies this Proverb in Matthew 7:6 where He provides a potent metaphor related to dogs and pigs:
“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.”
If we are not to be like wild dogs or savage pigs, we need to be able to receive and consider correction, particularly when it is from those whom we may disdain or would normally resist. You never know – it could be something holy or a precious pearl – only recognizable after prayer and reflection. It does seem like this advice may not be a natural thing for most of us because King Solomon goes on to say:
“Listen to counsel and receive instruction,
That you may be wise in your latter days” (Proverbs 19:20).
It would be good to be wise in our early days but it may be that pain is the only way of learning and so eventually we are able to receive instruction and correction so that in our “latter days”, we can become wise. This is encouraging to me as I think that I am in my latter days and so while I stumble around looking for the correct road, in these latter days, I may be able to find my way to wisdom.
The Obstacle of Pride
The Hebrew word for pride is גָּאוֹן (g̱â’ôn) which comes up almost 100 times in the Old Testament. It implies being puffed up or swollen and arrogance – in essence swollen with our own sense of self-importance. In Hebrew, the word for pride implies something heightened but occasionally, the word was used to speak of God’s majesty (see Exodus 15:7) where the same word גָּאוֹן (g̱â’ôn) is translated as majesty. The word pride carries various meanings and in English also can imply haughtiness, boasting, self-satisfaction and arrogance.
Although Jesus did not use the word pride anywhere in the parable he told about the rich man who was feeling pleased with himself, it seems to be at the heart of the story:
“The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. And he thought within himself, saying, ‘What shall I do, since I have no room to store my crops?’ So he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build greater, and there I will store all my crops and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.” ’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’
“So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God” (Luke 12:16-21).
Pride is deceptive and alluring. Often it occurs as the result of blessings bestowed upon us by God. It is easy to feel as though we are special when glory always should be given to God. Jesus’ parable tells us that whatever we do, we need to be rich towards God. It is instructive to read the story of King Nebuchadnezzar, the great Babylonian king who conquered Israel and Judah. In the Book of Daniel, Chapter 4, the prophet Daniel writes about God humbling Nebuchadnezzar after Daniel had warned the king as follows: “O king, let my advice be acceptable to you; break off your sins by being righteous, and your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor” (Daniel 4:27). The story in Daniel then says:
“At the end of the twelve months he was walking about the royal palace of Babylon. The king spoke, saying, “Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty?”
While the word was still in the king’s mouth, a voice fell from heaven: “King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is spoken: the kingdom has departed from you! And they shall drive you from men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. They shall make you eat grass like oxen; and seven times shall pass over you, until you know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He chooses.”
That very hour the word was fulfilled concerning Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4:29-33).
Both these stories, one from the New Testament and one from the Old Testament, point to the dangers of not giving thanks and glory to God and it is notable that the greatest dangers to us come not from our failures but from our successes.
So on the road to wisdom, there is not only the obstacle of correction that confronts us but also, the barrier of pride. Solomon recognized this obstacle and he wrote about it extensively in the Book of Proverbs. Here are a few of his sayings:
“When pride comes, then comes shame;
But with the humble is wisdom.” Proverbs 11:2
“Pride goes before destruction,
And a haughty spirit before a fall.
Better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly,
Than to divide the spoil with the proud.” Proverbs 16:18-19
“A man’s pride will bring him low,
But the humble in spirit will retain honour.” Proverbs 29:23
So, the opposite of pride is humility and the Hebrew verb used is עָנָה (‘ânâ) - which has the contrasting sense to pride - and conveys the idea of being abased, submissive or to be bowed down. Rather than being heightened (which is a result of pride), humility lowers us and helps us to understand that whatever we may accomplish it is nothing, in comparison to what God has done for us. The road to humility is often a tough one as it may involve failure, and a public fall from grace. Strangely though, this is the path to life – when we realize that any gifts or blessings that we have are gifts from God Himself.
Some Conclusions
The road to wisdom is like the road that Jesus spoke about when he said:
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).
Unless we humble ourselves, then we will inadvertently find ourselves on the broad road of pride that leads to destruction. Here is a summary of some key points from these thoughts on wisdom this week:
Wisdom is sowing to the spirit rather than sowing to the flesh, which yields “fruit” such as: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.
Parents show love for their children by helping them to understand the law of sowing and reaping and not providing a soft landing when they make bad decisions but rather let the children experience the consequences so that they can learn.
Cowboy wisdom from “Yellowstone” - “There are 2 roads in life son – one is you’re winning or learning and the other is you’re losing all the way to the grave. You better choose quickly – or otherwise life will choose it for you.”
Be discerning about whom you seek to correct because like pearls before swine, your “pearls” may be trampled and you may be torn to pieces.
Pride is a dangerous character trait and King Solomon tells us: “Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall…. Often it is a characteristic that is difficult for us to recognize in ourselves but we should be chastened by the story of King Nebuchadnezzar. We don’t want to find ourselves living in the fields and eating grass!
There seem to be two themes as I surveyed the news media and these themes appear to be diametrically opposed. One is the inability of government to deliver anything due to inefficiency, incompetence and overwhelming bureaucracy. The other, is oppression of entire populations by government overreach and the tyrannical nature of Big Government. This is happening in all parts of the world, as we still face the tail end of lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates. These apparently opposite ideas (incompetence and tyranny) find their link through digital architecture, the now ubiquitous surveillance state, artificial intelligence (AI) and the coming move towards transhumanism. It seems that the surveillance state doesn’t need competent people but simply AI and eventually robots will take over the machinery of population control through regulation of energy, currency and food. It seems far-fetched but the COVID-19 “pandemic” demonstrated that the surveillance state was able to leap into action and use biosecurity legislation to not only deprive people of income but to force an experimental injection upon entire populations. In Australia, it is estimated by the government that 96% of the adult population (16 years and older) received at least two of the experimental injections. The long-term impact on health from these injections is likely to be disastrous. Despite the “pandemic” no longer being a threat, pressure continues from governments for people to receive dangerous “vaccines” and it is even more horrifying that this now includes babies older than 6 months. It is alarming that doctors are recommending COVID-19 vaccines for children when the efficacy of the vaccine is extraordinarily low and the risks of adverse effects from the injection are much higher than the risk from coronavirus infection.
Each day I wake up and look over the plains from my house perched at the top of a range and as I survey the wonder of God’s creation, everything looks well in the world. Yet – it is clear that we are being trapped in a pincer movement by Big Tech and Big Government as we are being herded towards dictatorial control in the name of public health and climate change. It is a clever strategy because propaganda campaigns have engendered fear in entire populations and the solution is to give governments total control and deny us our fundamental freedoms. The world has changed completely in the last three years and it seems extremely unwise for us to go on living our lives as though everything is “normal”. We need to be alert for the indicators of further government control and overreach such: as the G20 plan to introduce mandatory “vaccine passports”, planning to deal with further “pandemics”, gain of function research in microbiology laboratories and the extensive plans for “rewilding” and elimination of meat producing animals.
These, seemingly unrelated events are part of an oppressive silent hand moving we the pawns around the global chessboard until we have no more moves remaining. This sounds depressing and it is! However, it seems to me that there is no use hiding our collective heads in the sand but we need to be alert and prepared to take individual action to protect ourselves from Big Tech and Big Government. This is the backdrop to the articles that I am bringing to my Sons of Issachar readers this week, to attempt to understand some of the signs of the times.
The British Disease Strikes Again!
In the late 1970s the United Kingdom was in a mess. The country was virtually bankrupt, communist union leaders had taken control of the labour force and the country had almost ground to a halt. It was horrifying that “Great Britain”, the country that had given birth to the industrial revolution and great philosophers of capitalism looked as though it was on its last legs. A new term “the British Disease” was coined. The Oxford Reference describes this “disease” as follows:
“In the 1970s, the British disease was defined narrowly in terms of strike proneness and as a more general malaise, the symptoms of which were strong unions, restrictive practices, low productivity, and poor relative economic performance”.
Remarkably, the old quote “cometh the hour, cometh the man” proved true when Margaret Thatcher was elected leader of the Conservative Party in 1975 and then UK Prime Minister in 1979. Thatcher had a profound commitment to the principles of freedom, hard work and she understood the dangers of over-regulation and government overreach. It is worthwhile reading the wonderful 2 volume biography written by Charles Moore - which provide all the detail to understand the remarkable impact of Thatcher’s 11 years at the helm of the UK government. I have always loved the apocryphal story of Thatcher hosting a dinner for her cabinet ministers at No. 10 Downing Street. The butler asked:
“Ma’am will you have the roast beef”
“Yes please” – replied Thatcher
The butler then asked:
“What about the vegetables?”
Looking around the table at her colleagues Thatcher replied:
“They’ll have the roast beef too”!
Thatcher had the moral and intellectual strength and commitment to proceed with unpopular policies that she knew would return the UK to prosperity, even when many of her ministers (“the vegetables”) failed to support her.
Now, it seems that the British disease has returned with a vengeance. Almost every sector is on strike – railways, postal workers, nurses, and probably even Santa Claus! The economy is in a mess and almost 25% of adults are not working and on benefits. There is actually no incentive to work because an anomaly in the benefits system encourages people on benefits to work no more than 2 days per week. This cartoon from the UK Telegraph presented the situation well.
The much vaunted National Health Service (NHS) is grinding to a halt and it is almost impossible to obtain a face-to-face appointment with a medical practitioner and more than 7 million people are on waiting lists for procedures. The new Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, has just beat Liz Truss’ record of being the shortest serving British PM, being in charge for 44 days. However, Rishi seems to have no vision or strategy and is unable to chart a direction for the UK. Rishi is an ultimate technocrat and will be much loved by members of the World Economic Forum. An interesting article from the UK Telegraph’s columnist, Sherelle Jacobs this last week, captured Rishi’s problem well:
“The famous line from Ralph Ellison’s novel “The Invisible Man” thuds with mortifying wisdom: ‘When I discover who I am, I’ll be free”. The Prime Minister, who appears lost in a convoluted cage of his own cunning, might want to pay heed……Rishi Sunak, the “invisible leader” is losing all touch with what it actually means to be a national leader”.
She points out that Rishi seems unable to provide any vision for the country and without vision, the country will continue to drift towards disaster.
The lack of vision seems to be correlated with a move towards a woke agenda of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and this week a report from a UK “think tank” revealed that public sector organizations in the UK employ around 10,000 people in EDI jobs with cost of US$683 million and 1 million working days lost. The “vital services” provided by the EDI employees include: African drumming sessions and playing a “respect at work” board game. One suspects that the “work” done by EDI officers will expand until there is no-one left doing a productive job. The end result is the reinforcement of a totally woke agenda and of course this has extended to the UK armed forces. Tim Stanley wrote this week that :
“A Conservative once said to me, if you ever wonder why Britain’s gone woke under the Tories, it’s very simple: it’s because the senior Tories are woke. Labour is woker, granted, and would probably swap the SAS (like the US Navy Seals) for a battalion of therapists dropped behind enemy lines to help the Russians discover their inner-child.”
The future for the UK is bleak. The Conservative Party has lost the plot and will oversee a continuing decline in a once great nation. The alternative path ahead looks even worse as Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party seems certain to gain power with a substantial parliamentary majority in 2024 and will implement policies that will further ingrain a socialist/communist agenda. To add to the dire circumstances, a woke climate extremist sitting on the throne will be pushing whatever government is in power towards further control and restrictions of freedom and the introduction of a new world order to “save the planet” .
I used to love being in London but don’t want to ever go back. Unfortunately, all the elements at work to destroy the UK and its economy are coming to most other Western nations. I am still hopeful that parts of the US may be able to hold out.
“Fauci Has Been Caught Red-Handed, We Won’t Let Him Get Away”
Senator Rand Paul, who is a medical doctor and US Senator, has been relentless in pursuing Dr Anthony Fauci, the Head of the NIAID and the COVID-19 vaccine “czar”. The quote above was in a recent interview - where Dr Paul noted that “Likely there is no public health figure who has made a greater error in judgement than Dr Fauci”, referring to the funding of gain of function research in the Wuhan laboratory in China. Dr Fauci has denied that such research ever took place but there is documented evidence in various scientific papers and increasing recognition that the coronavirus which infected millions was created by gain of function research involving changing the genetics of the virus in the laboratory.
Unfortunately, the Republicans have not gained control of the US Senate but Senator Paul seems to be relentless and will pursue Dr Fauci in continuing Senate investigations. In his interview with Fox News, Dr Paul said:
“We know this, and this is a scientific fact, the vaccine does not prevent you from getting an infection, it doesn’t prevent you from transmitting an infection, and for young people there isn’t significant evidence to show that it reduces the severity or hospitalisation”.
Now there is confirmatory evidence from a scientist who worked closely with the Wuhan laboratory that the virus was genetically engineered and leaked from the laboratory. I heard an interview this week with the whistleblower associated with the laboratory, Dr Andrew Huff. He has written a book based on his experiences called “The Truth About Wuhan” - which I have read this week. In essence, from his experience in employment with the notorious EcoHealth Alliance, the US company that worked closely with the Wuhan laboratory, Dr Huff believes that the pandemic was a direct result of the US government funding of genetic engineering of coronaviruses in China. Dr Huff says in relation to the Wuhan laboratory:
“In business and international politics, the Chinese lie, cheat, and steal every step of the way through a business deal or negotiation. In China, it is socially acceptable to engage in these behaviors and is expected in their culture and society. For westerners to think for even a microsecond that the Chinese government, which is controlled by the communist party, would just hand over any information or data, of any type or form, without reviewing it first, is naïve.”
Huff also notes that:
“SARS-CoV-2’s use as a bioweapon is appealing because it is easy to disseminate, causes tremendous fear, can overwhelm health-care systems, and it is stealthy. As a potential bioweapon, the disease at first presents like many other upper respiratory infections and would likely go undetected for a long enough period. Thus, the disease could continually transmit beyond a point where it could be detected and contained”.
As an insider, Dr Huff demonstrates the close linkages of the research work done by Ecohealth Alliance with funds from various US government sources, including the military. It seems that there was a deliberate cover-up of the coronavirus escape from the laboratory not only by the Chinese government but also various US scientists who had received funding from US government agencies.
It is remarkable that these stories about the Wuhan laboratory, which have appeared since early 2020, never seem to gain traction in the mainstream media nor do the hundreds of scientific studies showing the danger and ineffectiveness of the various COVID-19 vaccines.
Another important book – “Cause Unknown – The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022” - has just been published relating to excess deaths following COVID-19 vaccination. Edward Dowd, a former Blackrock fund manager has analyzed life insurance data and in very detailed assessments has demonstrated since introduction of the COVID-19 vaccines in 2021, there has been a 40% increase in mortality in the 25 to 64 age group. He also has found a big increase in people with disabilities, with rates up to 26% higher than normal. In an interview with Children’s Health Defense, Dowd said:
“When this product [the COVID shots] came to market, I was very suspicious because I know a lot about health care,” Dowd says. “I was on Wall Street and I used to analyze health care stocks. I knew that normal vaccines took seven to 10 years to prove effectiveness and safety. This was an experimental vaccine, a nontraditional gene therapy that had never been tested on humans. I read the literature on the animal tests and they were an abomination.
Then, this thing was approved in 28 days. They got rid of the control group. I knew it was Operation Warp Speed, so I was highly suspicious of this whole thing from the get-go. Then in early 2021, I started hearing anecdotes that people were getting sick and/or injured, or died, from distant friends and relatives. I started reading about sudden athlete deaths, [and] suspected the vaccine right away. I didn’t have the data that I have now, but I said to myself, ‘You know, I’m going to look at insurance company results, funeral home results.’
“That eventually led to excess mortality statistics….”
Dowd’s book is worthwhile reading because it has information on individual cases where athletes and others died suddenly, as well as many charts that provide solid evidence of the harm caused by the COVID-19 vaccination. I will be looking more closely at the book in next week’s newsletter but it is easy to read and you don’t need to be a statistician to be convinced of his arguments.
This week also saw the publication of yet another study indicating the ineffectiveness of masks in preventing the transmission of COVID-19 in health workers. Once again the story was virtually ignored in the legacy media.
I hope that Senator Paul and Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson will pursue investigations into the origins of COVID-19 and the scandal of the vaccines being rushed into production and then forced on the world population. Further “pandemics” are being planned and these will undoubtedly be accompanied by the surveillance technologies that have been honed during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Watch out for new “simulation exercises” like Event 201 - held in late 2019 just months before the coronavirus “pandemic”.
The COVID-19 pandemic, cover-up of its origins and then forced injections of billions is one of the greatest scandals of history. Such is the power of Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Media and Big Government that most people are unaware of the information that now is freely available for those who are willing to look behind the reporting of the mainstream media. Undoubtedly this is a prelude to another “pandemic” because all the tools for control are in place and people have been acclimatized to normal freedoms being removed. We need to be prepared.