My newsletter title this week is both a statement and a question. The World Health Organization (WHO), as a key arm of the UN, seeks to take control of world health via changes to its regulations at the 77th World Assembly meeting in Geneva in late May 2024.
James Roguski on his substack, has done a wonderful job in alerting people to the intention of unelected WHO bureaucrats to seize control of international health regulations. In a recent post
Roguski highlights some of the following issues:
The WHO is seeking the ratification of a “Pandemic Agreement” - which would give the WHO control of pandemic responses by member countries. There are 194 member nations in the World Health Assembly, and for a new agreement to be adopted, a two-thirds majority would be needed. This week, the WHO Chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warned that time was running short “to find consensus” – see this link. We were cautioned: “A failure to deliver the pandemic agreement and the International Health Regulations amendments will be a missed opportunity for which future generations may not forgive us,” Tedros said.”
The World Economic Forum (WEF) also is promoting this new treaty, which should make us all suspicious. This is what the WEF shared on its website in May 2023: “A new pact is a priority for WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who called it a "generational commitment that we will not go back to the old cycle of panic and neglect" at the U.N. agency's annual assembly. It seeks to shore up the world's defences against new pathogens following the COVID-19 pandemic that has killed nearly 7 million people.”
The globalists are working hand-in-hand to achieve a “generational commitment” that looks ominous for the independent decisions of individual nations.The deadline of 27th January 2024 was not met by the WHO Working Group on International Health Regulations to communicate to WHO members the targeted amendments.
Roguski provides details that the WHO has ignored thousands of written comments on changes to the regulations and also has ignored hundreds of video comments.
It is evident that the WHO will be looking for a method to be able to push through the new regulations in May, despite not following their own processes. Fortunately, it seems that many African countries are suspicious about the new regulations.
Of course, this leads to the question: who is doing this, and where are the directives coming from? This has been a question that I have been asking myself for the past four years. In essence – is there a “Mr Big” directing the whole global operation?
During the COVID-19 “pandemic”, there were many challenges and inconsistencies in the official narrative being presented by health bureaucrats in Western countries. There was, however, great consistency in the way that a narrative was promoted, with senior health bureaucrats (notably in the US, Dr Anthony Fauci) providing statements and charts, standing in front of presidents and prime ministers to promote fear in populations. The message was clear: death was almost certain if we left our homes, and the only solution was taking a “vaccine” that would be delivered at “warp speed”.
Faced with a mysterious “killer virus”, we trusted these people whom we thought, must have studied this disease and therefore knew more than us. I became suspicious when Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum founder, declared a few months into the “pandemic” that “Now is the time for a great reset”. Klaus declared that:
“To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.”
It's interesting to read how many times Klaus used the word “must”. We will be forced, in other words.
Klaus was working on the idea promoted by Saul Alinsky and later, Democrat influencer Rahm Emanuel – see this link - that those in charge should “never let a crisis go to waste”.
Klaus was quick with his book The Great Reset and the World Economic Forum famously presented a future where by 2030, “you will own nothing and be happy”
Since the time of the ancient Tower of Babel, the central planners have had the idea that they know what is best for us and that we just need to hand over our freedom and responsibility to them. The COVID-19 “pandemic” appeared to provide the spark to light the central planning fire, and one after another, world leaders told us that we had to “build back better”.
Clearly, this was a script under the direction of someone – but whom?
I have been searching in various places to find out who is the “Mr Big” behind everything. Could it be Klaus Schwab, the Rockefellers, Mark Zuckerberg, Prince Charles, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, George Soros, the Black Nobility, the Pope, Larry Fink, Barrack Obama, President Xi or perhaps a mysterious person X? None of these known names seemed likely to be “Mr Big” as they seemed to lack either power, money or credibility.
“Mr Big” would have to have enormous wealth and power to be able to send out diktats to world leaders, who then all complied and said, “Build back better”, with all that is implied behind this centralized control idea.
If what we are looking at is a spiritual war, then undoubtedly Satan is the orchestrator of the whole globalist scheme, but he must have a main local henchman. Like the health bureaucrats proclaiming the next pandemic and who have coined the mysterious Disease X (see my newsletter from last week), it is probably best to call this “Mr Big”, ”Person X”.
I do know that searching for “Mr Big” or “ ” is a futile quest, but this week, I heard an interesting interview with Jacob Nordangård, the Swedish researcher whom I interviewed last year - see the interview below, if you missed it previously.
The interview on TNT Radio provided some further understanding for me, and I thought that I would share some of the ideas from the interview. You can hear the interview of Dr Nordangård with Pelle Neroth Taylor on at this link:
TNTradio describes itself this way:
“TNT Radio – Today’s News Talk – Lighting the Fuse for Freedom.
“The only 24/7 online news talk station dedicated to freedom globally.
From powerful Information Operations that determine how the public thinks about COVID-19 and the Ukrainian/Russian War, to the persecution of Julian Assange, TNT Radio covers the biggest topics of our time.
Get up to speed with the latest live news and current affairs presented by a host of credible and expert commentators who can separate fact from fiction, truth from propaganda.
TNT Radio discusses a wide range of topics including Climate Crisis, Pandemics, Covid19 Malfeasance, Big Tech Censorship, Digital Control, Government Tyranny, Corruption, Propaganda, Democracy.”
TNTRadio is an online radio station that appears to have been started on the Gold Coast of Australia in 2022 but has many international presenters. It features a range of non-mainstream ideas and interviews. The station has been described as one “catering to conspiracists” - and so sounds right up my alley.
Pelle Neroth Taylor’s interview with Dr Jacob Nordangård on 22nd January 2024 was helpful in thinking about the big picture of world control, and it may have moved me a bit closer to uncovering “Person X”.
Pelle Neroth Taylor is described as an Anglo-Swedish writer and investigative journalist – see this profile.
He commenced the interview by discussing some theories about “how the world operates”:
Mainstream theory – he proposed that these are the views reported by media such as the Guardian, New York Times and CNN. In essence, “the world is good when there are democracies minding their own business. Sometimes authoritarian leaders pop up… with Arab and Russian surnames and want to take over the world…. and have to be stopped. There is Assad, Saddam, and now Putin, but Putin is more dangerous because he has nuclear weapons.”
Realist View – in this view, the world is run by competing great powers, all of whom are much the same. It’s a power game and “everyone uses propaganda and assassinates other people”. “There is control of the media, and intelligence agencies are active in fomenting coups, buying off politicians, supporting student movements, funding sit-ins, and paying out journalists. Everyone does it, but the West is better at it.” This view seeks to describe what is happening as you stand back and examine the situation in each major country grouping.
Jews Run the World. I have heard this view recently from many sources, and it seems to be a theme running through societies over the centuries that has led to violent antisemitism. I have been shocked to find how many “normal” people to whom I talk about world affairs share this view.
Islam Runs the World. Islam lost most of its power with the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the early 20th century but has regained influence because of the enormous wealth of the oil states. Pelle proposed that in this view, Saudi Arabia, through its religious foundations, builds mosques and sends students to infiltrate the West and encourages extensive migration so that the whole world eventually becomes Muslim.
The British Empire Runs the World. Even though Great Britain is no longer great, systems set up by people like Cecil Rhodes, Colonel Milner and the Royal Institute of International Affairs - see this link which provides more background, and the Tavistock Centre. These various intelligence networks, for example The Five Eyes, still dominate major international decisions.
Technocrats Run the World – Today’s Controlled Society. This is my description, but Mr Taylor proposed that in this theory, there are: “powerful bankers who have been at this for decades and are looking to control the world through bureaucrats. This is partly at the top through the UN, in order to limit the population and to control them through new digital forms of ID and digital forms of currency.”
Pelle Taylor believed that such a theory could explain the COVID crisis because this relied on fear to control populations. In this theory, digital currencies will be key to control because people are going to be vulnerable to diktat from above. He also could see that climate change was a tool for such global control. Pelle Taylor then proceeded to interview Dr Norangård and I have summarized the interview below.
Dr Nordangård explained that to understand the central control of society, we needed to go back to 1950s. This is when the Rockefeller family was involved in setting up the UN, and the family also controlled the architecture of the UN building. A new project was commenced with funds from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, which was called the Special Studies Project – see this link. The Rockefeller Brothers nailed their globalist colours to the mast because the fund has the by-line: “Philanthropy for an Interdependent World”.
Nelson Rockefeller, who was parachuted in to become US Vice-President (from 1974-1977), ran the fund for the first two years from its set up in 1956. Henry Kissinger, a young Harvard academic, was selected to direct the Project. He was then promoted by the Rockefellers to become very influential in world affairs over the following 60 years.The Rockefellers discussed how to make the UN a more powerful institution. Their focus was internationalism. David Rockefeller liked globalism and he founded the Trilateral Commission, which Patrick Wood (see Patrick’s books: Trilaterals Over Washington: Volumes I and II ) has shown is an extremely influential organization down to today.
Dr Nordangård believes that the key question asked by the Rockefeller family was: how to achieve a new international economic order? The solution that they proposed was the use of science which would lead to cooperation between nations across national boundaries. They thought this would be fruitful in their quest for global control, and they used their massive family finances to fund scientific research. They also saw that some areas were productive to promote a global agenda - particularly the climate and health. Climate is something that knows no borders. Health also was an important area because there are pandemics that also cross borders. So the Rockefeller family dispensed millions of dollars into these areas as well.
Were the Rockefellers motivated by money, power or simple philanthropy? Dr Nordangård’s view is that this is just business. The Rockefellers are businessmen, so a more globalized world was good for their business interests. Using their massive wealth, they could use tools to create a world based on international agreements. Their “cross border” global projects would further the idea that nations need to give up their own independence so that supranational authorities can take control. The ideas formulated by the Rockefellers were used by Presidents Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. Nelson Rockefeller promoted these ideas when he was US Vice-President. Another central figure promoting the global agenda was Dag Hammarskjöld, the Swedish economist and diplomat who became the second Secretary-General of the UN – see this link – and who was close to President Kennedy.
Climate became an important tool to promote globalism. Dr Nordangård said that first there was the idea of global cooling in the 1970s. Sweden was at the centre of discussions and there was a key meeting in 1971 in Uppsala, which provided the preparatory work for the UN conference on climate in 1972. Originally, the idea was global cooling based on the idea of aerosols blocking the sun. Eventually, the culprit agreed upon was CO2 – because this was a cause that could be blamed on humans. A key idea was that rather than fighting each other, humanity could fight a war against the environment.
The Rockefellers were involved in financial support for projects led by another Scandinavian, Gro Harlem Brundtland - who chaired the World Commission on Environment and Development that led to the important report - Our Common Future – see this link - where the term “sustainable” was first used. Gro Harlem Brundtland was not only the Norwegian Prime Minister but also the Director-General of the WHO from 1998 to 2003. Her work in the UN on raising alarm about a coming climate crisis led eventually to the setting up by the UN of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988x.
The timing was good because as Dr Nordagård put it: “the Cold War was over and so then we had the Warm War”.
In his PhD research Dr Nordangård, said that he couldn’t find any proof that humans were responsible for climate change. He believes that human influence is very exaggerated, and the scientists take the worst-case scenario.
Al Gore promoted the idea that we were facing a 70m rise in the sea level in his film “An Inconvenient Truth”, which has been shown to be pure fantasy. Ultimately, in Jacob’s research, he discovered that the “climate crisis” was about money and power.
What has happened since the IPCC was set up is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which was developed in 1992? There have been increasingly hysterical warnings with annual Conference of the Parties (COP) meetings, where countries are strong-armed into signing agreements that will lead to population annihilation. The most recent annual COP meeting was COP28 which was held in the United Arab Emirates.
Each of these global COP conferences aims to limit our way of living with a type of central control written into the agreements. The focus is on constructing a new financial system based on carbon dioxide measurements. This is a new system based on carbon currency or carbon coin. It’s not an environmental issue, but it is a financial issue – it’s about developing a new system to run the world. It is a global change in society.
I found Dr Nordangård’s interview very helpful because I realized that in the whole question about “Mr Big” or “Person X”, we were not just looking at a person who seeks to control the world but a whole new system, based on a climate hoax, that seeks to corral us into a global control mechanism from which there is no escape. Legal, financial, government and identification processes will make it difficult to break out of the corral.
Such a system was implemented for the COVID-19 “pandemic” and was a more immediate and effective method for authorities to gain complete control of populations.
Once again, the Rockefellers were front and centre. The Rockefellers decided in the 1950s that they needed to work on health because it was a global issue. Dr Nordangård pointed out that the WHO was actually set up and funded by the Rockefellers in 1948. Now, the Gates Foundation has become a major financier.
So, there seem to be a number of people who could qualify in some way as “Person X”, but none have the absolute power and influence needed for total control. Such a person will arise, and the Bible clearly sets this out as a deceptive, powerful, attractive and evil figure who will gain control of the global system and ultimately demand worship. A key marker is that this person will bring about what is currently thought of as being impossible: a peace accord between Israel and the Arab states.
At the moment, it seems likely that satanic powers control the global agenda and direction and perhaps there is no absolute controlling figure. Who then sent the memos about lockdowns, “vaccines” and “build back better”?
It may be someone we don’t even have on our radar like the Dutch Queen, Queen Máxima. Armstrong Economics reported on January 22nd - that:
“Queen Maxima of the Netherlands took to the Davos stage to declare that digital IDs are necessary for nearly every aspect of social engagement. The Dutch queen told the World Economic Forum (WEF) that they can no longer trust the people, and digital IDs will provide governments with a clear way to track our behavior……. she believes that children should not be allowed to enroll in school unless they have a digital ID that includes their vaccination passport. “It [digital ID] is also good for school enrollment; it is also good for health – who actually got a vaccination or not; it’s very good actually to get your subsidies from the government….”
That is probably enough about “Mr Big” and “Person X”.
I will continue on my search and let readers know if I come across any more clues. In the meantime, rest assured that, as Dr Nordangård said, there is a whole new system being developed to run the world, and the globalists hold all the cards.
The Battle Between Permanent Power and Elected Government
I listened to a very worthwhile podcast about the 2024 US Presidential election, where Freddy Gray of the Spectator magazine interviewed Daniel McCarthy, editor of the Modern Age: A Conservative Review. Here is the link to the interview:
Daniel put forward the idea that while we may be looking at a presidential campaign, ostensibly between Republicans and Democrats, the real battle is between two systems: elected officials and permanent, unelected bureaucrats. He said that the Democrats have the sympathies of most government employees, and these employees were happy to defy presidential orders and leak information damaging to President Trump during the Trump presidency. Trump was well aware of the problem of those with permanent power (“the Deep State”) working against him and has declared that when he wins the presidency he will purge the bureaucracies, which is causing consternation in Washington DC.
I found it a helpful perspective on the presidential election. Daniel McCarthy said that: “it is not just a race between two candidates but a battle between two systems: one system is the one that is already in place - one that the Democrats feel comfortable with because they have office but also have sympathies of most permanent government employees. On the other side is Donald Trump, who represents a disruption of that entire network of power.”
In essence, the battle is between the global collectivists (the Deep State permanent government bureaucrats) and the nationalists who understand that the vision of the Founding Fathers was to put “We the people” at the centre of the republic.
There is much water to flow under the bridge before the November election and who knows what the situation will be in the US at that time. There may even be martial law. However, the interview reminded me that even if Trump does win the election, it will be a far bigger challenge to ensure that the whole apparatus of government responds to presidential directives.
I suspect that the unelected bureaucrats will continue to dictate policy and US direction (which is towards globalism and collectivism) and that even for Trump, it will be hard to rein in the excesses of the administrative state.
This idea ties in well with Dr Nordangård’s proposal about a whole new system to run the world, developed and promoted by the Rockefellers and their henchmen.
The Great Antidepressant Scandal
I have been concerned for many years about the rampant use of psychoactive drugs and the way medical practitioners reach for these as soon as a patient expresses mental health symptoms. Antidepressant and antipsychotic medications are the most widely prescribed medications in the world with prescriptions reaching into the billions each year.
This week Dr Joseph Mercola highlighted the dangers and lack of effectiveness of these drugs in an article “Gross Misconduct – the Final Nail in the Coffin for Antidepressants”.
Dr Mercola wrote: “According to medical journalist Robert Whitaker, author of “Mad in America” and publisher of, the widely-made claim that antidepressants work for nearly 7 out of 10 real-world patients is based on research misconduct and scientific fraud.” He cites a re-analysis of the famous Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) published in 2006. The authors of the 2006 study claimed that antidepressants resulted in a remission rate (i.e. improvement of symptoms of depression) in 67% of patients.
Dr Mercola summarizes a reanalysis of the STAR*D study as follows:
“In his reanalysis of the STAR*D study, psychologist Ed Pigott and colleagues showed that, had the study protocol been followed, the cumulative remission rate would only have been 35%. Moreover, the STAR*D report omitted the stay-well rate. Only 3% of the 4,041 patients who entered the trial and went into remission were still in remission at the end of their one-year follow-up..
Most clinical drug trials have found the effectiveness of antidepressants are on par with placebo, and many studies have debunked the serotonin theory that underpins the use of antidepressants. Meanwhile, large-scale meta-analyses show that physical exercise is the most effective remedy — about 1.5 times more effective than antidepressants — for depression.”
One of the scientific re-analyses cited in Dr Mercola’s article is a scientific paper published by Insel and Wang in 2009 and so questions about these drugs have been raised for a considerable period of time.
The most effective treatment for depression seems to be exercise. This 15 min YouTube video is a little complex but provides detailed explanation of the role of exercise in treating depression
The bottom line is the prolific use of psychoactive drugs can cause a lot of problems for patients and not only create addiction but have many adverse side effects, including increasing suicidal thoughts.
Note to self: get out and exercise!
French Farmers and the Siege of Paris
In many visits to France over the last 40 years, I have noted the commitment of the French to serious demonstrations. Whenever I ventured near Les Invalides, there seemed to be yet another protest involving angry French people with big signs. Of course, the most serious recent protests have been the yellow jackets or “gilets jaunes”. These protests were in response to President Macron raising the tax on fuel in 2019 and lasted for many months.
Now, the farmers have decided that it is “no more Mr Nice guy”. The Périphérique around Paris - provides a convenient ring-road to block supplies entering the city. The central planners may have sowed the seeds of their own destruction.
The UK Times reports that a number of bureaucratic and financial issues have led French farmers to decide – ça suffit - “enough”!
The Times reports as follows:
“The protests began on January 18 among dairy farmers in the southwest demanding compensation for cattle killed by epizootic hemorrhagic disease, but they have spread across the country in a general expression of rural anger with French and EU technocrats…. Demonstrators, who have blocked hundreds of roads, attacked government officers and dug up supermarket car parks, complain about falling revenue, rising costs, spiralling bureaucracy, mounting environmental demands and unfair competition from within the EU.”
I’m backing the French farmers as Paris is totally dependent on fresh food markets in the various arrondissements, and it won’t take long for the French government with its new “hip” Prime Minister, M. Gabriel Attal, to come to its senses.
The French protests follow similar, but less extreme recent protests by farmers in the Netherlands and Germany. It is pleasing to see that farmers are making their voices heard by standing up to the bureaucrats and claims about farming and the climate crisis.
UK, US and Australian farmers – get ready to take your tractors to the roads!
The World Economic Forum (WEF) – “Rebuilding Trust”
All the politicians and business czars have now left Davos, where the WEF declared that: “The 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum will provide a crucial space to focus on the fundamental principles driving trust, including transparency, consistency and accountability.”
An interesting speech was given by the new Argentinian President, Javier Milei. I’m not sure yet whether he is a “goodie” or a “baddie” but he did present some fundamental truths. The Eurasia Review – see this link - provided a transcript of his speech, which included this paragraph:
“Today I’m here to tell you that the Western world is in danger. And it is in danger because those who are supposed to have to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism and thereby to poverty.
Unfortunately, in recent decades, the main leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism.”
It is worthwhile reading the complete speech but the Davos collectivists would not have appreciated President Milei’s approach.
Socialism = Poverty.
A simple but important equation for WEF attendees to understand.
Space is No Longer the Final Frontier – Reality Is
I came across this very interesting article from a forthcoming book by Linda Goudsmit, published last week – see this link. This quote will give you the flavour of the article which is only 1,300 words.
“Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses psychological, informational, asymmetric warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. The primary target of the globalist predators is America's children.”
Ms Goudsmit has interesting perspectives related to the ancient writing of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War – which you can read at this link.
Her focus particularly relates to parents and their children. She concludes:
“Parents must fulfill their primary responsibility and protect their children from the grasping globalists. They must reject subjective reality and embrace objective reality in order to recognize globalism's threat to their children. Grandparents must stand up proudly for freedom and ordered liberty in our constitutional republic. If parents and grandparents do not rigorously oppose the globalist takeover, our nation's children will become 21st-century slaves in globalism's planetary feudal order of rulers and ruled. Remember, the globalists live in objective reality, and in life, objective reality always prevails.”
I have been reflecting on the question about Mr Big or Person X for a few years now and am still no closer to elucidating who is running the world. Some would see this as the ultimate conspiracy, but I see it as the ultimate reality. There is a hidden hand that is evident in many places and is seeking to bring us into a whole new global system.
Ultimately, the Bible tells us that the antichrist will come in the guise of a man of peace but will seek to enslave humanity. An increasing number of tools for monitoring, surveillance and control are now available for use by this coming global leader.
Undoubtedly, such control involves technocratic tools hidden behind the façade of crises - such as a “climate emergency” or “pandemic”. This week we moved one step closer to the fusion of man and machine – transhumanism. Scientific American reported the story as follows: Elon Musk’s Neuralink has Implanted its First Chip in a Human Brain. What’s Next? See this link.
The good news is that we do not need to be fearful because God has set out His plan in advance. Jesus will return at just the right time and will deliver from evil those who place their trust in Him.
We do need to be alert and resist the cunning plans that the global collectivists have for us, to “keep us safe”. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
As the sirens of war call out to enmesh us in global conflict, we need to resist their call.
There is no Mr. Big or Person X ... Not even a Saviour bringing global peace by total coercion.
Only a mayor asteroid-impact like the Chicxulub one could convince the folks that humanity is one.
Pawns are eternally KEPT trying to make ends meet; that is their common destiny (in a mass society) and the 0.1 %rs follow ONLY monetary values (without any trace of human compassion or empathy), that is their common interest, whatever the means applied.
Morals and ethics are just a thin veneer when it comes to a fat gain showing on the latest bank statement, especially if there was no own sweat involved.
Transition from hunter-gatherers with egalitarian, self-sustaining individuals was abandoned for agriculture and domestication. A highly hierarchical society ensued with division of labor, creation of a non productive bureaucracy and military, rendering the mean folks interdependent and permanently suffering from intrinsic oppression. Maybe that was humanity's worst ever decision.
There's only one way out:
DE-centralization into groups that do not exceed the Dunbar's # with current local puppet-regimes to be entirely defunded and globalist corporations to be boycotted everywhere.
Difficult to convince Jane and John because this will mean they'll have to leave their comfy-zone for good and sometimes geting a cold shower.
But a cold shower strenghtens one's immune-system, isn't it ??
Thanks Klaus - I am comforted that there is no Person X - but am still suspicious. Who did send out the directive about "buiild back better"? Appreciate the perspective, and it is interesting as you say that somehow, on the road of "progress", we have handed over our personal sovereignty.
I'm not so sure that cold showers strengthen the immune system but they do provide a wake up!