I have been battling away writing my book “Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times”, now subtitled: “Biblical Foundations for Life In A World That Has Lost Its Way”. It has been a challenging experience. After having this project in mind for several years, I have found the process outlined by Chandler Bolt in his book “Published: The Proven Path from Blank Page to 10,000 Copies Sold” - very helpful and I can recommend it for anyone considering writing a book. Using an initial mind-map and then an outline, I wrote about 1,200 words per day and have just completed the rough draft of 65,000 words. There is still a lot of work to do but I am hopeful of having the book out in the latter part of this year. The book has 16 chapters: my personal journey and some broad overview chapters, followed by sections that cover the following areas: leadership, planning, conflict, communication, work, the seasons of life, education, faith, money, friendship, love, marriage and parenting. I will share some excerpts from the book over the next months and also will let readers of this newsletter know about the timing of publication.
Writing the book on wisdom has allowed me the opportunity to reflect on the bigger question of how did we get to this current place in our society where every day, something more foolish is promoted? It seems that when governments and organizations have the opportunity to make a wise decision or a foolish decision, then the default position seems to be to choose the foolish one. The Governor of Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, struck a note of recognition for many in her response to Joe Biden’s “State of the Union” speech this month. Governor Sanders said:
“….The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left. The choice is between normal or crazy”
This seems true not only for the U.S. but also for many other Western countries. We are being pushed by many influencers towards “crazy” and away from “normal”.
The Transgender Push
There can be no more foolish choices being made than in the fashionable area of transgenderism. You can only wonder at who or what entity has been behind the push to promote gender dysphoria, which over thousands of years has afflicted a miniscule percentage of the population. You don’t have to be a top conspiracy theorist to formulate an hypothesis that there is a conspiracy to promote gender and sexuality confusion, to deal with a virtually non-existent “problem”. In the UK, government-funded organizations, such as the sinister Tavistock Clinic’s Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), promoted radical pharmacological and surgical intervention in the lives of young children. This is a national and international scandal. After operating with what appeared to be a free hand, the Tavistock Centre’s GIDS service finally was closed after a review in 2022 by a prominent English paediatrician. The National Review published an article in August 2022, highlighting that:
“The report, conducted by the former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, found that patients were “at considerable risk” from clinicians’ “unquestioning affirmative approach.” Soon after, a London-based legal firm announced a class-action lawsuit on behalf of 1,000 families whose “children and young adolescents were rushed into treatment” and, as a result, “suffered life-changing and, in some cases, irreversible effects.” -
Despite this harm, any attempts at speaking against gender reassignment has been branded “transphobic” and posts have been removed from social media and many people banned from the internet. Also it is evident from the “Twitter files” released to journalists by Elon Musk that various social media algorithms have been used to redirect people to views that are deemed acceptable to those who control the mainstream media.
How could this ever have happened? There are many answers to this but one thing is certain – there is evil intent behind the transgender push. Of course, there are many philosophies involved and the desire to eliminate differences between males and females and denial of basic biology and innate DNA characteristics. And yet social media posts that assert biological facts are being censored as “hate speech”. Who is behind this? The answer is surprisingly that it is the “prince of this world” (John 14:30) and those who do his evil bidding. The prince and those who are with him seem to have gained the upper hand for the moment in communication and promotion of what is certainly a death cult. Evidence for this includes the mandating of dangerous injections, abortion, euthanasia and a climate agenda that seeks to eliminate most of the earth’s population. These ideas are openly encouraged by the most important publications, many of which are underwritten by funding from Big Pharma and myriad left-wing foundations. Our views and that of the social media influencers are being shaped as surely as night follows day and moulded to be in opposition to ancient Biblical wisdom.
The Disinformation Index and the Trusted News Initiative
Working from a template that seems to have been borrowed directly from Orwell’s sarcastically named “Ministry for Truth” - the BBC led a group of mainstream organizations to form what they called “The Trusted News Initiative”, formed at the time of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout . As you can guess from the name, the idea is for these entities that have international reach, is to suppress any views that are at variance with “accepted” views. The name: the ”trusted news initiative” immediately alerts us to the fact that these groups cannot be trusted!
Under the influence of Big Pharma and government advertising revenue, the “trusted news” groups include: the BBC, the Washington Post, Associated Press, AFP, Reuters, the Financial Times, the European Broadcasting Union, Google, facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft. It is the greatest assault on free speech in our lifetime and is extremely effective in preventing dissident viewpoints from being made known to the wider population. The Big Tech groups have clever algorithms that promote views that are consistent with those of the “trusted news” groups so that alternative opinions are suppressed. Social media influencers, a genre unknown until recent times, are being knowingly or unknowingly influenced by a sinister hand.
This week I listened to an interview with Gabe Kaminsky, who writes for The Washington Examine. Kaminsky spoke about a shadowy group that runs something called The Global Disinformation Index (GDI), and is highly influential, particularly with advertisers. You can read more about the GDI at this link. The group behind the GDI is funded by a range of sources including the US government’s National Endowment for Democracy -https://www.ned.org/ , which gave $230,000 in 2020 to GDI and in 2021, $375,000. There are a number of globalist foundations that support this group including George Soros’ Open Society , the Catena Foundation, Argosy Foundation, Bohemian Foundation and Craig Newmark Philanthropies . All these groups include key buzz words in descriptions of their work such as – “inclusion, diversity, green, empowered, inspired”. They are all supporters of a “progressive” and a globalist agenda. GDI also is supported financially by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. The advisory panel of GDI includes 16 notable left-wingers and yet the group claims: “neutrality, independence, transparency”. The GDI is having a very significant impact on influencers and major companies who don’t wish to incur the wrath of various “progressive” activist groups.
Gabe Kaminsky spoke on the Glen Beck podcast on 13 February about GDI sending secret “blacklists” to advertising companies with the intent of defunding disfavoured speech – mainly conservative media. GDI is a British group that has 2 affiliated non-profit arms. The group compiles a list of media companies that GDI says are spreading disinformation and such companies seem only to include conservative media voices such as: The American Spectator, The Daily Wire, Newsmax and the Blaze. There is then pressure for advertisers de-platform and defund these targeted media groups. GDI is a very sinister anti free-speech organization masquerading as protectors of truth and preventing so-called disinformation. When I further examined the many “fact checking” organizations, they all seem to have a similar left-wing bias and are funded by left-wing foundations that support the narrative of the so-called “trusted news”.
King Solomon said that “nothing is new under the sun” and it is certainly true in that almost 3,000 years ago, the prophet Isaiah declared “…truth has fallen in the street….” (Isaiah 59:14). Truth has not only fallen in our society but is prevented from being made known
The Great Vaccine Scandal
It is important to see who is influencing the influencers, in relation to the COVID-19 vaccine scandal. There appears to have been a conspiracy between the medical profession, governments, media and Big Pharma to minimize and suppress any reports of negative effects of vaccines. Substantial amounts of money are splashed around by Big Pharma to influence each of these groups. For example, in 2020, US$4.58 billion was spent by the pharmaceutical industry on television advertising alone . With Big Pharma lobbying governments, supporting doctors conferences and individual medical experts and spending billions in the media, it is not surprising that there are few criticisms of vaccines in the legacy media and by the medical profession.
It has been interesting to me to trace the genesis of the current COVID-19 vaccine injury crisis (see Edward Dowd’s book – Cause Unknown back to 1986 and President Reagan signing into law the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act . This law, effectively indemnified the vaccine manufacturers and set up a scheme for compensation for people who were injured by vaccines. However, the scheme is notoriously difficult to access, bureaucratic and confrontational. Almost US$5 billion has been paid out by the US government to those people who have been damaged by vaccines and these payments are coming from the pockets of US taxpayers . The end result of this US Act is to give carte blanche to vaccine manufacturers to produce vaccines, with the government bearing the risk, which then is offset by a process that is almost impossible to navigate, to gain compensation. Robert F Kennedy Jnr has noted in his book The Real Anthony Fauci - the dramatic increase in a range of childhood illnesses following the implementation of this act and the forced vaccination of children. The problems caused as a result of the 1986 Act are outlined in an excellent film by Dr Andrew Wakefield, one of the early whistle-blowers about the association between vaccines and autism.
Vaccine manufacturers have been indemnified by the US government and parents are forced to have children vaccinated because the CDC vaccine register is considered to be sacred text and parents are forced to comply to place children into school or to receive welfare payments. The current vaccine schedule from the CDC is horrific with dozens of injections being recommended for children from birth to 6 years of age – see – what the CDC calls their “parent friendly vaccine schedule”.
These background issues were the groundwork laid for so-called “Operation Warp Speed”(OWS), implemented by President Trump and involving the US military to rush through COVID-19 vaccines. The key concept was that given the COVID-19 “crisis”, various safety mechanisms for vaccine development should be swept aside and so new mRNA biological agents were licensed for emergency use in around 6 months, whereas the normal time for vaccine development is usually 10 years. This long period was previously necessary to determine if serious side effects are evident, as trials move from small groups, to larger ones. OWS was a disaster as all the warnings about vaccination damage appear to have been not only ignored but suppressed. This is evident from the latest e-book by a collaboration between the War Room and Daily Clout, which has analyzed the 50,000 plus pages of documentation submitted by Pfizer to the FDA for the registration of their mRNA vaccine. The FDA attempted to suppress the information for 75 years but a successful freedom of information request, resulted in the documents being released after the intervention of a US judge. A team of around 3,000 researchers organized by the Daily Clout reviewed the Pfizer documents and the findings have just been released in a Kindle e-book (Investigation Team, Pfizer Documents,Kelly, Amy. War Room / DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers Reports eBook: Find Out What Pfizer, FDA Tried to Conceal. Kindle Edition).
Here are some of the headline results reported in the book:
“Pfizer’s clinical trial data showing strong safety and efficacy conflict with Pfizer’s real-world data submitted to the FDA. Of the 32,760 injured vaccine recipients with known outcomes during the first 12 weeks of the vaccine roll-out, Pfizer reported: Approximately 20% of the reports involved COVID-19 illness COVID-19 was the third most frequently reported adverse event Over 15% of the COVID-19 cases were graded as severe. Over 200 people in this post-marketing study died from COVID-19 .“
“Contrary to public statements by Pfizer and FDA, both were aware of data showing that the vaccine ingredients travel from the injection site through the bloodstream, cross important blood-organ barriers (including at the brain, testes, and ovaries), and continue to produce harmful spike proteins for an undetermined amount of time.”
“Pfizer did not expect more than 158,000 separate adverse events to be reported during the initial 12-week rollout and had to hire a small army of 2,400 additional, full-time staff to manage the case load. Despite these additional staff, Pfizer could not determine the outcome in over 20,000 people reporting vaccine injuries.”
“Pfizer modified the vaccine RNA (modRNA) so that (i) it continues making spike proteins for an untested duration, (ii) it produces more numerous spike proteins in untested amounts, and (iii) it disables the body’s normal immune reactions which may suppress immunity to other diseases such as viruses and cancer.”
“During the vaccine rollout in early 2021, cases of myo-pericarditis (inflammation of the heart lining and muscle) were reported to Pfizer, and one month before the EUA for teens was granted (May 2021), a peer-reviewed study showed that 35 teenagers had suffered myocarditis after their Pfizer vaccines.”
I believe that the book is essential reading and to have on hand as a reference source as it shows the degree to which Pfizer and the US federal authorities not only ignored Pfizer’s own data showing serious damage from their vaccine but also sought to suppress the source information. There is no possibility of a benign explanation as it cannot be maintained that company and the authorities didn’t know that there were serious side effects from the injections. You can listen to a podcast of Naomi Wolf with Eric Metaxas that covers some of these issues and is truly shocking in its conclusions.
Then there is medical censorship, outlined recently in the Australian Spectator – and ongoing profits made not only by the vaccine companies but also the Gates Foundation.
All in all, the combined power and wealth of the vaccine manufacturers makes it almost impossible to obtain informed consent about vaccination because the deck is so firmly stacked in favour of the vaccine companies. Additionally, Western governments indemnified the vaccine companies so that the experimental injections could be used without any financial risk to the companies.
Now, we are all under influence, for good and for evil. Unfortunately, the social media influencers are under the influence of various nefarious groups and clever algorithms help to promote some views and demote others. Governments during COVID-19 became adept at using psychological tools to promote fear in the general population, as outlined by Laura Dodsworth in her book “State of Fear”. Great wisdom is needed to discern truth from falsehood. As noted by King Solomon 3,000 years ago: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10). “Fear” is the translation of the Hebrew word יָרֵא (yârê’) which means to venerate, to honour, to esteem, to reverence, to stand in awe, to respect and to be afraid.
The fear of the Lord is the foundation for wisdom because it indicates that we don’t put ourselves at the centre of understanding and decision making. Rather, we know that it is God Himself – His character, His law, His righteousness and His morality - that is the foundation of wisdom. Without this foundation, we are likely to be blown in the direction of whatever is the “progressive” wind of the day.
Another great post, Reuben. I am very much looking forward to your book and am in awe of your discipline. I am herewith preordering my copy of your book and can’t wait. Happy weekend!