We have just returned from our trip to Tasmania, which was interesting and enjoyable as we caught up with our family in Hobart and celebrated Christmas. We had six days of travel to and from the Snowy Mountains and across the stretch of water that separates Tasmania from mainland Australia. It was interesting to drive through the Australian countryside, which looks green and lush following unseasonable rains. We stopped in small country towns for meals, and there seemed to be a great sense of optimism and that all was now well in the world. How easily we are deceived!
Australia has two great Christmas traditions that happen on 26th December – Boxing Day as it is known in Commonwealth countries. In the US it is the day you return the gifts you don’t like!
In Australia, one Boxing Day tradition is a yacht race from Sydney to Hobart - that involves more than 100 yachts racing 628 nautical miles (1,163 km) along the east coast of Australia and has been held each year since 1945. One of the big challenges for participants is the high winds and rough seas in the area of the ocean adjacent to Bass Strait (the part of the ocean separating Tasmania from the mainland).
The other Christmas tradition is a five-day cricket match where Australia plays one of the major cricket-playing nations at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. The first of these Boxing Day cricket matches was held in 1865 and some years the match attracts more than 80,000 spectators each day.
These traditions help us Australians think that all is well in the world as we eat leftover food from Christmas and think about the year ahead. Of course, it is merely an illusion of continuity as we move into an uncertain future. In fact, these great traditions seem designed to distract us from the global pincer movement calculated to herd us into 15-minute cities where we will be fed a diet of bugs. We need to remember that the cunning globalists have a date of 2030 where they aim for our world to be completely changed with total global control.
Over the past 12 months, I have been staggered by the array of organizations, foundations, government bodies, international groups and think tanks, all committed to forcing us into a controlled globalist future, where, as the World Economic Forum has told us – we will “own nothing and be happy”.
It is depressing to think of what is planned for us, but as Steve Bannon says in his great show The War Room - a podcast that I highly recommend - “No more happy talk”. We need to face up to reality and prepare ourselves for the challenges ahead.
During the Christmas/New Year period, I have been reading an array of interesting articles and books, including James Lindsay’s excellent work The Marxification of Education: Paulo Freire’s Critical Marxism and the Theft of Education. This book is terrifying in its implications as the philosophy of the Brazilian Marxist, Paulo Freire, has gained ascendancy in every Western school of education. The philosophy is being propagated to unsuspecting school children, who are being turned against their parents. Parents – get your children out of the education system, as soon as possible!
So, to commence 2024, I thought I would share some articles and interviews that I thought were significant for the year ahead so that readers can obtain a big-picture view of some of the issues that will shape our year .
An Extension of the Israel-Hamas-Ukraine War?
In late September 2023, I wrote about the need to keep our eyes on Jerusalem because it is the key spiritually contested city. The horrific Hamas attacks near Gaza on 7th October have been polarizing throughout the West, with not only Muslims coming out in support of Hamas but also students at major tertiary educational institutions and multiple left-wing groups. The West has taken in millions of Muslims over the past 10-15 years, displaced by war in the Middle East; not surprisingly, these individuals have no commitment to the values of the West and have acted as a “fifth column” in the same way as the Communists in the 1930s and 1940s. Britannica defines a fifth column as a “clandestine group or faction of subversive agents who attempt to undermine a nation’s solidarity by any means at their disposal”.
This is what has been happening as the West has tried to accommodate a religious, cultural, economic and legal system that is alien in every way to the values of the West. Many of these Muslims are now in significant positions of influence, notably within the Biden administration, and want to see the destruction of Israel. It is clear that Israel is going to struggle - with enemies on every side and with its great ally the US now working against it. Then, of course, just to complicate matters further, Iran is said to be only weeks away from producing its first nuclear bomb. Israel needs to protect itself and not seek accommodation with various entities that want to destroy it.
It doesn’t take a clever geopolitical strategist to see how easily the current Israel-Hamas conflict could spread to involve various Middle Eastern countries, including Iran. Then Iran’s allies, China and Russia, could enter the war, and there would be a war stretching from Ukraine to the Middle East and beyond.
I watched a very interesting interview this week by Caroline Glick with David Goldman, the economist and author and recommend watching the 50 min interview below. Goldman sees the weakness of the US as being the critical strategic issue in 2024.
This section from the interview, I have transcribed as I thought it was very insightful about the big picture of the various conflicts. David says:
“When we look back on the past more than 20 years of forever wars: the United States in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and so forth spent $7 trillion roughly, pursuing the phantom of the Arab spring, of Arab democracy and so forth and ended up with less than nothing to show for it….then the US got itself into this mess in Ukraine by insisting on pushing the boundary of NATO right up to the Ukrainian-Russia border, which the Russians viewed as an existential threat to the Russian State and decided to fight a war…At the beginning of the war, President Biden…predicted regime change in Russia and the Russian economy shrinking by 50% because of the sanctions… and two years later, the Russian economy …has grown slightly and is outproducing NATO ..in war materiel by 2 to 1. The Ukrainians are running out of people and ammunition, and the West is running out of patience. …We face the prospect that the US and NATO, having put a huge amount of their credibility and a great deal of …armaments, may face in the first half of this year a collapse of the Zelensky government and a true military loss. And the blow to Western prestige would be comparable to the loss of Vietnam in 1975 and perhaps even greater. The situation is so dramatic, that everyone in the world is trying to figure out how best to exploit it and what to do next.”
“The history of warfare is the history of grotesque and catastrophic blunders….. Most governments that started wars start with really stupid actions. One could ask, how is it possible that Israel allowed Hamas to break through the fence and send thousands of terrorists in? There is no reason that should have happened, and Israel certainly had the capability to stop it, but it didn’t……
The US thought that economic sanctions would crush Russia. More than $600 billion of Russian foreign exchange reserves were seized. Nothing like this has ever been done …and we thought that we would shut down the Russian economy….The reason that this didn’t happen is that the rest of the world re-oriented its trade and financing flows to get around the American sanctions….India and China became Russia’s best markets for hydrocarbons….and we were wrong in the strength of Russian armament production. …..The Ukrainians are firing roughly one-tenth of the artillery shells that the Russians can fire because NATO as a whole does not have the capacity to produce them. ….70% or more of the casualties in the Ukraine war are caused by artillery…with pinpoint accuracy due to drone targeting. This means that the Russians can inflict more casualties on the Ukrainians than the Ukrainians can on the Russians… Ukraine has an effective population of 30-32 million on the ground. Russia has 147 million population and so has roughly a 5:1 population advantage. … Total Ukrainian casualties are about 350,000 including 100,000 killed ….and now are putting 50 to 60-year- old people in the field…and this is the beginning of the end…..at that point Russia will be able to dictate terms of peace to Ukraine…Russia is wanting to demilitarize Ukraine and destroy its capacity to fight…..
In the medium-term, what happens if Russia says that we’re going to give Iran the capacity to damage you and your allies? ”
The situation is looking dire, and the defeat of Ukraine would seriously damage the credibility of NATO and the US. David Goldman’s assessment is that US power is in decline. This decline is associated with the rise in the strength and financial power of the BRICS nations. Given the US weakness, and the Biden administration’s strategic confusion as they try to please multiple adversaries, it seems likely that China will seek to expand its influence before the 2024 US Presidential election. Given President Xi’s recent comments, it is hard to believe that there won’t be an attempt to “bring Taiwan home” this year. The Taiwanese presidential election takes place this month and the result will be of interest.
So – the bottom line is that we need to prepare ourselves for further international conflict this year. My advice is to take great care with any travel plans as you never know when an Archduke Ferdinand event could be the spark that ignites international conflict.
The World Economic Forum in Davos 15-19 January 2024
Dr Jacob Nordangård wrote about the significance of this meeting in his Pharos Chronicles, just before Christmas:
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has extraordinary power and influence and is closely aligned with the UN and its 17 Sustainable Development goals. The January Davos meeting will involve “over 100 governments, all major international organizations and the Forum’s 1000 partner companies as well as civil society leaders, foremost experts, young changemakers, social entrepreneurs and the media” and Jacob notes the connection with the UN’s Pact for the Future – see this link. As Jacob asks: “a pact with who”? Certainly not us.
The summit for the future will occur in September this year, and the UN believes this will “forge a new international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future”. A “pact for the future will be adopted…”.
These guys are clever and have already mustered the votes for their pact.
We have underestimated the megalomaniacal goals of these international bodies who are working away relentlessly to ensure that we will “own nothing and be happy”.
Jacob outlines the four main subject areas for the Davos forum and we need to keep a close eye on how these areas in 2024.
1. Achieving Security and Cooperation in a Fractured World.
How to effectively deal with security crises, such as in the Middle East.2. Creating Growth and Jobs for a New Era
How government, business and civil society can come together around a new economic framework.3. Artificial Intelligence as a Driving Force for the Economy and Society
How AI can be used for the benefit all.4. A Long-Term Strategy for Climate, Nature and Energy
How to develop a long-term systemic approach to achieve a carbon-neutral world by 2050.
We need to remember that the WEF, now run by Klaus Schwab for more than 50 years, is a place of extraordinary influence where public-private partnerships, much-loved by fascists, are put together over canapés and cocktails. Plans are being made for us in Davos, and you know that the focus is global control, loss of freedom and further control of information, together with use of AI to monitor communications and censor what is regarded as “disinformation”.
Keep an eye out for any information that escapes from the closed Davos sessions this month. These folks can’t help boasting about their plans for us.
The Next Pandemic?
The extraordinary international success of governments attempting to inject as much of the world population with a genetic “vaccine” backed by biosecurity legislation, will almost certainly lead to another “pandemic” in 2024. This is despite the extensive information now available about the adverse effects of the “vaccines”, including dramatic increases in excess deaths, as shown by Ed Dowd in his excellent book “Cause Unknown”.
The Epoch Times has been one of the few publications that has been prepared to cover the origins of the “pandemic” and the danger of the COVID “vaccines”. Marina Zhang published on 27th December 2023 a very helpful article: Top 10 COVID Events of the Year: Revealing the Facts Unspoken and Unknown - see this link.
Here is my summary of the 10 events cited in the article by Marina Zhang:
The FDA and CDC find more COVID vaccine adverse events, including stroke. She cites freedom of information material that shows “This included adverse reactions of myocarditis, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), ventricle dysfunctions in the heart, and many more.”;
Vaccines cannot “effectively” control COVID: Fauci after resigning. She cites information published in a scientific paper, of which Dr Fauci was a co-author, in which they stated: “SARS-CoV-2, endemic coronaviruses, RSV, and many other ‘common cold’ viruses ... have not to date been effectively controlled by licensed or experimental vaccines,”;
Gold Standard Review Finds Evidence of Masking “Uncertain”. The author cites the Cochrane Library publication in 2023 – see here - that concluded “Pooled results of [randomized controlled trials] did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks.”. Of course this also is what Dr Fauci said at the start of the COVID outbreak, before he changed his mind;
Repeated Vaccination Weakens the Immune System. Ms Zhang reports from a number of scientific papers an important conclusion that: “Multiple doses of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines lead to higher levels of antibodies called IgG4. A growing body of research suggests that these antibodies can make the immune system less reactive to COVID-19 spike proteins and more susceptible to potential spike protein damage and infections.”
DNA Contamination Detected in mRNA Vaccines. Researchers have found DNA fragments, which should not be in the vaccines, including SV40 genes. This is a serious issue and Ms Zhang reports: “In a preprint published in April, Mr. McKernan and his team found DNA fragments in both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines that exceeded the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA’s) 330 nanograms per milligram requirement and the FDA’s 10 ng/dose requirements.” It seems as though the regulatory authorities had no interest in pursuing this serious vaccine contamination issue;
COVID Vaccine-Injured People Compensated. As of early December, 10 people had been compensated for injuries via the US Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). One can imagine the difficulty of jumping through all the hoops and forms to receive compensation. The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Database indicates hundreds of thousands of vaccine injuries;
Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin. Doctors who wished to use ivermectin were pilloried for using “horse wormer”, and some had their licenses suspended. In Australia, doctors were prohibited from using a drug that was found in independent studies to be effective. Undoubtedly this was because for vaccine companies to obtain emergency use authorization for their “vaccines”, there needed to be an assurance of no alternative treatments. In a court case brought against the FDA by physicians, the FDA acknowledged on August 8th 2023 that “doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID.”;
Mask Mandates Return in August, New Vaccines Approved. Incredibly, despite all the evidence that masks were ineffective and so were the vaccines, various educational establishments, some workplaces and hospitals in the US started bringing back mask mandates because of an increase in hospitalizations that were attributed to COVID-19. On September 11th, the FDA approved new COVID-19 mRNA vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna. These vaccines contained a version of the coronavirus that was no longer active. It is shocking and disgraceful that the CDC’s advisory board “recommended the vaccine for children and adults, in a report posted on Sept. 27, it acknowledged that certainty about the vaccine’s ability to prevent severe COVID, hospitalization, and death from COVID was “low” for adults and “very low” for children and infants.”;
Final Batch of Pfizer Vaccine Documents Released by the FDA. Under a freedom of information request, the final 51,000 pages of the Pfizer documents were released. Dr Naomi Wolf and her team published an analysis of the first trove of documents in the book – War Room/Daily Clout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports eBook. A follow-up publication analyzing the new information is due out in April this year – see this link. The findings from the first study were shocking and have been mostly ignored by the mainstream media. The headline findings from Pfizer’s own documents included: the risk of serious heart problems from the vaccine, the vaccines may have contained endotoxins, the vaccines may have had quality control problems in manufacturing, signals about possible vaccine-related injuries were ignored and there were serious reproductive effects.
Not Messenger RNA but Modified RNA, Vaccines Form Aberrant Proteins. While the vaccines were advertised as being mRNA (ie naturally occurring), the documents showed that the actual mRNA used was modified RNA. A recent study from Cambridge - see this link - has shown that this modification can lead to the generation of aberrant proteins, which could lead to unintended immune responses and inflammatory effects in the body.
Remember, these 10 points are all based on credible information that demonstrate the “vaccine” dangers. It is important to download and print out the article from Marina Zhang so that you can have it available should your doctor suggest that you have further COVID-19 vaccinations.
The success of the COVID-19 fear campaign with its associated lockdowns, forced vaccinations, vaccine passports and use of location data means that almost certainly these tools will be used again. This is even more likely with the increased powers being sought by the WHO.
We need to be alert for future “pandemic” declarations by the WHO. In 2023, the Ethiopian Marxist head of the WHO tried to declare an emergency pandemic for monkeypox. Who knows what organisms are being synthesized in various biolabs and are ready for release?
The “Invasion” of the US and the 2024 Presidential Election
It has been estimated that more than 10 million illegal immigrants have entered the US since Joe Biden’s inauguration – see this article from late October in the Washington Beacon. This number doesn’t include those who have crossed the border undetected - probably several million more. The authorities have not implemented any process to track the illegal immigrants and their negative impact will be felt throughout the US in the years ahead.
This has been a deliberate decision by the Biden administration. Opening of the border was one of the first executive orders taken by the Biden minders on the day of his inauguration. Many have thought that this policy was just incompetence, but it clearly is a feature of the administration and not a glitch. When the issue first became public, the hapless Vice-President was put in charge of the southern border, which meant failure to act was certain. The numbers have continued to rise each month, and reports along the track to the border from South and Central America have demonstrated many young Chinese males as well as those from the Middle East have entered the US. I was interested to hear just a few days ago that each day there are two flights from Tehran into Venezuela.
Human trafficking that also involves minors is horrific, and hundreds of millions of dollars are changing hands, with the southern border also being the main crossing point for illegal ketamine smuggling. The total number of illegal immigrants is now greater than the population of 17 US States, and the impact of such a large number of “aliens” will have extraordinary downstream effects on society as a whole and for the economy. Importantly, hundreds of illegal immigrants have been found on terror watch lists. It is not too fanciful to anticipate that various terror cells are being established in US cities, and at some stage in 2024, these cells will be activated. It seems likely that there will be a range of terror attacks by Muslim fundamentalists in 2024.
It is interesting that a central plank of President Trump’s 2016 election campaign was to “build a wall” to stop illegal immigration. Some progress was made, but Trump was thwarted at every turn by the “deep state”. Since Trump’s departure, the floodgates have opened, and the illegal immigrant “invasion” will be one of the most important election issues in the Presidential campaign of 2024.
The Republican “primaries” commence with the Iowa caucuses (a complex event that is not a straight vote) on 15th January, followed by the New Hampshire primary on 23rd January. Trump is ahead in polling in most states, and by the end of February, another 5 states will have decided on their choice of nominee for the Republican Party. However, the real action is on Super Tuesday – March 5th – see this link - when the Republican nominee will be decided for Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia. After these 16 states conclude their selection, it is likely there will be only one candidate left in the race, and it seems probable that this will be President Trump.
Nikki Haley, the former Governor of South Carolina and US Ambassador to the UN, has strong financial support from the anti-Trump wing of the Republican party. The only other viable candidate, Governor Ron DeSantis, seems to have run a lacklustre campaign, has burnt through several hundred million dollars and is going backwards in the polls.
Trump has an unassailable lead, but the various court cases that seek to have him running his campaign from jail provide an X factor that makes it difficult to see through to the November election. It is clear that the Democrat Party is willing to throw all its resources at defeating Trump before the ballot, and the party probably still has some clever tricks up its sleeve to ensure that Trump never gets to election day.
Most commentators believe that Joe Biden is not a viable candidate, but he is convenient for those behind him who are able to use a corrupt and senile politician to promote their extreme left-wing policies. Nonetheless, most commentators agree that Biden won’t make it to election day and so another candidate will have to be found. Whoever it is, the person will be beholden to the Democrat Party machine. The intent of these folks seems nothing less than the destruction of the US as we know it.
Apart from foreign policy, the issues that will determine the outcome of the US presidential election this year are the economy and the southern border. Of course, the most challenging problem is the integrity of the voting system which varies considerably from state to state and was hijacked by the Democrats last election.
This year will be a time of great unrest and the likelihood of demonstrations and violence as November approaches. In my lifetime there has never been such a polarization within the US and the this election, will have an outsized impact on the country’s future.
Since its founding in 1776 , the US has shown itself to be extremely resilient and has come through many challenges. However, we are at a tipping point in relation to freedom and free-enterprise and what happens in the US will impact the entire West. As noted by David Goldman, the weakness of the US through the Biden administration has created a vacuum and at this stage it seems as though China and its allies will step into leadership.
The Paradox of Banknotes
Many clever people who are aware of the intended control by the globalists of our movements and currency, have promoted the idea of using cash rather than swiping our credit cards across a terminal. I have been doing a small survey around shops, supermarkets and restaurants in Australia and have found that cash is seldom used and mostly by elderly Australians – like me!
We are slowly but surely walking into a future of electronic transactions and central bank digital currencies because most people find it convenient to wave a card across a machine rather than to use cash. We need to take this issue seriously in 2024 and continue to use cash wherever we can until it is outlawed.
I was intrigued then to find the post by the outstanding UK researcher Iain Davis, titled The Paradox of Banknotes.
Iain writes about the increase in the use of cash in various countries in 2023, including India. Iain writes:
“Evidently the roll out of CBDC is not progressing smoothly. Resistance in countries like Nigeria, India, China the US and in Europe is emerging. It seems the “Paradox of Banknotes” is happening everywhere.
Sometimes called the “currency demand paradox,” the demand for cash—people taking it from banks—increases while the use of banknotes for retail transactions decreases. It seems this is happening in countries around the world. I suggest we should take some encouragement from this.
In India for instance, while card payments are increasing as a percentage of all payments, the demand for cash is simultaneously on the rise. Despite the governments effective removal of 86% of Indian cash rupees in 2016, there was a 16.6% increase in cash circulation in 2021 and cash use remains strong in 2023.”
While this is a cause for optimism, Iain also notes that there is a “war on cash” with dramatic reductions in ATMs and bank branches where people can obtain cash.
He concludes his interesting article with a cause for hope:
“Political change need not mean standing on the barricades or sacrificing yourself for a cause. Generally, states are geared up to defend themselves against such gestures and often actively encourage them in order to claim justification for a “crack down.”
A far more powerful act of resistance is simply to live as a free, sovereign human beings—whether we are or not—and conduct ourselves as honourable, peaceable people. We don’t need to tear down the walls of the state but rather, to the fullest extent possible, build thriving communities outside of state control.
It is the small decisions we make everyday through which we can realise our collective power. Voting achieves virtually nothing by comparison.
If we consciously choose to move incrementally toward freedom, thinking about what we buy, who from and how we pay for the goods and services we need or want, then we will create markets that cater to our choices. Counter-economics will change the world if enough of us decide we want to be free and understand how to create personal freedom through our actions.
In the face of a global push to eradicate cash, a stubborn minority are holding onto it and, the evidence suggests, their number is growing. We should all take heart simply from this fact alone. The paradox of banknotes reveals that the fulfillment of globalist plans are not inevitable.”
Iain’s point is important: “Counter-economics will change the world if enough of us decide we want to be free and understand how to create personal freedom through our actions”. Unfortunately, my own survey this month shows that there is a lack of awareness of the importance of cash, and there may not be sufficient of us who want to be free.
Some Final Thoughts
We are indeed living in interesting times. A long-term plan by globalists to restrict freedom and control every aspect of our lives is being implemented slowly but surely. For Sons of Issachar who seek to understand the times, it is important to take note of the increasing use of tools such as: AI, digital currency, restrictions on speech (in the name of safety), digital surveillance and information control. We need to be suspicious of all government edicts that aim to “care for us” and prepare ourselves to maintain our freedom and independence. This will be difficult.
The Book of Revelation provides important information for us to understand the difficulties ahead as at some stage people will be forced to take a mark of allegiance to be able to buy and sell. There will be great deception and a requirement for worship of an evil figure - the antichrist. Revelation 13:16 tells us “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”.
We do not need to be fearful but alert because we can easily be deceived. The COVID vaccination mandates resulted in many people taking “a mark” - a prelude to “the mark”?
Our great hope is to put our trust in the God of creation and not trust in the clever plans of men.
I will conclude by reiterating Iain Davis’ great advice:
If we consciously choose to move incrementally toward freedom, thinking about what we buy, who from and how we pay for the goods and services we need or want, then we will create markets that cater to our choices. Counter-economics will change the world if enough of us decide we want to be free and understand how to create personal freedom through our actions.
A superb synopsis of our current dystopia and the challenges ahead.
This is great thanks.
Israel was busy trying to appease. Appeasement is how and why it’s borders were infiltrated. It’s been going on in reality since 1948. A decisive victory is now its only option. And it must be decisive.
What I still do not get is
1) why America would want to push NATOs borders and could possibly think an outcome in their favour
2) why Obama and Biden have opted to arm Iran. Again it smacks of appeasement. All of it.