When facebook first became widely available almost 20 years ago, I was excited about this new communication tool. I was going to sign up when my wife said:
“Don’t do it”! They are only after your information, which will be held in a database somewhere and used against you”!
This seemed slightly paranoid, but I was wise enough to listen to my wife and didn’t sign up. It subsequently has come to light that facebook and other social media apps have exploited people’s information relentlessly. Of course, much of our information is in the hands of President Xi and his colleagues in China.
I subsequently heard a perspective that has stayed with me when I am tempted to sign up for something “free”: “if something is free, then you are the product”.
Unfortunately, even if we are diligent, we are all on various databases, each claiming to be completely secure until they are hacked. Almost 30 years ago, I was an early target of identity fraud when I discovered that my complete resumé with all my scientific publications had been stolen, and someone had replaced my name with theirs. What an idiot! It should have made me suspicious, like “Psycho Sam”, but I was inclined to trust various organizations and governments to keep my information safe.
We all need to have an attitude more in line with “Psycho Sam” in the great New Zealand film, “Hunt for the Wilderpeople”. This short clip shows Sam giving a tutorial to young Ricky about the government and bureaucracy:
My mind was drawn back to Psycho Sam this last week when I watched the outstanding recent Dutch film, “State of Control” -
The film (75 min) is narrated in English but has some subtitles when various European commentators provide their opinions. I was surprised to find that the issue of digital identity has been slowly making its way through the European bureaucracy and that the OECD published a critical policy paper in 2011 – “Digital Identity Management for Natural Persons”. This document is relatively short (11 pages) and worthwhile reading because it has two foundational ideas that have been promoted to the 38 OECD member countries:
1. “Digital identity is at the core of the internet economy”, and
2. Governments have central roles because they are the primary issuers of trustworthy credentials.
This is a convergence of commercial interests with government in what increasingly has been the promotion of “public-private partnerships” (PPP), an idea being relentlessly promoted by groups such as the World Economic Forum.
Undoubtedly, we are being manoeuvred via a pincer movement in these PPPs, like wild animals herded into a corral. The COVID “pandemic” was a gift to the PPP, with various “apps” emerging to track people and provide information to governments. In Australia, I was staggered that within a few days of it being launched, more than 5 million people had signed up and handed their details over to the government. Bas Filippini, the founder of the European organization “Privacy First” notes that the so-called “green passport” (I wonder how they came up with this name?), used in most western countries during COVID-19 is,
“the first step towards a digital ID. It’s just a small incremental step to add data—a slippery slope from bad to worse. So COVID was misused as a social credit system within that app. Because you were excluded if you didn’t show the correct behaviour.”
Ultimately, the PPPs manipulate us into a situation where control and surveillance are normalised. During COVID-19, people willingly submitted to government overreach, and without realizing it, we have been conditioned to do this again when the next contrived crisis emerges or “escapes”. In the film “State of Control”, the producers ask: cui bono (who benefits)? Big Tech, not surprisingly, is lobbying governments to implement digital IDs because they help through extortionate charges to governments for building the platforms. In Europe, the push by the EU is to register the digital ID of 500 million people, which will allow monitoring and surveillance from the cradle to the grave. Already such a system is being used in China, and Western leaders like Justin Trudeau, have expressed their admiration for this approach. The data collected is being used to manipulate the behaviour of consumers, and as early as the 2012 US election, political advisors realized the opportunities to influence voting behaviour.
James Corbett points out that,
“the drive towards digital ID - coming through various groups - for example, the ID2020 alliance and founding partners: the push is coming from Microsoft, Accenture, the Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, GAVI, ID4D - a project of the World Bank - with support of Gates Foundation, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), and the UK government.”
As the film notes, the clever trick is that big corporations pretend to be charitable NGOs acting independently. However, behind the push for digital ID with seemingly independent organizations like ID2020, GAVI ad the WEF lie the same names: Big Tech, Big Finance, Big Media and Big Pharma. As many readers already realize, through its PPP, the WEF has undue influence on national governments and international groups like the UN.
“In 2016, the WEF published a report “A Blueprint for Digital Identity” – a 108-page report. Stakeholders worked on this for 12 months, including Gates Foundation, the ID2020 alliance, Mastercard, Visa, Deloitte, ING Bank and the Dutch Civil Service - DigiD.
The Annual report of WEF shows a budget of €370 million, of which €40 million is spent on the annual conference. The rest spent on creating reports - 100% funded by transnational corporations - effectively a huge lobby for their interests which then control governments.”
The film provided the intriguing statistic that 70% of European digital shoppers don’t complete their purchases when they get to online checkout. Much of the lobbying to the government from Big Tech relates to the commercial opportunities that would flow from dramatically reducing the non-purchase rate by forcing us all into more impulse buying.
You may think that you can vote against a digital system, but the decision will be taken by unelected bureaucrats and implemented, undoubtedly after another "crisis". With little publicity, the G20 foreign ministers (from the 20 largest economies in the world and two-thirds of the world population) endorsed them - to support “vaccine passports” in 2021 to boost global travel and tourism. The proposal is to use the EU’s Digital Green Certificate - as a template. The decision was endorsed by G20 leaders in November 2022 in Bali and contained this frightening commitment:
“to support continued international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks that should capitalise and build on the success of the existing standard and digital COVID-19 certificates.”
Meanwhile, we are going about our days like Basil Fotherington-Tomas in Ronald Searle’s wonderful 1953 book “Down with Skool”. Basil skipped around the mythical school, St Custard’s” saying, “hello flowers, hello trees”, seemingly clueless about what was happening around him.
We drive out each day into a world where more surveillance cameras are being erected to monitor us, apparently without authority. Most people think that the government is protecting them. We need President Reagan’s immortal words, “the nine most dangerous words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help,” printed and placed on our refrigerators. We must do everything we can to push back or avoid giving out digital details.
Government assure us of privacy, but this is a complete hoax. “State of Control” points out that there is no privacy and that big corporations monetise our data. The film notes that,
“Even the CIA and NSA cannot protect their own information. Digital ID - clearly cannot be protected. Who is going to own the hardware and software? Who is going to own the infrastructure? Governments are not savvy enough to protect us.
Our data is never safe online. With a digital ID, a social credit system is not far off. A central bank digital currency (CBDC) already has pilot projects in Canada, France, Saudi Arabia and China. Central banks come together under the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland. The BIS is the central bank of central banks, and the bank wants to roll out a CBDC. The General Manager for the BiS released a video statement in Oct 2020:
“In cash, we don’t know who is using a $100 bill today ..but with a CBDC …the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that central bank and technology to enforce that.”
Central banks want control over how money is spent; this process is totally dependent on digital IDs. The film concludes that “cash is the only thing that stands between you and corporate domination of the payment system”.
I hope my readers are both alert and alarmed at the implications of our digital IDs. We need to protect ourselves online and safeguard our identities. The force behind the push for a digital ID is nothing less than an antichrist system that seeks global domination and total control. There are forces at work that seek to alter our DNA and turn us into transhuman digital products.
We have a sacred background and an eternal destiny if we wish. The Bible tells us that,
“Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:26-27, NKJV).
We were created, male and female, in the image of God and given dominion over the earth and its creatures. We need to reject the attempts to digitalize and monetise us. Our first step should be to stop waving our credit cards or phones across digital readers that are recording everything we do and eventually those in control of the digital economy will use it against us.
Biodigital Convergence
An important article cited by Technocracy News this week notes that the “pandemic was never about the virus or the vaccine. It was the first mass-scale application of synthetic biology to the human condition.” The article quotes from “Spartacus” that,
“There needs to be a public conversation about synthetic biology and neurotechnology, right now, and there need to be policies enacted that strictly define international and binding limits for its use. If not, then the human beings of the future will inevitably be reduced to engineered products”.
The Russia-China Alliance and Coming WWIII?
At the Winter Olympics in China in early February 2022, Presidents Xi and Putin met to declare “no limits” to their friendship. Russia subsequently invaded Ukraine and as the West pours money and armaments into Ukraine, the Ukrainians bear the cost in lives lost. Additionally, almost one-quarter of the population has fled. Now, China has indicated that it will provide support to Russia in the war and President Putin has withdrawn from a nuclear arms agreement. Although the media, which is all-in for Ukraine, claims that Ukraine is on the edge of victory, the reality is the Russia is in control of more than 10% of Ukraine and the Russians are prepared to continue the fight for as long as it takes. The situation is inherently unstable and it seems likely that we in the West could be drawn further into the conflict, now with the threat of nuclear weapons.
It does seem that opposing the war in Russia could be bad for your health with Euronews publishing a list of oligarchs and Putin critics found dead, since the Ukraine war began. Many have fallen from the windows of tall buildings and it does appear as though Russia needs to improve its building safety codes.
CDC Confirms 100% of Reported Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were Caused by Just 5% of Batches
The COVID-19 story become stranger by the day with several US agencies now reporting that the virus likely escape from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a story widely derided and censored previously by the mainstream news. It does seem likely that the US military was actively involved in the research that produced this bioweapon. I also was surprised this week by a story that most of the vaccine deaths in the US were caused by just a few batches and the majority of these were sent to Republican states. This report indicated that,
“130 different lot numbers of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine distributed to more than 13 states, harmed on average 639 times more people, hospitalised on average 109 times more people, and killed on average 22 times more people than the 4,289 different lot number of Pfizer vaccine distributed to 12 states or less…. However, the most shocking finding of the investigation was that 100% of Covid-19 vaccine deaths reported to VAERS with identified lot numbers had been caused by just 5% of the batches produced.”
The decline of Western Christianity makes us vulnerable to dictators and dogmatists
Charles Moore, who has written the wonderful biographies of Margaret Thatcher, , wrote an interesting article for The UK Telegraph newspaper and the significance of the decline in Western Christianity. Moore writes:
“…something strange has happened in the ethical atmosphere of the 21st-century West. Although a century has passed since Christianity was assumed to be the active, personal faith of most Western citizens, there was a long period when it was accepted as normative in morality and foundational in culture, law and values.
Most people, for example, thought marriage was the best instrument for social stability and for bringing up children, and was solely a union between a man and a woman. Rules for sexual conduct were seen in the light of this primary purpose – the propagation of the human race with the maximum chance of paternal and maternal love. So were attitudes to life, ruling out, for example, euthanasia. ….policies to alleviate poverty or improve health care, were not so much a class struggle…but deriving from Christian concern for the poor. Most schools were explicitly Christian…the Ten Commandments…the basis of law”.
Moore notes an increasing intrusion on traditional beliefs by the imposition of the modern preoccupations of various lobby groups. This has been evident most recently with the Church of England examining the use of gender-neutral terms for God .
Charles Moore’s article is worthwhile reading and he also draws on recent comments by President Putin who said in his long speech broadcast in Russia, that the West’s attitude,
“is all about the destruction of the family, of cultural and national identity, perversion and abuse of children, including paedophilia, all of which are declared normal in their life….Millions of people in the West realise they are being led to spiritual disaster. Frankly, the elite appear to have gone crazy..”
It is difficult to disagree with Putin’s assessment and it does seem that with rejection of the West’s spiritual foundations, must follow the decline in society.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and International Health Regulations (IHR)
I listened to a very worthwhile podcast -
this week, when Monica Crowley interviewed James Roguski and you can hear James’ interview from the 33min mark. James has a substack at
and writes that “unelected, unaccountable and largely unknown bureaucrats are conspiring to hand over their nations’ sovereignty to the World Health Organisation”. He also has a website www.stopthewho.com
Many of my readers would be aware that the WHO has been trying to change the Pandemic Treaty to acquire more power over member states (basically the whole world). This attempt was rejected, mainly by African countries last year. However, Roguski notes that the WHO has found a cunning way to achieve the control that they desire via the Working Group examining the IHR. Most of the deliberations of this group is done in secret and they are working on amendments to these regulations. They can be changed without a vote of WHO members. Roguski pointed out that there are 307 proposed amendments to the regulations. The regulations have 66 articles and amendments are proposed to 33 of these articles. The amendments have been proposed by around 90 member nations (less than half of the total member nations). Changes to the IHR are adopted by unknown delegates to the WHO without any oversight from elected leaders. Because the IHR is not a new document, like changes to the Treaty, significant alterations can be made without any real national oversight. For example, removal of phrases like “non-binding” and adding words such as “shall” to replace “may”, will change the regulations to remove the freedom of member states. With the desire of the WHO to declare international pandemics together with the power to mandate responses by member countries, it is frightening to see the authoritarian direction of an organization led by an Ethiopian Marxist.
Thanks Tanja - it certainly goes well with your re-posted item about WWIII. We must never forget what as forced on unsuspecting populations by dictatorial governments. It is worthwhile reading the current UK Telegraph accounts (from the 100,000 WhatsApp messages of Matt Hancock) of what happened with the COVID lockdown in the UK as it provides a sense of the arrogance and overreach that results from absolute power
Well written, insightful, and absolutely terrifying!