The sun comes up every morning, and as I gaze over the Monaro plains from my vantage point in the Australian Snowy Mountains, all looks well. It is warming up after a winter that has not been quite as debilitating as usual and despite António Guterres's claim of “global boiling” - I sense that we’ll make it through if we can prevent various groups from seeking to block to sun or implement invasive techniques to try to control the climate. However, this is by no means certain.
As I peruse the alternative media each day and contrast what I read with the stories promoted by the mainstream media, there is an enormous difference. We require a dramatic shift in perspective from stories about the climate crisis, football, Prince Harry or the Trump indictment. On my forays into the city, I talk to people and try to gain a sense of what are the predominant concerns. What is evident is that, as you would anticipate, the top of mind issues are those that affect people in their daily lives: cost of living, mortgage rates, education costs, and where to find the best coffee! And yet, a sinister operation is taking place right before our eyes but out of sight of the usual democratic processes.
The Rio Earth Summit in 1992 – (see this link) - had a significant impact because it brought together representatives from 179 countries, and remarkably, these countries signed on to what must have seemed to be motherhood statements about the need to live on a “sustainable” planet. The official description is as follows:
“The 'Earth Summit' concluded that the concept of sustainable development was an attainable goal for all the people of the world, regardless of whether they were at the local, national, regional or international level. It also recognized that integrating and balancing economic, social and environmental concerns in meeting our needs is vital for sustaining human life on the planet and that such an integrated approach is possible. The conference also recognized that integrating and balancing economic, social and environmental dimensions required new perceptions of the way we produce and consume, the way we live and work, and the way we make decisions.”
One of the key phrases in this statement is that “integrating and balancing economic, social and environmental dimensions required new perceptions of the way we produce and consume, the way we live and work, and the way we make decisions”. Who can possibly work out what this means? Well- it turns out to mean a lot. The organizers didn’t take any chances, but alongside the talkfest, there were associated events that we weren’t aware of but have changed our lives. There must have been a team of thousands of clever report-writing bureaucrats and lawyers at the various meetings because telephone-book-sized reports (this analogy only works for readers who can remember telephone books!) were produced. Some of the documents and outputs included:
Agenda 21 – see this link - that covers almost every area of human activity and recognizes that the Agenda 21 group needed to implement their design down to the local level. This led to various government initiatives that sought to implement Agenda 21 at a local government level. In Australia, the Federal government subsequently promoted a special propaganda pack in 1999 titled Our Community Our Future - (see this link) that found its way into every local council in Australia. Even though no ratepayers had voted on Agenda 21, it has been surreptitiously incorporated into every Council plan.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – a 33-page document published in 1992 (see this link ). The paper is mostly unintelligible gobbledygook that has six pages of preamble that includes words such as, “recognizing”, “noting”, “recalling further”, “reaffirming, “concerned that” and other qualifying phrases. However, eventually, the document reaches the paragraph that has steadily impacted us on our current trajectory toward “net zero” and the coming “15-minute cities”. The signatories agreed:
“The Parties should protect the climate system for the benefit of present and future generations of humankind, on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. Accordingly, the developed country Parties should take the lead in combating climate change and the adverse effects thereof.”
The Trojan horse of financial responsibility was wheeled in and the developed countries willingly signed up for future extreme costs without understanding what it meant.
The Convention on Biological Diversity (see this link) which sounded as though it was a recognition that countries would agree to ensure that species didn’t become extinct and that perhaps there would be protection of various life forms. However, the document reveals another agenda completely and as this document states:
“The objectives of this Convention, to be pursued in accordance with its relevant provisions, are the conservation of biological diversity. the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources, including by appropriate access to genetic resources and by appropriate transfer of relevant technologies…”.
The document was not about conservation but the commercial use and transfer of genetic resources and technologies. These technologies today dominate our lives, and commercial interests have, in effect, tried to patent life itself.
Like a giant steamroller, the impacts and decisions from the 1992 convention have rolled on and have morphed into the various annual COP meetings – with the most recent COP meeting (COP27 ) being held in Egypt in November 2022. The COP meetings try to strong-arm the developed countries into hamstringing their economies and shovelling money into the coffers of less developed countries such as India and China!
Entire bureaucracies and non-profit organizations have been set up around the world, and it is staggering to read just some of the groups involved and are part of the climate change “gravy train”. I am sure that most of my readers will not have heard of many of these, but I list them so that readers can be aware of the size of the climate change juggernaut. It has no time for sceptics of the “global boiling” narrative, and if you dare to get in the way, you will be run down. Here are just some of the organizations listed at the time of the Rio 1992 Earth Summit and would have been working for the last 30 years to implement policies that will impact us further in the near future:
Economic Commissions for Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean;
Environmental Liaison Centre International;
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, and Western Asia;
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations;
Global Atmosphere Watch;
Global Environment Facility;
Global Environment Monitoring System;
Global Water Quality Monitoring Programme;
Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment;
Global Legislators Organization for a Balanced Environment;
International Action Programme on Water and Sustainable Development;
International Councils of Scientific Unions;
International Cleaner Production Information Clearing House;
Intergovernmental Authority for Drought and Development;
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme;
International Labour Organisation;
International Monetary Fund;
International Maritime Organization;
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change;
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources;
United Nations Environment Programme;
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development;
United Nations Children’s Fund;
United Nations Environment Programme;
World Climate Programme;
World Food Council;
World Wildlife Fund for Nature;
World Weather Watch.
These are by no means all the groups involved, and behind all these lie thousands of not-for-profit foundations, which are now trying to corral us all into 15-minute cities where we will own nothing and be happy. Don’t think this is just the crazy dream of a German megalomaniac who looks like Dr. Evil. All these groups and the associated bureaucrats are putting the various strategies into place step-by-step. The most recent, of course are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals – see this link , which follow from Agenda21. On its website, the UN boasts – “3852 Events”, “1344 Publications”, and “7632 Actions”. If you’re not terrified by now, you should be!
C40 Cities
Just when you thought that it couldn’t get worse on the climate hysteria front, it has. Today, I became aware of something called C40 Cities - see this link.
For the uninitiated (probably all my readers), here is a short YouTube clip that explains the concept and its impact in some areas of England:
There are now 96 C40 cities across the world (in Australia, it includes Sydney and Melbourne), and the group describes itself as follows:
“C40 Cities is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world's leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis. C40 Cities is a global network of mayors taking urgent action to confront the climate crisis and create a future where everyone can thrive.”
The C40 mayors tell us that:
“Mayors of C40 cities are committed to using an inclusive, science-based and collaborative approach to cut their fair share of emissions in half by 2030, help the world limit global heating to 1.5°C, and build healthy, equitable and resilient communities. “
Sounds good? Read on!
This organization has been around since 2005, when the communist mayor of London, Ken Livingstone (dubbed “Red Ken”), convened a group initially called the C20. The C40 name comes from the number of cities that became founding members in 2006. The group has now grown to almost 100 cities, and these mayors have a dream – no vehicles, no meat, no dairy, no clothes and (though they don’t say it) no life!
The New American magazine published an article this week that caught my attention – see this link
The C40 mayors have signed onto a frightening document titled: “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5° World”. The 88-page document, put together by Sales Force is strong on graphics and says that the cities involved won’t wait for national action but will take action themselves to address the supposed “crisis”. They forecast a doubling in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 if drastic action is not taken. The solution, of the almost invariably Marxist mayors, is to destroy the existing economies completely. By 2030, the mayors want zero consumption of meat and dairy products and a ban on private vehicles. The aim is to eliminate 90 per cent of private car ownership and restrict the ability to take plane flights (you may be allowed to take one short regional flight per year).
The New American magazine writes:
“Other “ambitious targets” mentioned in the C40 document include limiting each person to three new items of clothing per year and reducing the use of raw materials employed in construction and infrastructure by 20 to 90 percent. The report notes that that last goal would not be limited to C40 cities alone, but would apply “across their host country.”
The mayors of the host cities are mostly extreme leftists who seem to be coordinating to ensure that no one is left in their cities except for vegan hermits!
We need to take these folks seriously, and as Rebecca Terrell writes in her New American Article:
“Despite all this feigned innocence, various cities have already taken steps toward this not-too-distant dystopia. According to The Federalist, this year, “New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced that the city will place caps on the amount of meat and dairy served by city institutions such as schools and prisons. Meanwhile, the U.K. has banned the sale of new gas-powered vehicles after 2030, and France has banned short-haul flights ‘to cut carbon emissions.'”
We could add that California Governor Gavin Newsom is planning to ban all gas-powered vehicles in his state by 2035. And none other than Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum is a major promoter of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group.”
So, a revolution has been going on behind the scenes for the last 30 years at least. There are many heads to this hydra, but the C40 mayors are particularly dangerous because they are in charge of some of the largest cities in the world. So many organizations are involved with so much economic clout that anyone who is a climate change sceptic can simply be ignored or eliminated. New misinformation and disinformation laws will prevent any opinions about climate change scepticism from being reported. It seems wise to subscribe directly to alternative news sources such as The New American, ZeroHedge, Brighteon Broadcast News, Technocracy News , The Stream, Revolver News, The Conservative Woman, Natural News , and The Warroom
These are all excellent sources of information you won’t find in most mainstream media. There are also many good substacks that I have referenced and recommended in the past.
We need to be alert and engaged wherever we can be at the local level because the C40 policies and other destructive agendas are surreptitiously being foisted upon us without us even realizing. It is part of a clever globalist plot, and at this stage, the globalists hold all the cards.
Biden Administration to Fund New COVID Vaccine
I wrote in last week’s newsletter about various U.S. sources indicating a forthcoming COVID “emergency” and plans for masks and lockdowns. This week, the information seems credible because Joe Biden announced a request to Congress for funds for a new vaccine. Tyler Durden reported this story in and also Patrick Wood in Technocracy News.
Due to new COVID outbreaks, there has been a return of compulsory masking in some parts of the U.S. and class cancellations in some schools and colleges. In a Twitter post, Joe Biden (or his minder) wrote: “Tentatively it is recommended, it would likely be recommended, everybody get it… whether they got before or not”.
Governments worldwide must have tens of millions of expired doses of “vaccines” in government storage facilities. Big Pharma’s profits have declined, so there is pressure for new government funding. Behind this, there undoubtedly is a plan for coercion to be injected with the latest products, and one can anticipate that there will likely be travel restrictions for the unvaccinated. These guys will never give up, so we must be on our toes!
The widespread use of masks was never able to demonstrate beneficial effects, but a new study has found that masks themselves can have adverse impacts. The study just published – see this link - measured concentrations of potentially toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In their conclusions the authors note:
“This study demonstrated that disposable masks (KF94) released higher concentrations of TVOCs in comparison to cotton masks, with values of 3730 ± 1331 µg m–3 for KF94 and 268 ± 51.6 µg m–3 for cotton masks. The concentrations of TVOCs in KF94 masks are high enough to pose a concern based on indoor air quality guidelines established by the German Federal Environment Agency.”
Masks remain a contentious item and opinions vary about their efficacy. However, what is concerning is that the masks themselves may have toxic compounds that can have adverse health effects.
The Ongoing Saga of the Trump Indictments
The more than 90 charges and 700 years that President Trump faces in prison, are reminders of the dangers of politicization of the justice system. This politicization is likely to lead to a “tit-for-tat” response by Republicans when they once again take control of the levers of power. The Trump indictments have been carefully coordinated to gain the most media attention and shield the Biden crime family from scrutiny. Now, in an article in, Tyler Durden writes an article titled: “Weaponized Collusion? Jack Smith's Team Huddled With Biden White House Before Trump Indictment”.
The story reports that before the Special Counsel Jack Smith (appointed by Merrick Garland the Attorney-General) brought charges against President Trump, one his “top aides met with the White House counsel's office, raising serious concerns about coordinated legal efforts against Biden's top political opponent going into the 2024 election.”
It is worthwhile reading the entire article, but the crucial part of the story is the likelihood of White House political involvement in Trump’s indictment via a Special Counsel who is supposed to be legally independent.
The story demonstrates the extent of the forces arraigned against Trump throughout the U.S. justice system. When one considers the problem that Trump will have in obtaining an unbiased jury in places such as New York and Washington DC, it does not bode well for confidence in the impartiality of U.S. justice.
In examining further the challenges facing the U.S., Amy L. Travis has written a great substack article titled The Politics of Power: Will Our Great Republic Fall, which I recommend reading -
She makes three key points: all governments eventually fail, corruption is a mark of failing governments, and authoritarian rulers often opt for depopulation strategies. She concludes as follows:
“Our founders understood how tyranny, not self-governance, is the default setting for every government. As a result, they placed many safeguards in our law to prevent our nation from becoming a dictatorship. First and foremost was the Second Amendment to the Constitution.”
It is difficult for we who live outside the U.S. to properly understand the importance of the Second Amendment, the “right to bear arms”. However, you don’t have to be a great student of history to see what happens when governments take away guns. You only need to look back to the Soviet Union, Communist China and Cuba as three examples where with the disarming of the population, tyranny was given free reign.
It seems appropriate to end my newsletter this week with the unlikely topic of hearing the voice of God. I have been reading the books of the Old Testament prophets in the last few months and while the main message is clear – none of God’s people listened to His warnings about the coming destruction of the holy city of Jerusalem (which happened in the period 607 to 587 BC). However, the other important narrative in these books is God’s hand in the rise and fall of nations, often unseen.
God spoke through various prophets, including: Moses, Micah, Habakkuk, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel warning of Jerusalem’s destruction and a 70-year exile in Babylon. The warnings were clear but not taken seriously by various kings of Israel. However, warnings were not just given to God’s chosen people but to the nations around Israel whom God judged for evil behaviour.
At a big-picture level, reading these remarkable prophetic histories reminded me that whatever the situation looks like (and at the moment, it looks pretty grim), there is a God who is at work in the world and who is in control of all the threads of history. The evildoers may have their moment in the sun, but in the final showdown, their defeat is certain (read Revelation 19:11-21 here).
Reading the Old Testament prophets, you can be certain that God acts to achieve His purposes and He has a long timeline. Importantly, there is a key verse in the book of the prophet Amos where God says:
“Surely the Lord God does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7).
Undoubtedly, God is appalled at the direction that the U.S. and the West is taking – away from Him and His law. However, we can be sure that there are modern-day prophets whom God has raised up to warn His people. Jonathan Cain is one of these and I outlined one of his books last year – The Return of the Gods. Cahn has just published a new book The Josiah Manifesto and I have included his recent warning to America from this book below:
It is important to realize that as we grapple each day with the forces of darkness we are not helpless because God is the god of the heavens and the earth, and He knows the end from the beginning. When things look hopeless, we can put our trust in Him.
This is a time, though, for each of us to keep short accounts with God. He does speak to us from His Word, the Bible, and individually if we are prepared to ask. There is an important Bible verse to meditate on: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8). In the midst of busy lives, where there is so much noise from our devices, it is difficult to find time to simply be still and draw near to God. As the verse from James points out, God is waiting for us to make the first move.
Psalm 46 is a wonderful psalm to encourage us to stand firm in the time of upheaval. Here are the opening verses:
God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling (Psalm 46:1-3).
A crystal clear analysis of the scale of the globalist frauds now being perpetrated against humanity. Pro tip: if a lobby group has the words 'World' or 'Global' in its title, it represents an evil, neo-Marxist scam.
Thank you, Reuben, for this update and analysis - as terrifying as it may be. I has admittedly not heard of the C40 cities and for some reason I am not surprised. We need to keep resisting and opposing this absolut evil with all we have.