Ever since my interview with Tal Tsafany, the President and CEO of the Ayn Rand Institute, I have been asking myself the question: what does it take to change the world?
As I thought about the question, my mind immediately went back 2,000 years to a man nailed on a cross outside Jerusalem. Jesus stood against the religious authorities, bankers and prevailing Roman polytheistic culture, to proclaim what was true and good. His band of 11 frightened followers (Judas, overcome by his own betrayal, hanged himself – Matthew 27:3-5) didn’t look to be strong leadership material. Nonetheless, they turned the world upside down, and by the fourth century, Christianity had become the dominant force in the Western world.
The major change in the terrified band of disciples came with the resurrection of Jesus and His appearing to them over a period of 40 days. Then, on the day of Pentecost (Shavuot), which celebrates the giving of the Torah (Law) to Moses, the Holy Spirit touched the group of disciples who were based in Jerusalem and emboldened them to boldly proclaim Jesus’ resurrection and to seek to spread Jesus’ message to the ends of the earth.
In response to Peter’s short sermon about the significance of what people had seen and heard on that Pentecost day (the uneducated disciples speaking in many different languages), Peter called for action:
“Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” (Acts 2:38-39).
Three thousand people responded to this message and were baptized. Clearly, as you read the Book of Acts and then the history of the spread of Christianity across the Roman Empire in the first four centuries, it is evident that just one man – Jesus and his ragtag followers, changed the world. Mind you, they did have God on their side!
Now our society has rejected Jesus, or tried to “tame” him and His uncompromising views. Society’s Christian foundations have been cast aside in favour of “progressive” and invariably “collectivist” thinking. Are we, as a society, on our way to disaster?
If you are short on time, and don’t want to read much further, the quick answer from the Bible is “yes”. There will be a deceptive and charismatic figure – the antichrist – who will gain power and eventually demand worship of himself (see Revelation 13) . After 3.5 years of the reign of this evil man, Jesus will return and will prevail in a final battle. All will be well but there will be a lot of death and disaster before Jesus brings everything under His rule.
For us today, it doesn’t mean that we should just roll over in the face of the coming onslaught, and just as at the time of ancient Nineveh, who knows, God may relent for a season, if we repent (see the Book of Jonah). It’s a good time to be on God’s side!
Somehow, collectivist and Marxist thinking, which stamps out freedom and individuality, has become dominant on our university campuses. However, Tal Tsafany said: it only takes 10,000 influential people to change a culture. In the case of Jesus’ disciples, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, it only took 11!
As I reflected on these things, my mind was drawn to the work of the Institute of Public Affairs in Australia – see this link .
The IPA describes itself as “an independent, non-profit public policy think tank, dedicated to preserving and strengthening the foundations of economic and political freedom.”
Founded in 1943 during the dark days of World War II, “The IPA supports the free market of ideas, the free flow of capital, a limited and efficient government, evidence-based public policy, the rule of law, and representative democracy. Throughout human history, these ideas have proven themselves to be the most dynamic, liberating and exciting. Our researchers apply these ideas to the public policy questions which matter today.
The IPA’s specific research areas include climate change, red tape reduction, economics, criminal justice, legal rights, freedom of speech, innovation and entrepreneurship, workplace relations and energy and resources.
The IPA publishes a wide variety of research papers and supporting opinion pieces. It also hosts conferences and lectures across the country.”
One of the projects currently being supported by the IPA is Generation Liberty which is a youth network sponsored by the IPA. It is “dedicated to advancing the ideas of economic, political and individual liberty among young Australians”. Generation Liberty is managed by my niece Brianna McKee and this week, I interviewed her to discover more about the project and how her work is engaging young people in their twenties, to understand the principles of freedom and liberty. A core group of dedicated young people who understand the “signs of the times” and commit themselves to advancing economic, political and individual liberty, may be able to change the world. My readers will be interested to hear about this project and perhaps also in supporting it.
Interview with Brianna McKee, Manager of Generation Liberty at the Institute of Public Affairs
Global Control of Information
Given our focus this week, I thought that it would be helpful for my readers to listen to Ben Shapiro’s recent podcast: Facts Episode 1: These Global Organizations Want to Control You.
The podcast helpful in understanding the global control of information. It is less than 10 min but has some great information. He starts the podcast as follows:
“There’s a group of people who control what you are allowed to see, the news you read, the news you watch, the posts you engage with. You haven’t heard of them; you don’t know their names but they determine through methods, direct and indirect, whether you are allowed to be exposed to particular messages. Their decisions can bankrupt companies, silence voices and fundamentally shift cultural norms. Who are these people and how do they do this?
Well, at the top level they’re a network of global elites that has created a universal framework full of guidelines and ratings, designed to enforce “approved” narratives and punish disapproved. It sounds like a conspiracy theory, except that it isn’t a secret and we’re not guessing.”
Shapiro goes on to outline the global control of information and the power of control of global advertisers. Please listen and take note.
The Impeachment of Joe Biden
Stories of the criminal behaviour of Hunter Biden and his father, Joe, have been circulating for many years, ever since Joe Biden was Vice-President. However, information has been slowly emerging from the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell”, government informants, bank records and testimony from Hunter Biden’s partners, that paint a clear picture of corruption. Surprisingly, Republicans have been reluctant to “go for the throat” to impeach Biden, even though the evidence is overwhelming. The Heritage Foundation published a helpful article, 6 Things to Know About a Potential Biden Impeachment Inquiry, recently, which you can read at this link.
While you will hear on mainstream news sources that there is “no evidence” to implicate Joe Biden, the Heritage Foundation notes just a few of the recent facts:
“In July, Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, released an FBI form that showed a confidential informant reported that executives with Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, paid a $5 million bribe to then-Vice President Biden in 2016 to help scuttle a Ukrainian government investigation of the company.
Last week, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee learned that while vice president, Biden used a pseudonym for email contacts forwarded to his son Hunter Biden and a business partner.
Earlier this month, newly released bank records showed the amount of money from foreign individuals and entities that poured into Biden family companies reached $20 million during Biden’s time as vice president under President Barack Obama from 2009 through 2016.”
It is clear that there is enough evidence of “Treason, Bribery, high Crimes and Misdemeanors” set out in the US Constitution (Article II, section 4) – see background article in Time magazine - to impeach Biden. However, given the even split in the US Senate of Democrats and Republicans and the need for a two-thirds majority to impeach the President (a simple majority is needed in the House of Representatives), there is no chance of Biden being convicted. The Republicans anticipate that their subpoena powers will uncover further evidence of wrongdoing by Biden and also the three letter agencies (FBI, IRS, CIA) that have sought to suppress information about wrongdoing.
It does seem that all of this theatre is likely to be superseded by Biden’s evident unsuitability and incapacity to serve a second presidential term. Even the Democrats have recognized this - and now we only have to wait and see how they are going to position a shift to a new presidential candidate – Michelle Obama or California Governor, Gavin Newsome?
There are, however, many moving parts in the forthcoming presidential race, and it would be a brave person who would predict who will be put before the voters in November 2024. For example, just this week the Biden Administration announced the unfreezing of $6 billion in funds for the notorious Iranian regime. At the same time, one third of the inspectors examining Iranian nuclear facilities were expelled from the country. Together with the war in Ukraine and threats to Taiwan, international events could upend many plans. Whatever the future events that will influence the presidential race, one thing is certain, come November 2024, one of the candidates won’t be Joe Biden.
Mainstream 9/11 Memorials Still Ignoring The Truth
In July, I wrote a post titled “The Right Side of History” - which featured Feargus Greenwood’s wonderful book 180° - see this link.
One of the topics that Feargus discusses is the 9/11 conspiracy and the evidence that this was an inside job by the U.S. government. This last week was 22nd commemoration of this shocking event. It is even more shocking when the evidence is clear that both Twin Towers and building seven nearby (a 47-storey building that collapsed in seven seconds on 9/11, despite having no direct hit), were the result of controlled demolition.
This week, my wife and I watched a fascinating one-hour video made by U.S. Architects and Engineers, which provides technical information to understand why the World Trade Center buildings could not have collapsed as a result of being hit by planes. It is essential viewing to understand the evil conspiracy behind a “false flag” that has enabled widespread government surveillance and overreach. You can view the video below.
World Affairs Brief – has a helpful article about the 9/11 “false flag” and I have quoted from a section of their publication below:
“Every year when September rolls around the mainstream media has to showcase memorial services for the victims of 9/11, giving them yet another opportunity to reinforce the false official story that this was a conspiracy of 19 Muslim hijackers on airliners that brought down the three World Trade Center buildings on their own (without the assistance of explosive demolition, which terrorists could not have accomplished).
I have covered all of the detailed evidence in prior briefs and have compiled much of it on the 9/11 update page of my website. This evidence confirms that amateur pilot-hijackers taking over airliners could never do what the government claims they did. Readers who prefer a video summary of most of these details will find it in a recent interview by David Ickes with former United Airline pilot Dan Hanley, a 9/11 United Airlines pilot whistleblower.”
It is clear that the 9/11 Commission ignored or covered up vital evidence. If the government would do this to us, it is only a small step to go on to mandating a damaging vaccine that was known to have dramatic negative health impacts.
COVID-19 “Vaccine” Updates
Excellent substacks by Steve Kirsch and Jessica Rose -
continue to expose the folly and evil behind government responses to the COVID-19 “pandemic”. This last week, Steve Kirsch noted new information that demonstrated the inefficacy of masks -
Tom Woods interviewed the Florida Surgeon General, Dr Joseph Ladapo this week and it is worthwhile viewing -see this link -
Dr Ladapo stood against the ideas of lockdowns and forced vaccinations in Florida. Tom Woods asks a wonderful question in the video:
“If this were 2019, what concerns do you have about the state of American medicine? But I also want to know your answer in 2023, having lived through these past few years”.
My answer is that I had extraordinary (and probably false) confidence in medicine in 2019. In 2023, having witnessed the cowardice of most doctors in agreeing to inject an experimental agent into people and not standing against Big Pharma, I have no trust in the medical system and realize that I must do my own research to understand any recommended treatment, particularly if it’s pharmacological.
Dr Jessica Rose also cross-posted an article from Dr Philip Altman, who writes about the failure of drug regulation –
After almost 4 years of constant lies, misinformation and disinformation, drug regulators around the world (including our Therapeutic Goods Administration) which was charged with the duty to properly evaluate the quality, safety and efficacy of new therapeutic agents - have failed miserably. Absolutely nothing they have said is true. The COVID so-called “vaccines” were not safe and effective, they did not prevent infection, they did not prevent transmission of infection.”
Dr Altman highlights the damaging impacts of COVID-19 “vaccines” on reproduction:
“Of all the horrendous pieces of advice dealt us by our “health experts”, probably the worst of the worst was the recommended use in pregnancy. Our TGA know there are disturbing safety signals from animal reproduction studies and they also know the lipid nanoparticles containing mRNA distribute preferentially to the ovaries. Previously, one would never ever consider recommending administration of an experimental drug, not to mention a gene-based therapy without any long-term safety data, in pregnancy unless you were confident it would not do more harm than good. Accumulating data on fertility and miscarriages is most disturbing.”
Most people don’t want to revisit the COVID-19 scandal but want to move on and put the trauma behind them. However, it is important to understand what was done and what is likely being planned. Given the machinery (QR codes, tracing, vaccine passports, mandated injections etc) put in place, undoubtedly, the tools will be used again. It reminded me of the warning given by President Reagan in 1964 at the Republican National Convention
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
China Spies on the World
It seems hard to believe now, but it is just less than eight years ago that President Xi Jingping was riding with the Queen in a horsedrawn carriage along the Mall on their way to Buckingham Palace, where he spent two nights – see this link. This heralded a new “golden era” under the then Prime Minister David Cameron. At the time of the Chinese New Year in 2016, Cameron said :
“You can see the bond between our countries shining brightly: in our universities, where thousands of Chinese people are studying; in our businesses, where bilateral trade has more than doubled in 5 years; and in our cities, with more Chinese tourists choosing to visit Britain than ever before.”
Now the UK Government is facing a spy scandal and Sophia Yan writing in the UK Telegraph notes that two men, one a parliamentary researcher, have been arrested for spying. Yan writes:
“The incidents mark a dramatic souring of that once-promising relationship. Gone are the gilded carriages and compliments. Now it is mutual hostility and suspicion that reigns. These days, insiders remark, close links between Beijing and Britain are talked of not as a golden era but as a “golden error”.
Long-time sceptics like Conservative MP Iain Duncan Smith say it is “time for us to recognise the deepening threat that the Chinese Communist Party under Xi now poses”. And finally such words may not be falling on deaf ears.”
The article by Sophia Yan is very detailed and highlights the extensive nature of China’s spy operations involving the People’s Liberation Army, the Ministry of State Security and Cyber and Corporate Espionage. She concludes as follows:
“The biggest challenge with China’s espionage efforts is that they are ubiquitous, and can include activities that are perfectly legal. Even ordinary Chinese citizens abroad are being co-opted into acting on behalf of the state.
Some do so of their own volition, having grown up in a propaganda-heavy environment promoting nationalist tendencies. Others are forced to do so after Chinese authorities hold their family at home hostage.
“The CCP believes that ethnic Chinese everywhere should serve the motherland, meaning the Party,” said Ivan Kanapathy, who served as the White House National Security Council director for China, Taiwan and Mongolia from 2018 to 2021.
“The influence and coercion is so pervasive it could implicate nearly anybody from China, unfortunately,” said Mr Kanapathy. “We should point the finger at the CCP and hold them accountable.”
The West has allowed itself to become dependent on China and most of the medicines consumed by the West are made there. As noted in this newsletter a few weeks ago - , President Xi is seeking global domination by China and this last week another senior minister has “disappeared”. It looks as though China holds all the cards, even though their economy is under pressure.
The question now is: when President Xi will make his move on Taiwan with one of those invitations you can’t refuse to “come home to the motherland”?