My newsletter is delayed this week because of travel to Sydney, a wonderful reunion with colleagues from the US and Ireland, and also lunch with a group of CEOs I used to chair. While it seems that nearly all are at the opposite end of the spectrum to me in understanding the “signs of the times”, it reminded me that the bonds of friendship which involve shared experiences and support for the challenging journey of life, are not to be trifled with. In the midst of differences in understanding of the world and politics, it is simply important to be a friend. This idea has been on my mind since I heard the Delingple podcast with Feargus O’Connor Greenwood that I wrote about a few weeks ago – see this link
Feargus stated, “It is more important to be a friend than to be right”. This was sage advice and I have been attempting to twist it a little to say I want to be a friend who is right, but I may have missed the critical point!
I have been reading various news stories this last week and suddenly realized that most of us suffer from unconscious incompetence – we don’t know what we don’t know. I suppose this has become increasingly evident since I read the great book by Feargus O’Connor Greenwood – 180°.
As Feargus indicated, to understand the truth about many events that increasingly shape our life and our freedoms, we have to take as a starting point the opposite view to that which is being fed to us by mainstream media and even governments. This requires a totally different mindset as we walk out into the world each day. It’s like that old saying, “It’s easy to be paranoid when everyone is against you”! My wife has become a bit of an expert at this. When we hear of someone dying, her first response is always “It must be the COVID-19 vaccine”, and I’ve realized that she is nearly always right (possibly even including those who fall from tall buildings in Russia!).
Conspiracy Theories
Ever since the cover-up of the CIA’s involvement in President Kennedy’s assassination, which Robert F Kennedy has spoken about openly since he launched his US presidential campaign a few months ago, there has been an awareness that there really are conspiracies and that the conspiracy theorists are more often right than not.
To counter the idea that President Kennedy’s assassination was a conspiracy involving the CIA (and possibly “the mob”), those in the US government “deep state” used the term “conspiracy theorist”. It was amplified at the time of Kennedy’s death to counter anyone who did not believe the lone gunman theory. I heard an interesting interview with Roger Stone in the last few weeks which I found fascinating, and I have provided a link for readers – see this link. Roger published a remarkable book in 2013: The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ. I was unaware of the book and found the interview compelling.
Since the Kennedy assassination, the term “conspiracy theorist” seems to be applied to anyone who has a counter-argument to the mainstream narrative, notably 9/11. Recently, the term has been most widely used by anyone who dared to question the origin of SARS-CoV-2 from the wet market in Wuhan and those who questioned the subsequent vaccines as being “safe and effective”. The strategy has been extraordinarily effective. Either the media self-censored (under pressure from Big Pharm and the threats of withdrawal of government financial support) or government agencies pressured Big Tech companies to take down messages that conflicted with the government narrative. Recently freedom of information requests and legal cases have demonstrated the close relationship between Big Tech and governments in the US, UK and Australia. Most notably, the States of Missouri and Louisiana have been successful in their legal case against the Biden administration’s censorship of free speech -see this link.
Very successful, scientists who expressed concerns about the virus's origin from the Wuhan Institute of Virology or the efficacy and safety of the experimental “vaccines” were labelled as spreading “misinformation and disinformation”. These people were called conspiracy theorists and then sidelined without the need for further explanation. Their views were not only suppressed but authorities targeted prominent doctors for removal of their medical licenses. In one notable case, an eminent Swiss cardiologist was detained in a mental hospital and diagnosed with “coronavirus insanity” because of his views about the virus origins and treatments – see the video link.
We are treated the same way we saw in the film A Few Good Men. We’re not to be trusted with the truth, and it always seems worthwhile reviewing the scene where Jack Nicholson tells Tom Cruise that he “can’t handle the truth”.
The problem is that we must know the truth before we can work out if we can handle it. Increasingly, it is evident that various events labelled as conspiracies were actually true. There is an interesting clip that readers may not have seen where a US journalist interviews Elon Musk and declares that “some conspiracy theories are true…like he Hunter Biden Laptop”
Elon Musk has gained almost as much attention as President Trump in the last few years, and there are different views about whether he is a white knight or an agent of darkness. Many believe that Musk is under the control of the Chinese government. However, he has also restored the accounts of many Twitter users, including President Trump. This link provides further information and a video that is worthwhile viewing.
The evidence now is overwhelming that governments in the UK, US and Australia (and undoubtedly others) were putting great pressure on social media companies to take down posts in relation to COVID-19 and vaccination that the government did not like – see this link. These governments now seek to embed censorship in the name of “protecting the public”. Truly, we live at a time when it will increasingly be challenging to find the truth, and we need to be suspicious of any government or mainstream narrative.
Moving From Unconscious Incompetence to Conscious Competence
To know what we don’t know is difficult. Most of us fall prey to whatever messages the increasingly centralized media distribute, and so we don’t know what we don’t know. We need to move from unconscious incompetence, to conscious incompetence (we know that we don’t know) and then, as we seek trustworthy information, we can become consciously competent. We have to assume that the messages that are being given by various government “spin doctors” and the media are likely to be 180° wrong. Therefore, we must do our investigations to determine what we don’t know.
Of course, there is no more important area for us to be informed with correct information than our health. The huge power of Big Pharma has been evident along the path of the “pandemic” period from 2020 to 2022. I am horrified that this society-defining event has been pushed to one side by most people to whom I talk, and there appears to be a type of collective amnesia. It may be that, for many, it is easier to live in denial. However, if we are going to avoid unconscious incompetence, we need to become consciously competent. So, this week to assist my Sons of Issachar readers, I am going to bring together some of the articles related to COVID-19 and the COVID “vaccines” that have come to my attention from a range of sources, to share with my readers. It seems that this is one of the biggest scandals of all time that most people have forgotten about.
Conscious Competence and Coronavirus “Vaccines”
Here are some of the facts that are important to become consciously competent in this critical area:
The SARS-CoV-2 virus is a bioweapon, developed with gain-of-function research supported by the US government in a French-built Chinese laboratory in Wuhan – see this link. The virus either escaped or was released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the summer of 2019. Subsequently, important records from the laboratory were erased with support from the US.
Effective treatments were banned to assist Big Pharma. Doctors such as Peter McCullough, Vladimir Zelenko - and Dr Tess Lawrie - demonstrated the effectiveness of various treatment protocols for SARS-CoV-2. These treatments included: hydroxychloroquine, vitamins C, D and zinc, corticosteroids and ivermectin. These treatments were effectively consigned to the lunatic fringe. Doctors who wanted to prescribe ivermectin were threatened with deregistration. Brave US doctors formed America’s Frontline Doctors and many of these doctors were relentlessly pursued by the authorities. Given the billions of dollars that Big Pharma was spending to develop “vaccines”, the sidelining of treatments was important to demonstrate that “emergency use authorization” (EUA) could be given by the US FDA. EUAs for new products can only be given when there are no other treatments that can be used. There appeared to be a conspiracy between the regulatory authorities, public health officials, the government, Big Pharma and Big Tech to ensure that patients with COVID-19 were denied effective treatments.
Western Governments Colluded in Ineffective Lockdowns that Destroyed Small Businesses. Psychological operations (psyops) were implemented by nearly all Western governments, except Sweden, which was condemned for threatening the health of its population (Sweden’s overall results were better than most of Europe). The psyops (well outlined in Laura Dodsworth’s book A State of Fear) frightened populations into believing that a disease that proved to be no more deadly than the flu was so dangerous that no one should go outside. The police were deployed to prevent people moving about, and national borders shut down. Many small businesses were destroyed, never to return, while the large online businesses thrived. Children’s education and social development also were dramatically impacted.
Operation Warp Speed Resulted in the Death of Millions. Operation Warp Speed - seems to have been an idea promoted to get President Trump on board. It is precisely the type of concept that Trump liked as a “can do” President. Dr Anthony Fauci had previously spoken of the dangers of accelerated vaccine development as vaccines typically take 5-10 years to be demonstrated to be safe – see this link. Big Pharma produced “vaccines”, using new and untested mRNA technology .in record time. It is evident that the FDA either did not consider or ignored the dangerous results that were clear in Big Pharma’s own documents submitted to the FDA. The government tried to suppress this data, but after a US judge ordered that the information from Pfizer (more than 60,000 pages) should be released, a team overseen by Dr Naomi Wolf demonstrated the dangers of the Pfizer vaccine to health and reproduction. See the book by Dr Wolf and colleagues. It is clear that this is a conspiracy against the public and in favour of Big Pharma when the dramatic signals from adverse events databases (see the US’s own vaccine adverse evens database here) and the UK’s database) were ignored. There were no investigations into the extraordinary rise in adverse health effects following various vaccines, and governments indemnified Big Pharma against any legal action. In Australia, after reassurance by government health officials that the AstraZeneca vaccine was totally safe, it was quietly removed from the market about 9 months later because of serious health impacts. No attention was drawn to this in the media. Edward Dowd has highlighted the short and long-term negative impacts of the “vaccines” on health in his book Cause Unknown.
Adverse Impacts of the COVID-19 Vaccines Continue to be Ignored.
Private investigators like Steve Kirsch and Jessica Rose continue to highlight the harm that the COVID vaccines have caused and continue to cause. Yet, governments continue to promote the “vaccines” and ignore the extensive body of evidence that the “vaccines” cause harm and are ineffective. Just in the last few weeks as I watched the cricket from England on television, my evening was plagued by Australian government ads about “getting boosted”.
Here are just a few of the recent articles highlighting evidence of COVID-19 “vaccine” harm:
i. COVID vaccines increase the risk of serious cardiac events by 18x -
ii. VAERS data clearly shows that COVID vaccines are an unmitigated disaster for pregnant women
iii. Rise in disabilities in the US and UK
iv. Cover-Up of “Vaccine” Deaths and Injuries
It is extraordinary that none of this information has made its way into the mainstream media, which points to collusion between the media, government and Big Tech.
The UK government has launched a COVID enquiry that seems destined to avoid any of the information I have highlighted. Meanwhile, the enquiry having hardly begun, the legal bills already have exceeded £100 million and is set to last for seven years.
How can this happen, I hear you ask? It can only occur when we cede our own freedoms and rights to governments who never have our welfare as their priority. I also have realized nothing is more dangerous than an “expert” who is usually blinkered and may be compromised.
Our health and the so-called “vaccines” are vital areas for each of us to develop conscious competence. The impact of the coronavirus strategy is not some mistake by well-meaning doctors, governments, media and pharmaceutical companies. Given all the available evidence, there is no other hypothesis other than this is a deliberate plot against us. There are some “useful idiots” amplifying the messages of “vaccines” being “safe and effective”, but behind these people, there is a sinister hand that we need to wake up and recognize.
President Reagan’s statement in 1986 is even more relevant today. Reagan said: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help’”.
I urge each of the Sons of Issachar readers to be “as wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16) and remember Jesus’ instruction to His disciples which is more relevant than ever today:
“…If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31-32).
Another great piece, Reuben, and well worth waiting for. It is troubling how collective amnesia is spreading, yet no surprise. I do believe that shame plays a big part here as well. When I talk to people - even family and friends - I see in many the wish to just be able to live their lives unencumbered by the terror around them that they are not even willing to acknowledge. We are experiencing an overkill of fear that many cannot deal with anymore so they shut down and play pretend that all is well.