“Because your heart is lifted up And you have said, ‘I am a god, I sit in the seat of gods In the heart of the seas’; Yet you are a man and not God.." Ezekiel 28:2
There is something in the heart of man to want to be like God. In fact, we all want to be gods of our own domains and like the ancient Israelites at the time of the Judges, (about 3400 years ago), to do whatever “seems right in our own eyes” (Judges 21:25). I suppose it goes back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden where the serpent told Eve that “your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God” (Genesis 3:4) but also it is a repeating theme throughout human history. So unsurprisingly, many American billionaires have poured their fortunes into searches for eternal life, artificial intelligence and the fusion of man and machine.
As I have been contemplating the search for “eternal life”, my mind was drawn back several thousand years to a plain the land of Shinar. One of the interesting periods of history after the Great Flood is described in Genesis 10. Nimrod, the great-grandson of Noah, controlled the main cities in the land of Shinar, including historic Babylon. In this cradle of civilization, Nimrod, who is described as a mighty man and renowned hunter, dominated the world and seems to have had a desire to be the first global ruler. At that time, there was one common language and a project was conceived to build a tower in the plain of Shinar which had its top “in the heavens” (Genesis 11:4). It is clear that Nimrod’s plan was to make man equal with God so that as God said: “nothing they propose to do will be withheld from them” (Genesis 11:6). However, God put a spanner in the works by “confusing their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech” (Genesis 11:7). The language confusion resulted in scattering of people and the Babel tower project was shelved. However, the desire for a one world leader and a project to make us “gods” seems to have continued in our DNA since that time. This desire has made its way to the forefront of “progressive” thought leaders like Professor Yuval Harari, whose website has this arresting quote:
“history began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods”.
In the last few years, Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, coined and promoted the idea of the “fourth industrial revolution” – which involves “fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, impacting all disciplines, economies and industries, and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human”. So various technologies, including gene editing, are being harnessed to produce a new human – where we “become gods”. Klaus and the New World Order, just like Nimrod, with delusions of grandeur, are beavering away with the help of billions of dollars from various tax-exempt foundations. Now, armed with a new Executive Order from Joe Biden, these guys can do some real harm.
Two weeks ago, I wrote about Joe Biden’s Executive Order 14081 - “Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe and Secure Bioeconomy”. Of course, Biden would have no idea what this is about but from first principles, you can guess that this executive order is likely to deliver the opposite to its name. You only have to think of the recent “Inflation Reduction Act”, guaranteed to cause further inflation.
The Presidential Order 14081 is likely to encourage unsustainable, unsafe and insecure biotechnology. The Executive Order seems have been written by a biosecurity woke random phrase generator and the first part of the order states:
“to coordinate a whole-of-government approach to advance biotechnology and biomanufacturing towards innovative solutions in health, climate change, energy, food security, agriculture, supply chain resilience, and national and economic security. Central to this policy and its outcomes are principles of equity, ethics, safety, and security that enable access to technologies, processes, and products in a manner that benefits all Americans and the global community and that maintains United States technological leadership and economic competitiveness.”
What does this all mean? Well – at the heart of this is the idea of transhumanism. Transhumanism is a term coined in 1957 by the well-known eugenicist and first Director of UNESCO, Julian Huxley. Julian Huxley was the brother of the Brave New World author, Aldous Huxley, which seems to have become a handbook for the New World Order. Huxley’s ideas have spawned the World Transhumanist Association - where transhumanism is presented as Humanity+. The idea of Humanity+ is to use science to “advance human existence” and expand human capabilities and extend life to be, as they say, “better than well”. The technologies that they cite are: artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, nanomedicine, biotechnology, stem cells, and gene therapy.
I became aware of the idea of transhumanism about 10 years ago though talks by Dr Chuck Missler and colleagues. Dr Missler described transhumanism this way:
“Since before the Pharaohs, man has tried to become like gods. Transhumanism has taken this idea to the next step, with the pursuit of immortality, omniscience, and ultimate power. Technology is paving the way for humans to achieve godhood”.
This sounded a bit far-fetched to me at the time but I have followed the ideas about transhumanism since then and most recently Elon Musk’s Neuralink has demonstrated that we are on the path to fusing man and machine, as outlined in this 2020 YouTube video:
Musk has a way of making the impossible, possible and there are research groups working internationally to install computer chips into people’s brains. I also was shocked to find out about the research of the Wellcome Trust, a lavishly funded private foundation in the UK, that is supporting quite invasive research into neural function via the Wellcome Leap research program. It is worthwhile listening to a podcast from 2021 of James Corbett with Whitney Webb to understand more about what the Wellcome Trust is doing. This podcast is called The Wellcome Leap into Transhumanism. Whitney Webb published an article in June 2021 on her site Unlimited Hangout – which truly terrified me. So much so that I immediately got rid of my Apple Watch, which I realized was monitoring me and sending information to the New World Order!
The Wellcome Leap was spun off from the Wellcome Trust, with US$300 million in initial capital. The research is focused on medical technologies, “including a program exclusively focused on using artificial intelligence (AI), mobile sensors, and wearable brain-mapping tech for children three years old and younger.” It is extraordinary that the Wellcome Leap research hasn’t received more attention as the studies are potentially invasive and transformative of what it means to be human. There are 4 main research areas:
1) HOPE – a misnomer if ever there was one – stands for Human Organs, Physiology and Engineering. This research aims to replace drug trials on animals with gene-edited and farmed organs. Additionally, the program aims to establish machine-hybrid human organs for transplantation. They also promote the idea of genetic engineering.
2) THE FIRST 1000 DAYS – also called “cutely” – 1KD. Remarkably it seeks to use babies from 3 months to 3 years of age as its test subjects. You wonder which parents would offer their children up for these experiments but many thousands did with the COVID-19 vaccines. The research, which is truly frightening in its ambitions, aims to develop
“wearable sensors that assess physiological measures predictive of brain health (e.g., electrodermal activity, respiratory rate, and heart rate) and wireless wearable EEG or eye-tracking technology” for use in infants and children three and under.” The goals of 1KD involve: “experimenting on the cognitive augmentation of children using means developed by AI algorithms and invasive surveillance-based technology.”
Undoubtedly this modern eugenics program is coming for a child near you to “augment” him or her and develop as they call it “pruning” technologies to make the child a better fit for the New World Order. This sounds crazy but these guys have billions of dollars at their disposal and as far as I can see, there has been no pushback or accountability required for these mad scientists.
3) DELTA TISSUE – abbreviated to ∆T. Webb outlines the aims of this US$55 million program being:
“to create a platform that monitors changes in human-tissue function and interactions in real time, ostensibly to “explain the status of a disease in each person and better predict how that disease would progress.” Referring to this platform as a “tissue time machine,” Wellcome Leap sees Delta Tissue as being able to predict the onset of disease before it occurs while also allowing for medical interventions that “are targeted to the individual.”
The development of mRNA vaccine technologies was part of the lead up to the current research and the so-called “precision technologies”. Gene-editing is definitely on the horizon with potential horrific unforeseen consequences.
4) MULTI-CHANNEL PSYCH – the main initial focus is on the treatment of depression or what they term “anhedonia” – the inability to feel pleasure. The research aims to tailor therapy to specific biology and to gain access to “the biological substrate of depression – ie the brain”. Whitney Webb notes that the focus is to “develop “non-invasive” and, likely, wearable technology capable of monitoring an individual’s mood, facial expressions, social interactions, effort and motivation, and potentially even thoughts in order to “directly interrogate human brain state.”
These research projects are supported and promoted by the most influential and wealthy individuals in society and to-date, have been able to stay below the radar of most of the media. As Whitney Webb concludes:
“most of these technologies would usher in a deeply disturbing era of mass surveillance over both the external and internal activities of human beings, including young children and infants, while also creating a new era of medicine based largely on gene-editing therapies, the risks of which are considerable and also consistently downplayed by its promoters.”
Remember that already many of us are offering up our data to groups such as Apple, fitbit and others via biological “wearables”. I was one of these and I threw away my Apple watch as soon as I heard Whitney Webb’s podcast last year. Whitney provides an updated outline of the new eugenics in a podcast from a few days ago with Daniel Horowitz. It is 1 hour long but is a “must listen”
As the transhumanists search for immortality, it is not difficult to see the links to religion. In 2018, Wesley Smith wrote an interesting article titled: “Transhumanism: A Religion for Postmodern Times”. Smith says that:
“transhumanists’ greatest hope is to eternally save their minds (again, as opposed to souls) via personal uploading into computer programs. Yes, transhumanists expect to ultimately live without end in cyberspace, crafting their own virtual realities, or perhaps, merging their consciousnesses with others’ to experience multi-beinghood.”
It is clear that Biden’s Executive Order 14081 will clear any obstacles and encourage the move towards transhumanism and Leo Hohman has written that the order “pivots the entire federal government to support, fund, advance, and embed transhumanism into the fabric of American culture, economy and overall ethos.” It’s highly likely that this will occur out of our sight in the backrooms of science and politics. Hohman’s article last week in Liberty Sentinel is called “Transhumanism is the New One World Religion”. The transhumanist movement has gained steam in recent years and the darling of the World Economic Forum, Professor Yuval Harari, has expressed the big picture idea and is quoted by Leo Hohman in his article. Harari, a historian and transhumanist philosopher from Hebrew University of Jerusalem, told the UK Telegraph in 2015:
“I think it is likely in the next 200 years or so Homo sapiens will upgrade themselves into some idea of a divine being, either through biological manipulation or genetic engineering by the creation of cyborgs, part organic, part non-organic.”
The Presidential Executive Order takes a centralized approach, directing many government agencies to reorientate their work “to further societal goals related to health, climate change and energy, food and agricultural innovation, resilient supply chains, and cross-cutting scientific advances.” This is a frightening path that inevitably will involve governments overseeing genetic engineering to “improve society” and ultimately will redefine human beings as robots with biochips and new DNA. It is clear then why the global overlords are fighting the battle for gender (or rather lack of gender) so fiercely. The transhumanists see no gender and no reproduction but a cyborg existence where they live forever. It is worthwhile reading Leo Hohman’s article - where he concludes that “Christianity’s highest ideal is love”. In contrast, “transhumanism’s highest virtue is intelligence”. Leo concludes his article by quoting the famous passage about love, from Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians Chapter 13:1-8
“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.”
It seems unlikely that the transhumanists will upload this definition of love into our re-engineered DNA and brain chips. I think that only Jesus’ return can save us from the transhumanist nightmare.
The UK and Europe Moves to the Right
The old saying that “you can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time” is evident in the rejection of socialist ideology and mass migration in various European countries in the last week. Liz Truss, who sees herself as a new “Iron Lady” has overseen a massive tax cut in a push for growth in the economy. As she said she wants to “enable people to keep more of their money in their own pockets”
What an unusual idea – people know how to spend their money more effectively than the government! Unfortunately the idea of the welfare state is firmly ingrained in Britain and despite the complete failure of the National Health Service (NHS), everyone clings onto it like a religious icon. It is great to see Truss and her Chancellor for Exchequer, the Eton-educated Kwasi Kwarteng trying to roll back the welfare state and unleash productivity in Britain. Unfortunately there is little time to do this and it is like trying to turn around a huge ship like the Queen Mary. It will be interesting to see how the economy fares over the next 18 months. One thing that Truss could do is cut funds to Ukraine but she seems determined to keep shovelling money and weapons out to President Zelensky. An unfortunate outcome of the new economic approach has been a meltdown of the UK£ and I think that I caught the “vibe” of a more confident UK Labour Party. My prediction (and I had a dream about this 2 years ago) is that Sir Keir Starmer will become UK Prime Minister of a Labour government in 2024.
Sweden also has moved to the right with the Sweden Democrats, described as a “far-right party” achieving 20.5% of the Swedish vote in the recent elections which will enable them to be influential in the new governing moderate coalition. It’s interesting that when political parties stand up for national sovereignty, protection of country borders, reduction of handouts and being pro-family, they are described as “far right” and then you hear the term “fascist” being bandied about, although hardly any of those who use the term know what it means.
The term “fascist” has been heard a lot the last few days because of the election victory of the new Italian Prime Minister, Giorgio Meloni . Most news network have described her as “far-right” and even “fascist” because her party, the Brothers of Italy, are the senior players in the conservative coalition. Her slogan was: “we defend God, country, and family”, which is hard to fault. Because Meloni is opposed to abortion, LGBTQ+ and transgender ideology, she is at odds with much of the EU. She also has spoken in favour of lower taxation and for maintaining the country’s borders. Earlier this year in a speech to Spain she declared:
“Yes to natural families, no to the LGBT lobby, yes to sexual identity, no to gender ideology, yes to the culture of life, no to the abyss of death.”
Mass Middle Eastern migration has brought a massive upswing in violent crime and this has been particularly evident in Sweden which was one of the safest countries but now crime and rape abound. Not surprisingly, voters have noticed and are supporting political parties that are trying to control borders and keep people safe. Germany and France, which dominate EU finances will not take this lying down and action already has been taking against Poland and Hungary for stepping out of line. It will be interesting to see if there is another “Brexit” somewhere in Europe in the next 12 months.
China, Russia and Ukraine
Earlier in the year, Presidents Putin and Xi met during the Beijing Winter Olympics and declared that there were “no limits” to their friendship. An interesting and little reported part of the joint statement was Russia’s commitment to a “one China” policy where Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. The “no-limits” friendship now seems to have acquired some limits . Tyler Durdan has reported in ZeroHedge that China’s Foreign Minister stated:
"Sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected, principles of the UN Charter should be followed, legitimate security concerns of all parties should be taken seriously, and all efforts to resolve the crisis peacefully should be supported," China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi outlined in a meeting with Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in New York”.
Up until this point, China has indicated that Russia had legitimate security concerns in its “limited military action”. India also has expressed some concerns about the Ukraine conflict at the recent Uzbekistan security summit and Indian Prime Minister Modi has said: “now is not a time for war”. One wonders when that time is?
PayPal and Free Speech
Big Tech companies have gained increasing control of our lives and now are using this control to assert a unipolar world view. Social media companies have acted to suppress views that are against abortion, for national borders, against transgender ideology and a range of other so-called “progressive” issues where only one view is acceptable. In the UK there is even legislation waiting to be passed in parliament to prevent views that are “legal but harmful”. Still, it was shocking this last week to see that the Free Speech Union, pioneered by the writer Toby Young, was de-platformed by PayPal. PayPal not only froze the organization’s account but also Toby’s personal account that was in existence since 2013 because of “violation of PayPal’s acceptable use policy” – but provided no indication of what this violation involved. It is worthwhile watching a short interview of Toby Young with Nigel Farage last week
as it provides some detail and raises concerns about the power of financial organizations to punish views that they don’t like. It is particularly ironic that the Free Speech Union has been targeted for supporting free speech! In the last 24 hours, PayPal has reversed its decision but you can have no confidence that the organization won’t do something similar again.
Of course this issue with PayPal raises a much bigger issue about censorship and de-platforming which has just become part of the strategy of Big Tech urged on by their leftist supporters. It does mean that anyone with opposing views needs to look carefully at what companies they are supporting financially. PayPal is widely used and convenient but it is clear that we can’t support such a restrictive organization. I am investigating a range of alternatives and this link is worthwhile as it provides and overview of some other options - Alternatives to PayPal
Biden’s Future
This last week featured another embarrassing moment with Joe Biden’s speech at a UN event when it was clear that he had no idea where he was at the end of the speech -
It is increasingly evident each week that Biden’s cognitive abilities are on a rapid decline but Biden’s minders who have him sign various Executive Orders find him a very convenient front man. Even though Biden’s decline is covered up by the mainstream media (can you imagine what would happen if this had been Trump?), most of the US public is aware and concerned about the direction of the country. A new opinion poll published this week by the Economist magazine and YouGov found that 51% of respondents disapproved of his job as president and 42% approved (who are these people?). In relation to his handling of crime – 35% approved and 47% disapproved. With immigration, 33% approved and 53% disapproved. His disapproval has gradually increased over the last 12 months and it is extraordinary that his disapproval isn’t much higher, given the state of the economy, the US southern border, the politicization of the Justice Department and FBI, inflation and the energy crisis he has created. It shows how powerful the mainstream media are in supporting a man who is a danger to not only the US but the free world.
Clearly Biden will be incapable of running for President in 2024 but the key issue is how long can he remain propped up in his post? The mid-terms should deliver control of both houses of Congress to the Republicans if there is any justice and fair elections. It is clear that the Democrats are trying to set up a narrative about “white supremacists” as a threat and of course President Trump, who is being vilified despite him not even standing for any office. I suspect that we are going to see new claimed “threats” from what Biden calls MAGA Republicans in October to try to turn the tide. The COVID-19 lockdown provided a convenient way for the Democrats to use postal voting to their advantage. Get ready for another “pandemic” and lockdown.
Israel – the Holy Days and Coming Elections
In Israel, the High Holy days are being celebrated, with Rosh Hashana (the New Year, also known as the Feast of Trumpets) on 26th September, Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) on 5th October, Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) 10-16th October after which there are elections (the 5th in 3 years) on 1st November. These are the 3 autumn/fall feasts (of the 7 Eternal Feasts) established by God at the time of Moses. Israel’s numerous political parties and electoral system makes it impossible for one party to gain a majority and so coalitions need to be formed. It appears as though the two men most likely to form a government in November are Yair Lapid (the current acting Prime Minister) and the former Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who seems to have had numerous political resurrections over the last 30 years. A so-called “two-state solution” for Israel and Palestine, favoured by many Western countries, is not supported by Israelis with a recent poll showing only 32% support the promotion of a two-state solution for resolving the Palestinian conflict. This will become the central political issue as most Israelis are very suspicious of any agreement with the Palestinians after so many attempts over so many years, which have backfired on Israel. Netanyahu cannot come out against a two-state solution to the Palestinian conflict but he may be able to indicate his opposition and return to power despite the forces against him.
US Federal Judge Stops Vaccine and Mask Mandates
There haven’t been many wins for groups and individuals who have opposed vaccine mandates. Emergency biosecurity legislation resulted in various Western governments being given authority for imposing “public health” measures. Then government employees were forced into being vaccinated with unapproved and dangerous vaccines. It is interesting that the serious adverse effects of the vaccines were reported 15 months ago by Dr Peter McCullough but ignored or covered up by the media. Mandatory vaccination with one of the COVID-19 vaccines has been a requirement for government employees from Canada to Australia, France to New Zealand, and the UK to the US. Makes you suspect that there may be an international plot? Now, as increasing data is published about post-vaccine impacts on health and immunity, a US Federal judge has stopped US employees in the Head Start Program (preschool preparation) to be protected from mandatory vaccines and masks. Technocracy News reported this week that a Federal Judge had stopped school mask and vaccine mandates in the US. The judge, Terry Doughty ruled that mask and vaccine mandates cannot be mandated because: “liberty interests of individuals … outweigh any interest generated by the mandatory administration of vaccines.” A preschool teacher had filed a lawsuit and was represented by the Liberty Justice Center and the Pelican Institute for Public Policy. It is heartening to see some US judges upholding the principles of individual freedom and one hopes that there will be more of these cases as the negative effects of the vaccines become impossible to ignore.
John Zmirak – “Why I’m A Climate Denier and You Should Be Too”
The climate change scam has been operating for many years now and organizations like the BBC regard it as “established fact” - and therefore will not publish or broadcast alternative views. A similar approach is taken by Australia’s public broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Commission. As the whole of the West goes on a suicide mission to shut down “non-renewable” energy sources, China and India go “full steam ahead” with coal-fired power stations. Meanwhile Europe faces a winter without adequate energy reserves because of the climate cult.
It was refreshing therefore to see the article this week by John Zmirak who writes for The Stream magazine, and contends that what we are witnessing in the West is:
“the rise of a new and false religion, whose purpose is solely power. Indeed, historically, most forms of idolatry stemmed from the hunger for control — over nature, over one’s neighbors, then over entire societies. You feed the gods in the hope that they’ll make you fertile, virile, and powerful. That’s what your “secular” colleagues and fellow citizens who claim to believe in Science are actually engaged in…”.
While Zmirak writes more broadly about “woke culture”, he saves his most savage analysis of what he calls “the climate cult, worse than the Aztek creed”. He says no-one knows how much of the earth’s climate is warming or what is the cause. Furthermore:
“Neither, for all their credentials, hubris, and arrogance, does anybody else. People have theories, institutions make models, and computer algorithms follow their programmers’ instructions and spit out results. Nobody really knows, because the earth’s climate is a fundamentally chaotic system, enormously complex and still poorly understood. It may be so complex that predictions are literally impossible. Or maybe not. We don’t know, and won’t know for decades or even centuries. For more on that, with evidence, see The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.”
Unfortunately the “climate cult” has gained control of all the scientific and educational systems and so our children are being forced to worship at the altar of “climate emergency” with the resulting “green movements” gaining political control around the world. Here in Australia, after some resistance by the previous government to the “net zero” crowd, the new socialist Labor government, aided by members of parliament from green parties, have implemented laws last month to reduce carbon emissions by 43% by 2030 and net zero by 2050. Despite Australia having abundant coal and natural gas, we are shunning these energy sources in the rush to extinction. A reality check is coming and one wonders how the new world order will manage the coming energy and food crisis. More lockdowns?
Thanks Tanja - I hadn't seen the Big Reset Movie and it is really good. Unfortunately many seem to have ignored the lessons of what has happened
One of your best, Reuben, albeit terrifying! Perhaps this fits in, as it shows how close we already are...