The collusion between the permanent administrative state and the media
I have been laid up for the last week with the terrible “China virus”, which seemed to attack me out of the blue. As I lay hovering between life and death, I decided that President Xi’s agents must have been reading my newsletter, and spies were dispatched with viral aerosols to take me out. As the old saying would have it, “it’s hard not to be paranoid when everyone’s against you”.
I slowly recovered during the week and I regained perspective. As I lay in bed, I thought about the significance of the “China virus” and its impact on the world. A few of the significant outcomes were the empowerment of anti-free speech Western authoritarian states (in the old days we called them democracies eg Australia, the UK, New Zealand, the US, Canada) worldwide. The “China virus” also resulted in the installation of the geriatric Joe Biden as US President (more on this later).
Of course, almost everything we’ve been told about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the “safe and effective” vaccines has been lies. This is the fourth time I’ve had the virus, which knocked me out and for the past six days, and I was unable to get out of bed or even think clearly about la condition humaine.
I dosed myself up with many vitamins and horse medicines, and one week later, I feel as though I can finally think about recent events and write a few thoughts down for my Sons of Issachar readers.
Readers can decide whether I am still in the grip of the virus or have emerged from the fog to share some critical insights about the signs of the times.
The Psy-Op of COVID 19
Firstly, in relation to COVID-19 and the “safe and effective” vaccines. Almost everything that we’ve been told by health authorities around the world (all of whom seem to have been given the same script) was wrong:
The virus did not originate from a wet market in Wuhan but appears to have resulted from the US Defense Department’s “gain of function” dangerous research on modifying various bat viruses to make them more pathological for humans. This was evidence of literal biowarfare, but CDC officials have never acknowledged it.
The vaccines were never “safe and effective”, but data from Pfizer and Moderna’s own trials indicated severe adverse effects on many body systems, and the number of cases in the US VAERS database continues to climb into the millions. This is not surprising, given that the normal processes of vaccine evaluation were compressed from 5-10 years to less than six months. Health authorities knew this but could not resist the political and financial pressures to rush these dangerous biologicals onto the market to be injected into a mostly unsuspecting population who had been told to “trust the science”.
The US Government influenced social media to restrict any opinion that was at variance with the government authorities. In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Matt Taibbi (who had access to the Twitter files) reported something extraordinary:
“…one of the things was that Twitter, heading into the 2020 election, had worked out a system with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence whereby they had what they called an industry meeting. Where once it started off once a month then it was once a week where these intelligence officials were meeting with Twitter and about two dozen other Internet platforms and briefing them on things that they might expect and the information landscape. Then there was a system by which basically Twitter was receiving recommendations about content from the federal government through the FBI and then from the states through the Department of Homeland security. ….they had a very organized system of flags that where you would see the FBI say, you know, for your consideration, here are some accounts that may violate your terms of service. They've attached a spreadsheet with …400 account names on it. And that was just happening constantly….”
Taibbi went on to explain that under the direction of US government agencies, some information on social media was suppressed and some amplified. Remarkably, it didn’t matter whether the information was true or not. Taibbi said:
“… with COVID there was some really, really intense effort to create rules about what could and could not be seen” .…& what “was really really disturbing was this whole idea that anything that promotes vaccine hesitancy is a kind of disinformation even if it's factually incorrect. So, if somebody dies after they get the shot .., that may be true, but internally at the company that might convince other people not to take the shot exactly, and so they looked at that as a kind of disinformation even though it's true”.
Matt Taibbi was surprised that the mainstream media had little interest in his findings, which had demonstrated gross interference by the government and willing censorship by social media. It seemed as though an Orwellian Ministry of Truth had been set up with the connivance of groups that purported to prevent “misinformation and disinformation.” This will only worsen as governments worldwide attempt to control “misinformation and disinformation” (defined as anything governments don’t like).Health authorities pressured entire populations to get vaccinated to stop the spread of COVID-19 when there was no data to support any efficacy of the vaccines in preventing disease transmission. I have direct recent information from several Australian nursing homes where, despite repeated vaccination (as many as seven injections) of all the residents, COVID-19 continues to cut a swathe through the elderly population, and the SARS-CoV2 virus repeatedly makes its rounds through the homes to this day.
The extraordinary emergency measures to remove people’s freedoms never had any scientific justification. Politicians were frightened by various scientific “models” that presented doomsday scenarios (notably those of the Gates-funded Imperial College). None of these scientists has been held accountable, and recently, Dr Anthony Fauci was forced to admit that the famous “6-foot rule”, with stickers being placed on the floors of commercial organizations so that people didn’t come into contact with “the virus”, had no scientific backing.
Governments worldwide induced a state of fear in their citizens, who were persuaded to exchange freedom for apparent safety. Of course, this was a “safety” that was “fake safety” (as President Trump may put it). Businesses were bankrupted, people forced into receiving dangerous and experimental injections, education was interrupted or downgraded, psychological distress was inflicted, collective religious worship outlawed, and people’s basic rights removed to “keep us safe”.Doctors were coerced by governments and showed their independence by complying with everything the governments required. A concerted approach was taken by bodies responsible for doctors’ registration/licensing throughout the West. Doctors who opposed government authorities' opinions were harassed and had their licenses to practice removed. It only required the prosecution of a few dozen doctors for the rest to receive the message. The primacy of the doctor-patient relationship has now been shown to have been replaced with the preeminence of the doctor-government relationship.
None of these things could have happened if there was an independent media committed to exposing government malfeasance. Instead, the centrally controlled media (there now may be as few as six major media organizations, all of which support a collectivist, globalist narrative) reinforced the governments’ narratives at every step. Those rare commentators who expressed alternative views were quickly removed from media platforms. The power and influence of Big Pharma and its extensive investments in advertising and lobbying cannot be denied.
Taken together, the great “China virus scam” can only be seen as a centrally-controlled “Psy-Op” rolled out internationally to promote a “we the government” narrative as being critical for safety and thus overriding “we the people”. The public willingly submitted to scanning QR codes to enter buildings (to send data back to the government), isolating themselves and taking dangerous vaccines so that they could get “vaccine passports”.
Undoubtedly, more of this overreach is in process, as central control is the key feature of the increasingly technocratic state. The government propaganda foisted on unsuspecting populations during the pandemic has been demonstrated to be almost 100% effective in convincing people to trade their freedoms for apparent “safety”. Currently, “bird flu” as a threat is rumbling away in the background, and who knows what is being cooked up in various government-funded virology laboratories?
We all need to be more alert about government narratives and the lies governments can propagate in collusion with a compliant media.
Last week, Tucker Carlson covered some of these issues in an insightful public lecture given in Canberra, Australia's capital. This hour-long address and Tucker’s interaction with the Australian press is worthwhile viewing and is particularly instructive about how to handle hostile media questions:
This brings me to the great debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, which I watched from my sick bed. There has been a media meltdown in the last few days, as though Biden’s incapacity was a total surprise. However, this has been more than four years in the making and is demonstrative of the media and political collusion to attempt to deceive the US and the world.
It is instructive to go back to the roots of the Biden presidency. There is a link between the deliberately false information conveyed about COVID1-19 and the false information that Joe Biden was agile, sharp and his staff “could not keep up with him”. The media and the permanent administrative state have an agenda to promote global control and collectivism.
Seymour Hersh wrote an insightful post this week titled: The First Time Joe Dropped Out, which is worthwhile reading. He provides interesting details about when Biden dropped out of the 1988 presidential race, with details from a book published around that time by Ben Cramer.
The Deception of the Biden Presidency Goes Back More Than 40 Years
Biden’s 1988 Presidential Campaign
Senator Joe Biden first ran for the US presidency in the 1988 campaign when he was around 44 years old. He dropped out on 24 September, 1987 after charges of embellishing his academic record and plagiarism. The Chicago Tribune reported at the time:
“Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware, whose campaign for president has been damaged by admissions of plagiarism and embellishing his academic record, withdrew from the race for the 1988 Democratic nomination, saying the "exaggerated shadow" of his mistakes had begun "to obscure the essence of my candidacy."
Time Magazine provided a detailed analysis of this scandal in 2019, as Biden prepared to become the Democratic Party nominee for the 2020 presidency. His plagiarism went back to his time as a student at Syracuse Law School. Time reported:
“During his first months at Syracuse University Law School, in 1965, Biden failed a course because he wrote a paper that used five pages from a published law-review article without quotation marks or a proper footnote.”
This tendency to plagiarise came to prominence during the 1988 campaign when Biden gave a speech that was lifted from the UK Labour Leader, Neil Kinnock:
‘A few days before they began (the Senate hearings regarding potential Supreme Court Justice Robert Bork), video surfaced that spliced together footage of U.K. Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock giving a speech and Biden clearly quoting Kinnock at the Iowa State Fair without attribution. More examples of misattribution came to light, and the plagiarism scandal became more memorable than his leadership during the Bork confirmation hearing.”
Time reported that:
“The “final blow” for the campaign came when Newsweek unearthed C-SPAN footage of Biden rattling off his academic accomplishments, including saying that he graduated in the top half of his law school, when in fact, he ranked 76th out of 85.”
These character flaws should have terminated not only his future presidential aspirations but also his continuing presence in the US Senate. However, because Biden was useful to the Party and had no fixed views of his own, he continued to climb the Democratic Party greasy pole.
Biden’s Vice-Presidency
Somehow, “Teflon Joe” was able to overcome these difficulties and got his big break when he was chosen by Barack Obama as his vice-presidential running mate. You would have thought he’d have been ruled out because of his clearly racist comment about Obama in January 2007. Biden said:
“…., then-U.S. Sen. Joe Biden said of fellow Sen. Barack Obama, "I mean, you got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."
In 2004, former US Defense Secretary Robert Gates was quoted as saying:
“I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades” (Biden was the only one who voted against the strike on bin Laden). In 2020, Obama was reported to have expressed his concerns about Biden:
“Barack Obama voiced concerns about Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy and warned allies not to underestimate his ability to “f**k things up”, according to reports.”
Biden was given responsibility for Ukraine in the Obama administration and certainly made a hay day of this with his son carrying away millions of dollars as a board member of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma. Congressional committees more recently have demonstrated that more than US$20 million flowed into Biden family accounts from various overseas business interests while Biden was Vice-President.
Joe Biden appears to have held the golden key of influence as his son, Hunter, traded on his father’s name. Biden Snr had meals with Hunter’s business associates and was on speaker phone calls to “discuss the weather”. Somehow, millions of dollars flowed into Biden family shell companies and evidence from the “laptop from hell” demonstrates also flowed on to “The Big Guy”.
Remarkably, the “Biden crime family” has evaded criminal prosecution and has been shielded by the Democrats and the media. One can only imagine what would have happened if you replaced the name Biden with Trump in these various stories.
Biden’s 2020 Campaign
In the 2020 campaign, the communist Bernie Sanders was well ahead in the polls until Democratic Party grandees stepped in, just before the South Carolina primaries, after earlier humiliating losses. James Clyburn, a congressional representative from South Carolina told Biden what it would take for him to get Clyburn’s endorsement:
“You've had a couple of opportunities to mention naming a Black woman to the Supreme Court," Clyburn lectured his friend of nearly half a century, like a schoolteacher scolding a child. "I'm telling you, don't you leave the stage tonight without making it known that you will do that."
Biden complied and received Clyburn’s endorsement, which most commentators agree turned his campaign around. He then had the momentum to receive the Democratic Party nomination for the 2020 presidential election.
However, it was already evident from the primary debates that Biden wasn’t very sharp. Nonetheless, he gained the Democratic Party nomination and COVID-19 gave his aides the unique opportunity to enable him to stay in his basement and away from scrutiny. His handlers kept him in his basement for most of the 2020 election campaign. Democratic operatives also were able to change the whole voting process. Because of the “threat” from SARS-CoV-2, there was widespread implementation of mail-in ballots, the least secure process for voting.
While there are variations in opinion as to the degree of “rigging” of the 2020 election, at a minimum the US intelligence agencies were involved (they said that Hunter Biden’s laptop bore the hallmarks of Russian disinformation) in interfering in the election. It also seems likely that there was a lack of security and validation for many of the millions of postal ballots, used for the first time as a routine option in US presidential elections.
Biden’s 2024 Campaign
Biden, in his rare media appearances, has often appeared confused and has continued to tell tall tales, even insisting that his son Beau died in Iraq, when he actually died from a brain tumor. A story on Fox News on fact-checking Biden’s stories reported in 2023:
“The exaggerated biography that Mr. Biden tells includes having been a fierce civil rights activist who was repeatedly arrested. He has claimed to have been an award-winning student who earned three degrees. And last week, speaking on the hurricane-devastated island of Puerto Rico, he said he had been ‘raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically,’" the Times wrote. "For more than four decades, Mr. Biden has embraced storytelling as a way of connecting with his audience, often emphasizing the truth of his account by adding, 'Not a joke!' in the middle of a story. But Mr. Biden’s folksiness can veer into folklore, with dates that don’t quite add up and details that are exaggerated or wrong, the factual edges shaved off to make them more powerful for audiences."
The only conclusion from these stories is that the Democratic Party somehow found Biden to be a “useful idiot”, who was malleable to whatever the Party wanted him to do. This is evident from the extremely radical policies that have been able to be implemented under Biden’s presidency.
It has become increasingly clear that Biden isn’t in charge of the US government. Yet, those behind him have been responsible for the following executive actions:
“As of July 2, 2024, President Joe Biden (D) had signed 139 executive orders, 190 presidential memoranda, 629 proclamations, and 129 notices.”
Biden’s confusion over the past years shows that it is likely that he has little idea about any of the more than 1,000 presidential executive actions that he has signed.
The question is: who is in charge? Bill O’Reilly stated in the last few days that there were three people in charge: Jeff Zients, the White House Chief of Staff; Mike Donilon, the White House Chief of Strategy; and Vinay Reddy, the chief speechwriter. One would also imagine that Jake Sullivan, the National Security Adviser, also has substantial influence. However, it is of note that most of these names would be unknown to the American public and all are unelected. The US is drifting helplessly with leadership outsourced to left-wing radicals who seem determined to destroy the country.
The Great Debate – June 2024
The shocking performance of Joe Biden in the debate between Biden and Trump put the whole world on notice that Biden had such significant mental debility that it was impossible for him to continue in the job, let alone serve another four-year term as President. Commentators and Democratic Party operatives declared themselves “shocked” by Biden’s incapacity. However, the slow train wreck of Biden’s presidency had been demonstrated for several years for all those who had eyes to see. Here is a montage of just a few of the incidents that demonstrated that Joe Biden has been in serious cognitive decline.
The media, to a man and woman, had previously declared that Biden was “on the ball” and providing strong leadership. The governments of China, Russia, Iran and North Korea were obviously looking on and making their own assessments. Clearly, the media and Biden’s close advisors were lying and thought that they would get away with it by keeping Biden out of sight. Recent stories have indicated that Joe is only able to engage with his aides between 10am and 4pm. One wonders what happens if there is a crisis outside these hours?
Reports also have emerged that during his week-long debate preparation at Camp David, he didn’t start before 11am and then took a nap at 2pm. Yet, Biden claimed he performed poorly because of jet lag!
The lack of strength of the US government has likely led to a worsening of current conflicts in Ukraine and Israel. Policies such as the sudden withdrawal of the US military from Afghanistan, leaving behind billions of dollars of military equipment, have broadcast the US government’s weakness.
Additionally, national security has been under threat. Under Biden’s presidency, as many as 20 million illegal immigrants may have entered the US with resultant negative impacts on the economy, law and order.
Sam Faddis, a former CIA agent wrote this week:
“Joe Biden was put in place as President by the Democratic establishment. He was to play his part as a puppet and do what he was told while the powerbrokers that control the Party pushed through the most radical agenda in American history. Unfortunately, for the boys in the back room, Joe fell apart. He is now transparently incapable of discharging his duties as President.”
It is hard to know whether his handlers deliberately set him up to fail in the debate so a more credible Democratic Party candidate could be nominated or whether they thought they could continue the ruse and run the government behind the scenes, as they have been doing.
This week, the experienced political commentator, Bill O’Reilly stated, based on inside information, that Ron Klain (Biden’s former chief of staff) and Barack Obama had told Joe that he would have to go. O’Reilly also said that Jill Biden, who is very powerful and decides everything for Joe, doesn’t want Joe to give up the presidency and that the Biden family (notably Hunter) wants Joe to stay in the campaign.
Ultimately, the Democratic Party is ruthless, and it is evident, even to those in denial, that Biden could bring down the Party in the November elections. The problem, though, is who will replace Biden? Kamala Harris has very little support, and the only potential nominee who polls well against Trump is Michelle Obama.
The machinations needed to have Biden voluntarily step aside and then the Party to implement a process for a new nominee are very complicated and it will be fascinating to see what happens by the time of the Democratic Party Convention in Chicago between 19-22nd August.
The Links Between COVID-19 and the Biden Presidency
Some months ago, I noted the importance of the permanent administrative state in the US presidential elections, after listening to a podcast featuring Daniel McCarthy of the Conservative Review. I have included this link again for those who haven’t heard it.
The permanent administrative state probably numbers hundreds of thousands, and it is almost impossible to change the direction of US government policy. Biden, as an empty vessel, has been a convenient tool for this collectivist group to achieve their outcomes: increasing the power of government and promoting globalist control.
Importantly, most of the media is on board with the government narrative, and without an independent press, it is impossible to be aware of what is happening. The media, at the behest of Big Pharma, has promoted a particular narrative about COVID-19 and the “safe and effective” vaccines. The same media has promoted Joe Biden as an effective leader of the free world when they knew he was non compos mentis.
We are faced today with a serious problem. We can’t trust the mainstream media and we can’t trust our governments. The COVID-19 “psyop” provides critical learnings for us as we navigate the road ahead, which is a road to further global control. Be suspicious of any government policies designed to gain further control and “keep us safe”. Policies such as The Patriot Act in the US have enabled intrusion and observation of law-abiding citizens. Gradually, the West is turning into a surveillance state.
The way that Joe Biden’s incapacity has been hidden by the Democrats, international leaders, and the mainstream media is just another case study of the need for us to do our own investigations and understand the signs of the times.
While all the discussion has been about Trump and his threat to democracy, the real threat - Joe Biden - was hiding in plain sight.
Some Conclusions
At the big picture level, we are being shepherded toward total government surveillance and control. The control of health will be used to manipulate us and was very effective during the “China virus”. We need to heed the lessons from COVID-19 and the collusion between the media and government. The same collusion has been used to foist an enfeebled US President onto the population but now Biden can no longer be propped up.
It will be fascinating, in due course, to learn the manoeuvrings afoot in the Democratic Party to prevent Trump’s ascendancy to a second presidential term. Ultimately, given the power of the permanent administrative state, whoever the figurehead is probably doesn’t matter. In the march toward a global, collectivist state, it will be difficult to enable a change in direction.
In the West, our freedoms are being progressively lost as the surveillance state grabs more and more power. We need to guard our privacy and our freedoms and prepare ourselves not to comply with illegal government requirements.
Faced with state overreach, Tucker Carlson had importance advice for Australians in the last few days in a speech delivered in Melbourne. One of the things that Tucker had noticed was that on the internal flights, he continually heard Australians being told that this was not their country but belonged to the indigenous inhabitants.
Rather than just complying with illegal, anti-freedom government directives, which seek to destroy us and have us live like slaves, Carlson’s advice is:
“You have to decide that you're not going to harm anybody but you are willing to be harmed. That's just the truth. You have to decide that, and if you don't decide that I think it's very clear to me, as a visitor, where it's going. Because, .. you have to make that decision - I'm not going along with that - with respect. I'm not going to scream at anybody, not going to be nasty to anybody. I'm definitely not going to hurt anybody. But there is literally nothing you could do to make me do that and if I need to be punished, that's fine. Most people will not do that. Most … want to live their lives. I get it. I'm not attacking them but it doesn't take everybody to change their society. If a small percentage of people firmly decide that they will not violate what is sacred to them - they will not worship false gods; they will not betray their own conscience and allow their families and their country to be destroyed; and under no circumstances will they participate in an immoral system. If a small group of people - 10% of your population - does that I don't know. Gandhi kicked the British out of India after 300 years…So my strong advice to you - remember what the consequences are and what's at stake. It's totally real, it's not your imagination……If they're telling you it's not your country, they're going to take it away from you…. There are future generations of Australians who have the right to live as you lived….You don't have to hurt anybody and you shouldn't hurt anybody. Hurting other people is immoral. That's why your leaders are illegitimate because they hurt people, and that's wrong. But you have to be willing to be hurt. That's just true …”
I was struck by Tucker’s admonition to Australians. If we are going to pass on the freedoms that we have experienced to our children, at some stage we will have to take a stand, say “Enough!” and take the consequences.
Paulo Coelho, the Brazilian novelist noted:
“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change.”
We all face this challenge in the period ahead.
The UK and French Elections
There is widespread disillusionment in the UK and Europe about current governments. In France's first round of voting last weekend, the right-wing Rassemblement National (National Rally) won 33% of the vote, with Macron’s party a distant third at 21%. The second round of voting takes place Sunday 7th July and it will be interesting to see if voters heed Macron’s warning about not giving power to Marine Le Pen’s Party. If Rassemblement National gains control of the National Assembly, Macron will just be a figurehead for the remaining three years of his term (the French presidential elections will not be held until April, 2027).
As I write this newsletter on Friday 5th July in Australia, initial results indicate a landslide win for UK Labour, with a projected majority up to 170 seats. Projections indicate:
“The exit poll suggests Labour is on course for 410 seats, with the Tories reduced to 131. The Liberal Democrats are forecast to win 61 seats, Reform UK on 13 and the Green Party two. In Scotland, the SNP are expected to secure 10 seats with Plaid Cymru in Wales on four.”
Many UK government ministers lost their parliamentary seats, incuding Liz Truss, who was briefly the UK Prime Minister.
The right-wing alternative to the lacklustre Conservatives is Reform UK, led by Nigel Farage, has gained a strong following and gained a similar percentage of the vote to the Conservatives. However, because the UK election system is “first past the post”, the percentage of support for Reform doesn’t translate into an equivalent number of seats. The Conservatives have suffered a 40% drop in support from their 2019 vote, when Boris Johnson led the Party to an unprecedented majority.
There is no broad affection for Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour Party leader and now incoming UK Prime Minister. However, with a huge parliamentary majority, will be able to ride roughshod over Parliament and deliver his Socialist agenda, because the Conservative Party lost electoral support as they had no commitment to conservative values. Margaret Thatcher would roll over in her grave.
UK Labour is likely to remain in power for the next 10 years and transform the UK into a country where everyone is equally miserable.
Klaus Schwab Promotes Forcing Humanity into New Technologies
Leo Hohmann writes a fascinating substack column, highlighting the progressive spread of the technocratic state. In a post this week, he wrote about Klaus Schwab (the Chairman Emeritus of the World Economic Forum -WEF) and his recent speech in China. Hohmann writes:
“World Economic Forum founder and director Klaus Schwab, speaking at the WEF's recently concluded summer meeting in China, has informed his elitist followers that ushering in the globalist agenda will require humanity to be "forced" into a “collaboration” with the unelected organization. And the time for forced collaboration has now arrived.
Schwab made the declaration during his opening remarks at the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the "Summer Davos," in Dalian, China.
He praised China for its economic policies, which are seen by the globalists as the model of top-down centralized planning in a high-tech surveillance state run through smart cities, smart EVs, smart homes, smart appliances, smart meters, and AI, digital IDs and CBDCs, all of which hold one thing in common -- they come with on-off switches not under the control of the end user, which is we the people. In their ideal world, we live as slaves at the privilege of our masters. We get out of line, they can cut off our electric power, our electric car, our electronic digital money, everything.
Schwab told the elitist participants gathered in China that they must “force” humanity into a “collaboration” with the unelected WEF. This is why Schwab told his globalist comrades at a previous meeting over two years ago to expect an "angrier world." When you force people to live in ways that controvert their best interests, it tends to make them angry! They know their policies related to a green economy, perpetual wars and severe restrictions on food production will be extremely unpopular and cause civil wars on top of the world war they already have planned”.
Schwab may have retired from the WEF but he has seeded his influence in governments throughout the world via the WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program. The WEF continues to work closely with the UN and public-private-partnerships to reshape society and implement technocratic rule.
How Climate Racketeers Aim to Force Us into Gulags
The scare of “global warming” and “climate change” has been successfully used by the global elite to push the West toward “net zero” and economic disaster. A recently article by Paul Cudenec highlighted how fear about climate change is being used to “impose a techno-totalitarian smart-city future.” Paul writes:
“The criminocratic global imperialists often use their Commonwealth colonies to try out the most insidious escalations of their tyranny – think of Canada, New Zealand and Australia during Covid.
We can therefore assume that this is going to be the blueprint for the roll-out of their Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda across the world.
The sinister scheme in question, called “Managed Retreat”, has been exposed by independent researcher Kate Mason on her excellent Substack blog aimed at “deconstructing 4IR narratives”.
The idea is that exaggerated “modelling” of the imagined effects of “climate change” is being used to define certain areas as unsuitable for human settlement.
Working hand in hand with the state is the insurance industry – long a central part of the corrupt criminocratic empire – which deems homes in these areas to be “uninsurable”.
Banks are also playing their part (of course!) saying they are unwilling to provide mortgages for these “uninsurable” properties.
Climate change will continue to be used as a tool against us, and undoubtedly, groups like the WEF and UN will continue to use the threat of disaster to move people into 15-minute cities, and impose further environmental controls.
Differential Increases in Mortality in German States During COVID-19 Pandemic
Jeff Childers writes an almost daily substack titled Coffee and COVID. This last week he featured an interesting article from German researchers who had investigated increases in excess mortality associated with COVID-19. The researchers showed a strong link between COVID-19 vaccination rates and untimely deaths. Childers highlighted a number of important findings:
“Specifically, they compared the number of deaths with pre-pandemic population tables and pre-pandemic life expectancy trends and like Magellan, discovered excess deaths, which, at this point, even Magellan’s Aunt Edna could easily find — without her two-pound eyeglasses or a map. Having found those off-the-charts numbers of dead Germans, they compared those excess death rates from each German state to a constellation of other state-level variables.
The researchers found two strong correlations. One was an astonishing surprise. But the first, less surprising discovery was a strong statistical correlation between excess dead Germans and mRNA vaccination rates— starting in year three, when the jabs were supposed to be stopping people from dying.”
The German researchers also showed a correlation between vaccination rates and stillbirths.
The study, which has some heavy-duty statistics, is worthwhile reading in full. Despite none of the medical authorities acknowledging the correlation between COVID-19 vaccination and excess deaths, information from many countries now supports this conclusion.
Coming Problems on the Northern Israel-Lebanon Border
Ever since the Hamas attack on Israelis on 7th October 2023, the Iran supported Hezbollah militias have been creating havoc by lobbing hundreds of rockets into northern Israel. Various commentators believe that the conflict between Israel and Lebanon could become a full-scale war.
Amir Tsafarti is a Messianic Jewish commentator who provides helpful perspective about the conflict in Israel. This last week he made the following comments about the northern Israeli conflict:
“We’re continuing to exchange strikes with Hezbollah on a day-to-day basis despite there technically being no declaration of war. Moreover, targeted assassinations are becoming a frequent occurrence. Multiple countries around the world have called on their citizens to leave Lebanon immediately. Everyone knows a war is imminent. However, strikes aren’t limited to Lebanon. Israel has also recently targeted Iranian-backed militias in Eastern Syria. If dealing with Hezbollah isn’t enough, we now know that Iran is not afraid to attack us directly. They intend to involve themselves in any war we have with Hezbollah. And they’re not alone in this vow. Their militias in Iraq have vowed to involve themselves as well. Things are getting more prophetic by the day.
The pro-Iranian militias in Iraq carried out a drone attack on the Al-Tanf base of the US military forces on the Syria-Jordan-Iraq border. This is the first attack by the militias against the Americans in nearly five months. You’d think activity like this would force the Biden Administration to see that we’re dealing with the same threats and that its time to stop playing diplomatic games ahead of another election.”
If Israel is drawn into a war with Lebanon, it will be difficult for Israel to succeed, given that they still have not resolved the conflict with Hamas in Gaza. Israel is facing serious political divisions and a West that, in response to heavy lobbying from Muslim protestors, has become equivocal about support for Israel.
Thanks Tanja - interesting times and particularly interesting to see what happens in France on Sunday. You are right - we definitely need to be on our toes.
Great info -thank you Ruben I am happy to hear your getting back on track. I also have had another bout of this flu but I am also getting better -Praise YHWH. The bird flu ? is definitely working its way through the southern states of Australia I don't think they are quite ready yet, but the US election is a problem to them. Something bigger on the close horizon first, maybe blue beam project ? 😬 We must remember not to fear as this is what the evil ones want so they can take control. Looking forward to seeing what El Shaddai has planned to respond to their evil. 🙏 Take care and continue to get well.