Bryce Courtenay’s remarkable novel, “The Power of One” - was first published in 1989 and became an instant best-seller. The book is set in South Africa, the land of Bryce’s own birth and the story is described by the publisher as follows:
“….a boy called Peekay is born. His childhood is marked by humiliation and abandonment, yet he vows to survive and conceives heroic dreams–which are nothing compared to what life actually has in store for him. He embarks on an epic journey through a land of tribal superstition and modern prejudice where he will learn the power of words, the power to transform lives, and the power of one.”
The book was Bryce’s first novel and was an immediate success. More than 30 years later, eight million copies have been sold. Bryce was an Australian advertising executive who wrote The Power of One in his mid-50s and he went on to have great success as a novelist.
This is how Bryce’s story is described on the website in 2019, the 30th anniversary of the release of The Power of One.
“Upon turning 50, Courtenay had an epiphany: life as an award-winning advertising executive was hindering his dreams. ‘There I was, working too hard, drinking too hard, smoking about 100 cigarettes a day”….. Courtenay quit drinking and smoking, handed in his resignation and …..began writing. The Power of One was the first of three ‘practice’ novels he committed to writing over a three-year period, before attempting to create what he believed would be a more publishable fourth…..He initially used the manuscript …. as a doorstop while he commenced work on his second ‘practice’ book – later to become The Power of One’s follow-up Tandia…..After his son’s girlfriend tripped on his manuscript doorstop, she gathered up the pages and started to read. Declaring the book one of the greatest stories she’d ever encountered, she encouraged Courtenay to find a publisher. Her instinct was correct, and rights were eventually sold in the US for a $1 million advance – an unprecedented amount for an Australian author. ‘I was absolutely staggered when somebody wanted to publish it in the first place,’ he says. ‘Now its worldwide success still amazes me.”
Bryce’s story, as well as the novel's central thesis, is about the significance of each person’s life and the capacity we have within each of us to change the world and achieve outcomes that sometimes we can only dream about.
Don’t Follow the Crowd
I have been thinking this week about the “power of one” and the corollary of that phrase, which may be something like: “Don’t follow the crowd”.
Jesus gave an extended teaching reported in the Book of Matthew, often called “The Sermon on the Mount”, because large numbers of people followed Him, and on this occasion, He taught them from a mountain. Toward the end of the lengthy teaching, Jesus said:
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14).
Simply put – if there are a lot of people rushing in a particular direction, don’t just follow them because it is likely that this is a path that leads in the wrong direction (destruction). It is those who stand against the crowd who are more likely to find the road to life.
As I was thinking about these things – the power of one and avoiding following the crowd to destruction - I thought about the extraordinary COVID psyop that was wielded against society. In Australia, millions lined up to be tested repeatedly with an invalid PCR test in 2020 and 2021, to find out whether they had COVID. Data from the Australian government showed that this inaccurate test cost the government billions of dollars, and 99.5% of the tests were negative. Furthermore, people rushed at the urging of governments to get injected with a new genetic technology “vaccine” which had no evidence of effectiveness or safety.
People also seemed delighted to use their smartphones to scan a QR code to enter shops and give the government information about their location. As I watched the crowds rushing to the COVID testing and “vaccination” centres, it reminded me about “entering via the narrow gate” and avoiding hurrying after everyone down the path to the destruction of our freedom.
The Monty Python team caught the idea of the mob mentality in The Life of Brian, filmed in 1979 when Brian, a false “messiah” was mistakenly worshipped by a crowd of followers in Galilee. This clip below from the movie about Brian telling his followers that “you are all individuals” captures the challenge we face today.
Whom do we follow? Do we speak out when evil views and legislation are promoted by government and the media?
We need the strength in Western society, founded on freedom of speech and individual freedom, to speak out against the collectivists and resist the pressure groups that are rushing down the road to destruction.
When You Should Speak
In the last week, I heard an interesting interview and discussion between Lance Wallnau and Bill Federer. Bill Federer runs the website the American Minute and is a well-known speaker and author. He is the president of a publishing company described as “dedicated to researching America’s noble heritage”.
The theme of the discussion in the podcast was the danger of just accepting the prevailing view rather than speaking out against wrongdoing. It is worthwhile listening to the interview -
- and the main discussion relevant to this newsletter commences around 14 min 30s. I have attempted a summary of the discussion below.
Bill Federer said that “historically, there are three groups of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened”.
Bill believes there is a battle relating to churches and that wokeness is creeping into churches so that the prevailing worldviews are accepted. Pastors are telling congregations not get involved with politics and societal issues.
He pointed out that:
“When George Washington fought the Revolution, about 15% of the country got behind him and fought, 30% supported from behind the scenes, and the rest of the country was sitting on the fence.
It is always just a small group that makes things happen. ….More and more people do not like globalism…the elites (globalists) that want to depopulate everything.. Nationalism is the opposite of globalism…In a nation that is formed where people have rights from the creator… bottom-up government… the individual is in charge…we want to preserve the freedom of the individual….”
The importance of the individual is being countered in seminaries by the globalists who are telling Christians not to get involved in contentious societal issues. However, the Bible itself presents a different viewpoint and this viewpoint is the foundation of Western law.
Silence = Consent
Bill Federer pointed out the importance to Western Law founded upon Chapter 30 in the Book of Numbers in the Bible– see this link, which is the chapter relating to vows. This chapter is the silence = consent chapter. He made the following points:
“Numbers Chapter 30 provides several different scenarios. These scenarios and the laws associated with them impact our current Western law. For example, the rule of tacit admission (silence indicates that accept) and is also in debt collection law, trademark law, and real estate law (called adverse possession).
We find it as well in US Constitution (Article 1, section 7) - if Congress passes a bill and puts it on the President’s desk the law says – “If any bill shall not be returned by the President within 10 days the same shall be a law in like manner as if he had signed it.”
Silence = consent, and so if you are silent in the face of evil, you are an accessory to the crime. “
Federer also pointed to the example of the apostle Paul in Acts 22 when Stephen was being stoned to death by the Jewish authorities outside Jerusalem. Paul said that he “also was standing by, consenting to his death”. Paul knew that just by standing silent, he was guilty of the death of Stephen. Even though he didn’t cast a stone, Paul’s silence in the face of the mob, equaled consent.
This is further indicated in another of the Bible Books of the Law. In Leviticus 20 – God tells the Israelites that anyone who sacrifices his descendants to Molech (sacrificing children by fire) shall be put to death. Further on, God says:
“And if the people of the land should in any way hide their eyes from the man, when he gives some of his descendants to Molech, and they do not kill him, then I will set My face against that man and against his family; and I will cut him off from his people” (Leviticus 20:4-5).
If you “hide your eyes” (ie don’t speak up), the message is that in the face of evil, silence = consent and therefore there is God’s judgment.
If you don’t speak up when you have been a witness to wrongdoing, you are also guilty. In Leviticus 5:1, God says:
“If you are called to testify about something you have seen or that you know about, it is sinful to refuse to testify, and you will be punished for your sin.”
So, when there is wrongdoing, it’s not just what you do that can be consequential but also what you fail to do. In many cases, we can fail to do what we know is right because of fear of man. These days, this includes fear of being vilified and thrown off social media.
However, in the Book of Proverbs, we are told:
“The fear of man brings a snare,
But whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe.” (Proverbs 29:25).
It is important to understand the principle of silence = consent, in these days when evil governments promote every wicked thing.
Federer pointed out that: “By silence, we give consent to every wicked thing and so silence is consent. In the US the citizens are king - the citizens hire and fire the politicians.”
This brings me to my guest for the Sons of Issachar Newsletter this week – Senator Malcolm Roberts. Senator Roberts is one of the few politicians in Australia who understands the need to speak up for citizens and against the New World Order. He understands the primacy of the citizens who employ him.
Senator Malcolm Roberts
Senator Roberts has a Welsh and Indian heritage. His father was a mine manager in Wales who left the United Kingdom for India when the UK government at that time nationalised the coal industry.
Malcolm grew up in India then moved to Australia with his family when his father was employed in a coal mine. Malcolm graduated with an engineering degree and worked in the mining industry before studying for his MBA at the University of Chicago. He then returned to Australia to help develop one of the country’s most complex underground mining projects and established a management consultancy.
Malcolm became prominent in Australia in 2013 when he published a devastating critique of Australia’s premier research agency, the CSIRO, for their promotion of the idea of human-induced climate change. Here is the link to the 300,000 word climate change critique.
His report noted that contrary to their contentions, CSIRO research had not provided any empirical evidence to support the claim that human CO2 caused climate change. He pointed out the corruption of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which has been used to promote a disaster scenario. In his document, Senator Roberts made the following points:
“Human CO2 controls and determines global temperature and climate. False;
There is an overwhelming consensus of scientists supporting that claim. False;
Catastrophic consequences will result at some unspecified future date from human disruption of global climate: sea level rise, extreme weather, floods, drought, snowfall, fires, ocean pH (alkalinity), disease, species extinction, ... All false.
CSIRO publications and claims have included all three misrepresentations.”
He also critiqued Al Gore’s propaganda film An Inconvenient Truth which contains many factual inaccuracies. The film has been shown to millions of schoolchildren and is one of the reasons for schoolchildren having mental health crises because of what they see as the impending destruction of the planet. Senator Roberts notes:
“Al Gore’s Hollywood-produced movie contradicts empirical scientific evidence. It’s packed with falsities and misrepresents climate and science. It’s ideologically driven political propaganda. It uses Hollywood propaganda techniques to carefully, subtly, calculatedly and emotionally demonise opponents.”
Not surprisingly, Senator Roberts' critique was not well accepted in official circles, but it did lead to him coming to the attention of Senator Pauline Hanson, who is a controversial politician representing the State of Queensland in the Australian Parliament. Senator Hanson formed the One Nation Party in 1997 with the following mission:
“We are a party that stands for Australia and Australian values. We defend our constitution and stand up against global agendas for the individual rights and fundamental freedoms of all Australians. The team at One Nation puts people before politics and we will continue to fight for Australia and its citizens.”
Senator Roberts joined One Nation and was elected as a Senator for Queensland and has served in this position on and off since 2017. He is one of the few brave political voices to speak up for ordinary Australians and against the globalist agenda. Apart from highlighting the anthropogenic climate change hoax, he also has been a champion of individual freedom and liberty. He was one of the few Australian politicians who opposed the experimental COVID vaccine mandates. His areas of focus within the Australian Parliament are:
“Building dams and water infrastructure such as the Hybrid-Bradfield Scheme and exposing mismanagement of the Murray Darling Basin.
Reducing electricity prices, increasing the supply of reliable energy and ending the government obsession with renewables.
Exposing Climate Change fraud, manipulation of data and returning to the truth on climate policy.
Ending the control of unelected bureaucrats over Australia’s way of life, exiting the United Nations and restoring our sovereignty.
Fighting to restore property rights for land-owners overwhelmed by government red and green tape.”
Opposing full foreign ownership of Australian land and forcing multinational companies to pay their fair share of tax.”
Senator Roberts exemplifies the importance of a lone voice calling out truth in the wilderness – “the power of one”. If silence = consent, then Senator Roberts is a powerful example of the opposite of this. He is a person who is prepared to oppose the prevailing societal narrative that is collectivist and anti-human. He spoke to me this week from his office in the Australian Parliament.
Globalists are constructing AI-powered grid to end free speech on internet - Leo Hohmann
Leo Hohmann is another lone voice highlighting the threats to individual freedom and liberty. He writes a regular newsletter and this week
highlighted the collusion of banks, government and Big Tech to silence dissenting voices. He noted the various steps that have been taken to control people by withholding access to their money. Leo writes:
“Globalist politicians and judges are colluding with big corporations throughout the formerly free Western world to remove certain bedrock rights and God-given freedoms and replace them with government-issued privileges. They will tell you that you still have a right to free speech and freedom of the press, until you do what journalists have always done in the past and challenge the government narrative. If you do this, you lose your status and free-speech protections as a journalist and the government rebrands you as a conspiracy theorist, making you vulnerable to arrest.
In short, real journalists, people who question the facts and narratives provided by those in positions of power and authority, are being banned.
This movement against real journalism is coming down from the United Nations and World Economic Forum, both of which have made the elimination of what they call “disinformation” a top priority for 2024 and beyond.”
It is concerning that Big Tech is combining with government and the banks to monitor us and restrict freedom of speech. The push to control what governments call “disinformation” and “misinformation” is ramping up in every country as control over information is sought. Pass on the Sons of Issachar Newsletter while you still have time!
COVID Vaccine Gene Could Integrate Into Human Cells
Marina Zhang who writes for the Epoch Times provides a regular update that reports on scientific papers about COVID and the COVID “vaccines”. In an article updated on 19th March, she writes about a recent paper from Kevin McKernan following up the finding of DNA contamination of mRNA vaccines. The report in the Epoch Times states:
“Following his discovery of DNA contamination in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, genomic researcher Kevin McKernan has recently found that the DNA in these vaccines can potentially integrate into human DNA.
The COVID-19 vaccine spike sequence was detected in two types of chromosomes in cancer cell lines following exposure to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. Mr. McKernan’s findings, which he presents on his Substack blog, haven’t been peer-reviewed.
These are expected to be “rare events,” but they can happen, Mr. McKernan told The Epoch Times.”
It is yet another indication that the COVID “vaccines”, issued under emergency use authorization and without the normal 5-10 year development period and safety trials, appear to have a wide range of dangerous side effects and, from this report, could even impact people’s DNA.
Adverse Events After COVID-19 “Vaccination” More Prevalent Among Naturally Immune
I first heard about the danger of adverse events from “vaccinating” into a pandemic from Dr Geert Vanden Bossche , a veterinarian, vaccinologist and virologist.
Dr Vanden Bossche thought that there may be an activation of a delayed and damaging immunological response if vaccinated people were exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The mechanism may be different but a recent report from Marina Zhang in the Epoch Times highlighted findings from a peer-reviewed study published in Vaccine:
Ms Zhang reported:
“People who recovered from COVID-19 and received a COVID-19 shot were more likely to suffer adverse reactions, researchers in Europe are reporting.
Participants in the study were more likely to experience an adverse reaction after vaccination regardless of the type of shot, with one exception, the researchers found.
Across all vaccine brands, people with prior COVID-19 were 2.6 times as likely after dose one to suffer an adverse reaction, according to the new study. Such people are commonly known as having a type of protection known as natural immunity after recovery.
People with previous COVID-19 were also 1.25 times as likely after dose 2 to experience an adverse reaction.”
Later in her report, she noted that:
“Some previous papers have also found that people with prior COVID-19 infection had more adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination, including a 2021 paper from French researchers. A U.S. study identified prior COVID-19 as a predictor of the severity of side effects.”
The mRNA and other COVID “vaccines” have been shown to have a range of adverse effects, and these studies reported on by Ms Zhang indicate that the “vaccines” may be even more dangerous in people who have already been exposed to COVID-19.
A Perspective on the War in Ukraine from Senator Rand Paul
Senator Rand Paul is the son of Senator Ron Paul, the famous libertarian and one-time US presidential candidate. Senator Rand Paul has been notable in his courage in calling out Dr Anthony Fauci and the gain of function research that Dr Fauci oversaw and funded. The research almost certainly lead to the modified coronavirus that “escaped” from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Tucker Carlson interviewed Senator Rand Paul recently
about the war in Ukraine. I thought that his perspective was worthwhile sharing with my readers. At the start of the interview Senator Paul said the following:
“We've already spent $5 billion over the last ten years trying to pick and choose the leadership of Ukraine. And then we participated in the overthrow of the Yanukovych government. And this is when this recent stuff really stirred up. But we've been involved too much. And I take a noninterventionist foreign policy position. It's not our business. It doesn't serve anybody's interests. It's part of the same thing that led us into the disaster in the Middle East. So a lot of people die and a lot of money is spent, and we're still suffering the consequences of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. And there's the threat of the war in Syria. We don't need another threat. The American taxpayers don't want it and our government thinks they can get away with where I know the people don't want a war yet, but we're going to play games and we're going to threaten Russia. We're going to put on sanctions, and they fail to recognize that we have $500 billion of investments in Russia. Russia has $450 billion invested in the West. And all we're doing is trying to stir up more trouble. Makes no sense whatsoever. So it makes a lot of sense for us to mind our own business and let somebody over there solve their own problems.”
I was surprised at the extent of mutual investments between the US and Soviet Union and Senator Paul’s perspective is very helpful in a war where it is likely that there are no winners.
World Goes Mad When Windsor Woman Goes Shopping
There were newspaper headlines along these lines recently. The extraordinary series of events that have led to “Kate-gate”, with the disappearance from view of the Princess of Wales and then the doctoring of an official family photo, have led to a range of conspiracies and various hilarious memes. When Catherine Middleton appeared recently in public at a Windsor food market, and a video was recorded by a passer-by, the conspiracies moved into high gear, and there was speculation that a body double was used.
There is something riveting about this whole story because the Princess disappeared from view after New Year when she had been a daily fixture in the UK papers. The Palace refused to provide any information about a mysterious abdominal surgical procedure which required two weeks in a private hospital and an extended recuperation. I have read many theories about what has happened but this last week, Rebecca Weisser published an interesting piece linking Princess Kate and COVID vaccines.
I recommend reading the entire article, but I have shared a key paragraph below:
“The notion that the convalescing Princess photoshopped her picture provoked guffaws of disbelief. ‘So you expect me to believe our post-op Princess was up all night… editing her own photographs?’ asked one. ‘They have 60 staff members and Kate who is recovering from major abdominal surgery is doing the photoshopping of a photo William took’ asked another. ‘Why is their PR team making Kate the scapegoat?’, asked a third.
The fear that dare not speak its name outside of social media is that Kate’s health, like that of King Charles, might have been compromised by a Covid vaccine. Last month, the Centre for Health Security and the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, funded by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention put out a ‘Practical playbook for addressing health misinformation’ ‘to help public health and medical professionals… understand when to step in and what actions to take to address rumours and misinformation related to public health issues’.
Yet the CDC also released a 148-page study on Covid vaccine-induced myocarditis, in response to a Freedom of Information request from the Epoch Times, in which every page had been redacted. Why? To protect the guilty?”
I hadn’t thought of a link between Kate, Charles and COVID vaccination, but now my horizons have been expanded. COVID-19 vaccines have an extraordinarily wide range of damaging impacts, as is evident by reviewing the latest information in the VAERS database. Currently, there are reports of more than 2.5 million adverse events, but this may represent only a small proportion of the total damaging effects of the “vaccines”.
Over 140,000 Farms Lost in Five Years in the US
One of the challenges and opportunities in agriculture has been the amalgamation of family farms into larger units. In Australia in 1980 there were 22,000 dairy farms but in 2019 only 6,000 were operating, according to a 2019 report. Milk production had increased and so there was an increase in productivity but the lifestyle of the farmers had changed dramatically. There was increasing corporatisation of farms and this has been the situation in agriculture throughout the world. The social costs associated with this change have not been evaluated but must be significant.
In the US, a similar situation has happened, and a recent report from the American Farm Bureau Federation has highlighted the decline in the number of farms in the US during the last five years.
“Between 2017 and 2022, the number of farms in the U.S. declined by 141,733 or 7%, according to USDA’s 2022 Census of Agriculture, released on Feb. 13. Acres operated by farm operations during the same timeframe declined by 20.1 million (2.2%), a loss equivalent to an area about the size of Maine. Only 1.88% of acres operated and 1% of farm operations were classified under a non-family corporate farm structure.”
This is yet another indication of a nail in the coffin of agriculture. The UK government is requiring “re-wilding,” with prime agricultural land being removed from production. Additionally, because of greenhouse gas emissions, the government requires reductions in cattle and sheep numbers. Similar requirements are being implemented by the EU, which has led to widespread protests by Dutch, French and German farmers.
It is important for everyone to be aware of the plot to remove farmers. In the future it will be increasingly difficult for farmers to operate in the face of red and green tape and the family farm could become a distant memory unless there is push back against the global agenda to destroy farming.
This week, my interview with Senator Malcolm Roberts reminded me of the “power of one” - the power of one person who is brave and persistent to challenge the prevailing views and stand up for individual freedom.
Speaking up against an increasingly globalist agenda and woke ideology won’t gain you any friends and may unleash a barrage of vitriol from those who support the New World Order. Nonetheless, if the truth is not spoken and the woke agenda is not challenged, each of us is responsible for the outcome. As Bill Federer reminded us, silence = consent.
Senator Roberts is a great example of a man who continues to speak up and promote freedom and individual rights in the face of the globalist agenda. We need to find and support more politicians like Senator Roberts - those who understand about our inalienable rights - rights that come from God and are not just dependent on the whims of government.
It is good to be reminded of King Solomon’s wise advice from 3,000 years ago:
“The fear of man brings a snare,
But whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe.” (Proverbs 29:25).
Thanks Tanja for taking the time to read the newsletter and give some feedback. I think that you will appreciate the interview. Interestingly, I put it up on YouTube and it was taken down within 2 hours for "medical misinformation" which is interesting because hardly anything about COVID and the "vaccines" was discussed. The Power of One is significant as you know. Your writing always brings insight and understanding to the human condition. It looks to me as though it won't be long before the censors try to take down substack material and so this newsletter may not have long to go.
Hope that you have a wonderful weekend. It must be warming up in Germany now.
Thank you as always for a great piece, Reuben. I have not had time to listen to the interview but will catch up on that. I believe the power of one (or the few) has enormous impact. As long as we use our voice - and yours is a valuable one - there is hope. And I look forward to reading „The Power of One“. A blessed weekend to you and your loved ones.