My various jottings to the Sons of Issachar readers, hopefully helping to understand the signs of the times, point to a long-standing goal of the new world order – global government. Of course, many dismiss this idea as ridiculous, given the incompetence of governments in general. Still, as the lockdowns and “vaccine passports” worldwide recently demonstrated, governments can get their act together, when it matters to them. Or at least when they receive their directions, likely from a Klaus Schwab-type figure at the behest of the powers of darkness.
The Global Plot Against Us
As I’ve written previously, I am more “Team James” than “Team Toby” as outlined in the contrasting views of James Delingpole and Toby Young in their podcast “London Calling”
James, and his brother Dick, provided a shorthand phrase for what the new world order has in mind for us when they said: “You have to remember; they hate us and they want to kill us”. This certainly seems to be a worst-case scenario, but then, it is likely to be the paranoid who will survive!
I have been thinking about the challenge we face with the global overlords, and you don’t have to be very smart to understand what they have in mind. Those who control the media and entertainment are even making dystopian movies to help us recognize what they are planning. Films such as The Matrix, The Hunger Games, Divergent and others of that genre, outline the enslavement of humanity by a global elite. You can see a list of dystopian movies that tell us about the coming global control here. In most of the movies, there is a fightback by a few brave individuals and who knows, this may be the case. However, it does seem more likely that the various tools of control, growing in sophistication, will be decisive and will eventually bring about the new world order – at least for a time. The Bible tells us that at some stage, the antichrist will preside over a global system of control and worship for 3.5 years or 42 months (Revelation 13:4-5).
It's hard to beat the new world order because, like a clever millionaire businessman told me many years ago when I was trying to reform the university system:
“There’s only two problems son. You’ve got no money, and you’ve got no power”.
He was correct and the evil cabal has unlimited money and power. Remarkably, 80% of all US dollars in existence have been printed since 2020!
So it does seem as though you have to fight battles where you can win and increasingly, these will be won by staying “off grid”. This week, I watched an interesting video titled “Escaping the Technology Gulag” by Curtis Bowers. Curtis, has weekly posts about global control on his Agenda Weekly. This week he highlighted the evil forces at work with the collection of our data and viewing habits on the internet. We seem to have boxed ourselves in and handed over all our information to the global cabal without even a protest as we click “Agree”, to 100 pages of terms and conditions on our favourite websites.
The Club of Rome
Of course, there has been a plan afoot for many years, but now technology provides various tools that are hard to escape. It is interesting that 50 years ago, Aurelio Peccei, the Italian industrialist and first President of the Club of Rome, delivered a speech to the World Economic Forum and is quoted as having said:
“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and only through changed attitudes and behaviour can they be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself. We believe that humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realise world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is a real one or one invented for the purpose.”
Peccei was one of the founders of the Club of Rome that published the influential book “The Limits to Growth” which you can download here in 1972 under the imprimatur of Potomac Associates, which describes itself as a “nonpartisan research and analysis organization”. “The Limits to Growth” was published as an outcome of a more significant project called “the Project on the Predicament of Mankind”. The thesis was simple: populations were expanding at a faster rate than resources, and so global action was needed. One of their conclusions was stated this way:
“We are convinced that realization of the quantitative restraints of the world environment and of the tragic consequences of an overshoot is essential to the initiation of new forms of thinking that will lead to a fundamental revision of human behavior and, by implication, of the entire fabric of present-day society. “
The book ends with this statement:
“The last thought we wish to offer is that man must explore himself-his goals and values-as much as the world he seeks to change. The dedication to both tasks must be unending. The crux of the matter is not only whether the human species will survive, but even more whether it can survive without falling into a state of worthless existence”.
It is interesting that we now seem to be at a point when, thanks to various social media tools, we find that the Club of Rome was correct – we could be “falling into a state of worthless existence”. We are caught in a pincer movement with the threat of climate change imposing increasing global government and various constraints. At the same time, we are busy hitting “like” buttons and being distracted by social media. Thus, we fail to recognize that we have come under surveillance and are increasingly directed by AI and cunning algorithms, to information dictated by “the state”. We must be only a few clicks away from “a state of worthless existence”.
Will We Fight Like Lions?
As I considered these issues, I thought back to that great 1986 film “The Three Amigos”. There is a scene early in the movie where the three amigos, having gone to Mexico to confront the evil bandit El Guapo who has been terrorizing the villagers, challenge El Guapo and his brigands. The amigos think this is a staged skirmish, having most recently come from making films in Hollywood. Here is the particular scene from the film which still makes me laugh after having seen it countless times -
El Guapo tells the amigos that they will “die like dogs“. The amigos respond,
“No, we will not die like dogs; we will fight like lions…”
This wonderful but clearly self-limiting sentiment is relevant to our present day, when increasing control, surveillance and evil lawmaking makes us feel like fighting like lions. However, I remember back to the excellent advice of the businessman years ago and realize that most of us have no money or power. We could put on fancy suits like the three amigos and confront the state, but the struggle would be brief.
Jesus’ advice seems to have more wisdom in our current times and in the difficult days ahead. After a period of training, He sent his disciples out into various towns and villages to proclaim that the “…Kingdom of Heaven is near” (Matthew 10:7) during a period of total Roman control. This must have been a dangerous message. Jesus gives the following instructions:
“Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as serpents and harmless/innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16, NLT).
The Greek word translated “shrewd” is phronimos, which means thoughtful, sagacious or discreet. It also is translated as “wise”.
It seems that today we are indeed, “sheep among wolves” and so to follow Jesus’ advice, we need to be thoughtful and discreet, cunning and astute, like the serpent in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1). The Hebrew word used in this passage is עָרוּם (‘ârûm), which has a similar meaning to phronimos. English words translating the Hebrew include: cunning, crafty, subtle, and shrewd but it also has been translated in Proverbs, as sensible or prudent. It seems that to follow Jesus’ advice, we should be thoughtful and careful in our actions and to go undercover, appearing harmless as doves. Nonetheless, ultimately we must be prepared to stand for truth in the face of the evil, autocratic, global system.
Working Together in Community
There seems to be something in our human nature that longs for equality and equity. Unfortunately, it is a recipe for disaster. I remember being deeply impacted by reading about the early American colony in Jamestown in 1607. A group of settlers had travelled from England and landed near Williamsburg, in modern-day Virginia. Here is how Alvin J Schmidt describes how things unfolded:
“The first English settlers in America landed in 1607 and called their settlement in the New World Jamestown. Headed by Captain John Smith, the colonists were economically organized as a socialistic community, requiring all the settlers to give all products of their labor to “the common store.” Individuals had no private property and no economic freedom. This system quickly turned disastrous, bringing famine and starvation. Said an early historian, ‘It was a premium for idleness, and just suited the drones, who promptly decided that it was unnecessary to work themselves, since others would work for them’.”
It is estimated that only 60 of the original 500 colonists survived the first years at Jamestown.
The solution to the disaster turned out to be the introduction of private enterprise. Here is how Schmidt outlines the colony’s turnaround:
“Thus, beginning in 1611, Governor Thomas Dale began abolishing the common store system, and four years later he had the London Company grant fifty acres of land to each colonist if he would clear the trees and farm it. The injection of private property and economic freedom brought about a dramatic change in Jamestown. Now the colonists worked and prospered. The new economic system demonstrated that socialism does not work.”
It is remarkable that despite socialism/communism being responsible for endless human misery and the death of hundreds of millions, recent surveys indicate that young Americans favour socialism over capitalism by a ratio of four to one. However, it is telling that only one in four know what socialism really is, according to an article published in America Out Loud.
With all these thoughts that have been running around in my mind over the last few months, I decided that it would be a good idea to get together a group of local people who love freedom. Last Friday evening we had a local gathering for pizza and a discussion of the state of the nation. We had previously met during the pandemic to determine how to work together more effectively as a local community. The meeting included veterinarians, doctors, farmers, mechanics, currency experts, agriculturalists, food storage gurus, legal analysts, IT and communication professionals and other supporters of freedom. I realized that we had amazing skills and expertise available in this local group and we discussed what was happening at the moment and what was likely to come in the future. We shared information and discussed how we could support one another in dealing with issues like communication, health, transport, food preservation and other important matters.
We all have different skills that are useful in a crisis, and we know that the solution isn’t bringing people together under gun point and going on a long march, like Chairman Mao – although that was rather effective. Rather it is stirring the spirit of free enterprise and working out how to organize a trading community with free-market incentives.
In our current online world of social media and Zoom calls, there is nothing like coming together face-to-face to share a meal and build local relationships. This is something that I can recommend to all the Sons of Issachar readers. Local community is important, and it is critical to build relationships and trust, in advance of problems arising. Undoubtedly, future pandemics and lockdowns are in planning as the Agenda 2030 crew contemplates its next move – see this recent article from Technocracy News.
Building relationships in local communities and being proactive in considering what our challenges could be in future “crises” may be at least one way of being as “shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:18).
The US Debt Ceiling
I subscribe to World Affairs Brief, edited by Joel M. Skousen and it is a very helpful weekly publication. One of the important articles written by Joel this week related to the raising of the government debt limit in the U.S.. The debt ceiling is something that is regularly reviewed and various noises are usually made about not increasing the national debt. However, eventually both Democrats and Republicans decide to spend money that the country doesn’t have. This has been an ongoing problem and the graph below (Figure 1) demonstrates the issue across many US administrations.
Figure 1: Graph from The Conversable Economist, 2021
The politics of reducing the national debt are too difficult for either side of politics and the deficit has increased from around $1 trillion at the time of President Reagan to around $33 trillion today. These numbers are astronomical and almost impossible to contemplate. However, a good exercise to help understand the amount is, if someone says to you that they will repay a debt in 1 million seconds, this is about 12 days; if they say they will repay you in 1 billion seconds, it is about 32 years; and if in a trillion seconds, it is about 32,000 years!
The US debt is climbing towards $100,000 for every person in the US (even counting the illegal immigrants)!
What is the solution? The agreement in Congress is to keep on spending!
Here is Joel Skousen’s overview of the recent negotiations between Democrats and Republicans:
“The House of Representatives passed the euphemistically named “Fiscal Responsibility Act” (314 to 117) supposedly to “avoid financial default on the national debt.” But that has always been a false claim in order to overcome conservative resistance to more debt. As I wrote recently, the government can always stop paying the interest the Federal Reserve claims is owed to them for creating more money out of nothing so the Treasury can sell it as Treasury bills or bonds. That’s the easy part. The harder part would be to cut off foreign aid and other welfare schemes which are unconstitutional, but which have large and powerful constituencies behind them—who are ready to vote them out of office. How do conservatives think they are ever going to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment which requires a 2/3 majority if they can’t hold the line on a debt ceiling vote which only requires a simple majority? In essence, the current debt ceiling limit forces a balanced budget, but leaders everywhere in government use scare tactics to drive the public and their representatives to vote for more debt rather than budgetary restraint.”
At some stage, the level of unpayable US debt must become a real problem for the US economy, but most elected representatives believe that they can kick the can down the road. Once again it reminds me of the situation at the time of the Old Testament prophet Isaiah when God calls for repentance, weeping and mouring for the national situation in Judah, but their response was “party time” and it was said: “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!” (Isaiah 22:13). A financial day of reckoning is coming for the US economy and it could be sooner than later.
Australia’s “The Voice” Referendum
Australia, since the time of its federation as a country in the early 20th century, has been largely free of racial violence. Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders (now deemed to be “First Nations People”) comprise about three per cent of Australia’s 26 million population. Despite massive government spending on “First Nations People” that now approaches $50,000 per person, there are poor outcomes for health and education, and poverty rates keep increasing.
Remarkably enough, a “solution” has been proposed, which will create a racial divide in Australia. The proposal is for “First Nations People” to be given a separate status in the Australian Constitution so that they have “a voice”. The socialist government of Anthony Albanese is funding a high cost referendum in Australia later this year and is doing everything they can to guilt-trip Australians into voting for an apartheid society. This brief video from the Institute for Public Affairs, provides an overview of the proposal:
A helpful article with arguments against voting “yes” in the referendum was published in the Spectator Magazine earlier this year – see this link.
An indigenous senator from the Northern Territory, Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, provided the best overview of “the Voice” referendum, in an article published in the Australian newspaper this last week - see this link. She notes that an unelected group of Aborigines has been promoting the idea of a separate “voice” and that this group represents just 0.03% of the demographic. Senator Price writes that Australians are being asked to enshrine into the constitution, “a victim narrative that sustains a multibillion-dollar industry that works in two ways: to justify its existence, and to discourage and disparage anyone who seeks to call it into question.”
There also may be a cunning UN globalist agenda at work, as noted in a recent article by Stephen Reason. The article is titled, “Australia Under Attack by the UN – Insider Discovers Plot to Use “Voice” to Strip Our Assetts!!”
Mr Reason writes,
“Globally, the United Nations are currently puppeteering their regional figureheads to recognise Native Titles, Treaties, and in Australia’s instance, a constitutionally enshrined ‘Voice to Parliament.’ However, it is all a grand deception to seize our vast natural resources and land: agricultural lands, forests, oceans, coastlines, nature reserves, metals (lithium), minerals (uranium), and waterways. Indeed, such humanitarian policies are not motivated by any sincere endeavour to address the plight of the Indigenous. All that has been propagandised and presented beneath the banners of “virtue” and “atonement” will only benefit a shadowy Cabal of oligarchical billionaires. Canadian, US and New Zealand territory is similarly being targeted by the Globalists,…”.
The “Yes” campaign to support “The Voice” is being run as an emotional appeal to Australians, but if passed, it will enshrine racism into our constitution. I hope that Australians are wise enough to see through this Trojan horse currently being wheeled into our national capital by aboriginal activists and their “useful idiots”, a term that was championed 100 years ago by Vladimir Lenin.
The UK’s Red Rishi
If one is looking for signs of the decline of the West, it is useful to read the UK newspapers, The Times and The Telegraph. The Conservative Party has been in power in the UK for the last 13 years, during which time the UK economy has gone downhill and the country has become a semi-socialist state. Margaret Thatcher would roll over in her grave!
Horrifying stories abound in the UK newspapers, illegal migration is out of control and there is even a Minister for “Levelling Up”, which wouldn’t be out of place in any Marxist state. I find myself in agreement with Prince Harry who proclaimed in his court appearance this week that the UK government had hit “rock bottom”. I suspect though that Prince Harry thinks that this is because the UK government isn’t woke enough.
I therefore read with interest a UK Spectator article titled, “Red Rishi: the Prime Minister’s political makeover”. Kate Andrews notes that Rishi is the richest MP ever to become Prime Minister and has been called out of touch with his penchant for a £180 temperature-controlled “smart mug” and his home with a heated swimming pool.
While Rishi speaks about economic freedom and prosperity, Andrew asks, “How did this ultra-capitalist find himself anywhere near one of the most economically illiterate proposals on the planet – price controls on ‘basic’ supermarket items?”. Rishi has implemented a taxation program that is higher than at any time in post-war history. It is difficult to see how the Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer, could spend any more than Rishi – but he will and just for good measure is planning to ban Scotland’s main revenue stream, North Sea oil and gas.
Kate Andrews concludes her article by noting,
“In the 1970s, it was the Conservatives that looked at the trajectory of the country and decided that another way was possible. Is there the will to do so again? There are enough five-year forecasts flying around Whitehall to make it clear that this is not a blip: high taxes and high spending seems to be the new Tory normal.”
Western governments have their constituents hooked on government handouts but we must be nearing the time, as Margaret Thatcher famously said, when governments will “run out of other people’s money”.
Risk of COVID-19 Increases With Every mRNA COVID Shot
Technocracy News published an article last week that demonstrated that the findings of a study that was published as a pre-print last year, has now been published as a peer-reviewed article in Open Forum Infectious Diseases. PJ Media published a post this week which reviewed these findings and the article noted that
“The risk of COVID-19… varied by the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses previously received. The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19.”
Ben Bartee concludes in his article in PJ Media that,
“Pfizer and Moderna, the government, and every corporate state media outlet that deliberately spread vax disinformation should be opened up to lawsuits from every person who received COVID-19 shots (which are not and never were conventional vaccines) and subsequently got sick with COVID-19.”
In Australia, it is horrific that government advertisements are running regularly on commercial television stations, telling people that they need to “top up” their COVID vaccination -see this link. Most people have no idea that these “top-ups” will negatively impact their health in more ways than they can imagine and also increase the likelihood of contracting COVID-19.
This week, there was also a story reporting that a microbiologist in the US “has discovered massive DNA contamination in the mRNA COVID shots, including simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters”.
It is yet another indication that these so-called “vaccines” are as Naomi Wolf said – “one of the greatest crimes against humanity”. Dr Wolf has been speaking at various events and Technocracy News reported on a recent talk given to VAC Family. Dr Wolf and her team at the Daily Clout , have analyzed Pfizer’s own documents and discovered that Pfizer,
“intentionally designed its mRNA shots to target the reproductive cycle of women in their child-bearing years”. She concluded her talk by saying, “So now it’s 2023,” mourned Dr. Wolf, as those fertility problems have come to fruition. “Igor Chudov compared databases in countries around the world. There are a million missing babies in Europe. They never got born. [There are] double the number of miscarriages and spontaneous abortions in Scotland [and a] 13% to 20% drop in live births around the world. [There are] two or three times the number of spontaneous abortions and miscarriages in Tel Aviv as before. And so on around the world. And now we know why. Now we know the mechanism.”
Just when you thought that the information about the damaging impacts of the COVID vaccines couldn’t get any worse, each week further information comes to light. This information is suppressed in the mainstream media and governments continue to push people to get the “death shot”. It is especially shocking to see that neither the left or right sides of politics is prepared to take on Big Pharma and their vaccine agenda, such is their financial clout.
Twenty Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns
The Brownstone Institute was founded in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic and “Its vision is of a society that places the highest value on the voluntary interaction of individuals and groups while minimizing the use of violence and force including that which is exercised by public or private authorities.”
This week they published an article by Jeffrey Tucker about the lockdowns and it is worthwhile reading. Here are the “twenty terrible realities unearthed by lockdowns”, which are detailed by Mr Tucker and I have provided the twenty grim realities below:
Surveillance and censorship by Big Tech;
Power and Influence of Big Pharma;
Government propaganda by Big Media;
Corruption of public health;
Consolidation of industry;
Influence and power of the administrative state;
Cowardice of intellectuals;
Pusillanimity of universities;
Spinelessness of think tanks;
Madness of crowds;
Lack of ideological conviction of both right and left;
Sadism of the ruling class;
The real-life problem of massive class inequality;
The cravenness and corruption of public education;
Enabling power of central banking to fund it all;
The shallowness of faith communities;
The limitations on travel;
The tolerance for segregation;
The goal of a social credit system;
Corporatism as the system under which we live, giving lie to existing ideological systems.
Tucker’s article is a great analysis of the impact of the prolonged lockdowns, which we were assured at the start involved “15 days to flatten the curve”. It is important to have this article in your library to give to those who still believe that the “government saved us”.
Another insightful and sobering analysis of our dark times. Since the enemy and its warped mission is now abundantly obvious, our primary duty now - other than endeavouring to wake and rouse the normies - must be to keep the faith. “I’ve said these things to you so that you will have peace in me. In the world you have distress. But be encouraged ! I have conquered the world.” - John 16:33
This is definitely one of your best stacks yet, Reuben. I agree on so many levels.
„we need to be thoughtful and discreet, cunning and astute, like the serpent in the Garden of Eden“ - this is so true and I truly need to work on the „dove“ part as subtlety is sometimes not my strong suit.
Also finding your tribe is essential in these times which has been made so much more difficult through the long periods of isolation and installing of fear into people. But I do believe that the right people will find one another to survive the madness that lies ahead of us.
Thank you, Reuben for your thoughtful and insightful writing. It is always a highlight at the end of the week! Wishing you a great weekend!