Winston Churchill published his book The Gathering Storm (also made into an excellent movie starring Albert Finney) written from his home at Chartwell in Kent and published in 1948. The book was penned during the period after the Conservatives lost government in 1945, when Churchill was shocked by the British people turning against him, following his outstanding war leadership. In the preface, Churchill wrote:
“One day President Roosevelt told me that he was asking publicly for suggestions about what the war should be called. I said at once “the Unnecessary War.” There never was a war more easy to stop than that which has just wrecked what was left of the world from the previous struggle. The human tragedy reaches its climax in the fact that after all the exertions and sacrifices of hundreds of millions of people and the victories of the Righteous Cause we have still not found Peace or Security, and that we lie in the grip of even worse perils than those we have surmounted. It is my earnest hope that pondering upon the past may give guidance in days to come, enable a new generation to repair some of the errors of former years, and thus govern, in accordance with the needs and glory of man, the awful unfolding scene of the future.” Churchill, Winston S. The Gathering Storm (Winston S. Churchill The Second World War) . RosettaBooks. Kindle Edition.
I had not read the phrase “The Unnecessary War” from Churchill before and must have missed it in my previous reading of the book. It seems to encapsulate almost every war, and yet those in power, through incentives, bribes and probably blackmail, move their countries toward conflict.
As noted by Jacob Nordangård a few weeks ago in his Pharos Chronicles
“As the Carnegie Endowment of International Peace concluded at the beginning of the 20th century: there is no more effective method than war to change a society.”
Most of the billion dollar foundations have a globalist focus. This was certainly true of the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations, in the early 20th century. It is quite extraordinary that the Carnegie Foundation that claimed to be promoting international peace, actually promoted war to enact the societal change that it viewed as necessary to achieve global government for human progress.
The phrase: “the gathering storm” has been on my mind this last week, and I found myself taken back to Churchill’s book. I read the book many years ago and watched the film. Since then, there has been much revision about the role of Churchill, and there has been suspicion that, as the victor, Churchill was able to take up the spoils of WWII from his own historical perspective. Certainly, his narrative has become largely accepted as historically accurate.
Churchill was a man with many flaws, but undoubtedly, he was one of the earliest in the United Kingdom Parliament to warn about the danger of a re-armed Germany. In his book, Churchill states that his theme is:
“How the English-Speaking Peoples Through Their Unwisdom Carelessness and Good Nature Allowed the Wicked to Rearm”.
A similar theme could be written today for the West, along the lines:
“How the West forgot its history, invited in an enemy and then gave them the democratic tools to destroy Christianity, freedom and liberty”.
There are many lessons to learn from The Gathering Storm. One lesson is the danger associated with international treaties. Churchill set out the details of the Treaty of Versailles after WWI, which sought to limit the German army, navy, and air force, and punish Germany financially. This produced an economic crisis for Germany and the WWI allies largely ignored Germany's gradual and significant re-arming. This commenced in secret in the early 1920s and moved forward with intensity after Hitler’s ascension to power in 1933, until Germany had the strongest army in the world by the start of WWII.
The JCPOA and Middle East Conflict
There are many parallels today regarding the situation in Germany in the 1930s to that of Iran and the disastrous JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action). This relates to Iran's acquisition of the capability to manufacture a nuclear bomb. The JCPOA developed a plan led by the Obama administration in 2015 and with the support of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council to support Iran’s “peaceful” development of nuclear capability. The “deal” was stopped by President Trump in 2018, who saw that the agreement only promoted Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons.
The JCPOA sought to appease Iran with the idea that nuclear can could be kicked down the road and that Iran would become a peaceful member of the international order. Trump knew a bad deal when he saw one and stopped the negotiations. However, the Islamic influencers within the Biden administration revived the talks with Iran in 2021. Incredibly, the US released billions of dollars in 2023 to assist Iran with “humanitarian relief”, which Iran took to be the financing of terrorists.
There seem to be similarities to Germany’s rearmament in the 1930s. While the WWI victors looked the other way and hoped all would be well, Germany armed itself to the teeth. Iran with its capability of spreading terror across the world will have its capacity dramatically enhanced when it builds its first nuclear weapon, which already may be very close.
Iran’s proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah are causing mayhem in the Middle East. This is the direct outcome of the funding of Iran and also the perhaps the unintended outcome of the trillions of dollars spent by the US and its allies on “the war on terror”.
The conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria have resulted in more instability than before these conflicts, and millions of Muslim refugees have left the Middle East for Western Europe. These Muslim refugees have brought their religion, law and culture to the UK and Europe. Demographers have estimated that Europe may be Islamic by the 2050s.
Meanwhile, an “invasion” of the US is occurring, with more than 10 million “refugees” entering via the southern border in the last three years. The Biden administration simply looks on and even aids the people smuggling and all the horrors that this brings.
Of course, this all can appear as naiveté and incompetence, as was thought with Biden’s order for the sudden withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, which left hundreds of billions of dollars of military equipment on the ground to equip a new generation of terrorists. However, it is inconceivable that this is incompetence but is likely to be part of a deliberate strategy by various malign actors to bring down the West in the hope that in the chaos, a global new world order can be established.
We are facing “a gathering storm” on many fronts and the fate of the West and freedom hangs in the balance. I commend Churchill’s The Gathering Storm to readers. The book has much to offer in terms of understanding the signs of the times today. If we examine the big picture, it is evident that storms are gathering on all sides.
Signs of The Gathering Storm
Here are just a few:
Middle East conflict, with protests supporting Hamas in all countries of the West and the resulting increasing international isolation of Israel (police costs in London alone are currently more than £32 million);
Russia-Ukraine and NATO conflict, which could easily extend into Eastern Europe and draw NATO into direct conflict with Russia. The West is already depleted of armaments and ammunition which have all been sent to Ukraine;
Centralized international control being sought by the World Health Organization and United Nations. There are meetings in May and September this year and more global regulation is being promoted by groups such as the World Economic Forum (WEF). Groups like the WEF have promoted public-private-partnerships, effectively collusion between Big Business and governments;
Signs of coming economic turmoil, with evidence of the billionaire oligarchs liquidating billions of dollars of their shareholdings, and gold reserves being increased by many governments;
“Disintegration warfare” being promoted by the Chinese – see this recent article. The basic idea is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Peter Schweizer writes about this in his new book Blood Money and highlights things like the deliberate movement of fentanyl into the US and online “warfare” to cause social division where the Chinese are spending billions of dollars, including funding the transgender movement;
The promotion of Digital ID and digital “passports”. Facial recognition is already being widely used in the West, and the next step is programmable central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which would allow governments to monitor and control people’s spending. When combined with the increasing sophistication of artificial intelligence, restrictions of freedom and controls over purchases are just a moment away;
Cyberattacks have become a constant daily threat, and recently, a top cybersecurity agency within the US Department of Homeland Security was hacked. As we are encouraged to put more of our information online, it is increasingly exposed to hackers We all are now dependent on the internet for the basics of life and internet failure could trigger a global crisis;
Biosecurity “emergency” laws. These laws were lurking in the background in the West but with the declaration of a health emergency with the laboratory-developed coronavirus, we discovered that all our rights could be removed and that forced experimental injections could be required. Undoubtedly, another pandemic lurks just around the corner;
The climate change fraud and the rush to “net zero”. The 50+ year program to push us into a mass suicide event is gathering steam daily with governments rushing to declare their dedication to “net zero”. The implications for global famine and energy disaster are clear, but like lemmings, we are being shepherded without protest toward a sheer cliff. Not only this but geoengineering techniques are being used by stealth in an attempt to change the weather;
Global mass migration is being promoted by the UN, as well as collectivists in the US and Europe. Michael Yon calls this “social osmosis”. The result has been fundamental changes to the social order of Europe, the UK and the US. Since Biden’s inauguration, the official figures are 10 million illegal immigrants that have “invaded” the US, with many millions more who were not apprehended. Now, there may be millions coming by boat from Haiti where there has been a breakdown in society. The end result will be social unrest, lawlessness and economic destruction of the West;
Misinformation and disinformation laws emerged from Donald Trump’s 2016 election win. The collectivists were horrified and decided that information must be controlled. The control of information was codified with the COVID-19 crisis and forced experimental injections. Now, almost every country has passed or is in the process of passing laws that will prevent freedom of expression. Justin Trudeau’s Canadian government is about to pass an Online Harms Act
which is the most draconian of any Western legislation. In the post above, Stephen Moore wrote:
the “real goal is to allow judges to sentence adults to prison for life for things they’ve said and for up to a year for crimes they haven’t committed but that the government fears they might commit in the future. As such, Trudeau and Virani’s Online Harms Act (Bill C-63) is the most shocking of all the totalitarian, illiberal, and anti-Enlightenment pieces of legislation that have been introduced in the Western world in decades”.
The Sons of Issachar Newsletter may not have long to go!
Government and Big Pharma control of health, as I wrote about a few weeks ago in Sons of Issachar news. The health of millions has been negatively impacted by the forced “vaccination” against COVID-19;
Promotion of a secular, humanist and anti-God agenda. This includes the extraordinary promotion of a transgender agenda, which Peter Schweizer has shown is being funded by China to create social disorder in the US;
Racial division and critical theory have increasingly become part of life in universities and also now impact the entire legal system. Re-education is part of many big corporations, with employees having a digital “Big Brother” hanging over their heads to monitor their compliance with diversity, equity and inclusion;
The Marxification of education. Marxist ideology is now one of the underpinnings of Western education, and education is used to promote class struggle. This has been going on since the 1930s but now is embedded in the entire Western education system, as demonstrated by James Lindsay’s book.
As you read through the list, it’s hard not to become a conspiracy theorist. There is a conspiracy, and it is one in which conflict on many sides is being created to maneuver us into a future where we have no freedoms but are under government control “for our own safety.”
The Pressure for Central Control
Many evil forces are seeking to bring about the destabilization of society. The model that the globalists have in mind is China, where everyone is monitored and controlled by “Big Brother”.
Examining the “gathering storm” list above, you can see that war, disease, finance, the environment, migration, education, information, and digital monitoring are being used to restrict our freedom and move us toward central control. It is so gradual that we hardly notice the infringements on our personal liberties. Crises are being used to create the demand for global control, via organizations like the UN and WHO. Increasingly we will be told that “global problems demand global solutions”.
Many people to whom I talk believe that things will get better. However, when you see the array of forces directed against freedom, it’s only the most extreme optimists or those on psychotropic drugs who could believe that all will end well.
As you read through this list of issues facing us with “the gathering storm,” you will see that it is not random nor without design. It is likely that this is part of a satanic agenda to control humanity's soul. We need to be alert and avoid the traps that are being set for us via convenience and offers of government support.
Just the other day I heard someone saying how convenient the facial recognition system is to quickly move through passport control. Also, some young people we talked to this last week thought that a move to digital currency was a great idea.
ATMs are gradually being removed and people have stopped using cash because it is inconvenient. The joggers and bike riders calling to inner-city cafés for their soy lattes happily swipe their smart phones across the digital readers and provide all their information for the AI superbrain.
With every new “crisis” – we need to remember that this is simply part of the Hegelian dialectic and has been happening for a long time. This short YouTube video from the 1960s by G Edward Griffin is quite instructive.
The problem is created (think Fauci and the Wuhan Lab), there is a generalized reaction (we must be kept safe), and so the globalists provide a solution to governments (lockdowns, destruction of small businesses and forced injections).
I wonder what the next “crisis” will be? Almost certainly it will occur in the US in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential election. Already histrionic language is being promulgated through the controlled media about Donald Trump’s “threat to democracy”.
This is the time for storm preparation: physically, economically, spiritually and socially.
The Flexner Report on Medical Education – 1910
A European reader directed my attention this week to the very influential report about medical education by Abraham Flexner, written in 1910 . I have spent the last few days reading through the detailed report.
My Sons of Issachar Newsletter from a few weeks ago highlighted the shocking interrelationship between Medicine, Big Pharma and Big Government. This seemed to be a recent phenomenon but on reading the Flexner report from 1910, I discovered that the reforms of medical education that were instituted throughout the West at the behest of Flexner, were designed to promote government control and to eliminate alternative or natural therapies and complementary medicine.
I was surprised to find that government control and centralization were features built into the recommendations by Flexner and have been adopted by medical schools throughout the world. The Flexner study was funded by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, which even then had a centralized and collectivist model in its sights. The president of the foundation, Henry Pritchett, who was an astronomer and a man who believed that central planning was the solution for medical education. He wrote in the introduction to the Flexner report:
“the development of medical education…is conditioned upon three factors…the creation of public opinion…which will insist on enactment of laws..secondly, upon universities and their attitude to medical standards…finally, upon attitudes of the medical profession towards the standards of their own practice…”
At the heart of the report was a realization that what was required was a propaganda exercise – “the creation of public opinion”. Remarkably, early in the report, Flexner wrote: “The physician is a social instrument. If there were no disease, there would be no doctors…..society is bound to protect itself….The state already makes certain regulations; it can by the same right make others. Practically the medical school is a public service corporation….(The medical school) was left to itself while society knew no better. But civilization consists in the legal registration of gains won by science and experience…”
As I read through the Flexner report, I realized by the early 20th century, medicine was seen as a tool of government by the collectivists. Public opinion had to be formed so that the “right views” were embedded into legislation.
There is a lot in the report about the number of doctors produced per 1,000 head of population and it is evident that these central planners believed that they could calculate the correct number and the ideal format for medical education. Flexner saw regulation as the main tool for restricting the number of medical schools and therefore the number of doctors. The whole idea was the opposite of the free-market ideas under which the United States had been founded.
We need to be on our toes in the face of medical problems and be prepared to look for solutions outside the medical system. It is difficult for medicine to escape its central planning, government intervention and collectivist origins. The complementary medicine methods, which had thrived in the US in the early 20th century, were sidelined following the Flexner report and products from the Rockefeller family’s oil business quickly made their way into prominence. This has led to today’s control of medicine by Big Pharma in collaboration with the State.
I never thought this could happen but I think I am becoming an alternative medicine guy!
The US Immigration Fiasco
(extracted from World Affairs Brief – 9 March, 2024)
Joel Skousen digs behind the news of the day and provides a weekly analysis that I find worthwhile and recommend a subscription. Below is part of his recent report about the immigration crisis in the US.
“No matter how Biden or Mayorkas tries to obscure the horrendous flood of illegals pouring into the country, it will continue unabated. The biggest story this week reveals that Biden’s promotion of the CBP-One app, which allows illegals to apply for asylum on a simple phone app and gain easy official entrance into the US at official ports of entry. As more and more are using the app, illegals are not having to make the dangerous trek to the southern border, but are now being flown into the US by the thousands each month at taxpayer expense, with visa in hand, and then released. The Center for Immigration Studies reports:
Thanks to an ongoing Center for Immigration Studies Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the public now knows that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has approved secretive flights that last year alone ferried hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens from foreign airports into some 43 American ones over the past year, all pre-approved on a cell phone app.
The Biden administration’s legally dubious program to fly inadmissible aliens over the border and directly to U.S. airports has allegedly created law enforcement vulnerabilities “too grave to release publicly.” [As usual, this is the government hiding illegal acts behind the veil of national security.]
But while large immigrant-receiving cities and media lay blame for the influx on Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s busing program, CBP has withheld from the Center – and apparently will not disclose – the names of the 43 U.S. airports that have received 320,000 inadmissible aliens from January through December 2023, nor the foreign airports from which they departed. The agency’s lawyers have cited a general “law enforcement exception” [to FOIA law] without elaborating – until recently – on how releasing airport locations would harm public safety beyond citing “the sensitivity of the information.”
And, even worse, well-heeled Chinese are starting to take advantage of this app more than any other nation,..”
It is extraordinary that apart from the millions of illegal immigrants being ushered across the southern US border, US airports have received “320,000 inadmissible aliens from January through December 2023”. This has been deliberated hidden and still the Biden administration refuses to name the 43 US airports and the foreign airports.
The issue of control of US borders is the No. 1 issue for US voters and after overseeing and encouraging the “invasion”, the Biden administration now is trying to blame Trump and the Republicans for the disaster. The mainstream media mostly supports the Biden administration narrative.
The aim of those in control of Biden must be a complete breakdown of law and order and social cohesion in the US.
The Net Zero Conspiracy
The UK Telegraph had an interesting headline this last week: Climate chief told to ‘kill’ negative net zero story. Patrick Wood featured the story in Technocracy News . The story concerned the head of the UK government Climate Change Committee (CCC) , which is meant to be an independent government advisory group but in reality is another green pressure group. The headline statement on the CCC website is “Future emissions targets must not be loosened”.
Similar government-funded bodies have been set up throughout the West, and of course, the advice provided is always the same - to destroy productive economies.
The Telegraph reported that Chris Stark, the CEO of the Climate Change Committee, when asked what to do about a mistake in a report, responded: “How’s this – kill it with some technical language”.
Patrick Wood wrote:
“The head of the Climate Change Committee (CCC) is a radical Net Zero activist and a Technocrat. When the CCC was challenged about faulty data that sent the UK into a condition of permanent energy shortage with Net Zero policy. The CEO of the UK’s climate watchdog promptly told staff to “kill” the story with technical language. So much for “openness” and “accountability”.
The moral hazard for all Technocrats is to drive the world into energy scarcity so that the remaining energy can be rationed and controlled, thereby controlling all economic activity. This is done through policies such as Net Zero and decarbonization, even though there is enough carbonized energy to last hundreds of years.”
What Are They Hiding?
Senator Ron Johnson is a Republican senator for Wisconsin who has single-handedly been courageous in exposing problems with the COVID-19 vaccines. Recently, he held a four-hour round table in the US Senate titled: Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding. Here is a link to the details about the round table.
The hearing featured scientists and medical luminaries such as Dr Brett Weinstein, Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Harvey Risch, Dr Jessica Rose and Mr Ed Dowd. Here is a link to a 14 min edited video of the four-hour event.
From the brief version of the video, here are a few important quotes:
Dr Sabine Hazan – “It is nearly impossible to publish data that goes against the national public health narrative. If doctors cannot publish the data, they cannot find solutions to fix the problem.”
Dr Pierre Kory – “You will never get repurposed drugs to reach regulatory approval if there’s more profitable alternatives”.
Mr Rodney Palmer – “There wouldn’t even be a US newscast without pharma ads”.
Dr Sorin Titus Muncacio - in the European Union “During the day of the vaccination, 12,000 people died the same day”…”I believe that this was a great crime against humanity”.
Senator Ron Johnson – “Right now, we’re up to almost 37,000 deaths worldwide with the COVID-19 vaccine – 24.4% occurring within the first one to two days”.
Dr Harvey Risch – “Both the virus origin cover-up and the forced vaccination of the entire planet, were orchestrated to protect the integrity of the bioweapons industry. We have proof of that cover-up from the FOI documents involving Fauci, Collins, Jeremy Farrar and others.”
Rob Roos – “The WHO cannot be trusted at all. It is funded by China, Big Pharma and by philanthropists. There are enormous conflicts of interest. Further amendments (to the WHO statutes) threaten free speech and seek to increase censorship of differing opinions, potentially transforming our nations into totalitarian-like states”
Dr Jessica Rose – “The COVID-19 injectable products are associated with a 26 and a 100 fold increase in total adverse events and deaths, respectively, when compared per million doses with influenza vaccines in the same time frame.”
Mr Ed Dowd – “The total excess deaths since the rollout of the vaccine in the US, including 2021, 2022 and 2023 is approximately 1.1 million. We estimate the economic cost of productive working age people dying at $15.6 billion”.
Dr Brian Hooker – “ I see that for every 1 child that is saved from death from COVID-19, there are 30 child deaths associated with the COVID-19 vaccine”.
Despite the media blackout on any information about adverse events related to the COVID-19 “vaccines”, it is impressive that there are a number of doctors and scientists who are prepared to put their careers on the line to speak out about the dangers. Dr Ryan Cole, a private pathologist in Idaho, has been hounded by the medical authorities and said that his business has gone from one with 80 employees to just two.
Eventually, the truth will come out. As St Augustine of Hippo said:
“The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”
Majority of Democrats Oppose Certifying Election Results if Donald Trump Wins
Over the last weeks, I have heard hysterical media reactions to Donald Trump’s wins in the Republican primaries. He has been called a dictator and a threat to democracy. However, a recent poll reported by Breitbart News has shown that many Democrats may pose the real threat.
Breitbart News reported:
“Fifty-seven percent of Democrat voters would oppose Congress certifying the 2024 election if former President Donald Trump wins, a Rasmussen Reports poll sponsored by the National Pulse found Monday.
The poll asked likely voters: “Some Democrats in Congress have said that if Trump wins this year’s election, they will vote against certifying the election results because of Trump’s role in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riots. Do you support or oppose Democrats refusing to certify the election results if Trump wins?”
• 57 percent of Democrats would oppose certification.
• Nearly two-thirds of “liberals” said they would oppose certification.”
It looks as though the rule is: if the Democrats do it, it is protecting democracy. If the Republicans do it, then it must be dictatorship.
The polarization of opinion in the US makes it difficult to reach any common ground. The politicization of the Justice Department is so severe that you imagine that they cannot allow Trump to win because there will have to be a wholesale departmental cleanout, including the FBI.
I don’t want to appear as one of those individuals from the 1960s who wandered around city streets saying, “The end is nigh”! We don’t know when the end is or how rapidly events in the world will progress.
Churchill’s assessment at the end of the 1940s, after playing significant roles in two World Wars was:
“….we have still not found Peace or Security, and that we lie in the grip of even worse perils than those we have surmounted…”
Seventy-five years later, we can say the same thing - “we lie in the grip of even worse perils”. This is the challenge of la condition humaine.
So we are facing the same existential battle - between good and evil. However, what has happened in the period since Churchill’s book in 1948 is the remarkable change in technology. Now, digital tools are available to monitor and control us and artificial intelligence is learning faster than we are, how to control us and control information. Laws to prevent misinformation and disinforation are being deployed by various “Ministries of Truth” around the world to restrict information that governments find inconvenient.
In the last 24 hours, the UK government has announced that “Muslim groups that incite hatred will be named as extremists”. The incitement to jihad has been happening for many years and the various UK governments have ignored the radical Islamists because governments are fearful of being described as “Islamaphobic”. A new definition of “extremism” will be announced and the UK Telegraph reports: “Muslim groups that incite hatred and undermine democracy will be named and shamed as extremists by the Government”.
This well-meaning attempt is likely to be a disaster and there will be legal challenges and political division. It is similar to closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.
I have been studying Matthew 24 for the last few weeks where Jesus gave a private briefing to His disciples who asked (just days before His cruxifiction) about the end of the age and His return. Jesus’ main promise was trouble ahead. After describing wars, famine and pestilence, He told His disciples:
“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:9-14).
Not much good news here as the darkness has sought to overcome the light over the past 2,000 years. The key is endurance to the end.
It seems to me that what we need is preparation (for the gathering storm) and endurance through coming times of trial.
I was reminded today of the the great hope contained in the following Bible verse from the Book of Hebrews. The writer had previously outlined (in Hebrews 11) the great men and women of faith, who did not waver in the face of adversity because of the hope that they had of an eternal future. The writer says:
“..let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1-2).
This truth is what gripped Arthur Stace, the Sydney man who spent 35 years writing the word “Eternity” on the footpaths of Sydney from the 1930s until his death in 1967.
Figure 1. Memorial to Arthur Stace in Sydney
Stace, who was a man destitute and without hope, responded to a sermon by Rev John G Ridley in 1932 about the hope found in Jesus, where toward the end of the sermon Ridley had cried:
“Eternity! Eternity! I wish that I could sound, or shout, that word to everyone on the streets of Sydney. Eternity! Friends, you have got to meet it. Where will you spend Eternity?”.
I wrote about this extraordinary event in July 2022 and commend it to my readers.
Eternity is the issue of our current day just as it was for Arthur Stace almost 100 years ago. Jesus has promised His friends that they will spend eternity with Him, if we run with endurance the race that is set before us.
My advice: seek friendship with God (confess your wrongdoing and repent - change your mind - and put your hope in Jesus - the one who inhabits Eternity).
As Rev John Ridley said in 1932 – “we all face Eternity – terrible or sublime… Friends, you have got to meet it. Where will you spend Eternity?
A typically excellent - if sobering - analysis of the multiple evils confronting our world.
I started following your newsletter maybe a few posts ago, and so far I have enjoyed everything I've read. Thanks for sharing your work Reuben!