Families delight, traumatize, strengthen and refine us
It has taken me a long time to see the obvious – families are the central plank of God’s plan for the world. I have been a Christian for 40 years and it hadn’t dawned on me until recent times that families are the foundation of God’s created order and central to restoration of the world. Genesis 2 tells us that God saw that
“it was not good that man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18) and that God would “make him a helper comparable to him” (Genesis 2:18).
After the creation of woman, God says
“therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave (or be joined) to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).
Jesus quotes this verse as being fundamental to God’s creation of male and female when quizzed about divorce by the Pharisees (Mark 10:6-9). Jesus says,
“from the beginning of creation God made them male and female” and then he goes on to quote from Genesis 2:24 about a man leaving his father and mother, followed by the statement “so then they are no longer two, but one flesh”. Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man separate”.
There is a continuity from the Old Testament to the New Testament that God created male and female – two genders. God’s plan for humanity involves a unique, exclusive relationship between one male and one female, and God calls this complementary union of two, that become “one flesh”, marriage. In marriage “there are no longer two but one”. God created a plan for the lifelong union of one male and one female, and it is not His design for there to be divorce. This is God’s created order – that in marriage male and female shall become “one flesh” and in the process of this a new family is brought into being, because “the man shall leave his father and mother”. The man’s central obligation is not to his old family but to his new family. The foundation of marriage is God’s secure, stable and loving basis for the raising and education of children in character, values and wisdom, and the growth of a new family.
The plan looked precarious from the start, with Eve choosing to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which God had told Adam was forbidden fruit (Genesis 2:16-17). It is hard to know if the eating of the forbidden fruit was a Chinese whispers issue – God told Adam and we hope Adam passed the information on to Eve accurately. When Eve talked to the serpent she said of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, “God said that you shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die”. Eve spoke about not touching the fruit and there is no record that God had said this. Perhaps Adam had told her this, or perhaps she had inferred it. In any case, Eve ate the fruit and gave some to Adam who also ate. It wasn’t a good start, and it continued to get worse, as after the event Adam essentially blamed God for giving him Eve, and then went on to blame Eve basically saying “she made me do it” – I think even today we keep hearing that same refrain from men! Then a little while later, if it were possible, things got even worse as conflict rose between Adam and Eve’s sons Cain and Abel. This led to the older brother Cain killing the younger brother Abel, because of jealousy. To human wisdom it could look as though God may have got the idea of families wrong - they seemed traumatic, dangerous and destructive. Then things went from bad to catastrophic and the Bible tells us that
God saw that “the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). God’s solution was to destroy man with a great flood but to save one man, Noah, and his family. The Bible tells us that “Noah was a just (without blemish) man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God” (Genesis 6:9). Surely there was hope for mankind with this righteous genetic line?
Well – the bad news is that this didn’t solve the problem. There is something wicked in the heart of every man. However, the good news is that God didn’t give up. After all He had a plan from the foundation of the world!
In Genesis Chapter 12 we are introduced to Abram (which means exalted father), who later had a name change by God to Abraham (which means father of a multitude). God tells Abram that
“I will bless those who bless you, and Him who dishonours you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed” (Gen 12:3).
At this stage Abram was 75 years old and he had no children but miraculously when he was 100 years old and his wife Sarah was 90 years old, Isaac was born through God’s extraordinary intervention. God chose Abram/Abraham and blessed him by multiplying his family through the succeeding generations so that they were as “numerous as stars in the sky” (Genesis 26:4). God formed an everlasting agreement or covenant with Abraham and his descendants to inherit the land that includes modern day Israel as an “everlasting possession” (Genesis 17:8).
With the family of Abraham out of the land until 1948, this agreement for the children of Israel to live in the land God had given them, looked to be impossible. However, Abraham’s children’s return to the land and their success is a sign of God’s miraculous work and a greater purpose for mankind. God says in the book of Deuteronomy - – that God set his love on the children of Israel as a “treasured possession” to be holy (set apart) for God, out of “all the peoples of the earth”. This was not because the children of Israel were more numerous but the fewest, and because God swore an oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Against all odds, Israel was re-established in their promised land in May 1948, which most Christian leaders until that date had thought to be impossible, even though prophesied in advance by the Bible. Israel is under continual threat, because Israel as a piece of land, and the families of Israel themselves are central to God’s plan, and therefore fiercely opposed by satan.
I have spent some time on this because the story of Abraham (Genesis Chapters 12 to 25) tells us a lot about God and His plan for all the families of the earth. Despite unpromising raw material, God chose Abram and implemented a remarkable strategy to bless his descendants, who would be holy (set apart) to Him, and through this people, all the families of the earth would be blessed. God tells us in the story of Abram/Abraham that He is the God of the impossible – an old man and woman became the father and mother of a family and a nation. Despite many ups and downs this family gave rise to Jesus, who became the Saviour of the world.
Most of the Bible is a story of families and their sin, in contrast to God’s faithfulness and redemption. Despite the dysfunctionality of families, God chooses families – a man and a woman with defined and complementary roles – to work out His purposes on the earth and to bring about the impossible. God works out the majesty of His purposes on the earth through families.
As such it is not surprising that satan (in Hebrew – נָחָשׁ - nahash) appears early in the story of mankind to bring division in the first family on the earth, by persuading Eve that God was not trustworthy. Since that time, satan has been at work in the destruction of the families of the earth and ultimately in the destruction of the family as defined by God. This can be seen clearly over the last decades in the forsaking of marriage itself as the bedrock of a new family, the skyrocketing rise in divorce of those who are married, the promotion of abortion and now euthanasia, of the LGBTQ+ lifestyle, and of the contention that male and female are not fixed or stable definitive genders (a view now widely promoted key influencers in Western society). The result is the breakdown of family relationships and significant increases in children living with single parents. In black families, less than half the children live in households with 2 parents.
The absolute destruction of western civilisation, once founded on the ordinances of God, screams in our faces in the recent horrifying redefinition of words that, since the Garden of Eden, have undergirded God’s plan for life on earth that is good: marriage, family, parent, mother, father, son, daughter, and this is just to name a few key words that have been redefined. It’s as though a collective madness has seized our societies and fundamental biology and creation has been discarded. At the heart of this cultural shift lies the goal of the absolute destruction of the family. Many on the political left openly state this as central to “progressive society” because children must learn to see themselves as belonging to and serving the state. In this framework, schools and education are understood as the key means to indoctrinating and raising a generation of “compliant citizens”. This issue was at the heart of the recent Virginia governor’s election, and the electors chose to assert the primacy of parents in children’s education. Gender fluidity is mad but more importantly it is evil and part of the satanic plot to destroy us as individuals, families, communities and nations. Governments, entertainers, media, educators, medical professionals and bureaucrats are lining up like those in the story of the Emperor’s new clothes, to proclaim how remarkable is the naked Emperor’s new apparel. It is impossible for a movement like this, that rejects basic biological facts and has the support of key influencers, to emerge globally without planning and coordination. The clear power behind this is nahash – נָחָשׁ – the deceiver of old, who is opposed to God’s plan in which family lies at the centre.
The attack on the family will only intensify and it seems impossible to shift the mindset of society back to the family as God’s foundation for everything. However, we can be alert to the widespread deception coming from almost every quarter and protect, support and nurture families, and pray for strength to stand against the satanic plot.
At the heart of the medical system is the concept of informed consent. Prior to admission for any procedure, hospital administrators and doctors require patients to sign extensive paperwork indicating that they have been told about the risks and benefits of a procedure. It is remarkable how these procedures were quickly jettisoned with the introduction of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines. The vaccines were rushed into use without the usual 8 to 10 year testing period, boosted by the sci-fi designation “operation warp speed”. The fact that warp speed is a myth should have been a warning to us all.
Right from the start of the pandemic, vaccines were touted as the solution to the “pandemic” before there was any indication of vaccine effectiveness. Media and governments downplayed any risks and the entire global population was injected without any knowledge of the hazards. Additionally, with large advertising budgets, governments overstated the risks from COVID-19 to produce population compliance. Meanwhile the numbers of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccinations continue to climb as reported by the main publicly available databases in the US and UK. It is acknowledged that these reports underrepresent the real numbers of adverse effects of vaccines but such events are now in the millions and tens of thousands have died from COVID-19 vaccine administration.
It has been clear for some time that there would be many downstream negative health impacts from the COVID-19 vaccines, given that the vaccines have the potential to be harmful to many body systems. The databases indicate potential long-term effects on the immune system, brain and nervous system, the heart and circulation, blood elements, liver and kidneys. Now a report from the Epoch Times by Dr Joseph Mercola reports on an interview with Dr Stephanie Seneff in relation to a recent paper published by Dr Seneff and her collaborator, Dr Greg Nigh in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research.
It is worthwhile reading both the articles but here are the key points:
· Deaths are 14.6 times more frequent in the first 14 days after vaccination among people over 60 years old, compared with those unvaccinated;
· It is anticipated that there will be a dramatic increase in those who have received the vaccine in prion-like diseases, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and blood disorders - conditions such as blood clots, haemorrhage, strokes and heart problems;
· The vaccines have a major effect on the spleen where immune function can be altered and via afferent pathways, neurological function;
· Vaccine shedding, where unvaccinated people develop symptoms such as bleeding and other problems by coming into contact with those vaccinated, is likely to occur via exosomes released from the lungs;
· Vaccination results in the body becoming a coronavirus spike protein factory, with the body producing spike protein which itself is toxic to a variety of tissues;
· Neurodegenerative diseases can result from the spike protein in the vaccines. These diseases include the human form of “mad cow disease”, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and motor neurone disease – also called ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. There have been widespread reports of immediate impacts of the vaccines on the brain with symptoms of headache, nausea, dizziness, encephalitis and fatal brain clots.
· Reproductive abnormalities are widespread and impact both men and women.
This situation would be serious without governments mandating these killer vaccines but at least each of us could decide on the risks versus the benefits. However, the forced vaccination of millions with the threat of job loss for non-compliance has resulted in governments, doctors and bureaucrats covering their tracks and denying that the vaccines are anything other than “safe and effective”. As COVID-19 restrictions are lifted and it is becoming increasingly evident that vaccination offers no protective effect against COVID-19, the story of how this vaccine scam was foisted on the population should be told. Unfortunately, few media outlets will do this and followers of UKColumn News will be aware that despite pressure on UK medicines regulators and politicians, no government investigations have been ordered into the vaccine adverse effects. As life returns apparently to normal, it is easy to forget the way that governments implemented laws to oppress populations and destroy families and businesses. Undoubtedly, the biosecurity laws are lurking in the shadows to be implemented at the whim of government and we need to carry the phrase with us that is inscribed on numerous war memorials - “lest we forget”.
There is no doubt that the cover up of COVID-19 vaccine adverse effects is the biggest scandal of our lifetime and has destroyed trust in governments and doctors. It is a genuine conspiracy – a conspiracy against us! Dr Tess Lawrie has given an excellent recent interview outlining how serious is the impact of the COVID-19 vaccines and how urgent representations to the UK government have been ignored . Dr Lawrie also highlighted the safety and value of ivermectin and the fact that this effective treatment had been withheld from the public. Dr Lawrie and her colleagues also have provided detailed analysis of adverse events reported to demonstrate that the vaccines were not safe but this was dismissed by the UK Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.
The health impacts of the COVID-19 vaccines will be seen for years to come with an increase in excess mortality rates and serious chronic diseases following immune function impairment. Undoubtedly the effects are dose related and so if you have unfortunately had one of the vaccines, any future booster shots should be resisted. As society returns to “normal”, the extraordinary measures taken by governments will be used again and we need to on guard for the next “pandemic” that will be used by governments for population control. With the World Health Organization likely to be given extraordinary powers in 2024, Big Brother really is coming after us in the name of concern for our health and security. Lobby your government representatives while you can.
Thanks Reub. Even though I pressed the like button I do it feeling totally traumatised where the World has been and where it is going. The truth needs to be spoken or written and we need to pray that ears and eyes are opened. Keep going faithful servant.