In the last few days, I talked to a friend about his 13-year-old son and what he was studying at school. He told me “Ancient Egypt and the pyramids”. It is a fascinating part of history, particularly as recent information has demonstrated that it is likely that the pyramids were built along a now dried-up branch of the River Nile. A story last week in the UK Telegraph reported:
“A lost branch of the River Nile was used by ancient Egyptians to transport the enormous stones of the Great Pyramid at Giza, a study suggests.”
The report detailed how scientists had discovered, using “satellite imagery, geophysical survey, and rock samples,” that a 40-mile (64-km) branch of the Nile existed when the pyramids were built around 4,500 years ago. This river branch had subsequently been buried beneath farmland and desert about 4,200 years ago.
I did wonder: why are 13-year-olds studying ancient Egypt and the pyramids? Are they obtaining some overview of Western history and how we have arrived at the current challenges we face in the West?
This prompted me to think about the role and significance of history and its teaching in schools and universities. What is being taught in history curricula, and how does it relate to the challenges we see in the world today?
Dr Bella d’Abrera from Australia’s Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) surveyed 746 history courses offered at 35 Australian universities in 2017. She reported that:
“…undergraduate history degrees in Australia have become dominated by identity politics – where subjects are reduced to class, gender and race – to the detriment of important teachings on Western Civilisation.
“The prevalence of such divisions on campus, born from the dangerous ideology of identity politics now being taught in humanities departments clearly signals the decline of history as an academic discipline in Australia”
The IPA followed this report up with a further examination, five years on, of the teaching history in Australian universities. The report published in 2022 was titled:
Forgetting the Past: How Post-Modernist Theory Has Replaced History in Australian Universities in 2022 .
This investigation showed that the replacement of the teaching of Western history in Australian universities was almost complete. The authors (Dr Bella d’Abrera and Ms Brianna McKee) reviewed 791 history subjects taught in 35 Australian universities. More than one-third of the history subjects dealt with “identity politics” – race, class and gender. The authors reported:
“That the study of history has been subsumed by post-modernist theory is demonstrated by the fact that in 2022, more history subjects were offered at Australian universities that teach about ‘Race’ than ‘Democracy’ (86 subjects compared to 33 subjects), ‘Identity’ than the ‘Enlightenment’ (64 subjects compared to 25 subjects). ‘sexuality’ than the ‘Reformation’ (54 subjects compared to 17 subjects).”
Although I was never taught history at school or university, I may have dodged a bullet. I probably would have been taught “fake history”, as Donald Trump would probably put it.
In my high school days, there were few options and my teachers placed me in a class focused on science. My subjects were English, French, Music, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Because my classmates were destined to be scientists, there must have been the thought that knowledge of history was of no importance.
I then studied veterinary medicine, and the little history I learnt was about the history of animal disease. Somehow, I made it through postgraduate studies, a PhD and a higher doctorate without any knowledge of history. I did find out, incidentally, that there had been a few World Wars!
Evidently, educators must have thought it made no sense to distract students who were bound for careers in science with dodgy historical narratives. I only started to take an interest in history in the 1990s-2000s after I had spent various periods of time in the US. I started to wonder how the US had become so prosperous and what it was about the US Constitution that gave people much greater freedom than in other parts of the world.
The US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence
I read the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights and realized that the US Founding Fathers had designed the fledgling nation with great care and attention to the future. The US Constitution Center provides a good overview of these documents.
“The Declaration and Constitution were drafted by a congress and a convention that met in the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia (now known as Independence Hall) in 1776 and 1787 respectively. The Bill of Rights was proposed by the Congress that met in Federal Hall in New York City in 1789. Thomas Jefferson was the principal drafter of the Declaration and James Madison of the Bill of Rights; Madison, along with Gouverneur Morris and James Wilson, was also one of the principal architects of the Constitution.
Most importantly, the Declaration, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are based on the idea that all people have certain fundamental rights that governments are created to protect. Those rights include common law rights, which come from British sources like the Magna Carta, or natural rights, which, the Founders believed, came from God. The Founders believed that natural rights are inherent in all people by virtue of their being human and that certain of these rights are unalienable, meaning they cannot be surrendered to government under any circumstances..”
The statement that:
“The Founders believed that natural rights are inherent in all people by virtue of their being human and that certain of these rights are unalienable, meaning they cannot be surrendered to government under any circumstances” is of the greatest importance. Governments everywhere now pass draconian laws to restrict freedom and increasingly surveil populations. God-given “unalienable rights” is a foundational concept, of increasing importance in a world where governments of all persuasions seek greater control.
The Modern School Curriculum and Influences on Thinking
There are many indicators that schools in the West are pursuing curricula that fail to teach an overview of history and key historical events. In Australia, the school curriculum has become dominated by the environment and indigenous culture, to the exclusion of Western history. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) in its preamble states:
“ACARA acknowledges the unique place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as the First Australians. This includes the special relationship Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have with land, sea, sky and waterways, their unique history and cultural diversity, and their ways of being, knowing, thinking and doing.
The Australian Curriculum: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures cross-curriculum priority provides the opportunity for all students to engage with this important aspect of Australia’s nationhood.”
Such an approach may have some validity (even though there is no written indigenous history), but given the amount of curriculum space, it seems to exclude teaching about the foundation of modern Australia and its links to Western history and the Enlightenment.
A few recent articles have highlighted the historical vacuum in which we live and the impact on our society. Here are three stories that drew my attention this week. and highlight the need to be historically literate.
Ignorance of D-Day
The UK Daily Telegraph reported that with the 80th anniversary of D-Day coming up on June 6th, a survey undertaken on behalf of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission found that nearly 50% of young adults do not know what D-Day is. This seminal event of the mammoth allied invasion force landing in Normandy to liberate Europe has not made its way into the consciousness of modern youth.
Not surprisingly, then, the history of antisemitism and the horrific events around the Holocaust also have been lost in the mists of time. The fight for Israel to establish itself as the only Middle Eastern democratic nation has been forgotten, together with the ongoing commitment of the Arab nations to erase Israel from the map, since its modern inception in May 1948.
The horror of the Hamas hordes attacking peaceful Israelis in the region near Gaza has been swept aside in protests that declare “jihad” and “from the river to the sea”. A number of possibly well-meaning but clueless university administrators have stated that these terms are subject to various interpretations and may not simply be a call for genocide. This is despite a genocidal policy being part of the charter of Hamas.
This, too, is the result of a lack of knowledge of history and a commitment to some vague notion of the importance of “multiculturalism” rather than understanding the historical threat to the West.
The Extraordinary History of 20th Century Population Movements
Henry Ergas is an Australian economist and historian who writes for The Australian Newspaper. His column this last weekend was very instructive. It was titled:
“Nakba, Where Palestinian Victim Mythology Began”
Nakba Day (15 May) is the anniversary of the day in 1949 when the Arab-Israeli war began. This resulted in a displacement and expulsion of some of the Arab population after the creation of the new state of Israel. According to Time magazine":
:… the persecution of Jewish people in Europe in the 1930s and the horrors of the Holocaust helped drive a massive migration in that decade of 60,000 Jews to what was then known as Mandatory Palestine, the British-controlled land that was majority Muslim-Palestinian at the time. In the midst of increasing conflict over the land, the United Nations proposed a division of Arab and Jewish states; the proposal was opposed by the Arab population of the land, and a civil war followed the announcement of the plan. When Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948, following Britain’s departure, armies from several neighboring Arab lands joined the war on the side of the Palestinian Arab population. Their invasion took place on May 15.”
The United Nations supported the creation of the modern state of Israel but the decision has led to ongoing conflict which continues to the current day.
Mr Ergas in his column in the Australian newspaper writes about the various events that preceded the foundation of the modern state of Israel on 14th May, 1948. He notes that:
Sweeping population movements were a feature of Europe and the Middle East resulting from the collapse of European land empires.
The Crimean War of 1854-56 resulted in a flood of Muslim refugees (almost 1 million) fleeing from Russia.
The Ottoman Empire unravelled, starting with the Greek war of independence in 1821 and reached an endpoint when British General, Edmund Allenby captured Jerusalem on 11th December 1917, after seizing Gaza and Beersheba.
Balkan wars and then World War I resulted in as many as 2 million refugees being expelled from ancestral homes with the aim of settling the refugees amongst those who shared their religious faith.
Great Britain was given a mandate by the League of Nations to govern the Middle East and this led to the formation of new nation states and kingdoms out of what had formerly been the Ottoman Empire, governed from Istanbul.
In the diametrically opposite view to the West’s modern quest for “multiculturalism”, the Convention Concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations was signed in Lausanne on 30th January 1923. Christians living in “the new Turkish state were to be deported to Greece while Greece’s Muslims were to be deported to Turkey”. This was a top-down solution if ever there was one!
The philosophy behind this draconian action was expressed by the then French Prime Minister Raymond Poincaré. Mr Ergas quotes Poincaré as follows:
“the mixture of populations of different races and religions has been the main cause of troubles and of war”, and that the “unmixing of peoples” would “remove one of the greatest menaces to peace”.Mr Ergas notes that the policy of forced transfer affected 1.5 million people and was regarded as a success, despite what must have been immense suffering.
European Union politicians have forgotten this history, and they have implemented a failed policy of assimilation and multiculturalism as Muslims stream into Europe and the United Kingdom.The British and US policy of forced migration was applied to Eastern Europe after Word War II. Ergas writes that as part of the Potsdam agreements, there was: “the brutal expulsion from central and eastern Europe of 12 million ethnic Germans whose families had lived in those regions for centuries. Stripped of their nationality and possessions, then forcibly deported to a war-devastated Germany, the refugees – who received very little by way of assistance – gradually merged into German society, though the scars took decades to heal.”
Not content with these huge displacements and trauma, the British then oversaw the forced movement in 1947, “of 18 million people between India and the newly formed state of Pakistan”. It seems incredible today that politicians and bureaucrats could have just dictated this oppressive “solution”.
Not surprisingly, having created the above “solutions”, the British via the Peel Commission of 1937 believed that they could “step up to the plate” and prescribe a solution to the Arab-Israeli problem with a planned partition of Palestine and the Transjordan. Ergas writes that the Peel Commission:
“..initially proposed partition, had recommended a mandatory population exchange but the entire issue was ignored in UN Resolution 181 that was supposed to govern the creation of the two new states. When a majority of the UN General Assembly endorsed that resolution on November 29, 1947, the major Zionist forces reluctantly accepted the proposed partition, despite it being vastly unfavourable to them. But the Arab states not only rejected the plan, they launched what the Arab League described as “a war of extermination” whose aim was to “erase (Palestine’s Jewish population) from the face of the earth”. Nor did the fighting give any reason to doubt that was the Arabs’ goal. “
The approach taken has led to ongoing conflict, which continues to our current day. The idea of a “two-state solution” was never going to work when one state is committed to eradicating the other.
There are many other details and nuances relating to the reluctance of Arab states to take in displaced Palestinians, in contrast to the approach by Israel with displaced Jews. However, it is evident from Mr Ergas’ article that many of the problems we see today in the Israel-Palestine conflict are the result of the arrogance of a group of politicians and bureaucrats who thought that they had enough wisdom to dictate solutions.
Part of the thinking behind such solutions was the idea of creating population homogeneity. Such an idea has fallen out of fashion as the new creed of multiculturalism emerged. However, this new creed is failing right before our eyes as the legal, religious, and economic ideas of Islam come into conflict with the secular West.
A significant barrier is the widespread belief that all ideas and faiths are of equal merit. Most Westerners don’t have any idea about the beliefs of Islam, nor have read the Koran.
I have studied Islam over the last 15 years and have realized that the beliefs, laws and practices of Islam are incompatible with Western life, thought and Christian foundations. Strangely though, there has been an alliance between fundamental Islamists (who have decided views about women and the “gay” community) and extreme left progressives who uphold LGPTQ+ rights and female equality (if they can work out what a woman actually is).
Thus, a third article came to my attention this week and it provides some clarity about the challenges that the West has with Islam.
The Historical Challenges of Islam
The Stream Magazine is a US Christian magazine that deals with contemporary issues. I have read the magazine (there is a convenient app) for the past few years, and it is recommended reading for Sons of Issachar readers. The magazine describes itself this way:
“The Stream is a rich and reliable source for breaking news, analysis, and inspiration. A champion for life, freedom, and unity in the Body of Christ, The Stream was launched to equip Christians to think clearly about the moral, political, and economic issues of the day. The Stream brings together many voices from among Evangelicals, Catholics and Orthodox Christians, and offers deep wisdom and insight through original content and the best from across the web.”
A two-part series of articles was published this last week titled: The Muslim Persecution of Christians is a Censored Pandemic. Here are links to Part 1 and Part 2.
Many in the West, faced with a faith that they don’t know or understand, feel that it must be possible to “live and let live” and to criticise a faith like Islam is to be labelled “Islamaphobic”. However, ignorance is not bliss in relation to Islam and it is important to understand some of the fundamentals.
Raymond Ibrahim who wrote the two-part series in The Stream is a distinguished author and journalist who, since 2011, has been writing a monthly report titled Muslim Persecution of Christians. His most recent book is titled Defenders of the West: The Christian Heroes Who Stood Against Islam. There is no doubting on which side Mr Ibrahim sits.
He provides much-needed balance about the history and foundations of Islam because any critique is viewed as “Islamophobic”. Here are a few of the points that Mr Ibrahim makes in his articles in The Stream:
Muslim persecution of Christians. “Few phenomena are as widespread as they are virtually unknown — at least in the West — as the worldwide persecution of Christians, especially at the hands of Muslims…. Christians suffer “extreme levels of persecution” in the top 13 of the 50 ranked nations. They are: 1) North Korea, 2) Somalia, 3) Libya, 4) Eritrea, 5) Yemen, 6) Nigeria, 7) Pakistan, 8) Sudan, 9) Iran, 10) Afghanistan, 11) India, 12) Syria, 13) and Saudi Arabia. The form of persecution experienced in these 13 worst offenders ranges from being assaulted, raped, imprisoned, or murdered on being identified as a Christian or attending (often underground) churches…… Rather tellingly, the “extreme persecution” meted out to Christians in 11 of these worst 13 nations comes either from “Islamic oppression” or takes place in Muslim-majority nations. This means that approximately 84% of the absolute worst persecution around the globe takes place in the name of Islam.”
Mr Ibrahim then extracts from the March edition of the newsletter Muslim Persecution of Christians , where he documents recent horrific terrorist attacks against Christians in Russia, Uganda, Somalia, Kenya, Nigeria and Pakistan.Why is this happening? Mr Ibrahim explains that the majority of the persecution of the 365 million Christians is because of Islamic doctrine. “Shari‘a, that body of teachings that Muslims are obligated to adhere to, teaches hate for and violence against all non-Muslims. In the words of Koran 60:4, “We [Muslims] renounce you [non-Muslims]. Enmity and hate shall forever reign between us — until you believe in Allah alone.” Such sentiments are to be applied to all non-Muslims — “even if they be their parents, children, siblings, or extended family” (58:22; see also 3:28, 4:89, 4:144, 5:54, 6:40, 9:23)……. In short, and as the Islamic State once explained in an unambiguously titled article, “Why We Hate You & Why We Fight You”: “We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers.”
Christians and Jews are regarded as infidels. “Thus Koran 5:51 warns Muslims against “taking the Jews and Christians as friends and allies … whoever among you takes them for friends and allies, he is surely one of them” — that is, he too becomes an infidel, and therefore must be hated and warred upon. ….Christians are further singled out by name for condemnation: Koran 5:73 declares, “Infidels are they who say God is one of three,” a reference to the Christian Trinity. Koran 5:72 says, “Infidels are they who say God is the Christ, [Jesus] son of Mary.” Koran 9:30 complains that “the Christians say the Christ is the son of God … may Allah’s curse be upon them!”
Islamic history provides modern context. “In 628, the Arabian founder of Islam, Muhammad, called on the Byzantine Emperor, Heraclius — the symbolic head of Christendom — to recant Christianity and embrace Islam. The emperor refused, jihad was declared — Koran 9:29 was in fact “revealed” in this context — and centuries of Islamic invasions, wars, and conquests followed. As a result, “Muslim armies conquered [75 percent] of the Christian world,” to quote historian Thomas Madden…… all that remained was the “West” — so called because it was literally the westernmost quarter of the pre-Islamic Christian world — namely, Europe, which endured centuries of jihadist invasions and atrocities. As late as 1683 — a millennium after Muhammad’s ultimatum to Heraclius — more than 200,000 Muslims marched onto, besieged, and nearly conquered Vienna in the name of jihad. Even the United States of America’s very first war as a nation was against Muslims operating under jihadist logic.”
I recommend that Sons of Issachar readers download Mr. Ibrahim's two articles, which provide information about Islam’s own teachings. This is not a religion that is content to “live and let live” but has its foundation in conquest. The West, having no modern framework for the threat that Islam constitutes, appoints Islamic “advisors” to political groups and the police. Not surprisingly, these “advisors” reinterpret Islamic texts saying that “jihad simply means inner struggle”, while tens of thousands chant “from the river to the sea”.
It is certainly the time not to be “Islamophobic” but “Islamorealistic” so that we in the West understand that there can be no “meeting of the minds” between fundamental Islamists and the West’s Christian foundations. Multiculturalism is a Trojan horse, wheeled into Western countries that have embraced diversity, equity and inclusion.
The Australian economist Judith Sloan wrote a column on 18th May in The Australian Spectator magazine - with a critique of multiculturalism. She writes:
“We see the experiment of multiculturalism completely falling apart in the UK and many European countries. The US is awash with illegal migrants and the notion of one big happy family pursuing the great American dream is completely dead, having been on life support for many years. The idea of one big (and growing) diverse family in Canada is also now an open joke.
Most Asian countries are explicitly racist in their governance – Malaysia, Japan, China and India being stand-out examples. The very idea of multiculturalism makes no sense to them.”
It is no use living in a dream world and continuing to celebrate “Harmony Day” when the very policies that have created opportunities for terror attacks and alternate communities outside the law are supported.
The Dutch politician Geert Wilders has been warning of the dangers of excessive migration and Islam since 2008 and has faced innumerable legal challenges. In 2010-11 he was put on trial “charged with five counts of inciting racial hatred over his anti-Islamic public statements. He was acquitted in June 2011.”
Wilders gave a famous speech titled The Lights Are Going Out All Over Europe on the opening day of his trial in Amsterdam in 2011. In the speech, he said:
“The lights are going out all over Europe. Our freedom is being restricted everywhere, so I repeat what I said here last year: It is not only the privilege, but also the duty of free people — and hence also my duty as a member of the Dutch Parliament — to speak out against any ideology that threatens freedom. Hence it is a right and a duty to speak the truth about the evil ideology that is called Islam...”
Originally, Wilders was regarded as a right-wing extremist but over the past 10 years, the Dutch people have recognized the truth of Wilders’ warnings and his Freedom Party won 37 seats in the November 2023 Dutch elections becoming the dominant party in the Dutch Parliament.
Governments everywhere are attempting to limit freedom of speech and promote multiculturalism. Part of the problem that we have in the West, as we celebrate diversity, equity and inclusion, is amnesia in relation to the battles that have been fought to uphold freedom and prevent extremism. Three hundred and forty years ago, 200,000 jihadists were stopped at the gates of Vienna. Now, a new type of war is being conducted. We need to be awake and understand the historical foundations of our Western societies.
Today, we in the West need to know and understand the history of Western civilization, including the fight against communism, which occupied the thinking and planning by Western politicians from the 1930s to the 1990s. Much has been forgotten or was never taught.
The Roman statesman and scholar Cicero captured succinctly in the first century BC, the foundational importance of history:
“To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history”.
President Xi and President Putin – Reshaping the World Order
The emergence of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) nations as a power bloc to rival the US and its allies is one of the significant changes that has occurred in geopolitics over recent years. In a meeting in Beijing just before the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24th February 2022, the Russian and Chinese leaders declared a “no limits” friendship. Now, there has been an important meeting of the two leaders in Beijing to celebrate 75 years of diplomatic engagement. Undoubtedly, with Russia’s vast energy reserves, and China’s ongoing need for cheap energy, the partnership is supported by self-interest.
The partnership between China and Russia is of great strategic significance and a recent article in the UK Telegraph highlights how this “marriage” is reshaping the world order.
Ronald Oliphant and David Child write in their Telegraph article:
“China, for its part, is explicit about its interests: Russia’s confrontation with the West is part of Beijing’s own struggle against the United States’ “hegemonic” attempts to “violate the strategic balance”. Or, as the two countries put it in a joint statement: “The United States still thinks in terms of the Cold War and is guided by the logic of bloc confrontation….which creates a security threat for all countries in the region. The US must abandon this behaviour”.
The authors conclude:
“For if – together – these two vast countries do realise their common goal of a “multipolar world”, there will only be one pole of power in the Russo-China camp. And it will not be Moscow”.
China has strategically positioned itself to be the dominant international power in the coming decades and the West has become reliant on China’s manufacturing capabilities. In the immediate future, China will support Russia’s desire to gain control over Ukraine. Then, who knows, the time may be propitious for Taiwan to be “invited back home”.
The Great Pandemic Walkback
The Epoch Times has been one of the few publications that has sought to highlight information ignored by the mainstream media about the origins of COVID-19, and dangers associated with the mRNA “vaccines”.
This week they had an interesting article by Jeffrey Tucker titled: The Great Pandemic Walkback.
The piece highlighted that many of the major figures are slowly “walking back all the major claims surrounding the global compulsory regime that ruled life for 2 1/2 years. And each statement is pointing to the same reality: The critics were correct all along. Yes, the very people whose social media accounts were throttled and banned for spreading supposed disinformation.”
The major scientists cited in the article include: Dr Robert Redfield, the former Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr Redfield never seemed really “on board” with the Fauci narrative but now he has admitted that healthy people less than 60 did not need the “vaccine”. He also acknowledged that there are serious risks to health from the “vaccines”.
Dr Francis Collins, Fauci’s former boss, and Head of the National Institutes for Health had previously testified that there was no science behind the social distancing rules (although there are still warning signs in many stores). Mr Tucker writes:
“The rule of six feet of distance, which sounds innocuous, masks a totalitarian ambition. It was the reason for the school closures since there was no way to practice it. It was why there were no gatherings. It was why businesses had to be only half-full or closed…… There was never any science to it…. It was that dumb, and yet it governed our lives….. actually, there was a long science behind all forms of physical distancing. The research had been accumulating for 15 years in randomized controlled trials of physical interventions to interrupt virus spread. The overwhelming evidence was that they made no difference at all. That was the scientific orthodoxy going into 2020…Still, they went ahead with devastating results..”
We were all told to “trust the science” but it turns out that there was none, when it came to public health authorities’ recommendations about how to keep us safe. It is an important reminder to have healthy scepticism about government recommendations.
Volt Typhoon – The CCP Prepares for War
Sam Faddis is a retired former CIA officer who served in the Near East and South Asia. He writes about a range of strategic international issues and on his substack this week has a video about Chinese preparations to take down critical US infrastructure “and put the US back in the 18th century – by 2027”.
Here is the link to the 10 min video. From the recording, I have extracted a few of the most important pieces of information:
“Volt Typhoon is a US government codename for a broadranging massive Chinese cyberoperation that has been ongoing for years.
Christopher Wray, the Director of the FBI, has been giving many presentations and making pronouncements around Washington DC about dire events including Volt Typhoon.
Many people agree that there is a massive Chinese cyberoperation targeting the US. A cyberoperation is not the Chinese hacking in and stealing credit cards or people’s personal informatoin, but it is a persistent Chinese attack to get inside key systems and they stay there. The Chinese have been in computer systems for at least five years and no one knows. They avoid detection, and the goal is to ultimately take control of the system…they are not just in your system; they own your system – they will have administrative rights.
What systems? The computer systems for American critical infrastructure – water, lights etc. The Chinese have the US outnumbered in this area by 50 to 1 – so a massive number of personnel. We don’t have an understanding of how far they have gottten.
What is the goal? It is to shut down these systems. It is not to turn off the light or water for a few hours but to take these down and to stay down. It will be taking the US from the 21st century back into the 1600s and keeping it there.
Wray said that the Chinese are developing this capability not because some time (eg your grandchildren’s time) they might decide to do something…but to take down all the critical infrastructure by at the latest 2027. This is part of a confrontation with the US military, probably over Taiwan.”
This is one of the most extraordinary messages that I have heard recently and we need to take this seriously and be prepared.
This short 15 min film was made three years ago but captures well the trajectory of the digital ID laws that have just been passed through the Australian Parliament.