When I was at university more than 50 years ago, I was significantly impacted by Barry McGuire’s only hit song, “Eve of Destruction”, which you can listen to below, with some graphic images of the time, around the Vietnam war.
The song was written by P.F. Sloan and recorded by Barry McGuire in a late-night session when McGuire was tired and his voice gravelly. The song reached No.1 on Billboard in the US in September 1965.
The song became important during the Vietnam protest movement and the heightened awareness about nuclear war. The song had a chorus:
“You tell me over and over and over again, my friend, ah, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction”.
P.F. Sloan was only 19 years old when he wrote the song, which, when released, was banned by several radio stations, including the BBC. Of course, this gave the song more publicity. Here is how Sloan described the writing of his song:
“The song 'Eve of Destruction' was written in the early morning hours between midnight and dawn in mid-1964. The most outstanding experience I had in writing this song was hearing an inner voice inside of myself for only the second time. It seemed to have information no one else could've had. For example, I was writing down this line in pencil 'think of all the hate there is in Red Russia.' This inner voice said 'No, no it's Red China!' I began to argue and wrestle with that until near exhaustion. I thought Red Russia was the most outstanding enemy to freedom in the world, but this inner voice said the Soviet Union will fall before the end of the century and Red China will engage in crimes against humanity well into the new century! This inner voice that is inside of each and every one of us but is drowned out by the roar of our minds! The song contained a number of issues that were unbearable for me at the time. I wrote it as a prayer to God for an answer.”
Somehow, the song caught the mood of the youth of that age; this week, the chorus has kept returning to my mind.
If you look at just some of the events that are happening in the world, it is not hard to make the case that we are on the “eve of destruction”:
The NATO/Ukraine/Russian war – has come back into view again this week with Tucker Carlson’s extraordinary interview with President Putin. It is worthwhile watching the entire 2-hour interview, which is instructive about Putin’s view of Russia vs. the West, the dollar and the implied downfall of the US. One interesting point was that Putin said Boris Johnson, who was British PM at the time, scuppered a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine in 2022, which had previously been reported but widely discounted.
The Weekly Sceptic podcast - had a great take on the interview. Nick Dixon said: “Tucker Carlson went all the way over to Russia to essentially have a boring history lecture.”
To hear the Putin interview, here is the link, which also includes a transcript.
The war in Gaza/Israel/surrounding regions – with the conflict spreading into Lebanon, Syria and Iraq., There also has been activation of Muslim Palestinian supporters around the Western world with massive coordinated protests in all the world capitals and harassment of Jews.
Funded by the Biden government, Iran and its proxies are spreading terror worldwide and close to acquiring nuclear capability. There have been continuing attacks on shipping in the Red Sea, by the Iranian supported Houthis and evidence of involvement of Iranian proxies in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Remarkably, with billions of dollars from the US, Iran is close to producing a nuclear weapon. Their chants of “death to Israel” are not just hyperbole.
The war against farmers and food – has been progressing in the EU and the UK but has had a temporary setback with protests across Europe. The aim seems to be the destruction of agriculture with resulting chaos and further state control – classical “problem-reaction-solution” of the Hegelian dialectic. This is just one part of the “net-zero” suicide cult, designed to destroy the economies of the West.
Mass invasion of the West – supported and funded by the UN’s International Organization for Migration (IOM) with its slogan “Making Immigration Work for All”. An article in Peak Prosperity written by Dr Chris Martenson – see this link notes that the latest IOM report says: “Well-managed regular migration pathways strengthen global value chains and increase development financing through remittances and diaspora capital.” This is written in UN-speak. Still, Chris translates this as “people from poor countries being loaded into rich countries where they will then secure money to send home. That is, make the poor countries richer by making the rich countries poorer.” Dr Martenson explains about mass immigration in a 45 min video that you can view in the link. He concludes as follows:
“The bottom line? Migration has been weaponized to purposely weaken Western nations.”
Mass migration has brought terror campaigns to the West, and these will increase in the coming years. Countries like the UK, Germany, Holland, France and Sweden have been caught in a trap of their own construction.
Planned pandemics and now threats of Disease X – as I wrote about in my Newsletter of 26th January. The success of the COVID-19 “pandemic” in gaining control of citizens and imposing “vaccine passports” has given the globalists the incentive for another event to enable forced vaccination and population surveillance.
The fall of the US – which we are seeing in real-time with the increasingly confused behaviour of Joe Biden. His press conference last week was a disaster
The press conference showed that he is not a nice, elderly grandfather but a cantankerous, aggressive old man with no memory. This followed the release of the special counsel’s report indicating his mishandling of top-secret documents. The conclusion was that Biden couldn’t be convicted because he couldn’t remember anything.
It is evident to everyone, including America’s enemies, that Biden is not in control of the US government. Still, various collectivist flunkies that dictate the Biden agenda are are moving the US toward its destruction (notably via the southern border “invasion”), so that the US can be absorbed into the global system.
The only reason that the Democrat leaders are supporting Biden’s bid for a second term must be because these extreme left-wing globalists can dictate US policy and just wheel Biden in to sign executive orders. However, it could be increasingly challenging in the months ahead to have him read the teleprompter. Almost certainly a surprise candidate will be wheeled out at the Democratic (certainly a misnomer) Party National Convention which will be held in the left-wing stronghold of Chicago between 19-22 August, 2024.
It is easy to make a much longer list of alarming events, but those abo e provide some evidence that we are indeed “on the eve of destruction”, or perhaps as Donald Trump recently put it, “On the brink of World War Three”.
However, the situation in the world has looked grave previously, for example, with the rise of Hitler, the two World Wars, the Cold War, the Cuban missile crisis and mass terrorism. These events made many people wonder if the end of the world was nigh.
A group of scientists formulated a “doomsday clock” following the nuclear bombing of Japan at the end of World War 2 and these doomsday “scientists” now tell us it is 90s until midnight - see this link. Midnight - is the end of the world. These scientists say that this is the closest we have been to doomsday and the threats they warn about currently include: nuclear war, climate change, “evolving biological threats” and the “dangers of AI”.
It’s enough to inspire us to find a large piece of cardboard and parade around in shopping centres with a sign in large letters saying: “the end of the world is night”.
Like the doomsday scientists, you could argue that all the conditions are now in place for a coming global government and that this time - it will be the real end of the world.
The Return of Jesus?
There have been various predictions about the world's end for hundreds of years (and probably for at least the last 2,000 years). It does remind me of the great saying: “Live every day as though it was your last; one day you will be correct”.
The end of the world usually has been associated by many with the return of Jesus. The likelihood of Jesus’ return seemed to gain great traction during the 1800s and gave rise to several new religions. Charismatic pastors who predicted Jesus’ return gained thousands of followers because they confidently declared a date for this apocalyptic event.
A founding doctrine of Christianity is the return of Jesus, which has been anticipated for the last 2,000 years. While there are disagreements about many details, there is general agreement that when He returns, it is “No More Mr Nice Guy”. History is not cyclical, but from a Christian viewpoint, it is moving toward an end-point when Jesus will return, and when He does, it is “His way or the highway”! He will bring about justice and restoration of the earth.
Of course, this is a simple summary of a complex and terrible series of events for which the timing is unknown. Jesus did speak to His disciples about some of the signs preceding His return (Matthew 24), and the Book of Revelation outlines a series of catastrophic events before Jesus’ return to restore creation.
Bible Hub summarizes Jesus’ private briefing to His inner circle of disciples on the Mount of Olives as follows:
“Jesus emphasizes that no one knows the day or hour of His return. He illustrates this unpredictability with examples of Noah's days and a master's unexpected return, emphasizing the need for continual watchfulness and readiness.”
The antichrist will become a global dictator and a man of lawlessness who presents as a fake “man of peace”. When he negotiates a peace treaty between Israel and its Arab enemies, we should head for the hills. This is a time when deception will be rampant, and we could be persuaded to take a “mark” of allegiance to this man (the antichrist) so that we can buy or sell (see this brief overview of the relevant verse in Revelation 13:17).
Many have tried to determine the time (the end times) when the antichrist will rise and demand worship and allegiance, after which Jesus will return. Everyone has been wrong to date.
History of Some of the End Times Movements
The Millerites
William Miller (those who followed him were called Millerites) was one of the early persuaders in the U.S. about a date for Jesus’ return, which he determined from the scriptures was 22 October 1844. He was very influential because we are told:
“In October 1844, tens of thousands of people in New England believed the world would soon end. They followed William Miller, a man who claimed that through his study of the Bible to know the exact day of Jesus’s return to earth. His followers sold everything they had in preparation for Christ’s second coming, in which he would gather them into heaven, and cleans the Earth in fire. The “Millerites” donned white garments called ascension robes. They climbed trees or mountains to speed up their ascension.”
The Seventh-Day Adventists (SDAs)
From the Millerites and their “Great Disappointment” emerged the SDAs and their key “prophet”, Ellen White, whose extensive works are still the foundation of this religious group today. Ellen had a series of visions and her 2,000 visions sustained the fledgling group and many were convinced of her prophetic gifts.
A new approach to Jesus’ return was proposed as follows:
“Later Adventists attempted to save face concerning the Great Disappointment by reinterpreting the prophecies upon which Miller had determined his dates. Rather than being the time of Jesus’ return to earth, they said, October 1844 was the start of Jesus’ final atoning work. According to the remnant, it was when Jesus entered the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary to begin judging who would be saved—His final action before His second coming.”
This is still Adventist doctrine – that Jesus did actually “return” in 1844, but he entered a new location – “the heavenly sanctuary” to begin judging the world before His second coming, which could be at any time.
Adventists believe that the Sabbath is Saturday, which is the day that they have church meetings. They also advocate vegetarianism or veganism and healthy lifestyles.
There are about 22 million Seventh Day Adventists.
Jehovah’s Witnesses (JWs)
The Jehovah’s Witnesses (The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society), founded by Charles Russell in the 1870s, promoted the idea that Jesus would return in 1914 based on an interpretation of the Book of Daniel. Of course, Jesus did not return in 1914.
Dr John Oakes writes that:
“What Russel ought to have done at this point was the obvious–admit he was mistaken. Unfortunately, his credibility was so much dependent on his claims to be a prophet that he could not admit his mistake. So, what did he do? He came up with the ad hoc explanation that Jesus did in fact come back in 1914, but he came back invisibly!!!! He began the “investigative judgment” at this point. This is when he began to choose his 144,000 to go to heaven. Naturally, all of the 144,000 will be members of his organization.”
After the “invisible return of Jesus”, there was another prophecy about Armageddon and the return of Jesus in 1975, following a review of biblical chronology. In an interesting article titled: Did the Watchtower Predict the End of the World in 1975?, the writer describes being at God’s Sons of Liberty District Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the summer of 1966:
“The speaker spoke with authority that there was no doubt that Armageddon was now certain to come “no later than the autumn of 1975”; that although the Watchtower had been wrong in the past, “this time we got it right!” The brother was emphatic about it! He explained that this new book would clearly show that the Watchtower Society’s new claims were verified by Bible chronology through the five-page chart laid out in the first chapter of the book.”
Once again, many Jehovah’s Witnesses sold their homes and possessions, but Jesus did not reappear at this time. Remarkably, this doesn’t seem to have influenced the belief of JWs, but they pressed on in their deception. There are about 9 million JWs worldwide.
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints (LDS or Mormons)
This sect was founded by the charismatic Joseph Smith with the publication of the Book of Mormon in 1830. Smith told a truly incredible story about discovering writing on golden plates in an unknown Egyptian script which he unearthed in Manchester, New York. No one else saw the plates.
In Mormon history, it is said that an angel appeared to Smith and translated the writings. Smith wrote down the translation which became the Book of Mormon. The book is said to contain the writings of ancient “prophets” who lived in the US because a “lost” tribe of the people of Israel came to the US in 600 BC. After the resurrection of Jesus, Mormons also believe that He came to America, and when He returns, He will come to Missouri.
Mormon beliefs came into view when a notable Mormon, Mitt Romney, ran for US president against Obama. Despite no historical evidence for any of their doctrines that come from Mormon “prophets”, this apocalyptic sect, where members eventually trekked to Utah, has grown to number more than 17 million – mainly because of the missionary zeal of their young people.
There always has been a focus on the end of the world and coming trouble with Mormon leaders recommending that families have at least one year’s supply of food. Early prophecies focused on end times (e.g. the notorious White Horse Prophecy) and the White Horse prophecy proposed that:
“The white horse (the Latter-day Saints) will create a wealthy haven in the Rocky Mountains to which many people of the world will gather for safety amid anarchy, war, and massive destruction. The prophecy was denounced by leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as early as 19181 and as recently as 2009,2 but it still circulates among some Church members and unofficial publications today.”
When Will Jesus Return, and When is the End of the Age?
My point, in outlining some of the beliefs of groups that have sprung from Christianity and that I believe went completely off track, is that no one knows when Jesus will return in terms of the “day and the hour”.
Jesus said:
“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is.” (Mark 13:32-33).
However, Jesus provided some signs regarding the times and the seasons. He outlined some terrible events that would indicate His return and added this important qualifier: “..this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14).
When examining the SDAs, the JWs and Mormons, we should take note of Jesus’ first statement when His disciples asked Him about His return. Jesus said: “Take heed that no one deceives you” (Matthew 24:4). There are tens of millions of adherents of these faiths, but undoubtedly they are deceived. Despite the prophecies being wrong, which underpinned the foundations of these groups, people have pressed on and are “true believers” even when the main date of end time events failed to eventuate.
It shows that the tens of millions of well-meaning people have been deceived and demonstrates the power of deception. None of us is immune.
Muslims now constitute about 25% of the world’s population of ~8 billion – see this link.
Islam also believes in an end-times event where the “guided one” (the Mahdi) also called the 12th Iman) - will either come out of hiding (some believe this to be in a cave in Turkey) where he has been in hiding since 868AD (Shi’ite belief – about 10% of Muslims) or appear (Sunnis – about 90% of Muslims). Muslims also believe that Jesus will accompany the Mahdi and that together they will force conversion to Islam.
We need to take notice of these end times beliefs as they form the foundation for the approach to foreign affairs of the Islamic nations, notably Iran, which is the principal Shi’ite state. The former President Ahmadinejad of Iran seemed to have the idea of hastening the Mahdi’s appearance by stimulating a global conflagration. In 2009, Radio Free Europe reported:
“Iran's President Mahmud Ahmadinejad believes and acts on the expectation that the reappearance of the Hidden Imam is imminent, and that U.S. efforts in the Middle East are primarily focused on preventing his return. Shi'ite Muslims believe that their 12th imam, the Mahdi, born in 869, did not die but was hidden by God and will eventually reappear as the savior of humankind, ending tyranny and bringing justice to the world.”
Muslims believe that the Mahdi (also called the 12th Imam) will return and force everyone to submit to Islam or be killed – see this link. Then the whole world will become Muslim.
I think that few world leaders understand the tenets of Islam. Well-meaning Westerners try to bring about a peace treaty in Israel and a two-state solution. In Islam, there will be only one state.
Come Conclusions About the “Eve of Destruction”
Although most of the West is atheist or agnostic, about half the world believes in an apocalyptic series of events with the current world system being overturned along with fierce battles, death, disease and destruction.
Jesus’ return is the primary hope for Christians, and I believe that this is a great hope, in amongst all the current challenges. However, it is dangerous to start predicting His return based on our calculations and evaluations of dates in the Bible. Every religious group that has done this has been wrong.
We do need to be prepared for difficult days ahead, and as Paul wrote to Titus:
“….we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:12-13).
I am alert but not alarmed. I am pursuing Jesus’ command to “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming” (Matthew 24:42). It is prudent to be prepared and ensure our lives are in order. While we will never know “the day and the hour”, we can know the “time and the season” (Jesus provided further details in Matthew 24) and so like the Sons of Issachar, it is good to understand the signs of the times.
Watch what is happening in Israel, as what happens there is important in understanding the beginning of the end. When a fake “man of peace” rises up to implement a peace treaty between Israel and its Arab nations, things are going to heat up!
mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Caused More Deaths Than Saved
A story in Zerohedge reported on a study published in Cureus Journal. Tyler Durden writes:
“The peer-reviewed study, published in the Cureus journal on Jan. 24, analyzed reports from the initial phase 3 trials of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. These trials led to the shots being approved under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in the United States. The study also looked into several other research and reviews of the trials. It found that the vaccines had “dramatically lower” efficacy rates than the vaccine companies claimed.
Moreover, based on “conservative assumptions, the estimated harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines greatly outweigh the rewards: for every life saved, there were nearly 14 times more deaths caused by the modified mRNA injections.”
“Given the well-documented SAEs (serious adverse events) and unacceptable harm-to-reward ratio, we urge governments to endorse and enforce a global moratorium on these modified mRNA products until all relevant questions pertaining to causality, residual DNA, and aberrant protein production are answered.”
The authors also recommended an “immediate removal” of the COVID-19 vaccines from the childhood immunization schedule. They pointed out that children were at very low risk from the infection.”
Populist Revolt Spreading Across the West
Alex Newman has written an excellent article about the masses getting restless.
It is certainly encouraging to see the silent majority resisting the policies that globalists are trying to implement. Alex writes:
“All over the world, the peasants and the tax serfs are getting restless. That is the message that voters are sending loud and clear. From Argentina, Brazil, and India to the United States, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, and beyond, politically incorrect populist leaders and political parties are surging at the polls. In many cases, they are becoming the dominant political force as awareness grows surrounding the “Great Reset” and other totalitarian schemes from Big Business and Big Government elitists.
Consumers are revolting against the Zeitgeist, too. Just consider the powerful messages being sent to “woke” companies like Target, Bud Light, Disney, and BlackRock, among others, in the form of boycotts, withdrawing investment, and more. In short, Americans and people around the world are sick and tired of having anti-social ideas shoved down their throats. And the trends look set to accelerate in the years ahead.”
Alex notes the pushback against the EU and UN agendas in various countries. However, while the voice of “the people” may be gaining in volume, the globalist cabal holds all the cards. It plans to implement further controls, including digital ID and digital currencies. Alex concludes his article:
“How this will all play out in the years ahead remains to be seen. The establishment does not intend to relinquish power easily. But one thing is certain: Politics is going to get interesting — and intense — in the coming years. As voters do everything they can to protect their liberties and civilization from the globalist establishment seeking to destroy them, the battle is set to intensify going into 2024. Hang on to your seats!”
Individualism v Progressivism
The Mises Institute is a think tank founded to promote the ideas of the Austrian School of Economics, particularly Ludwig von Mises, who noted the certainty of disaster from central planning, now much-loved by all Western governments and the UN. On its website the Mises Institute describes itself this way:
“Founded in 1982 by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., with the blessing and aid of Margit von Mises, Murray N. Rothbard, Henry Hazlitt, and Ron Paul, the Institute seeks a free-market capitalist economy and a private-property order that rejects taxation, monetary debasement, and a coercive state monopoly of protective services.”
Just today, I heard a senior UK conservative minister who, when questioned about the failure of the UK government in almost every area, proposed more centralized plans to deal with housing, health, the environment, the economy, etc. When faced with total failure, his proposed solution was to do more of the same. The UK is heading for the cliff.
What is behind these decisions is the battle of individualism vs. progressivism. Unfortunately, at the moment, the progressives hold all the cards.
The Mises Institute has just released a helpful short video (4 min) outlining the philosophical background behind individualism and progressivism. The video notes that:
“…In the late 19th century, progressivism was taking hold of American elites, who hoped to perfect society by engineering social policies that would transform people into obedient and ideal citizens……Progressives believed social order had to be imposed uniformly by a coercive government…and that the state would establish itself as an administrative bureaucracy…with decision-making power in the hands of government-appointed bureaucrats (experts)….Progressives contended that policies should prioritize the needs of society over individuals whom they believed too ignorant and selfish to make their own decisions ”.
This is still the view of the “progressives” who hold the reins of power in the West.
Understanding the bigger picture we are facing in the West is helpful. Rather than simply a battle between left and right, the core problem is that the “progressives” are also “collectivists”. defines this as follows: “collectivism, any of several types of social organization in which the individual is seen as being subordinate to a social collectivity such as a state, a nation, a race, or a social class.”
Collectivist and progressive policies are a feature of almost every Western government, and bureaucracies continue to proliferate to subjugate individual rights. We need to understand that the impact of progressive policies will lead to the impoverishment of those it contends that the policies are helping. You need to look no further than the current disaster in every area of the UK to understand the impact of these “do-gooders”.
Unfortunately, no Margaret Thatcher is waiting in the wings, and the UK Labour government will gain power later this year to double down on progressivism and collectivism.
Moscow currently looks more attractive than London!
Mail in Ballot Study Finds that Trump Almost Certainly Won the 2020 Election
Readers will know that I don’t regard Donald Trump as a saviour. However, given that the progressives hate him to the point of using the legal processes to try to stop him from gaining a second term, he may be more important than I think. On the other hand, Trump may be being used as a distraction.
This week, the Heartland Institute released an important study titled:
“Who really won the 2020 election: measuring the effect of mail-in ballot fraud in the Trump-Biden race for the White House”. See this link.
Because of the manufactured COVID-19 “crisis”, election rules (under the control of each US state) were loosened considerably to permit extensive mail-in ballots to be accepted. This allowed ballot “harvesting” and fraud to become widespread.
The 35-page report is worthwhile reading. Here are the main findings:
“According to the results of the survey, a massive number of voters who cast ballots by mail admitted to committing at least one form of voter fraud in the 2020 election. Some of the most important findings from the poll include:
21 percent of mail-in voters admitted that in 2020 they voted in a state where they are “no longer a permanent resident.”
21 percent of mail-in voters admitted that they filled out a ballot for a friend or family member
17 percent of mail-in voters said they signed a ballot for a friend or family member “with or without his or her permission.”
19 percent of mail-in voters said that a friend or family member filled out their ballot, in part or in full, on their behalf.
After analyzing the raw survey data, we were also able to conclude that 28.2 percent of respondents who voted by mail admitted to committing at least one kind of voter fraud. This means that more than one-in-four ballots cast by mail in 2020 were likely cast fraudulently, and thus should not have been counted.”
It turns out that Trump was correct. The election was rigged!
Undoubtedly plans are currently underway by the collectivists to work out how to rig the 2024 election.
It’s been a pot pourri of good and bad news this week. Jesus is coming back but there’s a lot of trouble until He does!
There is a progressive philosophy that has been widely accepted and taught in the West and dominates politics with its focus on big government and “progressive” solutions the involve centralizing power. This promotes a collectivist approach and the idea that with just the right conditions, the perfection of mankind is possible. Despite the history of failure of every socialist “experiment”, the true believers still contend that we just need to “do it right” and we’ll reach Nirvana! It’s an evidence-free zone.
Listening to the song “Eve of Destruction” again this week, took me on a trip to the end of the world and a short tour around the 19th century false claims about the return of Jesus. Religious movements are littered with deception and false prophecies, unfortunately. Undoubtedly, there is more deception ahead of us.
It looks to me as though all the conditions for a one-world government are moving into position together with digital surveillance and monitoring and so it is not hard to imagine a scenario with the antichrist taking up his predestined role as a global tyrant (while appearing to be a man of peace). However, as my imagination starts to spin out of control, I try to remember that it is wise to be prepared and watch events closely. We are certainly moving towards further government control and ultimately global government because as the US says: “global problems demand global solutions”.
Some of the stories I’ve included this week help us because we can rely on pattern recognition. Why do governments want to force vaccination, digital IDs, digital currencies, increase surveillance? Because individual freedom is the enemy of the collectivists and progressives.
For the past year, I have been staggered at how deceiving deception is. I always thought that deception would be clear cut but of course, it is deceiving because it seems like the real thing.
As I have studied deceptive religious movements, one important thing I have discovered is to closely examine origins and foundations. No matter how great things look, when you examine the origins of many faith movements that are offshoots of Christianity, their “success” with many adherents may be built on origins that as Donald Trump would say are “totally fake”.
Like the Sons of Issachar, we need to examine the signs of the times and be prepared for challenges ahead. I talked this week with young family members who were excited about some government handouts. I explained the simple Reagan test: when you hear “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help” - do the opposite to what the government is offering and you won’t go far wrong.