The End of Days: the Antichrist, the False Prophet & The Return of Jesus - What Does the Bible Say About the Signs of Our Times?
A Discussion with Dr J.B. Hixson -
For the last few weeks, I have been reading three books by Dr J.B. Hixson (see Figure 1 below) - Spirit of the Antichrist Vols 1 & 2: The Gathering Cloud of Deception, and Spirit of the False Prophet: the Gathering Cloud of Deception. These bring together biblical prophecy and the signs of our times in providing warning about the antichrist and his evil offsider, the false prophet. The Bible tells us that these evil duo are going to usher in one-world system where there is no choice but to comply.
The Book of Revelation 13:16-17 tells us: -“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
This “mark of the beast” (which everyone will need to buy and sell) will usher in an evil global system that will come with an wicked man - the antichrist at its head, together with his offsider, the false prophet, who will perform amazing signs and wonders and demand worship of the antichrist.
As we enter this period, there are a range of signs that the Bible tells us about and Dr Hixson has brought our attention to these signs, together with the biblical narrative in his three recent books:
Figure 1. Recent books by Dr J.B. Hixson - more information at his website
This week, I had an interesting discussion with Dr Hixson about his books and their relevance to our times, when we are witnessing the rise of globalism. It is particularly noteworthy with the United Nations Summit of the Future taking place in New York from the 22-23 September where a new globalist agreement will be signed.
Dr Hixson demonstrates the relevance of the signs of our times to the events surrounding the return of Jesus, outlined by the Old Testament prophets, the New Testament writers and the Book of Revelation. This is an enormous topic but we have had a discussion about the big picture in the interview below.
When I started this newsletter more than two years ago, my focus was on “the signs of the times” that should alert us to what is coming prior to the return of Jesus. I recommend Dr Hixson’s books as he puts together many of the events that we are seeing or have occurred with what the Bible tells us about the rise of a global control and worship movement, with Satan at its head. Sounds crazy? Yes - but it’s true!
Interview with Dr J.B. Hixson - Signs of the Times and Rise of the Antichrist
Biography of Dr J.B. Hixson - from the Not By Works website
J. B. Hixson is a nationally known author, speaker, and radio host, with more than thirty-five years of ministry experience in the pastoral and academic arenas. Recognized for his expertise in the area of Systematic Theology, Dr. Hixson has a passion for communicating important theological truths from God’s Word in a clear and easy to understand way, and for helping others learn how to study the Bible effectively for themselves.
Dr. Hixson has served on the faculties and adjunct faculties of nine colleges and seminaries. He earned his B.A. degree from Houston Baptist University, Th.M. degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and Ph.D. degree from Baptist Bible Seminary. He is the author of thirteen books including: Getting the Gospel Wrong: The Evangelical Crisis No One is Talking About; The Gospel Unplugged: Good News Plain and Simple; The Great Last Days Deception: Exposing Satan’s New World Order Agenda; What Lies Ahead: A Biblical Overview of the End Times; Top Ten Reasons Some People Go to Hell; Weekly Words of Life; the NBW Book of Theological Charts, Diagrams, and Illustrations; Freely By His Grace: Classical Grace Theology; Spirit of the Antichrist: The Gathering Cloud of Deception Volume One; Spirit of the Antichrist: The Gathering Cloud of Deception Volume Two; and Spirit of the False Prophet: Rise of the Global Technocracy. Dr. Hixson has contributed to many theological journals, magazines, newspapers, and other print and online media. He is a regular contributor to Harbinger’s Daily, and he has had multiple appearances on Christian television and radio shows such as Understanding the Times with Jan Markell, Prophecy Watchers with Gary Stearman and Mondo Gonzales, Christ in Prophecy TV with Tim Moore and Nathan Jones, and the Sentinel Report with Alex Newman. J.B. is a regular guest on Stand Up for the Truth radio, Worldview Matters with David Fiorazo, Hope for Our Times with Tom Hughes, and more. When he is not traveling for speaking engagements, he is usually in the pulpit at Plum Creek Chapel in Sedalia, CO where he serves as the Lead Pastor. If you ever find yourself in the Denver metro area, please join us at Plum Creek Chapel for a Sunday or Wednesday service.