Psalm 9:17 – “The wicked shall be turned into hell, And all the nations that forget God.”
All the “Sons of Issachar” know that we are living in evil times – times when God’s laws in Western societies are being repudiated in a rush towards the New World Order. Of course, this progress towards evil has been evident for at least 50 years (and possibly for 5,000!). The US Supreme Court decision of Roe v Wade, 50 years ago, was a clear example where an evil law that resulted in legalizing the killing of the unborn, was enacted by the highest legal authority, the Supreme Court. Since that time, the National Right to Life Committee estimates that 63 million babies have been killed - a disproportionate number of which are babies of black mothers.
This is shocking because whether we are aware of it or not, we are invoking God’s judgement, as the prophet Isaiah said about 2,700 years ago:
Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
And prudent in their own sight!”
The march towards evil and against God has accelerated to a gallop in recent times with the legalization of immorality, as defined by God in the Bible. Legalizing gay “marriage” and abortion, assertion of gender fluidity, theft of people’s wealth and the proclamation of the rights of the “state” over that of the individual have all become enshrined in laws that are against the law-giver – God Himself. It is a slippery slope as the “statists” (those who worship at the altar of state control and centralized power), who also happen to be atheistic Marxists, have gained power and declared any view they don’t like as “misinformation”. This has led to the rise of “fact checkers”, invariably left-wing flunkies, funded by groups like George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Believers in the law of God have been trapped in a pincer movement by Western governments and the judiciary, with the “mean girls” of the Twitterati shouting insults from the sidelines.
It is not only that immoral laws have been enacted but the “statists” have gained control in all Western countries and have implemented draconian policies in the name of “public health”. COVID-19 was an opportunity for Big Government and the New World Order under the guise of “protection” from a disease that was subsequently shown to have a very low mortality rate. Businesses were closed down, masks were required, movement of people was restricted and ultimately everyone was required to be injected with a genetic “vaccine” that had no long-term studies, supposedly to keep us “safe”. All the lessons from the Nuremburg trials held a little over 70 years ago - - were brushed aside. It does bring to mind the quote attributed to William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania in the early 18th century:
“If men will not be governed by God, then they will be ruled by tyrants”.
Now, of course, an objective standard is needed to determine what is right and what is wrong. Matthew Trewhella (more about him later) writes that:
“For nearly 1500 years throughout Western Civilization the objective standard was the law of God. This fact was acknowledged by writers in the West for hundreds of years. John of Salisbury made clear that God’s law was the objective standard for all of Western Civilization. All, whether king or commoner, were accountable to the “higher law” - the law of God. God’s moral law as the “higher law” provides an objective standard whereby one is able to discern right from wrong, or good from evil. The “higher law” exists independent of the authority of any government, and all governments of men are accountable to it. The tyrant State abhors an objective standard to which it is accountable, rather it flourishes in a subjective environment. It wants to be accountable to no one. William Blackstone (1723-1780) is the most cited legal scholar in the writings of America’s Founding Fathers. He was a British jurist who wrote a four-volume work entitled Commentaries on the Laws of England (1766). His Commentaries are the bedrock of American jurisprudence…. Blackstone said this “higher law” is God’s law. Blackstone referred to God’s law as “those superior laws,” and stated that “upon these two foundations, the law of nature and the law of revelation [God’s written law], depend all human laws; that is to say, no human laws should be suffered to contradict these.”
For a number of years, as each evil new law or “progressive” idea has been adopted, I have been asking myself the question: how did this happen? There are many possible answers but it is clear that a very small vocal minority has been able to radically alter society, while the silent majority has looked on and said nothing. This has become known as being “politically correct”, a term coined by Chairman Mao in his “Little Red Book” - first published in 1964 in China. As outlined by Michael Danahy in 2016, political correctness in Mao’s time meant:
“Quite simply, if you (in your actions and beliefs) were within these party lines, you were correct, politically…and if not, you were incorrect, politically. For example, there was only one very specific view of history that was considered correct by Chairman Mao.”Danahy further explains:
“the terms “politically correct” and “politically incorrect” were originally quite literal; you were right or wrong according to the specific political definition given by a party (the Communist party)”.
So – the Chinese Communist Party – an organization that outlawed God and demanded total subservience of its citizens to the Party and State, provided the foundation for the current vogue of censorship and “de-platforming” so that one can be “politically correct”. It is important to understand the origins of political correctness, a term created and used to enforce obedience to a Marxist state.
There is a price to pay for a Godless state and this was articulated by the famous Soviet writer and dissident, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn when he came to the US in 1976 after being expelled from the Soviet Union. Bill O’Connor notes that in 1978,
“Solzhenitsyn shocked liberal Harvard University by warning of the danger of the materialism and rising secularism he saw pervading and corroding the West. Solzhenitsyn compared the horrible consequences of state enforced atheism in Communism Soviet Union to the secularism and materialism he saw in America.”
O’Connor also writes: “It was at his 1983 address when receiving the Templeton Award that Solzhenitsyn succinctly explained the reason for the Bolshevik Revolution and the barbarity and atrocities it wrought on the world: “Men have forgotten God, and that’s why all this happened”. This was the ultimate explanation for the horrors of Socialism”.
If we have forgotten God and now look to the State for salvation (with all its potential horrors), there is only one solution: to turn back to God. Turning back to God (repentance) addresses the root cause of our current dilemma. I was reminded of the idea of root cause recently when I remembered that in the Toyota company, a technique called “the five whys” was developed by Taiichi Ohno. By asking “why” 5 times, often the “nature of the problem as well as the solution becomes clear”. The 5 whys applied to the question: how did we get to this point in our society – ends up with the answer – because we rejected God. So, apart from turning back to God, is there something else that we can do?
I think that there is and this week for Sons of Issachar readers and listeners, I am providing an outline of an idea that Matthew Trewhella calls “The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates”. Matt Trewhella is the pastor of Mercy Seat Christian Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is described as “one of the few men in American Christianity who has an unfiltered voice on what the righteous resistance to tyranny looks like”.
Some time in 2020 when COVID-19 lockdowns were at their most severe, a friend sent me a sermon from Rev Trewhella titled “Easter 2020: COVID-19, Judgement, Delusion and Repentance” and you can listen to the 45 min message by going to this link.
Trewhella spoke unapologetically and powerfully about how “the church” should respond to closure by “civil government”. He stated in April 2020, just a few months into the “pandemic”:
“the government of nations..have used this virus by design for further state power over people’s lives…this was done by design by wicked men”. He said that they are using “using fear of the virus to stampede people into the arms of government...a virus is the perfect narrative for tyranny.” He said that there is a delusion but that “the delusion is amongst the people themselves..that the government has their best interests at heart”. Trewhella said that: “Statism is the idolatory of our age – the corrector of every wrong and the fixer of every ill. They look to the state as Father rather than to the Lord Himself.” He explained: “Because we have given the State the place of God…and have declared the State to be god by virtue of how we think and how we conduct our lives, the Lord has given us over to that god”. Trewhella’s solution was as follows:
“We must repent, we must call the nations and government to repent; we must point them to Christ and His rule.”
Of course, this solution will be rejected by many (hopefully not by my readers and listeners), but Trewhella shows that for those who do fear God, by properly understanding authority and government, we can take action to stand effectively against authoritarian regimes. This is the “Doctrine of The Lesser Magistrates” – which is explained in a YouTube message, given in April 2022-
Matthew Trewhella published a wonderful small book:
“The lesser magistrate doctrine declares that when the superior or higher civil authority makes unjust/immoral laws or decrees, the lesser or lower ranking civil authority has both a right and duty to refuse obedience to that superior authority. If necessary, the lesser authorities even have the right and obligation to actively resist the superior authority.”
Trewhella gives an example of this and writes:
“For example, if Congress, the President, or the U.S. Supreme Court makes an unjust or immoral law or decree, a state legislature or governor could stand in defiance of their unjust law or decree and refuse to obey or implement it. Those lesser magistrates could, in fact, actively oppose such a law or decree. Even a city council or mayor could appropriately defy an unjust law or decree handed down by any higher authority.”
He notes that at Runnymede in England in AD1215, the nobles of that day stood against King John’s tyranny and that the outcome was the Magna Carta that defined the limitations of the state. Matthew Trewhella writes:
“The attacks upon the law of God are ferocious and relentless. The preborn are murdered and sodomy is proliferated. Immoral and unjust edicts are commonplace. The assault upon our freedom and liberties seems to be a daily undertaking by those in high office. But one thing has not changed; the lesser magistrate has a duty before God to uphold the good regardless of the new definitions of “law” created by the State. Historically, the practice of the church has been that when the State commands that which God forbids or forbids that which God commands, men have a duty to obey God rather than man. The Bible clearly teaches this principle. The lesser magistrate is to apply this principle to his office as magistrate. When an unjust decree is made by a higher authority, the lesser magistrate must choose to either join the higher magistrate in his rebellion against God, or stand with God in opposition to the unjust or immoral decree.”
He provides numerous examples from the Bible and from the writings of the famous Scottish theologian John Knox in his great work Appellation written to Scotland’s nobles (“the lesser magistrates”) in December 1558. Knox had been condemned by the Catholic Church and he wrote “to declare to the nobles, as lesser magistrates, their responsibility to protect the innocent and oppose those who made unjust decrees.” This significant writing of Knox in relation to Biblical foundations for the “lesser magistrates”, built upon the famous earlier cases of Martin Luther in 1521 and the men of Magdeburg, Germany in 1550.
Luther stood, almost single-handedly against the Catholic Church’s authoritarian rule of that day and famously nailed his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenburg, Germany in 1517. He was protected by Prince Frederick of Saxony who was the “lesser magistrate” to his superior the Emperor Charles V. After Luther failed to renounce his beliefs following his trial in Worms, Germany in 1521, the Emperor declared Luther to be a persona non grata. Though directly under the Emperor’s authority, Prince Frederick protected Luther, acting in his capacity to uphold the law as a “lesser magistrate” in opposition to the Emperor.
The impact of the interposition by “the lesser magistrate” Prince Frederick, was important as Big Government of the time (Emperor Charles V) subsequently sought to impose Roman Catholicism on all Protestants via his Augsburg Interim. The declaration was designed to force Protestants back under the Catholic umbrella – of both belief and authority. Only one city in Germany stood against the order – Magdeburg. Trewhella writes about their courage:
“In that city, the magistrates protected the people and defied political and religious tyranny. They upheld God’s law, Word, and Gospel. While all the rest of Christendom went along with the Interim’s sanctions in order to preserve their own well-being, the lone city which stood in opposition was the outlawed Magdeburg. As tensions mounted, the pastors of Magdeburg wrote a defense of their position for standing in defiance of Charles V and his unjust Interim. They published their Confession and Defense of the Pastors and Other Ministers of the Church of Magdeburg in April, 1550. This document later became referred to simply as “The Magdeburg Confession.” You can read the confession here and there is a helpful 2 min YouTube clip
The pastors set out what became known as the “Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates” as they outlined in the “Confession”, biblical and extra-biblical examples where human authority that was imposed against God’s laws had to be resisted. Because all authority is delegated from God “all authority is delegated from God. “Therefore, if the one in authority makes commands contrary to the law or Word of God, those subject to his authority have both a right not to obey, and a duty to actively resist.” You can read the “Confession” in full and a extensive explanation in Trewhella’s book. The people of Magdeburg knew that this would incite the Emperor against them and in October 1550, the Emperor’s forces laid siege to the city, a siege that was to last more than 1 year. Thousands died on both sides but the Magdeburgers held fast. Trewhella writes:
“The siege ended on November 4, 1551 with favorable terms for the Magdeburgers – they were free to practice their Christian faith. If not for the actions of the Magdeburgers, the entire Reformation itself may very well have been a blip on the radar screen of human history. Charles had intended to re-Romanize all of the Empire. However, the actions of these reformers clearly led to two very important councils and subsequent treaties. After the siege ended, Maurice of Saxony left Magdeburg, and along with other German princes attacked Charles and drove him out of Germany and into Italy. Charles V, weary of civil war, granted religious freedom to the Reformers at the Peace of Passau in August of 1552, just nine months after the siege of Magdeburg had ended.”
If you have read this far, you are probably asking: why are we being told all this information about ancient events and what relevance do these have today? The answer is that we ignore the lessons of history at our peril. We are moving into an era when God’s laws are being overturned by dictatorial governments that seek to control and oppress rather than allow freedom. Our duty is to stand against these laws, no matter how apparently well-meaning they are and seemingly proposed for our own “safety” and “public health”. It may not be possible to influence a national government but we can have an impact on the “lesser magistrates” in our own regions – local members of parliament, council members, mayors, school boards, state governors/premiers and other authorities. However in resisting the oppressive higher authorities, the “lesser magistrates” (men and women” will obviously be concerned about an harsh response from the higher authorities. We need to stand with them and we can be reassured from many historical examples that demonstrate the power of standing with God and His law, even if the end result is jail or death.
Trewhella concludes his small book by writing:
“Lesser magistrates today need to understand that state governments were not intended to be mere conduits for enacting Federal public policies. They are not to be mere implementation centers through which the Federal government dispenses its unjust policies, decisions, and laws. The interposition of the lesser magistrates is absolutely critical for the preservation of liberty. The hour for them to stand is upon us.”
The Conservative Party Self-Destructs in the United Kingdom
I have been following UK politics closely since the issue of “partygate” arose late in 2021 for the then Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. It turned out that Boris had to lie more than he would have liked and as this all caught up with him as various supporters were thrown under the bus, Boris stepped down and handed his resignation to the Queen in September 2022, just days before her death. Prior to Boris’ resignation, there was an unwieldy 7 week process for the Conservative Party to select another leader. (It is extraordinary that Johnson’s leadership resulted in one of the largest Parliamentary majorities of modern times in the December 2019 general election but in less than 3 years he was cast aside by his Party) At the end of 7 weeks of “hustings”, following a “culling” process by votes from Conservative MPs, two candidates remained: Rishi Sunak (the former Chancellor of the Exchequer or Treasurer) and Liz Truss (the Foreign Minister). The two candidates toured the country and spoke to Conservative Party members, who then voted for their preferred candidate – 57% selecting Liz Truss. Truss seemed to start well and spoke about lowering taxes, loosening bureaucratic processes that stifle growth and increasing the UK’s energy independence. All started to unravel after her Chancellor for the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng, gave a financial statement or “mini budget” to Parliament and it became clear that there was a massive gap between government income and expenditure (mind you this never seems to worry Joe Biden and his administration). The UK financial market reacted badly, the UK£ fell dramatically and pension funds in the UK came under pressure. The Conservative Party panicked, Truss called Kwasi home from an IMF meeting in the US and sacked him, then appointed Jeremy Hunt as the new Chancellor for the Exchequer. Hunt abruptly reversed all Truss’ policies and the Conservative Party has turned against Truss, like a pack of rabid dogs. One wonders what King Charles will say to Ms Truss in his weekly audience this week? Now Truss has resigned and there will be a new PM in the next week but it is unlikely that Conservative Party infighting will stop. One recent poll showed that if elections were held today, the Conservative Party would be left with only 1 seat (they currently have 350).
There are some important lessons from all this although there is clearly a lot happening behind the scenes and as I wrote last week, once I saw that Sir Keir Starmer had become a member of the Trilateral Commission in 2019, I realized that he was being positioned for the UK’s top job. The Conservative party has a number of factions across the political spectrum and over 100 former ministers who feel overlooked and therefore happy to put the boot into Truss. She has the look of a beaten dog and it is hard to see a unity candidate for PM who has support across all the factions. It is interesting how political parties self-destruct after being in power for a long period (in this case 12 years). Of course Jesus said more than 2,000 years ago: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand” (Matthew 12:25). The Conservatives, if they can regroup, have another 2 years left of their current parliamentary term but it is hard to see them surviving that long. The end result will be another country falling to the long march of socialism and surely someone will take pity on them and remove the word “Great” from “Britain”.
COVID-19, Agenda 2030, The Great Reset and Global Government
As we go about life, with masks discarded and vaccine passports a fading memory of early 2022, it is wise to remember that the “pandemic” and the uniform responses by Western governments were planned by an unseen group of shady globalists. Patrick Wood included an interesting article in Technocracy News this last week called “The 150 Bilderbergers Who Influenced and Controlled the Response to COVID-19”. It is worthwhile the read the original article from The Exposé - but I will provide a summary of the main ideas.
The Bildergergers are an “elite” group of globalists, founded in 1954 by the notorious Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and Jósef Retinger, a Vatican agent. The group has an annual and secretive meeting attended by the rich, famous and powerful. The group says that the Bilderberg Meetings aims to “foster discussion between Europe and North America”. The group includes the crowned heads of Europe together with businessmen, Big Tech and politicians and seems to be a less transparent meeting but with similar aims to the World Economic Forum – global control. The most recent Bilderberg meeting was held in Washington DC from 2-5th June 2022. No outsiders are allowed and no proceedings ever published.
The article from Exposé News points out that more than 150 Bilderbergers have played important roles internationally in the COVID-19 “pandemic”. Many Bilderbergers have been front and centre in pandemic planning over the last 20 years. Other areas related to COVID-19 where Bilderbergers have been involved include: task forces, lockdown recommendations, digitalisation, media and narrative influence (promoting panic), academia and “Big Tech”. Of course a critical area has been promotion of “vaccines” and “vaccine passports”. It is worthwhile reading the full list of Bilderberg members who have been involved in the COVID-19 deception. They are all committed globalists and are extraordinarily influential behind the scenes in parts of the “public-private” partnership. When you combine this information with another article from Technocracy News about the World Economic Forum Young Leaders and the World Economic Forum Global Shapers Community (under 30 years old), you realise that the globalists have trapped us on every side.
The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) Releases Data Showing Likely 18 Million Vaccination Injuries in the US
A number of organizations have reported information which was ordered to be released after a lawsuit by the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) against the CDC. Little prominence has been given to this story which was published by the American Liberty Report .
The CDC commenced a vaccine monitoring program called V-Safe at the beginning of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in December 2020. People installed the V-Safe app on their phones and self report any negative effects from the mRNA vaccines, which had no long-term studies but were approved under an Emergency Use Authorization. Ten million people installed the app and the CDC tracked information provided through until July 2022. Following the lawsuit, information was released by the CDC and it showed a shocking level of adverse vaccine events, with 3.3 million (out of 10 million people) reporting negative impacts on their health after the first vaccination. 1.2 million (of the 3.3 million) reported that they were unable to perform daily activities for a period after the vaccination. Incredibly, 800,000 or 8% of people were hospitalized after vaccination. When the 8% hospitalization is applied to the population of 230 million in the US who received one of the vaccines, then more than 18 million people are likely to have been hospitalized from the vaccine.
It is extraordinary that with this information and a range of other studies that show serious adverse impacts of the vaccines on health in addition to a lack of protection from COVID-19, that vaccination is still being promoted for the world population. More shockingly, Dr Robert Malone reported - yesterday that it has been recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) to the CDC that children in the US get COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. It seems likely that these dangerous COVID-19 vaccines will be added to the childhood vaccination schedules. This is a terrible development because children are at virtually no risk for the disease and the risks from vaccination are very significant. Dr Malone writes that if the emergency use authorization disappears:
“then the liability of the companies would continue under the childhood schedule. This is corruption…… It is now predicted that CDC is now almost certain to add the COVID-19 shots to its ‘Childhood Vaccines Schedule’ tomorrow. This means that public schools, who all use this schedule, will now be able to mandate ‘vaccines’ in order for children to attend public school. This is all being done last minute and basically behind the backs of the public, as this received virtually no media attention prior to the vote.”
It is time to make physicians aware of what is happening as they have been duped by government public health officials. In the meantime, “vaccine hesitancy” has been identified by the WHO as one of the top “health threats”. Undoubtedly we are going to face continuing propaganda about how the COVID-19 vaccines are “safe and effective”.
Not 3 Blind Mice but 8 Trial Mice!
The Epoch Times has reported this week another significant story about the lack of testing of the next generation of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which licenses medicines and vaccines, authorized in early September this year an updated “booster” vaccine. This further emergency use authorization was give for both Pfizer and Moderna injections despite the only data being available being trials in mice. It is worthwhile viewing this link to the short video.
It is shocking how cavalier the FDA has become under pressure from the large pharmaceutical companies. Of course a majority of funding for this key regulatory function now comes from the drug companies and conflicts of interest abound. The fact that the new vaccine formulations have been released after limited trials in mice is a complete scandal but no one seems to be taking notice.
The scandal was amplified this week as I watched the new movie “The Real Anthony Fauci” based on the bestselling book by Robert Kennedy Jnr. The movie is available free for the next week and is worthwhile taking the time to view. Fauci has “form” over a long period in his role as Director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) where he has managed to dramatically increase the budget allocation from Congress as new crises are “created”. One of the shocking things in the movie was Fauci’s role in the AIDS crisis and evidence that the treatment regimen proposed was more dangerous that the disease. It does remind you of what has happened with current COVID-19 vaccines.
It is absolutely clear that we cannot have any trust in public health agencies which are compromised and the only good news is that this has become exceedingly evident with the rushed COVID-19 vaccines. Liked Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act”, the words “safe and effective” have come to mean the exact opposite. The United Kingdom, which keeps excellent health statistics, is reporting “22,500 more deaths than expected” between April and August this year - and the Guardian article says that no-one knows why! “Experts” speculate about the increased death being due to long COVID-19, issues with the NHS and population ageing. However, in the article, no consideration is given to the likely real reason – the COVID-19 vaccines, which have been shown to adversely impact immune function, heart, blood, brain and nervous tissue. Talk about blind mice!
Australia and Israel
It’s not often Australia makes the international news but this week there was a flurry of activity in news articles outlining the new Australian government decision to stop the recognition of “West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel”. The decision was a slap in the face for Israel and came in the midst of Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles), which commemorates the 40 years that the Jews, led by Moses, wandered in the desert without any permanent residences. This Australia decision came to light after an apparent “bungle” in changed wording on the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) website. As the Australian Spectator magazine assessed this week:
“Antisemitism has plagued the modern Left for the last few decades. Part of the reason Jew-hatred is so entrenched within various Labour (and Greens) parties is that their fundamental leftist ideological beliefs blind them to the reality of their own ingrained prejudices, many of which were imbibed in the neo-Marxist halls of universities and in the sweaty basements of undergraduate political clubs.”
The antipathy to Israel has been a relatively recent feature of left-wing politics internationally. The success of the country and it entrepreneurship seems to have resulted in condemnation by the political left, even though it Israel the only democracy in the Middle East and the only one where there is freedom of expression of religion.
The Australian government was condemned by the Israeli Prime Minister, Yair Lapid who tweeted: “We can only hope that the Australian government manages other matters more seriously and professionally,’ before adding, ‘Jerusalem is the eternal and united capital of Israel and nothing will ever change that.’ The previous Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: “It’s absurd, a denial of history. Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people for 3,000 years. It was made so by King David. Denying history is denying reality.” -
The Spectator team writes: about the Australian Foreign Minister, Senator Penny Wong and her approach:
“…..the sheer arrogance of Labor’s Foreign Minister in presuming that she can unilaterally determine another nation’s capital city against their own wishes is breath-taking. Imagine the Chinese telling us that they didn’t recognise Canberra and were instead moving their embassy to Uluru.”
Australia’s approach to Israel is a disgrace and signals an underlying antisemitism which is a feature of the left in most Western countries. The former UK Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn presided over antisemitism throughout the British Labour Party, and while condemned by the current leader, antisemisstill lurks in the background.
Israel will continue to come under pressure internationally and Iran is clear about its mission to completely annihilate the country. It is important to understand the spiritual forces at work, which ever since Pharaoh’s order to destroy all the Hebrew boys in Egypt, have been intent on Jewish annihilation.
President Xi’s Report to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 2022 Congress
Party Congresses are a big deal in China, and being held only every 5 years, are carefully staged. In the Hall of the People. seating 2,200 elite members of the CCP, President Xi spoke for more than 2 hours. Xi has consolidated power very carefully over the past 5 years and any opposition has been sidelined under Xi’s so-called “anti-corruption drive”. I have read the full transcript of the speech which you can find here:
Some of the key points were:
Great emphasis on “holding high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics” and “rejuvenation”, which I think means further purges are coming;
There is a commitment to “peace and development for humanity” which is clearly why China has an army of more than 2 million;
Centralization of everything is a key plank to President Xi’s agenda and it is interesting how many times issues are described “with Chinese characteristics”;
Order (read crackdowns on any alternative viewpoints) will be continued in Hong Kong;
Reunification of Tawian, a waiting game for China and in effect, supported by the West will become a reality. Xi said that in reponse to:
“gross provocations of external interference in Taiwan affairs, we have resolutely fought against separatism and countered interference, demonstrating our resolve and ability to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and to oppose "Taiwan independence."
It is clear that the government is only waiting for a propitious time to “bring Taiwan home”;
A bunker mentality is evident within the Chinese leadership. President Xi said: “Confronted with drastic changes in the international landscape, especially external attempts to blackmail, contain, blockade, and exert maximum pressure on China” (I certainly hadn’t realized) then China has “maintained firm strategic resolve. We have shown a fighting spirit and a firm determination to never yield to coercive power”.
China has no intention of shifting its communist foundations. President Xi said that China as stayed: “committed to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development, and we have fully implemented the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as well as the Party's basic line and basic policy.” There is no hint that there is any apology for the excesses of the past and the tens of millions who died on Chairman Mao and the forced abortion of millions of babies.
Xi also says that “we must maintain a global vision”, which sounds like shorthand for world domination!
In this extensive speech that is full of verbiage, there is nothing about the threat of climate change but rather Xi speaks of “green development”. Xi refers to “modernization of harmony between humanity and nature”. There is a reference to “steadily lower carbon emissions after reaching a peak”. There also is a commitment to “invigorating China through science and education and developing a strong workforce for the modernization drive”.
In a shock to Western socialist governments, Xi declares: “We will ensure more pay for more work and encourage people to achieve prosperity through hard work.” He mustn’t realize that in the West the key philosophy is “hand outs for all”!
Finally, in a line that could have been given by Liz Truss, Xi said: “The times are calling us, and the people expect us to deliver”. His final message was: “empty talk will do nothing for our country; only solid work will make it flourish”.
It would have taken enormous effort to stay awake and attentive during the 2 hours but I imagine that the threat of arrest and termination does concentrate the mind. It is hard to see that Joe Biden would have made it. The CCP is firmly in the great of President Xi and China’s interests will be relentlessly pursued in the coming years. After reading Xi’s speech, I feel pleased that I have Xi’s photo and a sign that says “Welcome President Xi”. After all, Australia doesn’t get any submarines until 2038!
Such hard-hitting exposition of how the eyes of the world have been blinded to the truth and their apathy will bring about their acceptance of destructive control over the lives of everyone. When the blind follow the blind, they will both end up in the ditch. Open the eyes of their hearts, Lord.
Thanks for the insight Rog. It does seem extraordinary that we will trade apparent security for our hard won freedom. Open the eyes of the hearts Lord - indeed!