How to escape the government-pharmaceutical-medical tyranny
I have been reflecting over the past few months on the change in my attitude to the medical profession. Since the early days of my research career, when I worked closely with medical specialists with my research into foal neonatal problems, infectious diseases and equine exercise physiology, I formed close relationships with a variety of doctors who provided strong support and input into the research I was undertaking.
As a veterinary educator, I also examined medical curricula and innovative approaches to medical teaching. I encountered only the highest quality individuals who pursued evidence-based medicine. Whatever a doctor told me, I was predisposed to accept what they said with the understanding that they would have good evidence for their opinions.
My only concern at that time, more than 40 years ago, was that my first wife, a paediatrician, told me about the weekly lunches hosted by pharmaceutical companies to bring the latest information to the doctors at the Children’s Hospital. I thought to myself:
“These drug company reps are not just providing slap-up lunches for the doctors because they are concerned for doctors' notoriously bad diets. They are looking to influence doctors’ prescribing habits. This looks a bit corrupt to me.”
However, my wife assured me that it was all OK, the lunches were delicious and also there were great gifts! She thought the information the drug reps provided was valuable as doctors needed help keeping up to date with the latest drugs, given their busy schedules. I made a mental note and thought I may need more investigation when a doctor prescribes a particular medication.
However, I did not doubt at that time that doctors were working in the best interests of their patients. I didn’t understand how medicine was developing and the pervasive influence of Big Pharma. The symbiotic relationship between government and Big Pharma has dramatically impacted our lives, although we are mostly unaware because medicine has slowly become dominated by these two groups.
The Health Bureaucrats
I hadn’t thought much about government intrusion into healthcare for many years. However, I was alerted to the problems of government incursion into medicine about six years ago when I visited my local GP and needed a refill of a particular prescription. He said that to be able to write the prescription, he would need to call a health bureaucrat in Canberra, the national capital, to obtain permission. He made the phone call and waited in line for 10 minutes. Eventually, a health flunky asked for his ID and questioned him about the prescription. This person had no medical qualifications but was a bureaucrat in the Department of Health. The process took several more minutes, but eventually, my doctor was given a unique code for the medicine that demonstrated to the pharmacist that the doctor had been authorized to write the prescription. In effect, doctors and pharmacies (chemists) were under government control.
After my doctor came off the phone call, I expressed my outrage that he was forced to waste his time in this way and required to be subservient to the government. He waived off my concern, saying that this was just the process and what was needed to comply with the government requirements.
As I drove away from my consultation, I realized that medicine had become dominated by the government and that doctors were just an arm of the health bureaucracy with little independent capability. How did this happen? The answer is socialized medicine.
Socialized and Government Controlled Medicine
Government involvement in and funding of your healthcare takes the responsibility for health away from individuals and onto the shoulders of the government. Not surprisingly, then, when the COVID-19 “crisis” hit the West, governments and individuals were primed in advance for government-mandated solutions. We had accepted that our health is not our responsibility but that of the government. After all, they are paying for it!
Ronald Reagan spoke about the dangers of socialized medicine in a 1961 speech, 20 years before he became US President. I have read many biographies of Reagan, and he had many flaws. However, he developed a clear philosophy in his years (1954-1962) of working for General Electric (GE) – and speaking to employees at GE sites. He heard from the workers and changed his philosophy from socialist to free market. This dramatically impacted the US when he became president and brought about a renaissance in US economic activity after the disaster of the Carter years.
Reagan, because of his interaction with thousands of ordinary people, realised that government was not the solution; it was the problem. In a speech recorded for the American Medical Association in 1961 he made the following essential points:
“One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It is very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project.
Most people are reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people for people who can’t afford it.
James Maddison in 1788 speaking to the Virginia Convention said ‘Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe that there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations’”.
With healthcare in most countries in the West, there has been a “gradual and silent encroachment of those in power”, and whether we know it or not, when it comes to our health, we are living under a government-controlled medical dictatorship. Doctors are no longer independent but servants of the government, whether employed by the government or not. They also are influenced heavily by Big Pharma, which, in turn, heavily influences government.
The most notable intervention in a nation’s healthcare was the Labour government of the UK in 1945. Socialists love centralized planning and control by the government. The National Health Service (NHS) was formed to provide “free” health care after the Second World War. The NHS is now a UK monolith, and around 20% of all government expenditure is on healthcare. The NHS employs around 1.3 million people - out of a total UK working population of 33 million.
People in the UK love the NHS, but its failures are legendary, and the health outcomes are shocking. A recent report from the BBC said:
“Patients are facing delays stuck on hidden waiting lists that do not show up in the official figures in England, a BBC News investigation reveals. The published waiting list stands at 7.6 million - but the true scale of the backlog is thought to be much higher.”
Some patients wait many years for treatment. Sky News UK reported last year that the number of patients waiting more than one year for treatment is 200 times higher than before the pandemic.
The UK Telegraph reported in 2022, “Accident and emergency waiting times last year were almost eight times worse than official NHS figures suggest, according to analysis by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.
Some 1,047 patients a day, on average, waited 12 hours or longer from their time of arrival at emergency departments across England in 2021, according to figures released to the College under Freedom of Information laws.”
Incredibly, patients have died while waiting lengthy times for an ambulance and in some cases, it has taken two and a half days for an ambulance to arrive.
This is not a recent phenomenon because in 2016, The Times reported, “Almost 10,000 elderly people were left lying on trolleys (in hospitals) for longer than 24 hours in the first eight months of this year”.
Maternity and neonatal care are a national disgrace, and a report from the Guardian in 2020 indicated that: “Hundreds more cases of baby deaths, stillbirths and brain damage raising “very serious” concerns have been uncovered in a scandal that now threatens to be one of the worst in the history of the NHS. A review of incidents on maternity wards at Shrewsbury and Telford NHS trust has identified 1,170 cases that warrant investigation.”
UK patients wait weeks for a consultation with a doctor, and often, it is almost impossible to obtain a face-to-face appointment. If you get a rare appointment, you need to be brief in providing a history of your illness. The British Medical Journal reported that:
“Mean duration of face-to-face GP consultations was 9.24 min and 5.32 min for telephone consultations. Nurse face-to-face and telephone consultations lasted 9.70 and 5.73 min on average, respectively.”
There is no doubting the dedication of many doctors and nurses working for the NHS, but there are no answers to the health disaster that continues to unfold daily in the UK. Conservatives and Labour keep throwing central planners, diversity, equity and inclusion officers, and cash at the broken system in the hope it will improve. There has been an “explosion of health bureaucrats” as the central planners oversee a health disaster. It can only get worse without a radical overhaul. However, politicians are frightened about overhauling the NHS as it is electoral suicide.
The UK public holds onto the NHS as a burning beacon of hope, not realizing it is likely to incinerate them.
Australia Decided to Follow the UK
The NHS disaster should be a warning to everyone, but in 1975, Australia went down the perilous road of socialized and centralized medicine. The notorious Whitlam socialist/collectivist government did more damage to the Australian psyche and economy than any other, and it introduced the idea of “free” healthcare via a national scheme called Medibank in 1975.
There was significant resistance to the scheme, and the Age in Melbourne reported that finally when the national insurance scheme (Medicare) was finally introduced in 1984, many doubted whether Medicare would continue “given the resistance by doctors to attempted controls over their freedom and income, the resentment by private hospitals and insurance funds of a likely loss of business, the fears of public hospitals that they will not have the resources to cope, and the uncertainty of many people about the arrangements, if any, they should make for private insurance.”
The resistance to Medicare came from many quarters, but ultimately, the idea of “free health care” could not be held back. Now, Australia, like the UK, spends an increasing percentage of its budget on healthcare, and Australians are reluctant to pay for medical consultations which are viewed as the responsibility of government. Because the government pays the doctors, they control them.
We Were Sitting Ducks for the COVID-19 “Crisis”
This long and rambling history is a preamble to why we were sitting ducks for the propaganda and fear campaign by public health officials and the lobbying by pharmaceutical companies during the disastrous COVID-19 lockdowns and forced “vaccinations.” Governments had hijacked healthcare and controlled doctors and hospitals. The results are tens of millions of deaths and negative impacts on the health of probably hundreds of millions around the world. Various governments had previously indemnified vaccine companies from legal liability because of the effectiveness of lobbying by Big Pharma. We all had, in effect, handed over responsibility for our health to the government, and doctors had been trained to prescribe Big Pharma drugs and do what the government told them.
As I have been trying to understand what happened with the shocking COVID-19 lockdowns and forced injections, I realized that President Reagan’s warnings 63 years ago were ignored about the danger of the State’s control of healthcare.
We have been brainwashed into believing that our healthcare is the responsibility of the government. When COVID arrived (or was released or escaped), we were left waiting for a government solution to a problem that it is likely that the government created.
COVID-19, “Vaccines”, Propaganda and Government Control of Doctors
I spent most of 2020 becoming an expert on COVID-19 – the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the various treatments (quickly outlawed by governments) and Operation Warp Speed. Operation Warp Speed was the scandalous US Government program to rapidly approve injectible genetic modification technologies never before utilized and without any intense scrutiny of the benefit to risk analysis.
I first became alarmed in the second half of 2020 when the first patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (a severe neurological disease with paralysis) were identified following the Astra-Zeneca vaccine. Soon, this was dismissed as being of no concern and just a chance occurrence. I realized that no actual results could disturb the narrative that only a vaccine would stop the problem, that everyone needed to be injected, and that the injections were “safe and effective”. At that stage, we should have remembered the other great Reagan admonition:
“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help”.
If we were all more suspicious about government “help”, we would avoid many government traps that now threaten our very freedom. Undoubtedly, further “help” is on its way from Western governments as the Gates Foundation and others promote ongoing vaccination after new “pandemics” are created.
Sons of Issachar readers will be horrified to discover that such is the power of Big Pharma that now, in the US, 28 vaccines are on the vaccine schedule in the first year of life, with a total of 73 vaccines recommended before 18 years of age. These vaccines can have serious adverse effects, but most parents comply because they are on the recommended vaccine schedule.
Dr Brian Hooker and Robert F Kennedy Jnr have just released an important book: Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak Dr Hooker was interviewed on Steve Bannon’s War Room this week following a US Senate hearing held by Senator Ron Johnson, where all the doctors and scientists with evidence of damage caused by vaccines, particularly COVID-19 vaccines, gave testimony.
On The War Room – Steve Bannon interviewed Dr Hooker, Dr Ryan Cole and Ed Dowd, the financial analyst and author of “Cause Unknown” – which is just being updated. It is worthwhile listening to the 1 hour episode below.
In 2020, the mRNA vaccines were rushed into production (delivering enormous profits to Bill Gates, his cronies and Big Pharma). It is now clear from Dr Naomi Wolf’s team that investigated Pfizer and Moderna documents – see this link - that there was enough evidence of adverse events in the manufacturers’ own documentation, to prevent the licensing of these genetically modifying injections.
On Bannon’s War Room, the forced vaccination of billions was described as “the worst health disaster in human history…and it keeps getting worse and worse”.
Toward the end of the interview (about 54 minutes), there is a short segment with David Flynn, who has formed a company that provides treatments for the vax injured. It looks very interesting, and I have ordered some of the products. See this link.
When I was examining the propaganda about the COVID-19 “vaccines” being “safe and effective”, is when the mental note I had made many years before about the drug company lunches came back to my mind. Big Pharma has been extraordinarily successful and spends billions of dollars on marketing, advertising and lobbying.
Robert F Kennedy Jnr has described the situation this way in his latest book: The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race :
“A powerful syndicate, composed of government public health technocrats, a rapacious pharmaceutical industry, military and intelligence officials, and media and social media titans, appropriated awesome new powers to override constitutional and civil rights, censor information, suppress dissent, and engineer compliance with arbitrary diktats. These mandates culminated in mass submission to inoculation with risky, ineffective, shoddily tested, and unlicensed vaccines. And no one is liable for any damage they cause.” Kennedy, Robert F. The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Children’s Health Defense) (p. 21). Skyhorse. Kindle Edition.
Doctors have become government pawns in this mass campaign of deception because, subtly, the relationship has moved from the primacy of the patient-doctor relationship to the primacy of the doctor-government-Big Pharma relationship. This was reinforced early in the pandemic when doctors in the US, Canada, UK, New Zealand and Australia (and probably others that I don’t know of) were threatened with the removal of their licenses if they prescribed drugs like hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, which had proven to be effective. Later, doctors were threatened with removal of their medical licenses if they failed to endorse the various experimental “vaccines” or criticized the rush into declarations by government public health officials that “vaccines” were “safe and effective”.
With the pre-conditioning by governments over the previous fifty years to “toe the government line”, most doctors didn’t hesitate – they did as the government told them. To make it even more difficult for the “average Joe” to find reliable information, doctors’ views that were contrary to the government or the World Health Organization (WHO) were censored on social media.
Now it has come to light that after pressure from the White House, Amazon censored books that provided alternative views to the government narrative – see this link. In a recent series of posts on X, it was reported that after a series of subpoenas of White House documents, Rep Jim Jordan (Republican, Ohio) said:
“Never-before-released internal emails subpoenaed by [House Republicans] reveal that the Biden White House pressured Amazon to censor books that expressed views the White House did not approve of".
It has previously been shown by the “Twitter files” that the Biden White House also pressured Big Tech to censor posts that did not support the government's position in relation to COVID-19 and “vaccination”.
It is shocking now that as hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific papers are published that reveal the adverse effects of mRNA vaccines, the media, doctors and governments ignore the findings, and the general public is largely unaware. Most people trust their doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and the government.
This mistaken trust could be fatal for your health.
The Outcome of Mass Deception About “Safe and Effective Vaccines”
I spoke to many friends and family members in 2020 and 2021 and presented detailed information about the potential dangers of the so-called vaccines and their lack of efficacy. The information I presented was from well-credential doctors and research scientists worldwide. I must have been unpersuasive. Everyone I talked to seriously considered the information, but then they spoke to their local GP. People trusted their GPs, not realizing they were under government and pharmaceutical company control and could not provide independent advice.
Most people to whom I spoke and presented data eventually were injected with one of the COVID-19 “vaccines” because they trusted their GPs and the media narrative. In many cases, it was because they needed to keep their job or travel. The media, of course, was under the strong influence of Big Pharma, which provided advertising support. The doctors were under threat of having their licenses removed for speaking negatively about the “vaccines”.
This is one of the greatest scandals in the history of medicine, and yet it seems to have passed by without any sense of alarm by most of the population. Government intrusion into people’s health decisions seems mostly to have been accepted. This is because we have all come under the umbrella of socialized medicine and have believed the lie that our health is the government’s responsibility.
People have failed to realize that if governments can threaten their doctors, then they cannot provide independent health advice. It was quickly evident after the “vaccines” were mandated that they did not prevent the spread of the virus and that they were ineffective. It was also clear that there was a high prevalence of adverse side effects on many body systems: heart and blood, immunity, brain, reproduction and nervous. In addition, there seemed to be a triggering of cancers that spread rapidly – so-called “turbo cancers”. It’s remarkable that when you talk to people about this, everyone has close friends or family who has had adverse events after one of the “vaccines”, but many people are still getting vaccine “top-ups”.
Despite many books and scientific papers sounding the alarm, the information has been mostly buried, and I have found that most doctors are unaware of the information. They are busy people and, apart from their specialist fields, accept the information provided by government health departments.
There seems to be mass delusion and governments are still waging campaigns for everyone to have booster shots. Some friends and family members have had as many as six shots, and every day, we hear about more health issues that seem likely to have arisen from the “vaccines”. The Australian government spent millions on a media campaign last year to persuade Australians to get a “top-up” booster every six months. Here is the ad:
This brings me back to President Reagan’s quote from 1961:
“One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It is very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project.”
Like the Trojan horse, socialized medicine was wheeled into our nations disguised as a humanitarian project. Big Pharma then asserted its influence and impact over governments, and the result was seen during the COVID-19 crisis. Doctors, under the control of governments, caved into demands to endorse the government’s strategy. Big Pharma, with its advertising dollars, pressured the media into not reporting any information that would negatively impact its profits. Governments indemnified Big Pharma, so there were no consequences for vaccine deaths and disability. The deception has been so effective that few people know about this three-card trick.
Remarkably, the response from a large majority of people is to press on as though nothing has happened as hard-won individual freedom is removed. I sometimes wonder if the vaccines themselves have caused mass delusion and memory failure.
As people are distracted by TikTok and cat videos, the medical and pharmaceutical system has been weaponized against the population. This is by design because, as Seamus Bruner outlined in his interview with me last week - the “controligarchs” who were present at The Good Club meeting in 2009 at Rockefeller University, identified overpopulation as the greatest threat to humanity. It is easy to see then the promotion of abortion, euthanasia and drugs that kill as critical elements in a global strategy to “save the planet”. As a noted leader said some years ago:
“I told a man that the problem in our society is ignorance and apathy. He said, I don’t know, and I don’t care”!
We are caught in a socialist-collectivist-pharmaceutical-medical matrix, and it seems as though there is no way out.
What Can We Do?
The first step is to recognize the problem. This is hard for most of us because we don't understand the threat, like the frog in a saucepan of water where the heat is gradually increased. We have grown up in an increasingly collectivist society, so individual freedom has been eliminated without us recognizing what happened.
About health and medicine, most of us are operating from the wrong paradigm: that doctors are independent agents, the government wants to look after us, and we can trust Big Pharma. The opposite is true.
Fortunately, COVID-19 resulted in the masks of deception being removed so that those who had eyes to see could see. Unfortunately, this appears to be a tiny percentage of the general population of most countries in the West.
Here are a few critical points on which to base your future healthcare decision-making:
Don’t believe the overpopulation paradigm and the “climate crisis”. These engineered crises have downstream impacts on healthcare and the work of “philanthropists”. Somehow, people like Bill Gates have been given entrée into the corridors of global health policy when his roots are in eugenics and population control. Why would we ever trust Gates’ policies and “vaccine solutions” when he and others have engineered the problem in the first place?
Big Pharma is not trying to save your life, so take care with your medications. The pharmaceutical companies are like clever parasites whose aims are to debilitate you but keep you dependent on their products. Big Pharma’s political lobbying is effective and widespread. One report from 2020 showed that in the US, more than two-thirds of Congress cashed a campaign cheque
Like my wife’s experience with the drug reps giving free lunches and gifts, doctors are inducted into the pharmaceutical model even while at medical school. Drug companies sponsor “experts” to give keynote addresses at conferences, and conflicts of interest abound in regulatory groups.
A letter to the editor of the British Medical Journal from a German professor of epidemiology in 2021 - challenged the independence of some of the vaccine trials:
“In the two phase 3 trials on Covid-19 vaccines published in the NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine), seventeen of 29 authors of the Pfizer/BioNTech covid-19 vaccine trial publication are Pfizer employees, while three others received Pfizer grants related to the study. The remaining authors including Ugur Sahin and Özlem Türeci, the CEO and CMO of BioNTech, do not disclose any financial interests.
Twenty-five of 36 authors of the Moderna publication declare conflicts of interest (COI), e.g. being employees and stock holders of Moderna, patent applicants, beneficiaries of grants or other payments from vaccine manufacturers. Dr. Baden’s conflicting roles as deputy editor of the NEJM, Co-Principal Investigator of the Moderna-Vaccine COVE-trial as well as other HIV-vaccine trials seem inconsistent with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations about avoiding bias by professional and personal relationships.
The scientific integrity and the credibility of study results of both vaccine trials published in the NEJM are questionable …..” (my emphasis)
We cannot rely on drug regulatory bodies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the US, the Therapeutic Drugs Administration (TGA) in Australia and the Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the UK – bo dies that should be policing the safety and efficacy of drugs. Many of those involved in these agencies are compromised or have conflicts of interest. Most of the regulatory groups receive a significant proportion of their funding from the pharmaceutical industry, and conflicts of interest abound, as I reported last year :
“The Australian regulatory body, the TGA, receives more than 96% of its funding from industry. Remarkably, 50% of the TGA board members reported a conflict of interest in relation to approval of COVID-19 vaccines.”
You cannot rely on the government “watchdogs” funded by Big Pharma, with board “experts” who have conflicts of interest to keep you safe. It would be best if you did your own research about drugs and vaccines. Most of the search engines have algorithms that direct you to sites that governments and Big Pharma control. However, if you keep on searching and use search terms like: “contraindications”, “adverse events”, “side effects”, “toxicological studies”, “long-term effects”, and similar phrases, you should be able to find studies that reveal more about particular products. Here are links to a couple of recent papers in peer-reviewed journals that outline the adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines:
COVID-19 and Adverse Events of Special Interest
The government-pharmaceutical-medical complex, though, is relentless and has forced the withdrawal of a recent refereed paper by Mead et al. (see this link -
The paper was titled: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign. In a substack post, Dr Peter McCullough reported :
“In a stunning act of scientific censorship, a little known publication integrity staffer Tim Kersjes has retracted a manuscript authored by epidemiologist M. Nathaniel Mead, MSc, after the paper drew global attention to the Springer Nature Cureus platform with record views/reads/downloads. The paper called for a halt in COVID-19 mass vaccination based on a valid evaluation of the evidence. It topped >330,000 views/reads/downloads in a month as compared to an average Cureus-promoted paper which has only ~2700 in a year.”
The forces of darkness are relentless. My crucial advice - be careful about taking prescription drugs recommended by your doctor – the drug rep may just have visited and bought lunch!
Take no further vaccinations. Read Robert F Kennedy Jnr’s books about the dangers of vaccines in general and those of Dr Naomi Wolf and Ed Dowd about the specific risks of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
There have been few studies comparing vaccinated vs unvaccinated populations, but the new book by Kennedy and Hooker outlines these as well as demonstrating the danger of vaccines.
Don’t trust your doctor. At the moment, I am under the care of several notable medical specialists. When I questioned them about COVID-19 and the “vaccines”, I found that they knew nothing of the many peer-reviewed scientific papers demonstrating that vaccines are neither safe nor effective. I suspect that because some of the more courageous doctors have been made an example of and deregistered, my clever doctors have decided to keep their heads down and ask no questions.
Doctors are no longer independent but are under the surveillance and direction of government bureaucrats. They also are heavily influenced by pharmaceutical company propaganda. Like President Reagan said to the Soviets about nuclear missile reductions: “Trust but verify”. Do the same with your doctor.
It is essential to do your own research. You can have more confidence in the doctors if you face an emergency, but otherwise, you need to be sceptical, and trust but verify. If you can, find a doctor who is more concerned about your health than being responsive to government diktats.
Watch out for the next “pandemic” and be highly suspicious of any public health “emergencies" declarations”. Key players in the “overpopulation crisis club” promoted protocols in advance of the COVID-19 “pandemic” that were the designed to destroy individual freedoms and force a health disaster.
Now the infrastructure is in place – QR codes, vaccine “passports” and some form of digital ID, acceptance by the public of lockdowns and willingness to “trust the science”. We have been effectively conditioned for another “emergency”, and it is likely that most people will cooperate with the government and the WHO.
While most people think that things have returned to normal, in the background, hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent by foundations and governments to develop compulsory digital IDs, vaccine passports, surveillance tools and AI monitoring of views that are in opposition to those of the globalist and collectivist viewpoint.
I realize now, almost 30 years too late, that I need to take much more notice of seemingly unimportant events like drug company lunches and doctors’ phone calls to government bureaucrats. Declarations of an international “emergency” by the WHO are particularly suspect, and the WHO Director-General tried to invoke an international emergency last year because of monkeypox. As a simple rule – if the government (and particularly the UN) is trying to help us, our first instinct should be to refuse the help.
Like many of my readers, I was unaware of the government-pharmaceutical-medical complex and its impact on healthcare. Doctors themselves are oblivious to what has happened as they have been trapped in a pincer movement by the government and Big Pharma.
Ultimately, we need to take responsibility for our own healthcare and be prepared to verify the medical advice we have been given.
It’s too late to escape socialized healthcare but don’t rely on the government, invest in private healthcare and do your own research about any medical advice.
If you are unsure about what to do, contact me. I have an outstanding track record in helping people to make the opposite decision to what I have advised!
An excellent - if wildly disillusioning - summary of the state we're all in. Every article like this brings us a day closer to global awareness, a global reckoning and awakening, and true justice and accountability for those who have done unspeakable harm to free and honest humanity. Please share to spread the word !