There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him.. Proverbs 6:16-19
My focus in this week’s newsletter is outlining the significance of COVID-19 and the response to this “crisis” by Western governments. Because this post is quite long, I have not included a world news update. I have closely studied the coronavirus “pandemic” for two years and have increasingly been alarmed by the suppression of vital information about the disease and the dangerous vaccines. At the moment it appears as though everything has returned to “normal” but what has happened is the normalization of the completely unacceptable – people locked down, businesses destroyed, forced injections, population surveillance and government overreach. I established “Sons of Issachar Newsletter” to help readers understand the signs of the times. The actions taken by government are likely to be a prelude to further draconian action and government control. We all need to be alert and resist at the start of the next stage of government overreach.
It is always difficult or even impossible to look at a series of facts and decide on the intent behind the decisions. We often can hardly know ourselves why we’ve done something and so it is impossible to understand the reasons for someone else’s actions. So it is very difficult to know what is behind a seemingly mass delusion event like the “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccines. It is not hard to become a conspiracy theorist when trying to understand how it is that the whole of Western society could have succumbed to a delusion – that is the fear of a disease - that now we know has killed around 0.23% of the population. Following a WHO declaration of a pandemic, governments imposed campaigns of forced isolation, PCR testing and mask mandates together with mandatory vaccination with an untested and novel technology. Why would governments impose such draconian actions? Unfortunately, despite President Reagan’s warning (the 9 most dangerous words – I’m from the government and I’m here to help), many people still seem to think that governments are here to help us. However, the main aim of many governments is to obtain more control and COVID-19 provided the ultimate tool. The American founders undertood the threat of governments to liberty and John Adams said in 1772
“There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.”
With COVID-19, there have been billions of dollars spent by governments to induce a state of fear in populations and frequently this has involved using psychological tools in advertisements and communications to produce the compliance that governments required. A playbook appears to have been given to Western governments: Presidents, Prime Ministers and Premiers wheel out chief medical officers, all of whom have not seen a patient in recent years. These “experts” declare that the situation is grave and that hospitals will be overwhelmed unless everyone stays home. Video clips show patients on ventilators in hospitals, we are told that there is no treatment and all that can be done is to wait for a vaccine. International borders are shut, state borders are locked, travel is stopped, schools and businesses are closed and people are prosecuted for venturing outside, failing to wear a mask or daring to have an alternative view. This playbook, used by all Western governments to varying degrees, had its foundation in the country that engineered the virus and previously had been condemned for its totalitarian methods. The media, with virtually one voice and supported by billions of government dollars, propped up government policies and actions and censored any alternative views. Doctors across the world were threatened with de-registration if they spoke out against the prevailing government narrative. They were warned against prescribing what were known to be safe medications and de-registered if they raised concerns about COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccines which normally have a 5-10 year testing period, were pushed through the regulatory process with “warp speed” in under a year, and were then forced and mandated upon the world population under EUA (Emergency Use Authorisation) protocols. For an EUA to be possible, which allows for the release of an untested drug in the face of an emergency, when there are “no adequate, approved, and available alternatives”. Forced vaccinations are a shocking breach of the Nuremburg code and this code is still proudly posted on the US National Institutes of Health website. The Nuremburg code, implemented after the scandalous Nazi medical experiments carried out during WWII, starts with the phrase “the voluntary consent of the human subject is essential”.
A close friend, who was a senior medical scientist, and I have grappled with these issues ever since we discovered the attempts to prevent the prescription of effective and safe medications such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and doctors’ licenses being threatened if they prescribed these medications. Then we were shocked to find that doctors we knew had received letters from the government and health regulators warning them about spreading “misinformation” about vaccine adverse effects and warned that promoting such”misinformation” would threaten their licensure. We had many conversations where we discussed what we had previously seen as the rigour of the scientific process and the reluctance of doctors to use any medications that could adversely affect patients. Suddenly, only one view was acceptable – that safe medications, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine that have been used for decades, were dangerous and so were banned. Then new and virtually untested mRNA “vaccines” were said to be “safe and effective”, despite the companies’ own data showing significant adverse events after vaccination and a dubious efficacy. The lack of efficacy - has been borne out this year by the high COVID-19 infection rates amongst the vaccinated.
My friend and I were surprised to find that almost every doctor we spoke to was unaware of any of the scientific papers that raised concerns about the COVID-19 vaccines and they relied only on information provided by the government health bureaucrats. None of the doctors to whom we spoke knew of the extensive and excellent study by Dr Tess Lawrie about the effectiveness of ivermectin in treatment of COVID-19 nor of the remarkable early treatment protocols in the US of Dr Zev Zelenko. Doctors who prescribed ivermectin were singled out for punitive action by governments and medical boards. A number of brave US doctors, such as Dr Peter McCullough published good information about early treatment protocols - but no doctors we spoke to were aware of these options to treat COVID-19.
Doctors even stopped seeing patients as telehealth appointments became the norm and in busy medical practice, most had no time for independent review of the scientific literature. We realized that medicine had become a profession where the main relationship was no longer doctor to patient but doctor to government, and where government held the purse strings and therefore all the cards. It seemed that nearly all governments had taken the advice of the left-wing radical of the 1960s Saul Alinsky who said “control healthcare and you control the people”. This is clear from the increasing failures of the UK National Health System (NHS), with a story this week from the UK papers where an elderly widow whose husband had died could not get a visit from the doctor but the woman was told on a Zoom call to “hold the camera up to the dead body”! Hospital waiting lists of more than 6 million (around 10% of the UK population) for various medical procedures are the result of this socialist and government controlled system. However in the UK, belief in the NHS is so fundamental that there are no ideas for a radical overhaul. Instead, the focus is on installing “equality, diversity and inclusion” managers. I wonder how many patients these managers treat?
My friend and I discussed the data about early COVID-19 treatments and vaccine dangers with dozens of people and found a startling fact: the topic was too complex for most to understand and so people relied upon the advice from their doctors, whom they perceived to be independent and knowledgeable. In reality, the doctors were just agents of government and knew only what the department of health memos told them. My friend and I have lost faith completely in the medical profession as we have realized that very few are independent and despite having stethoscopes and prescription pads, are ultimately under the thumbs of government health bureaucrats.
This is a national and international scandal. Governments and doctors are continuing to promote ineffective and dangerous vaccines despite evidence that mounts each day about the serious adverse events associated with all the COVID-19 vaccines. Additionally, treatment protocols for COVID-19 that have been shown to be effective are restricted and most doctors are unaware of them or too concerned about the threat to their registration. The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Database (VAERS) - in the US – currently reports more than 2 million adverse events associated with the COVID-19 vaccines and more than 30,000 deaths. These figures are agreed to represent just a fraction of the actual adverse events, because of the challenge of completing the paperwork for an adverse event. The actual figures are probably 10 fold greater – perhaps 20 million adverse events and 300,000 deaths in the US. Steve Kirsh reported in his Substack Newsletter on 16th August that 12 million people worldwide probably have died from COVID-19 vaccines. In a previous post
- he noted about 100 indicators that show the danger associated with the vaccines. Here are a few of the facts that he published:
1 in every 246 people people in the UK died within 60 days of COVID-19 vaccination
Vaccine deaths outnumber COVID-19 deaths in the US
15% of people have a new medical condition after COVID-19 vaccination
Even in old people, the vaccines kill more than they help
Younger people and those competing in sports are suffering a new disorder – “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”
Excess all-cause mortality is climbing and in the UK represents an additional 1,000 deaths per week (with similar rates of excess mortality in most highly vaccinated countries)
Heart disease in children and young adults is “exploding” following vaccination
There are many more facts about the dangers of COVID-19 vaccination revealed in Steve’s post and it is worthwhile reading the whole article. It seems extraordinary that this information is so little known and the only conclusion you can come to is that the world is not as we might believe it to be. The reality of millions of people dying or having debilitating illnesses from the vaccines is hidden or denied by governments, media, Big Tech and the so-called “fact-checkers”. What could be the purpose or intent behind this horrific situation? How could it be that amongst political parties, few voices are being raised on either the left or right side of politics about the scandal of unleashing unproven and dangerous COVID-19 vaccines and the prevention of patient access to known safe treatments?
Now – as I said in the introduction to this section of the newsletter, intent is always challenging to deduce. Nonetheless, I am going to have a go – having considered mounting evidence over several years, I can come to no conclusion other than this COVID-19 “pandemic” is nothing less than a plot against humanity rather than simply ignorance. As James and Dick Delingpole asserted in their most recent podcast: “they hate us and they want to kill us”! At the time, I thought that this was over the top but have come around to their view. We are living in dangerous times and need to be aware that most things are not as they are purported to be. Here are a few of the “big picture” ideas about what I believe is the intent of government, Big Pharma, media and doctors and why we need to be much more alert to the significant of what has happened:
1. Unseen centralized control is guiding wicked government behaviour.
The only conclusion that is possible from the way that governments in Canada, US, New Zealand, Australia, UK, Europe, China and Russia and many others, acted in the same way and even used the same phrases such as “build back better” and “safe and effective”, demonstrates that there is coordination by an unseen and evil hand. The intent of the key influencers behind governments is control of populations which they believe to be too large for “sustainability”. Many government leaders though are simply puppets and are well described by a phrase used by Lenin in the 1920s - “useful idiots”.
The ultimate aim by organizations such as the UN, World Economic Forum and the global “philanthropic” foundations is a global government overseen by a “one world leader”. The Bible tells us that the “whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19) although most people are reluctant to believe this is true. This is why Paul reminds us in his letter to Ephesians that:
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” Ephesians 6:12.
One of the chief means available in this fight is the “full armour of God” (Ephesians 6:10-18) - including prayer.
2. We cannot trust the pharmaceutical industry, which has gained power and influence over governments and has been shielded from accountability.
In Robert F Kennedy Jnr’s book The Real Anthony Fauci – he makes the point that the main US pharmaceutical regulator – the FDA – receives 45% of its budget from the pharmaceutical industry. This same industry has been fined billions of dollars for criminal behaviour as outlined by Peter and Ginger Breggin in their book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. They quote a Danish doctor, Dr. Peter Gøtzsche who wrote the delightfully titled book Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Medicine . The Breggins detail how during
“2007–12, in the USA, Abbott, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, and Sanofi-Aventis were fined from $95 million to $3 billion for illegal marketing of drugs, misrepresentation of research findings, hiding data about the harms of the drugs, Medicaid fraud, or Medicare fraud.”
It is hard to ascribe good intent to Big Pharma, which has significant influence over the drug and vaccine evaluation process, as well as politicians. Big Pharma also has managed to obtain government indemnity for any adverse effects so that the companies cannot be sued.
Most people are unaware of the track record of Big Pharma and the huge fines for harm caused, nor of the indemnity given if there are adverse effects associated with various vaccines. Most people assume that there is an independent evaluation of vaccines and close oversight. However, there is a conflict of interest at every step of the evaluation process. There are billions of dollars involved and the old saying of “follow the money”, provides the answers. For example Pfizer’s gross profit for the quarter ending 30 June 2022 was just over US$19 billion, which was a 60% increase over the previous year, also a record. With Big Pharma embedding itself in the drug evaluation process and government indemnity provided if there is any injury associated with vaccines, there is little incentive by pharmaceutical companies for a focus on safety. The other critical factor lying behind the vaccines approval for “emergency use” is that for such use to be possible, there must be no alternative treatments available. Clearly this is why treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were vilified and claims made that people were drinking pool cleaner and taking horse medicine. Any alternative to vaccines had to be thoroughly ridiculed and banned so that vaccines remained the only “treatment”, resulting in billions of dollars flowing to Big Pharma.
3. The mainstream media has sold out to Big Pharma and government, and so cannot be trusted to provide reliable information.
I have followed various alternative medical voices closely over the last 2 years but found that these voices were silenced in the mainstream media and by Big Tech. Huge sums of money to promote government propaganda have been thrown at the mainstream media by governments around the world. The media clearly have a conflict of interest as they have benefited from the billions of advertising dollars spent by governments. Big Pharma also spends billions on advertising and obviously there is a conflict of interest for the mainstream media which is struggling financially and relies on advertising revenue. The mainstream media has become part of what is essentially a “Ministry of Truth” as described by George Orwell - a mouthpiece for government. The general public is aware of this and a recent survey from Gallup indicates that only 16% of Americans have a “great deal/quite a lot of confidence in newspapers” with only 11% having confidence in television news. However, despite this, most people still rely on and are influenced by media which has become increasingly partisan and supportive of left-wing government narratives. Remarkably, views that are contrary to those of government and government-promoted “experts” are now described as “dangerous” with attempts being made by most governments to legislate against free speech and promote “online safety”. The main reason that I established this newsletter was to examine alternative sources of information and make these available to friends and family to prevent deception, which is one of the main signs of the end times spoken of by Jesus (Matthew 24:4).
4. The medical profession is no longer independent and is part of the problem not part of the solution. This is one of the most egregious of situations related to the COVID-19 vaccines as almost everyone that I have spoken to believes that doctors are well informed and independent critical thinkers. I’ve discovered that very few doctors have investigated independent analyses of the COVID-19 vaccines and most are too busy to do anything other than accept information that bombards them daily from health bureaucrats. Amazingly, in Australia, the key committee overseeing health regulation (AHPRA) has no doctors but only health administrators and legal experts. The bureaucratization of medicine has become an increasing problem worldwide as governments have gained more and more control of health. Rather than protest in mass against government overreach in relation to threats to their registration, doctors by and large have meekly accepted government tyranny. The only solution for us will be to find doctors who are prepared to work only in the interests of patients and outside the government medical system. This will be hard to do as medicine has become another branch of government.
5. Population reduction and transhumanism lie behind the promotion of “safe and effective” vaccines. It does sound crazy but as I have investigated the issue of population reduction, it is a central plank of most of those promoting worldwide vaccination. The Club of Rome’s book The Limits to Growth – published in 1972 - was extraordinarily influential and provided the foundations for the global takeover of energy, finance, politics, education and food production by the climate change movement. Bill Gates is the international vaccine Svengali who has a horrific track record - related to vaccine injury. Even back in 2012, there were articles exposing Gates links to eugenics, global agriculture and population control. James Corbett made a 4 part series on Bill Gates in 2020
and it is worthwhile watching this 2 hour “tour de force” to gain a better understand of Gates and his influence. The movement promoting eugenics and population reduction has a long history that is largely unknown to most of the general public.
The most recent variation on the eugenic path is the push by a number of key influencers, including the World Economic Forum , towards transhumanism – biologically engineering human evolution through genetic and digital technologies. In essence the dream is to see a fusion of man and computer, to create what advocates promote as a “new organism”. This sounds outrageous but the ideas and tools already are well-advanced and supported by billions from “philanthropic” foundations and also the military through groups such as DARPA. DARPA is a secret US military research group that provided substantial financial support for the “gain of function” coronavirus research carried out in the Wuhan virology laboratory in China. I listened to an excellent podcast a few days ago where Daniel Horowitz interviewed Whitney Webb regarding transhumanism and it is worthwhile taking the time to listen to the hour long interview. The main part of the interview starts 19 minutes into the episode:
Millions have died from the COVID-19 vaccines, which have promoted a new mRNA technology that is improperly understood and where no long-term studies have been done. Long-term effects on a range of body systems are already evident and it is likely that millions more will die from “unknown causes”, now the leading cause of death in Alberta Canada. Remarkably, this information has been suppressed and most people are unaware of the dangers from these experimental “vaccines”. It may seem like a conspiracy theory to think that population reduction may lie behind some of the decisions. However, when you accept that behind all this is Satan and that Jesus Himself said that Satan ”was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.” (John 8:44), many things fall into place.
6. The vaccine push internationally is about creating a “surveillance state”. The rapid introduction of QR codes to monitor people’s locations, vaccine “passports” to force vaccination and restrictions in moving across national and international borders shows that we are in the early stages of complete surveillance and control by governments. Even early in the COVID-19 vaccine “push”, there were warnings by insightful commentators - and these warnings turned out to be true. All governments want greater control and surveillance of citizens, and COVID-19 provided the mechanism for the imposition of identity and surveillance tools that would have been rejected under other circumstances. Although societies appear to be returning to “normal”, the push for digital IDs, vaccine passports and digital currencies will be unrelenting.
If you have got this far in this week’s newsletter, well done! We are living in perilous times and every day it is clear that there is much behind what we see, in a world where there are wicked men and women who are trying to impose various forms of control, eradicate freedom and institute a global system of governance in the lead up to UN’s Agenda2030 . The COVID-19 international dictatorship was a wake-up call which few heeded. What has been established in all Western countries is the normalization of tyranny: compulsory masks, identity checks, location checks, compulsory injections, overturn of the Nuremberg code and doctors under state control. In short – a biosecurity state where our basic rights have been stripped from us. It will now be easy for governments to reimpose similar measures and introduce programmable digital currencies to monitor and control how people spend digital money (cash will be eliminated in the future).
Australian government data indicate that 96.1% of Australians 16 years of age or over have been vaccinated with at least one of the COVID-19 vaccines. This is a shocking statistic and the only good news is that 32% of Australians have not had a third COVID-19 “vaccine”. We need to be aware of the evil intent behind many of the restrictions to our freedoms and government mandates, otherwise we will go like lambs to the slaughter.
This newsletter was written as a wake-up call because every day it becomes clearer to me that there is denial of the reality of the circumstances and damage caused by the vaccines. While we can’t know for certain the intentions of all of the players in this COVID-19 scandal, the trajectory is clear and we have to assume the worst.
Many people become seriously ill because they ignore the early warning signs of cancer. The COVID-19 disguise about “public health” to impose government tyranny must not be ignored. As the US Founding Father and Second US President, John Adams said:
“Cities may be rebuilt, and a People reduced to Poverty, may acquire fresh Property: But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever.”