Moving towards a "New World Order", Government "Help" and Global Control
A range of international bodies have manipulated national governments to believe that our world is facing an existential threat to survival, with climate change and world population growth pushing us towards a planet that will be uninhabitable. The need for a global “solution” to this problem gained traction in the 1970s with the Club of Rome’s publication Limits to Growth (Limits to Growth), which proposed restrictions to world population growth. This led to a campaign by activists that resulted in the first major global talk-fest on the climate, held in Rio de Janiero in 1992 and titled the Earth Summit - Earth Summit 1992. From this summit, emerged agreement by a group of global opinion makers to commit to a series of United Nations (UN) goals called Agenda 21 (Agenda 21). Agenda 21 involved a comprehensive global plan of action for what was termed “sustainable development” that has made its way into every area of government. I discovered that even our local government in the Snowy Mountains has “signed on” to this UN agenda, which has been lurking in the background and shaping local council policy for more than 20 years. To “support” local councils in 1999, the Australian Federal Government provided an extensive toolkit with a book titled Our Community Our Future: A Guide to Local Agenda 21 (Figure 1) to provide local Australian councils a blueprint for future planning.
In 2016 the UN upped the ante with Agenda 2030 (Agenda 2030) which clearly states its objective in the title: Transforming Our World, and also promoted by the World Economic Forum as The Great Reset. The UN has persuaded most national governments to sign on to their 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and these goals fill the pages of government planning documents in all western bureaucracies from the top, down to the level of local governments, and shape policy decisions.
The “climate crisis” has been a tool for bringing global change and global control for at least 50 years and this “crisis” is only the latest of a number of other “crises” such as wars and terrorist attacks that result in societies handing over established freedoms to governments. The famous Reece Committee Report in 1954 demonstrated the power of tax-exempt foundations in the US (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Guggenheim, Ford etc), whose aims were to concentrate power into the hands of oligarchs to transform US society. The Carnegie Foundation which spent large sums on a mission for “peace” was found in its minutes to be promoting war as the “best way to alter the lives and thinking of the American people” (Reece Report). The Carnegie Foundation discouraged an early end to World War I and together with the Guggenheim Foundation promoted a radical change in the teaching of history in the US. The viewpoints endorsed were to move away from a US focus to an internationalist view, use education to promote social change, remove education from local control, and to use education to promote a “liberal” political agenda. This revision of US history has led in a direct line to the adoption of critical theory in US universities. So, war and disruption provided the opportunity for crisis , chaos and the implementation of change. More recently, the 9/11 terrorist attacks resulted in the US Patriot Act (Patriot Act)which permitted the US government to intrude on the privacy on its citizens and now “spying” on a US President (Trump takes legal action for spying on his campaign). The terrorist attacks were another “crisis” used to impose further government control and suveillance.
Clearly, crises are used to create what is being called a “new world order” (also called global control) and spoken of recently by Joe Biden (Biden - New World Order). Many Western leaders have quoted the idea of a “new world order” and the idea seems to have originated with the famous British businessman, Cecil Rhodes of Rhodes Scholarships fame (The New World Order). More recently, the idea of a “new world order” was proposed by George H.W. Bush in 1991 in a famous speech following the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union.
National governments are viewed as a key obstacle to a “new world order” because “global problems require global solutions” (Global Problems Require Global Solutions) and the establishment of a new world order requires the destruction of the sovereignty of nations. Crises are needed to persuade us of the requirement for a global “new world order” which includes global control. The World Health Organisation is currently lobbying for global control over the declaration and management of future pandemics (WHO Pandemic Control).
The “climate emergency” crisis is a great tool to systematically gain control of national governments with pressure to sign on to the 17 SDGs to prevent the coming “climate crisis”. The “crisis” has been fostered at every level with the targeting of schoolchildren for many decades and the promotion and prominence of a hysterical Swedish schoolgirl warning us that we are doomed unless we go back to the dark ages.
However, the “climate emergency” didn’t make most people sufficiently terrified and according to the global playbook, a new crisis was needed. Conveniently prepared in advance was a coronavirus pandemic preparedness plan in 2019 (Event 201), requiring the declaration of states of emergency and unprecedented government controls, a relentless communication strategy and restrictions of freedoms.
With the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, government leaders were surprised by the compliance of populations who were prepared to hand over unprecedented powers to be kept “safe”. Hundreds of billions of government dollars were spent on communication campaigns that induced population compliance by manufacturing a state of fear (Laura Dodsworth - State of Fear) and also sustained the declining legacy media, which failed to critique the governments strategies. Not only were freedoms restricted but governments had ready “electronic health passports” and digital ID. With digital currencies, digital passports will provide governments with unprecedented control of populations and any freedoms we once had will be eliminated.
Now we have a new “crisis” – one involving the Ukraine, a country that almost no-one could locate on a map 6 months ago. This “crisis” cannot be separated from the plan of the global elite toward a “new world order” and left and right political groups in the West have wittingly or unwittingly collaborated to create hysteria. The result will be more chaos and the need for further global control as additional global disorder ensues and possibly even a Third World War.
Commentators in the past, including Winston Churchill, have made comments along the lines: “never let a crisis go to waste”. Most recently it was President Obama’s chief of staff, later Chicago Mayor, and now US Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel. He said
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before”.
It's only a small step from using a crisis (for which it is hard to prepare) to creating a crisis (which is much more convenient). This is part of a move towards “The Great Reset”, the currently revealed form of the “new world order”, proposed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum where we will “own nothing and be happy”.
Be on the outlook for more “crises” (wars, cyber attacks, pandemics, terrorism, civil unrest, financial crisis) which are part of a broader plan to create additional mechanisms for global governance and further erosions of freedoms and dependency on technocratic states to accomplish the ultimate ushering in a “new world order”.
Around the world
President Biden has been in Europe for a NATO meeting (Biden's Warning) related to the Ukraine conflict. While Biden’s handlers are trying to promote him as a leader of the free world, he may be at the start of a move against him. Key influencers behind the scenes in the media and the Democratic Party seem to have decided to allow critiques of Biden. The end-result could be President Kamala Harris (remember you saw it here first)!
The New York Times, having run cover for Biden, along with most of the mainstream media, has admitted the truth of the Hunter Biden laptop story, first reported by the New York Post in 2020 (Hunter's Laptop is Real). I have written about this story previously in a review of Miranda Devine’s book Laptop from Hell with its appealing cover photo
of a drug-crazed looking Hunter. The story is important as the implications in the book about Biden Snr’s corruption could result in his impeachment if Republicans gain control of the House of Representatives and the Senate after the mid-term elections this November.
The essence of this story is that Joe Biden’s son Hunter took his laptop to a small computer repair shop in Delaware in April 2019. He failed to collect it and the shop owner eventually legally acquired the laptop because it was abandoned property. On the laptop was a treasure-trove of information and pornographic videos which Hunter had taken during some of his drug “benders”. Initially the store owner sent the laptop to the FBI but after no action being taken, he provided a copy of the laptop hard drive to the attorney of former New York Mayor, Rudy Giuliani. The most politically damaging content on the laptop is email trails which show extraordinary sums of money coming to Hunter from the Ukraine and China, with 10% going to “the big guy” – identified by other sources as Joe Biden. Mainstream media suppressed the story just before the 2020 US Presidential election, with the support of “51 intelligence experts” who declared that the laptop story had all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign (NY Post - Intelligence Experts Refuse to Apologize). This story is like watching a slow-motion train wreck in relation to the Biden crime family but truth by its very nature can only be hidden in the dark for a limited time. The implications arising from the emergence of this laptop, in relation to decisions ultimately made by Joe Biden are horrifying. As US President he is not an independent leader acting in the best interests of the US but a highly compromised corrupt politician who has been “on the take” in Washington for 50 years. It is just another sign of the end of western civilization, as outlined in my post last week.
United Kingdom & Europe
Boris Johnson has attracted an avalanche of criticism because he equated the Ukrainian people’s desire for freedom with the UK voting for Brexit (Boris Equates Ukraine and Brexit). The faux outrage expressed by media commentators, politicians and the “chattering classes” is a sign of the hostility that “remainers” (those who wanted Britain to stay in the EU) have towards those who voted to free Britain from unaccountable European governance and bureaucracy. The “remainers”, who are still in positions of significant influence in the UK, are like those of the “Deep State” in the US Government who worked to undermine President Trump. Boris is a Baddie (sounds like a slogan for UK Labour doesn’t it?) and whilst he might not be right about much these days, he was right in understanding the need for the UK to escape the EU’s regulatory environment and woke justice system. To give just a small sample of the bureaucratic overreach, there are more than 100 EU laws that govern pillows, 500 involve towels and 170 that deal with mirrors (Brexit and EU Overreach). Fortunately EU bureaucrats are less concerned about toothpaste with only 50 laws to regulate this European hazard!
So the UK escaped from the EU but the UK seems to want to create a type of EU welfare state and to promote a rush towards “net zero”. Boris is “all in” with the EU on Ukraine while recent data show a cost-of-living crisis that has no historic parallels - Cost of Living Crisis in UK.
Meanwhile Emmanuel Macron looks certain to re-elected as President of France (more on this next week) and no-one knows what will happen with Ukraine but all NATO countries are being urged by the clever video presenter President Zelensky to increase support for extending the conflict with Russia. Not only will further weapons supply extend Ukrainian misery but result in the possibility of global conflict.
Russia and Ukraine
It is hard to trust any information on Ukraine from the mainstream media. However a headline on The Blaze, an independent media company The Blaze, caught my eye this week: Putin Expert Says We’re on the Trajectory to Nuclear War. The expert is Rebekah Koffler, a Russian speaking escapee from the former Soviet Union who has written an interesting book that I have just read called Putin’s Playbook. A key Russian phrase quoted by Koffler is relevant: “Eto ne sluchayno, Tovarishch!” which means “It is not by chance, Comrade”! Rebekah Koffler was employed by US intelligence across 3 administrations, and she notes that for some reason various Russian-speaking intelligence personnel were removed during the later Obama years just when they were really needed. This is definitely “not by chance”!
Some believe that the key to resolving the conflict could lie with Alina Kabaeva, thought to be Putin’s 39 year old lover who is said to the “holed up in a Swiss resort” and friends are begging her to get Putin to stop the war (Friends Beg Alina to Make Putin Stop the War). To me, this looks like the best chance for peace as any formal approaches. Alina is a former champion Russian Olympic gymnast and so she will need all her agility to convince Putin to give peace a chance.
The Kremlin has said that relations with the US are at the point of breaking (Kremlin Declares Relations with US at Breaking Point) following Biden’s comment to a reporter that Putin is a “war criminal”. Given that Biden hardly knows where he is at any time of the day, one wonders if he did intend to pour gas onto the flames of the conflict. In any case, it is clear from Putin’s Playbook that “Russia is preparing for a nuclear conflict with the US and NATO”. This is alarming and it is clear from the book that the West has not understood Putin, who has used his skills as a former KGB intelligence officer to stoke the flames of unrest and discord in the US.
My concern is that Putin may behave like the rat in a story from his early days when he lived in a St Petersburg apartment building. When a young Putin cornered the unwanted intruder, to his surprise the rat turned and attacked! It seems to me wise that we in the West don’t leave Putin cornered but find a way out.
China vs The West
President for life, President Xi Jinping has told Joe Biden to “clean up his own mess in the Ukraine” in a video teleconference this last week (Biden Told to Clean Up His Own Mess), reported by Chinese state media. President Xi told Biden not to expect any help from China – I suppose that Xi thinks that the Biden crime family already has had a lot of financial assistance from China via Hunter!
China is providing support to Russia and recently has brought Pakistan into its orbit in relation to concerns about Russian sanctions. Sanctions against Russia are a blunt instrument and may also end up mobilizing the support of India, Pakistan, Iran and a range of countries under Chinese influence via its “belt and road” initiative. Meanwhile, the Australian newspaper reports that the US and China are proposing an economic pact to fight China sanctions (US-Australia Economic Pact). I’m glad that I have my poster of President Xi ready to put on my front gate!
This week Israeli President Bennett offered to go to Kyiv if Ukrainian peace talks advance with Russia. Putin clearly has an end-game in mind but none of us know what it is! I was interested to read in Israeli publications the story about the funeral this week of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky (Funeral of Reb Chaim). In this tiny Jewish country where there are almost daily threats from terrorists, a simple Rabbi who lived in a small, rundown apartment and whose only claim to fame was that he studied the Torah for 17 hours a day from the age of 3 years old until he died at 94, attracted a crowd of mourners estimated at more than 500,000. The Rabbi who was known to Jews worldwide as Reb Chaim was incredibly influential because of his knowledge of the Torah. It is a story important to us all as we strive to make sense of and live wisely in this material world which on the one hand seems so familiar and yet has deep unseen spiritual foundations which indeed bridge the gap into eternity. Jesus quoted the Torah when He was tempted by Satan, replying “man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of Hashem (יהוה)” (Deuteronomy 8:3). The Hebrew word ‘live” here, does not refer so much to the state of having a heart-beat and breath in one’s lungs but more to the condition of being deeply nourished in our inner being that we might indeed be fully alive to live prosperously in the fullest and richest meaning of that word. This surely is the cry of the human heart and it seems that the obscure Rabbi from a small town in Israel has taken with him some of the answers, but thankfully the gift of the Book from where he found his wisdom is still with us.
In 2001, I was part of a group of CEOs when a former Deputy-Director of the CIA came to give a talk on “business intelligence”. He told us that the greatest modern US President was Ronald Reagan. All of us we staggered as our “intelligence” had informed us that Reagan was a joke. This ex-CIA man informed us that one of the reasons that Reagan was such an effective president was that he had only two areas of focus for his administration which were: “cut taxes”, and “cream the Commies”. Unless you came to the President with a solution to these two issues, Reagan was not interested. Of course – this focused his aides minds and led to policies that changed the trajectory of the US and indeed the world.
I was amazed at the simplicity and effectiveness of Reagan’s strategic interests, to run a country the size of the USA with such simplicity. I then spent many months trying to work on a finding a similar simple strategy for the veterinary school where I was Dean. I never was able to get it down to just 2 issues, like Reagan. I did however start to take an interest in President Reagan and read Reagan biographies. I found the biographies fascinating as Reagan had been a left-winger but in the early 1950s when he was President of the Screen Actors Guild in Los Angeles, realized the dangers of communism and the fragility of freedom. Reagan said:
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Interestingly in a speech given in 1961, Reagan recognised the danger of government medical control as a tool of tyranny when he said
“one of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It is very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project..”
How prescient Reagan was, as we now review 2 years of government overreach internationally in response to the COVID-19 “crisis”. Freedom was curtailed in most countries, as “emergency powers” were enacted, initially just for 2 weeks to “flatten the curve” of the infection and in the UK to “Save the NHS”. Saul Alinsky, a radical anarchist, much loved by the left and who provided the intellectual framework for people like Hilary Clinton and Barrack Obama with his book Rules for Radicals, said:
“control healthcare and you control the people”.
We need to be extremely careful of what lies behind governments’ concern about our health.
All this is a prelude to the famous quote used in the headline above where President Reagan said at a press conference on 12th August 1986 (Reagan and Government Help)
“the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
We laugh at these “terrifying words” but Reagan understood that with every bit of “help” from the government there is more erosion of freedom. Because few of us in the West really understood freedom, many have been happy to fall into line when the government comes to “help” with “free” COVID tests and vaccines and then sends us the bill with higher taxes and further restrictions of freedom.
In Australia, what we thought of as a larrikin society that was anti-authoritarian, fell at the first hurdle of government overreach. We had no understanding of freedom and how easily it was curtailed. Small businesses were decimated in the city of Melbourne, which ended up with the longest lockdown in the world because of the COVID-19 emergency (Melbourne - Longest Lockdown). Governments here and overseas have been encouraged by their success here and also New Zealand which had an even more tyrranical approach to COVID-19. State governments rather than being evicted because of their authoritarian policies have found that a hard line against individual freedom and responsibility has been a vote winner in recent state elections. We have been subject to a manufactured climate of fear and political success will further embolden governments to take more control in the future.
We need to remember that as President Reagan said: freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction and if we hear those terrifying words “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”, we need to run for our lives!
Thank you Reuben for these insightful newsletters that are evidenced with up to date, comprehensive, thorough and widely researched sources. This obviously must take you hours and hours each day.
Your newsletters are always amazing and this one is exceptional… Thank you 🙏🏼