Implications from the last three years of government overreach
This week, as I have been considering what to write to the Sons of Issachar readers, I woke up in the middle of the night with a strong sense that I should write about some of the challenges and learnings from the “pandemic” that shut down the world. This event has changed my understanding of the Western world and has demonstrated that the peril we are in is far more serious than we have previously understood.
It is important to review what has happened over the last 3 years. Although life seems to have returned to “normal”, everything has changed. Dictatorial governments were allowed to run roughshod over populations and destroy businesses, spend like drunken sailors, lock people up, stop travel and force experimental injections into entire populations. This only happened because the majority of people were not sufficiently sceptical about the evil of government overreach. Undoubtedly, further mandates will be implemented as governments now have digital tools to monitor and control everyone. Just like China, social credit scores will be used and information that doesn’t fit the government narrative increasingly restricted. Undoubtedly we will see governments implementing internet tools to censor what they deem “disinformation” or “misinformation”. These new “Ministries of Truth”, as outlined by George Orwell in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four, will be implemented throughout the West in the years ahead. Of course, we need to resist such government overreach but governments have already “tasted blood” in their success with vaccine and mask mandates together with population lockdowns.
I thought that for my readers, perhaps simply telling the story of my own journey to understand the coronavirus, the “vaccines” and government responses, may be helpful. As a veterinarian and research scientist with statistical and epidemiological training, I had sufficient scientific background to understand the voluminous medical and scientific data that came out, particularly in non-mainstream media sources.
The Initial Alert
Just like those of my age group can remember where they were when President Kennedy was shot, I will always remember where I was when I realized that the COVID-19 coronavirus was a grave threat. There were various news items in late February 2020 about problems in Wuhan and Milan Italy. Some US friends who had stayed with us and returned home at that time faced nightmare delays at LA International Airport, with temperature checks and screening. I realized that this looked serious. However, I continued life as usual and planned a special dinner in Sydney with a number of friends in the middle of March 2020. Just a few days before the dinner, I talked with an academic veterinary colleague based in the US who had been in Australia and planned to stay until late March 2020. He told me that things looked serious and that he was flying home because he thought that there could be complete lockdowns and that he may not be able to return to the US. He sent me an article by Tomas Pueyo, an engineer, called “Coronavirus: the hammer and the dance”. The article, which now has had more than 40 million views, suggested that urgent action was needed immediately (“the hammer”) or there would be an exponential increase in case numbers with 10 million US deaths (see Figure 1). Pueyo’s article made sense to me.
Figure 1. From Tomas Pueyo article, Coronavirus: the Hammer and the Dance
I immediately cancelled my big dinner as I thought that I could be putting people’s lives at risk.
I then set about a study of the coronavirus and over the next few years, viewed hundreds of hours of videos and read hundreds of scientific articles. I read or watched material by Dr Richard Fleming, Dr Peter McCullough,, Dr Vladimir Zelenko, Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Tess Lawrie, Dr Geert Vanden Bossche and a range of other doctors and scientists from Canada, South Africa, the UK, South America and Europe. I talked to medical doctors, virologists and epidemiologists to better understand what we were all facing. My wife and I decided to move her parents to the farm so they would be away from the deadly disease. Governments implemented forced lockdowns of entire populations, and the Australian and New Zealand governments stopped tourists from entering their countries. It was unprecedented.
Looking back over the last three years, we were all duped. It is hard not to reach the conclusion that COVID-19 was a tool designed to bring about the next stage of global control by arming organizations like the WHO. Additionally, “vaccines” were rushed into use with such serious side effects that Dr Naomi Wolf has described their use as a “crime against humanity”. But I get ahead of myself! The next stages of my COVID-19 journey are described below.
COVID Learnings from 2020 and 2021
Over many months of study, I started to glean some critical pieces of information:
The disease seemed to be the result of a genetically altered coronavirus, which rather than escaping from a Chinese food market, likely escaped (or was released) from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. At this location, Chinese scientists with US government funds and involvement (including those from DARPA - a defense military agency) produced an altered coronavirus that was designed to be a bioweapon, according to Dr Fleming. The virus had a particularly pathological impact on small blood vessels and produced clotting within small vessels.
Masks were deemed to be of no use and then essential. How could this be so? I perused all the available mask studies. There seemed to be no evidence that the mandated paper or cloth masks were effective in preventing the spread of the virus. Yet, people were refused service and arrested by police for not wearing masks.
Public health officials, supporting presidents, prime ministers and premiers, warned of total population carnage unless everyone stayed at home. However, credible scientists who signed the Great Barrington Declaration and Swedish public health official Dr Anders Tegnell, disputed the efficacy of lockdowns. The disease seemed to be one that mainly targeted the elderly, and yet schools were all closed.
Public health officials said that there was no treatment and everyone had to stay at home. However, credible doctors with strong research backgrounds proposed repurposing drugs such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Protocols were tested that showed promising results. In all countries, these protocols were denounced by public health officials as “witch doctory”. Safe drugs were removed from pharmacies, and doctors were targeted for de-registration if they used protocols that had been clinically validated. Media outlets (which had received extraordinary advertising revenue from Big Pharma) denounced the protocols from groups such as the US Frontline Doctors, Dr Zelenko and Dr McCullough.
We were told that the only treatments that would be successful were yet-untested vaccines. I did some research and found that from many previous studies, vaccines against coronaviruses were not likely to be effective. Yet, “Operation Warp Speed” was implemented by the US government, under President Trump. The “warp-speed” concept defied all the usual vaccine safety protocols (usually 5-10 years of testing) in the rush to produce a “treatment”.
Governments pre-ordered hundreds of millions of doses of the virtually untested genetic “vaccines”, never previously used. This was done at vast cost to Western economies. Governments completely indemnified the pharmaceutical companies. Of course, these orders delivered huge profits to Big Pharma. These “vaccines” were to be used under emergency use authorization (EUA) allowed by the FDA when there are no alternative treatments. Suddenly it became clear why the treatment protocols proposed by well-respected doctors were being vilified. As the old adage has it – “follow the money”. The only way an EUA could be given was if there were no alternative treatments. Alternative treatments could not be permitted.
So in early 2021, I realized that we, the public, were victims of a massive government propaganda campaign. In Australia, some states were locked down for almost one year. A UK journalist and author, Laura Dodsworth, published her book “State of Fear” which demonstrated how the UK government had used psychologists in a “psy-op” to frighten the entire population into compliance. I also realized that almost all doctors I talked to were part of the problem as they had been threatened with losing their medical licence by the government if they recommended treatments from groups such as the Frontline Doctors in the US.
By the end of 2021, I had learnt some important lessons which had wide ramifications for my own worldview:
Governments used fear to force compliance with their edicts, which had little or no scientific backing, apart from government health officials who had never treated a COVID patient;
Public health emergency legislation that had been lurking in the background, suddenly gave governments draconian powers and normal citizen “rights” were suspended. There was no legal recourse for resisting the government mandates;
Most doctors were not advocates for patients but simply government flunkies who would do whatever the government directed;
Normal safety procedures for licensing dangerous injections were suspended in the name of “protecting the population”;
The Nuremberg code, which had guided medical experimentation since 1947, was swept aside in the name of “public safety”;
The pharmaceutical companies gained complete control of government drug safety groups like the FDA, which was supposed to protect public health;
A propaganda campaign that silenced opposing voices was highly successful. Big Pharma spent billions in advertising, and Big Tech companies prevented alternative views from being expressed on the most used tech platforms.
By the time that the “vaccines” were rushed into in Australia in the first quarter of 2021, I was extremely suspicious. I realized that the best predictor of future behaviour was past behaviour. This meant that we couldn’t trust the government or doctors in relation to the safety or efficacy of the vaccines. Just like Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth”, “safe and effective” meant the exact opposite.
COVD-19 and COVID-19 “Vaccination” Learnings from 2021 and 2022
Lockdowns and forced injections continued in 2021 and 2022. The pressure gradually increased in most Western countries, and people could not leave some countries or enter others unless they had a “vaccine passport”. In fact, in the US, the requirement for visitors to have a COVID-19 vaccine to enter the US will only be alleviated on 11 May this year.
I examined the raw vaccine trial data presented by Pfizer, Moderna and others. There was scant evidence of protection from the disease and no data that the “vaccines” prevented disease spread. The EUA given was based on data that showed no clear protection, but the term seized upon was statistical: “vaccine efficacy”. The data purported to demonstrate values around 90-95% for vaccine efficacy, which to the untrained eye looked as though this meant 90-95% of people were protected by the vaccine. However, the term “efficacy” meant no such thing and as an important article in the Lancet medical journal (please read the link) pointed out, the relevant term is “effectiveness” rather than “efficacy”. The most important measure of effectiveness is absolute risk reduction (ARR), rather than the quoted relative risk reduction (RRR). In relation to the ARR, from the trial data, there were the following findings for the various vaccines:
1.3% for Astra-Zeneca
1.2% for Moderna
0.93% for Johnson and Johnson
0.84% for Pfizer
These data demonstrated that the “vaccines” were of little value. The Lancet article pointed out, for example, statistically, that 119 people needed to be vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine to prevent just one additional case of COVID-19.
Of course, in the meantime, the coronavirus across 2021 and 2022 underwent many mutations, and the already ineffective “vaccine” was even less effective. What was left was only various downsides from the experimental injections. These came in the form of adverse events, which Dr Naomi Wolf showed in her recent publication War Room/Daily Clout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports demonstrated serious health and reproductive adverse effects, known to Pfizer and the FDA prior to and shortly after the “vaccine” release.
Meanwhile, various public health officials around the world claimed that the “vaccines” were safe and effective, whereas the opposite was true – they were unsafe and ineffective. This ruse was so successful that those associated with what proved to be a very dangerous vaccine -the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine (since removed from the market in many countries) – were given Royal honours. Professor Sarah Gilbert, the Professor of Vaccinology at Oxford University, was made a Dame Commander of the British Empire and was given a standing ovation at Wimbledon in June 2021. If the crowd had been knowledgeable, they would have chanted, like those at a Trump rally – “lock her up, lock her up”.
The ”vaccines” should have been pulled from the market in the early stages as reports of adverse effects piled up in the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) and the UK Yellow Card Reporting System. Extraordinarily, almost no media outlets reported the devastating impacts on people’s health from the “vaccinations”; ultimately, millions of people have died from the experimental injections.
I tried to alert many family and friends to this scandal. Nonetheless, the impact of the media publicity, fear campaign and doctors who simply did the bidding of the government was much more successful than my efforts. What followed was most people deciding to get the injections. I produced Powerpoint presentations showing the scientific information about the vaccine dangers but my great work may have had the opposite effect. The more I presented information about vaccine dangers, the more likely people were to get the jab!
I had a prolonged briefing for a friend showing all the information about the potential negative impacts of the injections. He listened carefully then went to his local doctor, who dismissed my concerns and said: “don’t be an idiot - just get the jab” – so he did! This was the nature of the “informed consent”. Most people to whom I spoke had no idea that they were receiving an experimental injection that had not received the usually prolonged period of investigation for safety. Most also did not know that there were potential negative effects of the injections, most of which were a new form of genetic technology never previously used in vaccines.
In Australia, people were forced to accept the experimental injections to keep their jobs and it is estimated that 98% of the adult Australian population was injected with one of these experimental injections. This is a national and international scandal but demonstrates that Australians, at least, can be frightened into taking potentially damaging injections. The image of the bronzed Aussie, independent and fearless, was only a marketing illusion.
What Does All This Mean?
Is it Stuff-Up?
Some see the whole story of COVID “vaccine” development as one where there were good intentions by governments and health officials, but problems arose beyond the control of well-meaning people. However, this cannot be substantiated because Pfizer’s own data submitted to the FDA showed reports of death and also adverse effects on many body systems, including female reproduction. It is important to read the book based on the Pfizer documents (which the FDA tried to suppress for 75 years) - War Room/Daily Clout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports. Find Out What Pfizer, FDA Tried to Conceal. Details of the book are given at the end of this article.
No – It’s Not Stuff-Up - It’s A Conspiracy!
Here is my assessment of what we can understand from the last three years of the COVID-19 “crisis”:
The pandemic emergency appears to have been deliberately created. Planning of the event and responses were put in place prior to the coronavirus outbreak. This is demonstrated by Event201 - an October 2019 simulation of a world coronavirus pandemic by Johns Hopkins University with support from the Gates Foundation.
A bioweapon was created using “gain of function” research with financial support from the US military. The bioweapon is likely to have been deliberately released. Obviously, if such a decision was taken, it must have had the “blessing” of dark forces within the US and Chinese governments.
Fear was used to force population compliance with predetermined government mandates. The government mandates were strengthened in most countries by pre-existing emergency biosecurity legislation that overrode individual freedoms and rights.
One aim of the “pandemic” and “vaccination” seems to have been population reduction, which was a stated intention of many of the advocates for compulsory “vaccination”.
The “pandemic” enabled a rush to “digital vaccine passports” in almost all Western countries. Vaccine passports have now been endorsed by the G20, and is an attempt to introduce a form of digital identity (ID). With increasing surveillance possible, the next steps will be programmable central bank digital currencies. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s action against the Canadian Truckers showed the effectiveness of government control over individual spending.
The “pandemic” has enabled the WHO to seek authority to declare pandemics and also obligatory responses by governments, which will be under WHO authority. This process is underway and intended for finalization in Geneva in May 2024.
Given the “success” that governments had in monitoring and controlling their populations, further “pandemics” must be in planning, and lockdowns also may be used to solve the “climate crisis”.
Governments now have digital tools and biosecurity legislation to enforce further control and surveillance of their populations.
What Can We Do?
Ensure that you have the correct information. I have attached a list of recommended books that should be on everyone’s bookshelves. At a minimum, you should acquire Ed Dowd’s book, Robert F Kennedy Jnr’s book and the War Room/Daily Clout Pfizer Documents Analyses. None of this information has found its way into the mainstream media.
The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour. From past experience, any future government mandate should be resisted. Such mandates invariably have evil intentions. Remember my favourite quote from President Reagan “The nine most dangerous words in the English language are I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.
Make others aware of what has been happening in relation to the pandemic and “vaccines”. Buy copies of Ed Dowd’s book, which is very accessible and compelling, and give these as gifts to friends and family members.
Be prepared for another pandemic and increasing scares in relation to “the climate emergency”. Remember that the stated intention of the “new world order” is that “we will own nothing…”.
As far as possible, take yourself off-grid, including social media. Form real relationships with like-minded people and seek independence from the government.
Pray for God’s intervention.
The coronavirus has proven to be a much less dangerous virus than many believed at the outset. New forms of the disease have been spreading like wildfire and suddenly no-one cares! I have had a few bouts of the “China virus” but have dosed myself up with horse medicine and avoided the worst effects of the bioweapon. One positive effect of the lockdowns was that we had my parents-in-law stayed for 6 months and we at least convinced them not to take the vaccine. My efforts to persuade people not to be vaccinated were not entirely ineffective!
The great coronavirus swindle has also helped me to look more deeply into the wider impacts of Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Government and the New World Order. Patrick Wood’s books on Technocracy are essential reading and I recommend starting with Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation. The digital environment is not our friend and we can’t give away our freedom for the sake of convenience.
I started Sons of Issachar News because I was incensed at the way important information was being hidden by the mainstream media. I hope that my own story this week may have some small influence and I appreciate you reading this article. If you have any thoughts or feedback, I would be grateful to hear from you.
Recommended Books About COVID-19 That Have Informed My Evaluations
Peter R. Breggin and Ginger Breggin (2021). COVID-19 and the Global Predators.
Laura Dodsworth (2021). A State of Fear.
Richard M. Fleming (2020) Unmasking Covid.
Brian Tyson and George Fareed (2022). Overcoming the COVID-19 Darkness: How Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7000 Patients.
Colleen Huber (2022) Neither Safe Nor Effective.
John Iovine (2020) Brainwashed: How the Media and Government Misread, Misinformed and Mismanaged the COVID-19 Virus.
J.L. Fuller (2021) Romans 13 and COVID19: Knowledge, Warning and Encouragement for the Church and World.
Naomi Wolf (2022) The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and the War Against the Human.
Steve Deace and Daniel Horowitz (2023) Rise of the Fourth Reich: Confronting COVID Fascism with a New Nuremberg Trial, So This Never Happens Again.
Ian Miller (2022) Unmasked: The Global Failure of COVID Mask Mandates.
Pfizer Documents Investigative Team, Amy Kelly and Daily Clout (2023) War Room/Daily Clout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports. Find Out What Pfizer, FDA Tried to Conceal.
Ed Dowd (2022). Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022.
John Leake and Peter A McCullough (2022) The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.
Robert F. Kennedy Jnr (2021) The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.
Thanks Tanja. It is certainly nothing new but to me, it is still horrific that so few people are aware of what happened and I hope that my own journey and perhaps one or two of the recommended books may help to provide some context. As ever, I appreciate you taking an interest.
A typically informed and informative piece from Reuben. One additional book that may interest fellow Substackers: ‘180 degrees: Unlearn the lies you’ve been taught to believe’ by Feargus O’Connor Greenwood. This book is DYNAMITE, if profoundly unsettling. But then, as Reuben observes, we live in profoundly unsettling times. Keep the faith !