An interview with Seamus Bruner from the Government Accountability Institute
As I have outlined to Newsletter readers previously in a number of posts, the “scales fell from my eyes” about the state of the world and its control once I heard James Delingpole interview Patrick Wood late in the first year of the COVID-19 “crisis”. Patrick Wood (you can listen to my interview with Patrick in November 2023 at this link) has written extensively about technocracy and the desire by elite, unelected scientists and bureaucrats to take control of the world via an energy currency.
Of course, many people reject globalist theories as being those of conspiracists, but as Elon Musk commented last year, “Almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true”. Whether we realise it or not, we are being maneuvered into a system of increasing global rule via digital surveillance, financial control and, eventually, programmable digital currencies.
Since the early days of this newsletter in 2022, I have been writing about the signs of the emergence of a global government. This has been the aim of so-called “progressives” for hundreds and probably thousands of years. However, the globalist collectivists have been held back by the interests of national governments until they were able to seize upon the “crisis” of climate change. This “emergency” has been promoted as a threat to the earth, since the publication by the Club of Rome promoted the idea of mankind itself being a menace.
The Club of Rome published The Limits to Growth in 1972 - and targeted mankind as the main danger to the earth. Since then, there has been relentless promotion of the need to “act globally” and take decisions out of the hands of nations. Yearly Climate Change Conferences (called COP conferences - the next one will be COP29 in Azerbaijan in November 2024) have generated increasingly hysterical headlines for the last 30 years. Now António Guterres, the Marxist former PM of Portugal and currently Secretary-General of the UN, has coined the term “global boiling” - to try to really frighten us. He is frustrated that the UN doesn’t have more power, and in a recent statement reported by Breitbart News, Guterres said:
“The world is entering “an age of chaos” with an impotent and divided Security Council being ignored on a host of critical issues such as the Israel-Hamas war, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres lamented Wednesday”.
The UN wants more power and is coordinating with groups like the World Economic Forum and Big Business/Big Tech and Big Pharma, to create public-private partnerships that will dominate the world economies. When combined with digital surveillance, digital ID and programmable digital currencies, the masters of the universe will be able to have robots sitting at consoles to monitor and control our every move. This may sound fanciful, but the tools already have been put in place, and China has implemented a social credit system that is the envy of the West.
Dr Jacob Nordangård, has written and spoken about the significance of the Rockefeller family (see my newsletter from November 2023 ) and the new global order in his excellent substack which I recommend to my readers. He also has recently focused on the work of the UN and the G20 in a recent video presentation.
It was surprising to find that the G20 is not just an annual meeting but there are constant meetings on an almost daily basis by G20 bureaucrats to progress a global agenda. Dr Nordangård has described the G20 as a “proto-world government”. The group itself says that it works for “the new international economic order” and there is close engagement with business – the dreaded public-private partnerships (anyone see a throwback to the 1930s?). The World Economic Forum and its leader, Klaus Schwab, are closely involved and influential because of their influence in many global groups like the G20 and UN.
As you make your way through the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Summit of the Future and its claim to find “Our Common Agenda” - you realize that there are individuals with great power, planning to herd us into 15min cities and control every aspect of our lives. An extensive network of global foundations and the wealthy men and women who control these, promote the globalist agenda and with their extraordinary wealth, are putting in place the underpinnings to achieve a one world government (and undoubtedly, one world religion – see this link - to the Abrahamic Family House, opened in 2023).
Global control is not a recent event when you read Jacob Nordangård’s book “Rockefeller: Controlling the Game”. The Rockefeller family, since the late 1800s has been able to manipulate almost every area of life: finance, politics, health, planning, architecture, information technology, science and the media. Their methodology: finding and financially supporting subject “experts”, forming international working groups, financing research that supports their ideas and then promoting global action through the UN and its supporters.
This influence was possible through the Rockefeller family’s enormous wealth. Now, via Big Tech moguls, a new generation of mega-rich oligarchs is arising to promote collectivist and global solutions to direct us into a “new world order”.
The Government Accountability Institute (GAI)
There are some brave individuals who are sounding the alarm about the threat to freedom and society from the modern oligarchs and their corrupt political supporters. Peter Schweizer founded the Government Accountability Institute in the US in 2012. The GAI’s mission is: “To investigate and expose crony capitalism, misuse of taxpayers monies, and other governmental corruption and malfeasance”.
The GAI describes itself as follows:
“The Government Accountability Institute (GAI) is a nonpartisan team of researchers, writers, editors, fact-checkers, and subject matter experts who work to uncover those politicians who abuse public service to feather their own nests and enrich their own families and associates.
GAI is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization under the IRS’s 501(c)(3) rules. We rely entirely on contributions from individual donors and foundations to pursue our work and accept no government funds of any kind.”
I first became aware of Peter Schweizer in 2016 when I read his book, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich. It is an extraordinary book that exposes the Clintons’ journey from being millions of dollars in debt at the end of the Clinton presidency to “earnings” of more than US $150 million and US$2 billion for the Clinton Foundation. The story involves the weaponization of the Clinton Foundation to gouge money from various cronies, particularly when Hillary was US Secretary of State. One can only imagine the billions more that would have come the Clintons' way if Hillary had become president.
Surprisingly, this is the real “Russian collusion” story and involves wealthy Clinton Foundation donors, $500,000 speeches, and collusion with Russia and Kazakhstan to sell off US uranium resources to Russian interests. The book also highlights the “philanthropic” work of the Clinton Foundation in Haiti and Columbia.
Clinton Cash was released about 6 months before the 2016 US presidential election and must have been at least partly responsible for Trump giving Hillary the nickname “Crooked Hillary” and the crowds shouting “lock her up” at the Trump rallies.
Seamus Bruner
Seamus Bruner has worked with Peter Schweizer at the GAI since its inception and is currently its Director of Research – see this link. He has published three books highlighting corruption and influence in high places. His first book was published in 2018 and titled: Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption. The book demonstrates the cozy and sometimes corrupt relationship between the FBI and US Justice Department and how many scandals have been covered up. Seamus also demonstrates the way that these two organizations have introduced a surveillance state to monitor and then act against opponents – notably, anyone who supports Donald Trump.
Seamus coined the term: The United Surveillance States of America. Since the book was published, the current US Attorney General and Democrat Party apparatchiks have taken even more brazen legal action against Trump. It is now evident to most impartial observers that the justice system has been completely weaponized to bring down prominent Republicans and their supporters.
Seamus followed up research that he had done for Clinton Cash and partnered with the noted investigative journalist John Solomon to produce the book: Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties.
The book extends the remarkable story of the corrupt sale of Uranium One – which resulted in 20% of America’s uranium supply being “transferred” to the control of Vladimir Putin. Seamus’ research approach has been simple: follow the money.
This approach has led him to his latest book: Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life.
The “controligarchs”, a new word apparently conjured up by Seamus (see this definition in the Urban Dictionary), are the elite billionaires who through their wealth, control much of the direction of Western society today.
In his book, Seamus highlights the outsize influence of globalists such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Laurene Powell Jobs, the Rockefeller family, George Soros and Klaus Schwab. He also notes that the COVID-19 “pandemic” was used as a cover for “the great reset”, with the redistribution of wealth from the middle classes to the controligarchs, whose companies were able to profit from online sales while small to medium businesses had to shut down.
Seamus writes in the epilogue to his book that:
“The Controligarchs are accelerating the managed decline of this country and of the entire world. With the help of the corporate media (which they own), the Controligarchs coerced us into lockdowns, mandated what are still considered experimental injections with unknown long-term effects, plundered our businesses, and robbed our children of nearly two years of socialization and education. These are crimes against humanity.” (Bruner, Seamus. Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life (p. 265). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition).
He believes that most people agree that corruption is wrong and that no one should be above the law. Therefore it should be possible to enact legislation to prevent the ongoing march to total control by the controligarchs. However, given the power of these mega-wealthy influencers and the extent of political corruption that has been uncovered by the GAI, I am placing my money on the controligarchs!
To gain further understanding, I talked to Seamus Bruner today.
I spent several months recording Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times: Biblical Foundations for Life in a World that Has Lost its Way, and now have great respect for anyone who records an audiobook. I had various respiratory tract infections and other challenges to complete the recording in a small music studio outside Cooma in southern Australia. Now, an Audible version of the book is finally available and came be obtained at this link in the US - and this link in Australia.
As my grandson said to me: “Grandpa – I love hearing your newsletter because it sends me off to sleep immediately”.
Buy my audiobook, and you too could experience outstanding sleep!
I also was interviewed on Australian Vision Radio this week about three chapters of my book: friendship, communication and conflict. You can listen to the interview in the link below
Stories about President Trump and his latest legal challenges and his race to be declared the winner in the Republican primaries, dominate the news cycle. There was particular media hysteria this week when Trump appeared to invite Russia to bomb NATO countries who were behind in their financial contributions.
Of course, this is all political theatre and Trump only said what he has been saying during his presidency. NATO should put its collective hand deeper in its pocket and pay for its own defence.
Meanwhile, there were some significant stories this last week.
Story of the Decade
This is the title given by the SGT Report to the release of Senator Rand Paul’s book Deception: The Great COVID Cover-Up - which was released in late 2023. The SGT Report makes the following points:
“According to U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, author of “Deception: The Great COVID Cover-Up,” the COVID-19 pandemic, which killed millions of people, was the result of Anthony Fauci’s decision to fund dangerous gain-of-function research in China
New evidence obtained by U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) further strengthens the theory that SARS-CoV-2 was made in a lab;
The novel features found in SARS-CoV-2 match the research parameters presented in a 2018 grant proposal by EcoHealth Alliance to conduct gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses;
EcoHealth and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were well aware of the potential that this research could spark a human pandemic. A planning memo contains a note stating, “We MUST make it clear in proposal that our approach won’t drive evolution the wrong way, e.g. drive evolution of more virulent strain that then becomes pandemic”;
At present, gain-of-function research is allowed provided it’s done with the intention of creating a vaccine, which is a logical fallacy. We’ve never been able to preemptively construct a pathogen that later shows up through natural evolution. We’re creating novel pathogens that don’t exist in nature and then developing vaccines against those. In other words, we’re creating bioweapons and antidotes to those bioweapons, and this needs to stop”.
The US involvement in the creation of the “Wuhan virus” has been largely ignored by the media. In addition, rushed genetically manipulated injections have been forced on billions and the cost to people’s health has been ignored and covered up. Fortunately, there are books like Dr Rand Paul’s and the new book by Dr Naomi Wolf – The Pfizer Papers due for release in May, that keep trying to bring the “crimes against humanity” by government and Big Pharma, to public attention.
COVID-19 Vaccine “Shedding”
Marina Zhang through her work with the Epoch Times – see this link - provides some of the latest research information that has been published about COVID-19 and the COVID-19 “vaccines”. This week, she published a story titled COVID Vaccine Shedding Is ‘Real,’ FDA and Pfizer Documents Are Proof: Clinicians
She writes:
“COVID-19 vaccine shedding “is real,” said Dr. Pierre Kory, one of the founders of the FLCCC, a nonprofit physician organization, at a conference in early February.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Pfizer also know that shedding is real, he claimed.
Last Thursday, top officials from the FDA and CDC conceded that people vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine can still get COVID and can transmit COVID, at a hearing held by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.
The same hearing also revealed that the public health agencies have not been surveying for long-term effects of the COVID-19 vaccines.
A Nordic study published the same day found that receiving a third COVID-19 mRNA vaccine puts adolescents at risk of myocarditis. But the second mRNA dose is the most strongly linked to myocarditis among male adolescents.”
It is apparent that as Senator Paul says, what we are dealing with is a bioweapon and a “treatment” that is worse than the disease.
Preparedness Tips – Security Camera Basics
Andrew Skousen publishes World Affairs Brief – each week and I recommend subscribing to his publication which always has a useful perspective about current events that is helpful. In last week’s publication, he wrote a brief section on security cameras and I thought that readers would be interested. I have slightly edited the article.
Cameras are a core part of your security setup because they allow you to monitor multiple areas at the same time and record and replay it later. …… Here are some of the basic features to know about and some preliminary recommendations.
Every aspect of your security system should be robust enough to continue functioning in hard times. Although you may choose now to have a system that communicates with your smart phone or a subscription-based call-monitoring agency, make sure your security system can also function when the internet and cell-phone networks aren’t working. You will also need to prepare a backup source of power when the grid goes down.
Wired or Wireless Cameras? Wireless cameras have the advantage of being easy to set up and very flexible as to the location because you don’t have to run wires to them. They also have to be paired with the base station to function, so they aren’t as easy to steal and reuse. They are susceptible to being hacked, but those high-tech attacks are most common in high-density population areas, and will be even less common in hard times. The biggest downside to wireless cameras is that they largely rely on battery power. In low-traffic areas, the batteries can last up to 6 months because the camera only activates when the motion sensors notice activity, but in high-traffic areas, you will need new batteries every month or two. You can connect it to land line power, if close by and some cameras have a detachable solar option.
DVR or NVR? There are two main categories for wired cameras: the traditional CCTV cameras which are analog and transmit unprocessed video signals back to a DVR (Digital Video Recorder) where the signal is processed and stored. These transmit on coaxial cable with mini BNC connector and a separate connector for power—the power and coax are bundled together in the same insulation so you only have to pull one wire, but there are two connectors to hook up. DVR systems are usually cheaper, and there are still many good options.
The other category is defined by digital cameras which process the signal at the camera and send back digital video feed through an ethernet cable (either Cat5e or Cat6 cable) to a NVR (Network Video Recorder). These cameras are sometimes called PoE for Power over Ethernet. Although more expensive, these cameras are gaining in popularity because they can transmit more information through the ethernet cable such as audio for 2-way speakers or smart image processing. The extra processing makes them go through batteries faster, so analog cameras still have the advantage in wireless situations.
The biggest pro for digital wired cameras and an NVR is that you can get shielded ethernet cable for the wiring to the cameras. Shielding means there is a metallic layer inside the outer insulation that protects the wires from electromagnetic interference including EMP effects. Note that a damaging EMP power surge could still come from the base station if it is plugged into grid power. Protect all your most important plug-in devices with a surge protector such as Zerosurge.
Many DVR and NVR systems allow both wired and wireless cameras. Although I like wired cameras for durability, a wireless camera is valuable for placing around your yard or at a front gate. The best wired cameras are from Lorex, in particular their night-vision systems called “Nocturnal.” The Swann brand is also known for its higher resolution and heat and motion sensing. Many cameras now boast AI features that are “smart” enough to be trained to know where your property boundaries are, and to filter out the motion from animals, blowing leaves, etc. but my privacy red flags go off when products like Google Home/Nest offer facial recognition for a monthly fee (it is paired to online-computing/processing). I recommend looking instead for advanced features like color night vision, H.256 resolution for more efficient use of video storage space, and 2-way speakers to hear and talk through a camera like an intercom.
In the end it doesn’t really matter which cameras you get whether the analog DVR or the digital NVR, as long as your cameras work when public utilities are down. Ideally you will install the video recorder (DVR or NVR) in a secure place such as a safe room or shelter where the video feed is protected and where you can view all the cameras while you are hunkered down. It is incredibly valuable to be able to take a look around from inside, and cameras are so cheap now, that almost everyone can afford it, or upgrade to even sharper images to look around at night”.
Another amazing, albeit terrifying yet important post and a great interview. Thank you Reuben for all your research and taking the time to bringing some clarity into a confusing and highly disturbed world.
It seems evident that global elite entities pushing their agendas upon the people of the world. What happens when they stop pushing and start shoving?