Where are we on the road to a "New World Order"?
Is History Cyclical or Like a Pendulum?
Mark Twain is reputed to have said that “history doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes”. While this quote is disputed it does capture a common view of history. This view is that history is cyclical, or that there is a pendulum that swings between the left and right wings of politics, in reaction to a previous elected government.
Currently in Australia, it seems clear by “sorting through the entrails” that Scott Morrison’s Liberal-National Government (centre-right and in office since 2013) will lose the May 2022 Australian Federal election. These “entrails” that I have been sorting through include: the centre-right political loss of the South Australian state election, the Federal Treasurer throwing cash around to buy votes, a remarkable lack of trust in Morrison by voters (Scott Morrison loses support) and something well-loved by aficionados of the Australian film The Castle – called “the vibe” in this famous scene
The Australian Labor Party (left-wing party) will likely govern Australia after May this year. Labor is a party that will assert the priority of an LGBTQI+ agenda, commit to more abortions and euthanasia and promise increased spending on the so-called “climate emergency”. Labor also will commit to further government handouts that the country cannot afford. No problems – trendy left wing economists have conjured up a “magic pudding” (Magic Pudding Explained) of money supply with modern monetary theory (Modern Monetary Theory), which in summary says that you can just keep on printing money and then raise taxes if inflation rises.
Soon Australia is likely to have a socialist government but when, as Margaret Thatcher said, “they run out of other people’s money”, the pendulum will swing again in the opposite direction in 3 to 6 years time. I like the pendulum theory and it accords with recent experience. The pendulum will likely swing to the right in the US mid-term elections (if the Democrats don’t rig them again) as voters experience the impact of the socialist policies of the Biden government that have bankrupted the country, caused a fake oil shortage, brought in out-of-control inflation and caused a stampede of illegal immigrants across the southern border with Mexico.
God’s Story Says That History is Moving Towards HIS Story
However, there is a bigger picture and it is God’s own story – a God who declares the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done (Isaiah 46:10) – a story that we need to clearly understand as “Sons of Issachar” who would understand the signs of the times (1 Chronicles 12:32). The Bible is God’s story that has great simplicity and also extraordinary complexity. Charles Hodge, the 19th century theologian and President of Princeton, said that “The gospel is so simple that small children can understand it, and it is so profound that studies by the wisest theologians will never exhaust its riches.”
A Bible Overview
After 40 years as a believer in Christ and student of the Bible, I am only now beginning to see the wood from the trees and understand a bigger picture perspective – I hope - the perspective of God. Here’s my attempt at an overview of the simple story of the Bible:
1. We are inheritors of a choice made at the beginning of creation (Adam and Eve chose not to trust God and walk in His ways but to eat the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and to be independent of God and His ways);
2. From that choice, which resulted in the first family being thrown out of Eden by God, there is an ongoing inheritance (in our very DNA) of sin and rebellion against God. This is demonstrated in every chapter of the Old Testament. It also is exemplified in God’s own people, the Jews, whom He called into a relationship of love with Himself. However, His people repeatedly rebelled against Him and all people today have this same ingrained rebellion. Our very nature leads us inexorably into sin – for example you don’t need to teach a child to be naughty and rebellious, it is part of a child’s nature;
3. Despite rebellion by God’s own people, God declared His character to Moses on Mt Sinai around 3,500 years ago as the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness and truth (Exodus 34:6) and this is the character that led to God’s plan from the beginning of time. His salvation plan from the foundation of the world was to send Jesus to save us because we are incapable of saving ourselves but only of wallowing deeper in the mire of sin, like helpless swine;
4. Jesus, fully man and fully God, perfect and without sin, Himself paid the penalty for the sin of the whole world. To receive the benefits of this payment and to enter into friendship with God, He has a simple but profound requirement. God tells us that we must turn (repent) from our old life of independence from Him, and to trust Him and His ways, a path that is indistinct but sure in that it leads to life forever. Jesus proved Himself as the saviour and hope of the world when God raised Him from the dead – a new “Adam” who gives believers hope not only in this life, but the life beyond the grave;
5. Jesus is coming back to judge the world and bring about a faultless “one world government” under His control – a government a perfect leader and this will lead to a new heaven and a new earth (see Revelation 19 and 20 - Book of Revelation 19 and 20).
Simple hey – well let’s just get on with it and wait for Jesus! History may appear cyclical but it is all leading to the Jesus’ return – all will be well.
Wait a minute - not so fast – unfortunately this is only part of the story of the Bible!
The Other Story of the Bible - We’re Up Against A Deceiver
Right from the start of the story of mankind, God’s authority was contested by a mysterious deceiver called in Hebrew “nahash” (נָחָשׁ). At the end of the Bible we find that this is none other than Satan or Lucifer, a fallen angel who opposed God and has been at work at least since the Garden, leading mankind into sin and separation from God by the clever tool of deception.
Deception is hard to pick – that is why it is deceiving!
For example, much of the medical profession has been deceived by governments and health bureaucrats who have promoted the so-called “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccines, when there are serious side effects and lack of effectiveness. The doctors have in turn deceived the majority of the public. Increasingly we are being deceived by governments, media and Big Tech every day and so we have to be on our guard.
The Coming One World Government
Satan’s proposition is to set up an alternate kingdom in opposition to God, where evil will reign and there is a large population that gives allegiance and worship to Satan. So - the denouement of history will be Satan’s attempt to set up “one world government”, of which various administrative parts are falling into place – the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, World Bank, UNICEF, Food and Agricultural Organization,The International Atomic Energy Agency, UNESCO, International Labour Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Global Vaccines Alliance (GAVI) – the list goes on and on.
Crises will be tools used to convince national governments to forego their sovereignty for a new “world order” to bring in an era of “peace” and freedom from disease. This “peace” didn’t work out well for Ukraine which gave up their nuclear weapons in return for “peace” and “protection”.
The final book of the Bible tells us that there will be time coming when we won’t be able to buy or sell without taking a special mark (Revelation 13:16-18). This mark, apparently digital, will indicate that those who bear it are aligned with and “worship the beast” – none other than Satan himself. It doesn’t take great imagination now to see how this may be administered in the era of “vaccine passports”, digital ID and whole populations forced into gene-altering injections. Prior to the pandemic, the Moderna CEO said that with mRNA technology “we are rewriting the genetic code…and hacking the software of life” (Hacking the human genome) - so we have had forewarning.
The Bible tells us that without doubt, an evil one world government is coming at the end of the age. There are signs of this today with governance structures and technology being moved into position. Each person alive at the time of the arrival of the fake “man of peace” – called the antichrist - will have to make a decision about whether to throw their lot in with the boss of the antichrist - Satan. To take the “mark to buy and sell” will appear to be the only sensible decision and will be attractive and apparently the best option for the welfare of all. We will be increasingly told about falling into line for the good of humanity and we have been told by governments today that we need to contribute to herd immunity by taking the COVID-19 “vaccines”.
The alternative to compliance with authority will be to face persecution and death, if we give our allegiance to the Name above every other Name – in Hebrew (יהוה) HASHEM– the unpronounceable name of the Lord God Himself. Those who choose to stay true to God may look to some as though they’ve made the wrong decision. These people will face persecution and death, while everyone who supports the antichrist and his boss will be apparently “living it up”. However, we find written in advance in the Bible, that Satan’s evil one world government doesn’t last long – just 3.5 years and then those who are Satan worshipers get the axe. If we’ve decided to worship Satan, there is no way back into friendship with God. Choosing friendship with God or supporting satan, is a choice for eternity. Get ready to choose.
The Final Conflict and Final One World Government
At the appointed time, Jesus returns wearing a robe on which is written “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS” and He will defeat the Satanic armies and cast Satan and his henchman into the pit of hell. The dead who believed in Him are raised and Satan and his minions are defeated to establish a final ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT of justice for all (read Revelation 19 and 20). This does sound crazy but it is true and indeed good news!
Interestingly, as the period of Easter soon arrives and there are performances of Handel’s Messiah around the world, this is exactly what Handel wrote of in the magnificent Hallelujah Chorus – “And He Shall Reign For Ever and Ever”
So - two one-world governments are coming and we need to prepare ourselves to stand against the deceptive satanic one and throw everything in with the Messiah – Jesus - who will bring about a true and just one world government and reign forever and ever!
The Hebrew prophet Isaiah (the name means “God is salvation”) wrote about this coming saviour 800 years before Jesus’ birth:
For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end; Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this (Isaiah 9:6-7).
Even when things look a complete mess, God’s word the Bible, tells us that He is in control. When He tells us that His zeal will perform this – we can stake our lives on it!
Joe Biden went “off script” in Warsaw, Poland earlier in the week and almost started World War 3 (BIden almost starts world conflict). Interestingly Biden decided that Putin had to go declaring -
“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power”.
I wonder if Biden had consulted God or whether it was a rhetorical flourish? Given that Biden supports abortion right up until birth, and even though he proclaims himself a Catholic, it is unlikely that he has a close connection with the Almighty. Whatever the case, White House aides must become nervous any time Biden steps near a microphone as they seem to have a team of people ready to “walk back” any of Biden’s unscripted remarks. The President is a failing figure who can barely read his teleprompter and unfortunately for the world, the team behind him (what John Zmirak calls – The Committee Formerly Known as Joe Biden – see The Stream) has a puppet who will sign anything and read anything put in front of him. The outcome of this pitiful state of affairs is confusion and a loss of American power and international authority. This can only lead to chaos and further international conflict, which may be the aim for the puppeteers who pull the strings, to create chaos and a reduction in US influence. The end-point is the US ceding power to a world body, probably an updated version of the United Nations, which has been a long-held objective of globalists going back to the time of President Woodrow Wilson in the early 20th century.
In a move against God Himself and His laws, “progressives” have thrown themselves into a battle regarding gender and sexuality which is heating up in the US and is spreading to every Western country. Governor Ron DeSantis has signed legislation Florida legislation that would prevent teachers in Florida promoting discussion on sexual orientation and identity with children from kindergarten to grade 3, and for higher grades in “a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate”. The legislation which is likely to be supported by a majority of parents has been falsely dubbed the “don’t say Gay” bill, and Democrats, and everyone in Hollywood, as well as the US President, have come out against it.
The promotion of gender fluidity is intense and aggressive on the left side of politics and alternative views are being silenced. One wonders why the fight against biological fact – God made men and women and there are clear biological and genetic differences - has become one where the left is prepared to fight to the death. The media and Big Tech will silence any opposition to the view that you can be any gender that you wish. There must be another purpose for the promotion of unscientific philosophies and the end-point seems to be no human reproduction at all, which together with “hacking the genome”
puts society on a path towards “a new humanity” as proposed by Klaus Schwab and his henchmen at the World Economic Forum. Even the Disney Corporation has entered the fray (Disney Corporation to fight Florida bill) with, one imagines, significant potential financial downside for the company which seems to be trying to pander to its LGBTQ+ employees rather than being advocates for parents and children. This fight for fake “equality” will be a fight for society’s future and is coming to a school near you and we need to be prepared to stand up for God and His created order.
United Kingdom & Europe
“Partygate”, which almost brought down Boris Johnson, has reared its head again in the UK with the story that 20 people working in No. 10 Downing Street would receive fines, following the distribution of a questionnaire by police in relation to unauthorized parties during Covid lockdowns (Police to find No.10 party attendees). Eventually there will be leaking of names and one of these names could be Boris Johnson the Prime Minister, or Rishi Sunak the Chancellor of the Exchequer (the UK Treasurer).
The Ukraine invasion has pushed “partygate” off the front pages of the UK papers but it does look as though there are stormy waters ahead for Boris and it will be surprising to see him still in office by the end of the year.
The UK government is caught between two horses – development of gas and oil in the North Sea and “climate catastrophe”. Boris has been “all in” for net zero and throwing all non-electric vehicles off the roads. However, you can only put your head in the sand for so long and even Boris surely can see that an energy crisis is coming in the UK and the economy is about to go over the cliff. There may be a change of direction in the name of self-interest- Boris’ survival.
Like the Biden administration in the US, the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak thinks that the solution to the current problems is to spend more government money and enact more government regulation. A financial crisis is looming and it is concerning that a “solution” could be to promote conflict in the Ukraine so that Putin can be blamed for the UK government’s own woes. I watched on UK Column (UK Column) the hapless UK Defense Minister, Ben Wallace, speaking to who he thought was the Ukrainian Prime Minister but was Russian pranksters called “Vovan and Lexus” (UK Defense Minister Pranked). How Wallace is still in his job is a mystery as he spoke to the pranksters at length and provided a vast amount of confidential information. Vovan and Lexus (Vovan and Lexus) have a long history of prank telephone calls including to: Elton John, Mikhail Gorbachev, President Erdogan of Turkey, Prince Harry (they impersonated Greta Thunberg and her father) and Justin Trudeau. Clearly these are gifted guys and should be immediately recruited by British Intelligence to head up MI6!
Russia and Ukraine
John Zmirak at wrote an interesting article last week suggesting that Trump should be approached to broker a peace deal in the Ukraine (Trump to broker peace?) and the idea, although impossible, has much to commend it. Certainly it beats sending Kamala Harris!
While waiting for Trump, President Erdogan is assisting negotiations and it is an interesting move given that Turkey is financially dependent on Russian tourists and Erdogan has moved closer to Russia than Turkey’s NATO allies.
I have been following a range of Ukraine stories from various news sources and I am convinced that the “good guy” image of President Zelensky promoted by most of the mainstream media, is false. There is a sinister background to much of recent Ukrainian history with Neo-Nazi groups in the east (the Azov battalions - Azov Battalions), which have been active for many years. It does seem that Putin had a legitimate reason for calling out Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. With his own son receiving millions of dollars from a Ukrainian energy company, even Joe Biden thought there was widespread corruption in the Ukraine - nothing like first hand first-hand experience!
There is also the emerging story of biolabs in Ukraine set up by the US, and a connection to President Obama and a visit to Ukraine when he was a US Senator and then financial support when he became President. Deleted webpages show that Obama funded biolabs investigating developing deadly pathogens, in his first presidential term in 2010 (Deleted Web Pages). The current US Under-Secretary of State Victoria Nuland (implicated in the 2014 Ukrainian “orange revolution” seemingly engineered by the CIA) admitted that there were US funded biolabs in Ukraine and said that the US was working to prevent Russian forces “seizing biological research material” (Ukrainian Biolabs). There seems to be a large number of US funded biolabs with some reports of dozens of such laboratories (Dozens of Ukrainian Biolabs) and there are even links to Hunter Biden (Hunter and Biolabs).
So it is hard to know all the elements that may be at work in the Ukrainian conflict but it is certain that much of the information promoted by Russia (hard to find these days after de-platforming of Russian media by Big Tech) and the West are not factual but propaganda. As usual in these situations, it is difficult to find the truth. After examining many different sources, I have no doubt that President Zelensky is a “baddie” and I won’t be putting a Ukrainian flag on my front gate. Definitely safer for me to stick with my poster of President Xi (I’m also backing the horse called self-interest)!
China vs The West
Australia seems to have put itself on a collision course with China while President Xi outsmarts Prime Minister Scott Morrison (not a hard thing to do!). Scott has been described by members of his own party as a “bully” and is regarded by many in Canberra as a liar. I think his time is up.
Meanwhile, while Scott is trying to save his own bacon, the Solomon Islands is in discussion with China about military personnel from China being stationed in the Solomons (China and the Solomons), a series of islands situated about 2,000 km northeast of Australia. The Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands said “we need to diversify the country’s relationship with other partners”. The foreign affairs writer for The Australian newspaper says that the security agreement “represents unequivocal failure for Australian policy” (Failure of Australian Foreign Policy). The agreement is another signal of China’s long-term plan for control of the South-Pacific and it will be interesting to see if the US, New Zealand and Australia can offer inducements that will result in the proposed security arrangement being jettisoned by the Solomons.
Meanwhile, China is also at the centre of a new strategic partnership involving many of the enemies of the West (China and Strategic Partnerships). China is currently hosting meetings involving Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Strategic alliances are emerging, with China at the centre of a potential “new world order”.
How this relates to a coming one world government is hard to understand but it is evident that a powerful bloc is developing that is against Western interests and it may be that a new “Iron Curtain” arises. Interestingly, the apparent enemies are committed to a global government and its sustainable priorities, recently highlighted by James Corbett (Corbett and Putin) and so it will be fascinating to see who emerges at the head of the pack. I would put big money on China. As usual, the best strategy is to follow the money.
Israelis must be concerned about the relationship developing between Russia and Iran at the Vienna talks that will result in Iran acquiring nuclear capability (Vienna Nuclear Talks). It seems that the West, and particularly the Biden administration, is desperate to secure an agreement and will do whatever it takes to have Iran sign up, which will increase the threat to international stability.
The issue of Iran, a principal proponent of terrorism globally and particularly against Israel, has been brought to the front of mind this week. The West seems to have a case of collective amnesia in relation to Islamic terrorist attacks and as noted by the website, there have been more than 41,000 Islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11 and 36 attacks just in the last week. In Israel, a terrorist stabbed and killed 4 people in Beersheba on 22nd March (Attack in Beersheba) and on 30th March a Palestinian gunman on a motorcycle fired on crowded areas near Tel Aviv and killed 5 people (Terrorist Attack near Tel Aviv).
Iran and other Islamic countries have encouraged such attacks and repeatedly call for “death to the little and great satan” (Israel and the US). In the West, we haven’t grappled with the fundamentals of Islam and its commitment to violent jihad. Israel understands better than most countries the threat to its existence and we in the West need to take our collective heads out of the sand and stand up for Judeo-Christian values.
Australia almost became a French colony (Australia Almost Became French) which means that we would have had a tradition of much better food, many more people working for the government (after Scandinavian countries, France has the highest number of government employees in Europe) and the centre of Australia could have become the biggest nuclear testing site in the world. Oh well – them’s the breaks!
Because of this near miss and also the influence that France has in European affairs, I thought that my readers should at least have some information about the forthcoming French Presidential elections.
France is dominated by two towering figures – Napoleon and de Gaulle. Their influence is seen in France up until today. I remember being staggered in the 1990s to find that there were almost 30 French national horse stud farms - a legacy of Napoleon’s horse breeding program for the army in the 1800s. No well-paid French bureaucrats wanted to face the challenge of closing them down!
I have spent long periods in France and I love the language, French style, the long lunches, great wines and abhorrence of hard work. Of course there are some issues that have to be addressed: low productivity, bureaucracy out of control, large protests about anything, subsidies everywhere, inability of bosses to fire workers, regulation of everything including cheese and wine, and a core group of communists who still get elected in various localities.
So – how does the French presidential election system work? If you are interested in all the details then look here- French Electoral System. French Presidential elections are held every 5 years since 2002 (before 2002, it was every 7 years). The French elections have two rounds and the voting occurs on Sundays, two weeks apart, always in April or early May. The first round this year will be on April 10th and is paper based. If no candidate gets more than 50% (which never has been achieved), the two candidates with the most votes have a run-off election. This year the run-off will be on 24th April. Usually in France, the eventual choice is between a socialist candidate and a conservative candidate, and the socialists win more often than not.
The current President, Emmanuel Macron, formed his own centrist party – La Répubique en Marche (Republic on the Move) in 2017 and he had immediate success with not only his election but also his party controlling the National Assembly. In France, the President appoints the Prime Minister, senior public servants and military commanders, and so is very influential in government direction.
The main conservative candidate for the Republican Party (similar to the Republican Party in the US or Conservative Party in the UK), Valérie Pécresse, is languishing in 5th place in the opinion polls on around 12%. Eric Zemmour is described as a “hard right” candidate and is a celebrity in France because of his controversial views on immigration and Islam. He currently polls around 13% but his support has decreased in the last weeks after a television debate where he was seen as being too hardline in relation to immigration and religion. The Socialist candidate , Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who is really a Communist, is polling around 12%. The previous Presidential candidate who was in the final runoff against Macron in 2017 is Marine Le Pen who has around 18% support. Emmanuel Macron is polling at 30% (UK Telegraph report on French election).
Therefore, unless there is an event that shakes up the whole process, it seems likely that the run-off on April 24th will be between Macron and Le Pen, who is often described as an extreme-right candidate but is really a nationalist who is suspicious of EU control. Most pundits predict that Macron will be re-elected and he certainly has a high score on the arrogance scale (he thought of himself as a “Trump whisperer” – he was dreaming!).
Unfortunately Macron’s ability does not match his arrogance score and so France will continue its bureaucratic path with over-regulation and high taxation at a time when the economy needs to be freed up and government spending reduced. Macron also is in favour of an EU army distinct from NATO and one suspects that this won’t end well for either Macron or the EU.
Australia has had a falling out with France over cancelling its French submarines (Australia and French Submarines) and so we can’t expect a warm welcome for Australian companies in Paris no matter who is elected.
This is an amazing summary of where we are sitting in the biblical age. It is refreshing to find a man of God boldly speaking Gods truth in this age and linking it to bible prophecy. Thanks for being a faithful watchman of these times.
A tour de force again Reuben - thank you for taking so much care to write and publish the Sons of Issachar. A great addition to the Substack library!