Why Are We Committing to Net-Zero?
Everywhere I look, listen and read, I keep on coming across the term “net-zero” and hysteria about achieving net-zero seems to be gathering pace. It has become adopted as an act of faith by most Western governments and the UK government has even legislated to mandate doing whatever it takes to reach net-zero. For example, in the UK, petrol cars will be run off the road, home heaters banned, people prevented from entering or leaving cities, livestock removed from pastures with “re-wilding” of vast swathes of the countryside while the population scavenge to stay alive. There are similar plans for most other Western countries and as I write this newsletter, the Dutch government is trying to shut down agriculture in the Netherlands as an example for the rest of Europe.
The net-zero mandate was originally to be achieved by 2050 but the United Nations (UN) is pressuring Western countries to adopt net-zero as a matter or urgency, although the highest “polluting” countries appear exempt. The UN has the following definition, “net-zero means cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with any remaining emissions re-absorbed from the atmosphere, by oceans and forests for instance.”
Sounds good, doesn’t it? Well, only as long as it takes to realize what is required to achieve net-zero. It is nothing less than an assault on every aspect of modern life. Oil refineries will be closed, gas production stopped, petrol and diesel cars outlawed, farming shut down, travel prevented, eating of meat outlawed, and modern agriculture abandoned in favour of “re-wilding”. Of course, there will need to be currency control and so programmable central bank digital currencies will be introduced. Then, when you go to buy some meat, you will find that your digital currency won’t allow it.
Net-zero has been sold to the West because of hysterical warnings about sea rises and polar bear extinction and prolonged drought (or floods – whichever is convenient). Still, despite the lack of evidence of a crisis, the climate change juggernaut rolls on with indoctrination of schoolchildren and support by all the mainstream media. This crazy suicide mission is supported by most political parties in the West, but it may be that the reality of what net-zero means may finally be starting to hit. Huge increases in energy prices are impacting every Western country. In Australia, the relatively new left-wing Labor government, under pressure from the Greens has sought to prevent oil, coal and gas exploration and development. Australia is abundant in all these natural energy sources. If the Australian population was wiped out in a mass extinction event, there would be zero impact on global greenhouse emissions.
All the energy giants and even politicians must know that what is being proposed in achieving net-zero will be cataclysmic in its effects on the population of the West. Despite this, the climate runaway train continues full-speed ahead on the track to global disaster. You don’t need to be a great scientist or mathematician to understand that so-called renewable energy sources cannot replace our reliance on fossil fuels, if we are to maintain our standards of living and current population. It reminds me of a great Gary Larson cartoon from some years ago where a manager is presenting a business plan and he says, “In year three, a meteorite will hit an ATM and give us lots of cash”. The global net-zero crowd seems to be trying to present a similar scenario except that their message is: don’t worry, if you embrace our plans “by 2030, you will own nothing and be happy”.
Computer Models and Experts
What is happening in the world that could have produced such crazy hypnosis of the Western populace so that the majority is clamouring for more energy restrictions and willingly walking into a future of poverty and energy scarcity? Well – it all has to do with the modelers with clever computer analyses that claim to understand all the elements of climate (what amazing arrogance). They then predict from all from their modelsdeath and disaster for us all. The purveyors of computer models seem to have lost no credibility despite all the models for the COVID-19 pandemic being wildly pessimistic and simply wrong. Climate models are infinitely more complex than models about disease spread, and yet the modellers could not approach reality. Clearly, there is a larger plot afoot. You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorist to put the details together and realize that we are being moved towards global depopulation. What is behind all this?
Down the Rabbit Hole into Wuhan
Well – it is too big a topic to cover in this newsletter. Nonethess, I am going to have a go in sketching out the big picture. It involves going on a journey down “the rabbit hole”, as James Delingpole says in his wonderful podcasts called “The Delingpod”. My own expedition down the rabbit hole started in mid-2020 as I realized that something was wrong in the narrative we were being given, in relation to COVID-19. After following “the science”, I was certain that information about the dreaded coronavirus that we were being bombarded with was biased and we were being forced to accept a narrative that was identical in most Western countries.
This narrative was that at a wet market in Wuhan, an unfortunate exposure by humans to exotic animals had caused a pandemic. We also were told that there was no treatment but that vaccines were on their way (Operation Warp Speed – how cool does that sound?) and that these vaccines would save us all. I did some checking with veterinary colleagues who were virologists. I discovered that coronaviruses as a group were extremely difficult to formulate vaccines against and that there had been no successful coronavirus vaccines produced for animals.
I then came across a number of credible US doctors who explained more about COVID-19 and the range of preventive and treatment options. Various simple natural treatments, for example, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and zinc, seemed to be effective in ameliorating the severe impact of COVID-19. Drugs recommended by these doctors, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, were being vilified by government officials and even worse, were being restricted from prescription. I came across the interesting videos of Dr Vladmir Zelenko, who became famous for his direct appeal to President Trump regarding use of what became the infamous Zelenko protocol to treat COVID-19. Later, Dr Zelenko was involved in President Trump’s treatment when the President became seriously ill with COVID-19.
The outpouring of contempt for the very safe drug, ivermectin puzzled me. I had long-term experience with this drug in horses and cattle, and I knew of its safety. Yet, any suggestion that COVID-19 could be treated was derided by government officials and doctors were threatened with de-registration if they prescribed either hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. Why was this so? Why was it that for the first time in history, doctors in the West were being threatened with de-registration in relation to using their judgment about prescribing drugs that had a high safety margin? Then later, doctors were threatened with de-registration if they spoke against the experimental “vaccines”. The answer became evident when I read what was needed for the US drug registration authority, the FDA, to allow an emergency use authorization (EUA) for these experimental injections. An EUA requires that there are no other treatments that can be considered, and any of the proposed COVID-19 vaccines would normally require a five to 10-year testing period before being made available. Clearly, drugs that were potential effective could not be allowed if the vaccines, in which governments had invested billions of dollars, were to receive an EUA. There was a global government strategy to lockdown populations, force virtually untested injections into the arms of billions of people and control and monitor people’s movements. Leaders like Justin Trudeau had already expressed their admiration for the draconian approaches of the Chinese government. With only minor objections, most of the West meekly submitted to tyrannical government overreach. Shockingly, a huge majority of the medical profession in the West, submitted to government intrusion into the doctor-patient relationship. Doctors became willing government flunkies.
It's All About Technocracy
As I was contemplating how we could have found ourselves in this situation of complete government overreach and propaganda (which obviously had been coming for quite some time), I came across James Delingpole’s first interview with Patrick Wood. I have included a link to this interview here - because it was the first time that I had heard the term technocracy. In essence, technocracy means the control of society by a group of scientist and engineers who make “scientific” decisions with the outcome being the regulation of society through the control of what they see as the key item of currency - energy. Patrick Wood has been studying and writing on the issue of technocracy since the 1970s and it is worthwhile reading his books and subscribing to his daily newsletter.
The technocracy movement started in the US and Canada in the early 1930s (interestingly, Elon Musk’s grandfather was an early advocate). Smart engineers and scientists later based at Stanford University and with Rockefeller funding, decided that our current system of democracy was too messy and difficult to keep the world on track. Their proposal was that a group of elite technocrats be given control and that the major currency would be energy. The movement attracted huge interest and membership until WWII intervened and the movement, which had fascist overtones, fell into disrepute. However, the ideas behind technocracy were resurrected in the 1950s and 1960s, eventually leading to the influential book published by the Club of Rome, called “The Limits to Growth”, predicting global overpopulation and scarcity of resources. I clearly remember seeing various experts talking on television in the 1970s who predicted global population disaster. They claimed that the earth could not support then its population of 3.8 billion people. Like all models, the experts were wrong and fifty years later, the “unsustainable” population of 3.8 billion has now doubled. There seems to be a consistent lesson for us here doesn’t there – don’t trust the experts and particularly those with computer models.
The Rio Earth Summit and Its Impact
This propaganda though was highly effective and eventually lead to the UN’s Rio Earth “Earth Summit” in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Various recommendations were adopted at this summit and an allied conference on biodiversity. The end result was Agenda 21, a global plan to control every aspect of life on the planet. This group was highly influential because the plan made its way into every local government area through what was established as the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), now called Local Governments for Sustainability . Without any votes being taken, the cunning plans for global government control were mandated in 2,500 local councils in more than 125 countries. Last year I came across a big folder that was located in our local council, which I found had signed up to this “initiative” about 20 years previously, without anyone knowing.
Of course, the measures weren’t extreme enough for the modelers and so we now have Agenda 2030 with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals , which are operating in the background of every Western country. This has led to annual climate meetings – called COP – the obscurely titled “Conference of Parties”, held by the UN and most recently in Egypt. The histrionic predictions of global disaster increase with each COP meeting. It is worthwhile immersing yourself in some of the detail of Agenda 2030 because the global net-zero agenda is coming, whether we’re ready or not. Here is a link. You will find all the buzzwords and phrases: “universal peace”, “prosperity”, “equality”, “end to poverty”, “secure our planet”, “sustainability”, “harmony with nature”, “strengthened global solidarity” etc. This can all be achieved by handing over our autonomy to global overlords. Doesn’t this sound great?
How then is Net-Zero Related to COVID-19?
Does all this talk about net-zero have anything to do with the COVID-19 pandemic? Yes, it does. The “climate crisis” didn’t seem to be having traction, no matter how many hysterical outbursts there were from a disturbed Swedish schoolgirl. A new crisis had to be created and this was signaled in advance with Event201 - funded in large by the Gates Foundation at Johns Hopkins University. The exercise brought together “experts” in October 2019 to create a strategy to deal with the escape of an animal coronavirus into the human population, with a subsequent world health crisis. Strategies were devised and amazingly, there was a coronavirus crisis, just a few months later. Emergency pandemic legislation, that had been lying in wait, was activated and suddenly we had no freedom of movement or even freedom to make decisions about our own health. With travel restrictions and lockdowns, the net-zero crowd and climate modellers were delighted. What was touted as 15 days to prevent overloading of the health system, continued for several years until even the most extreme advocates of government lockdowns could not sustain their argument.
Now, we have returned to “normal”, except that emergency pandemic legislation is lying in wait for us and whole populations have been pre-programmed to accept government overreach and control for the next “pandemic”. Cunning tools like “green passports” have been developed and it is certain that another pandemic is being planned. The WHO is seeking control to declare pandemics and then mandate responses by national governments under their direction. Hysterical statements are being made by the Marxist UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, about the urgency of achieving net-zero. Undoubtedly, this will involve further government controls over every area of life, and probably further lockdowns. To achieve this result, life on our planet will cease in any form that we have known. The globalists know this, but the general population appears to be like a frog in a pot of water being slowly brought to the boil.
What Can We Do?
We need to stand against what is essentially a godless agenda. At the heart of this net-zero disaster is an arrogance that humans can actually control the climate, that clearly is impacted by millions of variables. Hidden behind the process and the funding from governments and foundations is the worship of the creation rather than the creator.
The great apostle Paul wrote about this 2,000 years ago. He described the fact that God’s “invisible attributes” were clearly seen (Romans 1:20) but those who have rejected God, “exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator” (Romans 1:25). It is important that we expose the folly of the net-zero wipeout. We each can do something to make people aware of what is happening. I listened last week to Sandi Adams, a UK woman of mature years, who understood what was happening with the climate hoax, ten years ago, and went on a one-woman crusade, speaking in small village halls across England. She has had a real impact, and it is worthwhile listening to her interview with James Delingpole at this link
She is inspiring and demonstrates what one person can do to stand against the globalist agenda.
Macron and the Revolution
It looks as though France is going up in flames because of President Macron’s decision to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. The French have a sense of entitlement because the majority work for the state in some capacity, and unions have been effective at gaining concessions from the government by consistently taking to the streets when there is something they don’t like. This present crisis is serious and Macron, who is already seen as an elitist technocrat with even more Gallic arrogance than is considered reasonable, has become a hated figure in France. This week I read an interesting article by the historian Robert Tombs . Tombs writes,
“He presides over a constitutional system that a distinguished French writer once described as ‘so dangerous that it would be criminal to put it in the hands of even a saint’. This is the Fifth Republic, created for General de Gaulle in the 1950s as what the chief draughtsman of its constitution described as a ‘Republican monarchy’.” In the article, the French Revolution of 1789 is cited and Tombs writes that the Revolution “engendered mass violence, several coups d’état, three restorations, 14 constitutions, two empires, one “State” and five republics.”
What a mess!
Because of the powers of the President, Tombs notes that “parliament is not an effective transmitter of public sentiment, and governments have been regularly taken by surprise.” It’s anyone’s guess about the outcome of the current showdown but the gilets jaunes movement, which began in November 2018 in response to President Macron taxing fuel to shown his “green” credentials, demonstrated the power of French protests because Macron was forced to climb down. It’s not impossible that Macron could be forced from power but certainly, there is likely to be significant instability in France in the days ahead. As the French say, “Vive la revolution”!
Netanyahu’s Challenges in Israel
Benjamin Netanyahu is a great political survivor and despite ongoing legal challenges related to charges of corruption, he has pressed on and regained power in the last election in late 2022. Israeli politics is amongst the most complicated in the world because a single party never has sufficient seats in the Knesset to govern in their own right. The result is that coalitions of parties with sometimes little in common have to be formed and each of these parties has their own self-interest, sometimes in opposition to their coalition partners. Netanyahu has been determined to reform the legal system and I don’t think that it is entirely because of his own long-standing legal difficulties. Judges in Israel are appointed by other members of the judiciary and invariably are left-wing. Netanyahu wants to even the balance and implement a system similar to other Western countries, where judges are appointed by the government. There have been massive protests and I have seen the demonstrations described as a “popular uprising”. I am quite doubtful about this as Professor Yuval Harari, the World Economic Forum “prophet” has been a key person in the organization of the protests.
I always appreciate Amir Tsafarti’s writing and he has written an extensive piece about the protests. This particular passage provides some helpful overview,
“This is not primarily about Netanyahu’s reforms; it is about Netanyahu himself. The first of his three stints in office began back in 1996. Since then, he has spent more than 15 of the next 26 years in office. Liberals in Israel absolutely loathe Bibi. Think of the level of vitriol the American left feels for the 45th president. Now imagine the absolute meltdown that would take place if he were reelected in 2024. That is what happened in Israel this past November. When the majority of Israelis tossed out the disastrous, liberal “government of change” and instead brought back in conservative Netanyahu, the Left slipped into emotional breakdown. They vowed that one way or another they would bring Netanyahu and his government down, and from day one they were on the attack. Opposing judicial reform is not a root cause for the elite left; it is simply a tactic.”
It is worthwhile reading the whole article which can be found at this link:
Netanyahu is now on the back foot, having had to remove a government minister and putting judicial reforms on hold because of the violent protests. It bodes poorly for conservatives in Israel and Tsafarti writes,
“This is not something that Israel can just bounce back from. Now that Netanyahu has paused the judicial reform, both the Left and the Right are angry. As much as I want him to remain in power, I am afraid that the days of his administration are numbered.”
This is bad news because the winners will be those who are fundamentally opposed to Israel.
Will the Dutch Farmers Win?
For almost the last 10 years, the Dutch government has been mobilising against their own farmers, who are the second largest exporters of agricultural products in the world. You would wonder how this could be? Well, it is another example of the reach of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its President, Klaus Schwab, who has extraordinary influence on the Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte. Rutte seems to be a WEF puppet in thrall to the climate change agenda. In the name of combating greenhouse gases, the Dutch farmers have been targeted for causing the climate crisis over a number of years. Most recently, the issue has been nitrogen. The Dutch farmers, some of the most conservative people in the world, took to the streets in the tractors and blocked food distribution centers. They then ran candidates in the Dutch provincial senate elections and their Farmer Citizen Movement won a majority of seats. It doesn’t seem to have made any difference to the ruling party’s policies as they have declared that they will press on with their intention of shutting down farms and reclaiming the land for housing.
This story is important because similar policies are coming our way throughout the world as agriculture is targeted for being climate vandals. The real story is that this is part of a larger agenda to force farmers off the land and create 15-min cities where everyone is locked down and monitored to ensure greenhouse gases are controlled. It is worthwhile listening to an important recent podcast from the Spectator magazine with Eva Vlaadingerbroek, a Dutch legal philosopher, writer and political activist at this link -
Eva provides a helpful overview of what has happened in Holland with the farmers, and we all need to be alert because undoubtedly, similar policies are coming to a country near you!
Each week, I seem to be a bearer of bad news. Partly this is because there is little good news and we have to be alert to the various groups, governments, foundations and evil doers, trying to make us into slaves. Just like Alcoholics Anonymous, the first step is to understand reality and take a personal inventory. We need to be aware ourselves and make others aware of the range of ways that our individual freedoms are being destroyed. If we are clever frogs, we will jump out of the pot of water that is being slowly heated!
Well put as always, Reuben and you might enjoy this...