I have been thinking this week about how we see the world. In my early twenties, I wrote a musical for children about the journey of a grasshopper searching for his place in the world. My underlying thesis was that humans were good and if conditions could just be made better on the earth then all would be well. Somehow, the words of the last song of the musical came to mymind today:
“Wake up your eyes to see the trees
Wake up your mind to feel the breeze
Love is there if you will see
Waiting to be found”
My assumption was that evil didn’t really exist but occasionally there were bad people. I remember a notable moment in my twenties when my first wife and I went for pre-marriage counselling. The minister talked about the devil and I said,
“no one believes in the devil anymore”.
He stunned me by saying,
“Well, I do”.
I liked this man who was smart, well-informed and if he believed in the devil, then I needed to rethink my understanding of the world. However, I didn’t really have a framework for the devil and so I continued in my belief about all being beautiful and everyone being good. It was only when I was confronted by another minister some years later and asked,
“If you died today, what reason would you give to God to be allowed into heaven”,
that I realized that I could give no reasonable excuse. I knew I wasn’t a good person but how could this be? Gradually, I came to realize that I was seeing the world through a lens of fantasy – how I wanted it to be rather than how it was.
Our forefathers knew clearly that there was an age-old battle between good and evil, and during the 1950s and 1960s, this was evident in the struggle between the free West and the communists. The philosophy of godless communism and subservience to the state demonstrated the battle between good and evil, but millions in the West still believed in communism. There is something appealing about equality and equity – we should all have the same “stuff”. Of course, in communism, the result of this philosophy is that everyone is equally miserable, apart from those in charge. This is the future that the World Economic Forum and its acolytes are planning for us!
Recently, I have been reading the three-volume biography of Margaret Thatcher by Charles Moore - and it is notable how clearly Thatcher understood this existential battle. She was uncompromising and had a significant influence on President Reagan. Although both these figures are still loathed by the left, together, they stood with certainty that the core struggle was between good and evil.
The fall of the Berlin Wall and the USSR changed many things in the world, including the concept that we are caught in an eternal struggle between good and evil. Suddenly there were no enemies, and even communist China was our “friend”. George H.W. Bush spoke of a new world order, and at the time, this seemed like good news. However, the “free” West, with its moral foundations based on Christianity, seemed to forget these origins and gradually moved towards a utopian, collectivist and authoritarian future. This future is one that requires the installation of a global government, control of the population and total control of information and the economy so that we all think the same way and only spend what the government allows.
In Australia, one target has been schoolchildren, with the imposition of a national curriculum that doesn’t emphasize literacy or numeracy but rather the various social causes du jour. In a recent report from Australia’s Institute for Public Affairs, Dr Bella d’Abrera notes, “Australian students should be learning how to read and write, yet the latest version of the National Curriculum is indoctrinating them with identity politics, critical race theory, and radical green ideology…Children being taught according to the dictates of the Australian National Curriculum stand no chance of developing the vital skills they will need to succeed in life…The cross-curriculum priorities permanently embedded in the National Curriculum mean that political indoctrination is almost impossible to avoid, no matter which school your child attends”. Dr d’Abrera’s report is titled “De-educating Australia: How the National Curriculum is Failing Australian Children” and can be obtained by going to this link.
Marxists have gained total domination of the education system, which is now controlled by the political left, and what is happening in Australia is being reproduced in most Western countries. It’s increasingly difficult to determine the differences between the “free” West and communist China. Surveillance, population control, indoctrination, and de-platforming of unacceptable speech are now hallmarks of Western societies. This has come about because of failure to teach and understand the lessons of history and an unwillingness to believe in the fundamental struggle between good and evil. Satan, the serpent of old, has gained the upper hand in society and has even managed to infiltrate the church. It is easy to see his influence throughout society because Jesus tells us that satan is a “murderer from the beginning”, “there is no truth in him”, and he is “the father of lies” (John 8:44). So we have to wake up and see the outworking of the satanic influences throughout society.
Everything begins with how we see the world. Because God has been eliminated from society, satan has had a field day in all major areas: media, arts and entertainment, the economy, law, politics, education, and even the family. Not only that but satan’s domination of all these areas has become accepted and normalized. The elimination of God from society has resulted in the rejection of the idea of satan and, therefore, an inability to recognize evil.
The inability to recognize evil became more apparent to me this week when I listened to a podcast with Eric Metaxas interviewing Dr Naomi Wolf -
Metaxas drew attention to Nazi Germany, and the evil unleashed there, even with the church's support. He has outlined this in detail in his book “Bonhoeffer”, which is definitely a book for our times.
Naomi Wolf was a darling of the left just a few short years ago but was woken up by the realization of the damage inflicted on humanity through the COVID-19 vaccines. She was a Yale classmate of Metaxas and has had several interviews on his show. It is worthwhile taking the time to listen to this latest interview, which focuses on the release of the paperback version of her book titled, “War Room/Daily Clout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports: Find Out What Pfizer, FDA Tried to Conceal”.
Despite the almost incomprehensible title, the book is one everyone should read. It contains the analysis of Pfizer’s documents by more than 3,500 volunteers who scoured the data submitted to the FDA, which the FDA tried to have hidden from scrutiny for 75 years. These Pfizer documents demonstrate the evil intent behind their “vaccine”, with early evidence of death and severe damage to major body systems, covered up by the FDA. Dr Wolf states that it is one of the greatest crimes against humanity ever recorded, but even more so because all the mainstream media have also covered it up. Here is just one finding of the analysis of Pfizer’s own data outlined in the book:
“During the vaccine rollout in early 2021, cases of myopericarditis (inflammation of the heart lining and muscle) were reported to Pfizer, and one month before the EUA for teens was granted (May 2021), a peer-reviewed study showed that 35 teenagers had suffered myocarditis after their Pfizer vaccines. In August 2021, after millions of teens had received the vaccine, FDA, CDC, and Pfizer issued the warning about myocarditis risk in teens.”
Dr Wolf also discussed the horrific impact of the injection on reproduction and likely future infertility. The drastic decline in birth rates across Western nations seems almost certainly related to the impact of the injections. Pfizer and the FDA knew about the risks to young people’s hearts from the vaccine but went ahead with the vaccine rollout. They also knew about myriad other side effects but suppressed the information.
What has happened to Naomi Wolf is a complete change in how she sees the world. She is Jewish and now understands the nature of the ongoing battle between good and evil and the satanic influences which dominate society. As a former liberal agnostic, she has returned to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and is trying to wake people up to the reality of evil in the world. Listening to her talk over several months, you can sense that she is on a journey into a reality totally different from her former beliefs. She now sees the world from a Biblical viewpoint, and her journey is instructive to all of us who have eliminated the idea of satan and evil from our vocabularies. Even when presented with evidence of evil, many fail to believe it could be true because it is not how they see the world. They are like me writing my kid’s musical about peace and love in the world. I was totally deceived!
Sons of Issachar readers – it is time for a reality check! There is much more to write about this because how we see the world is fundamental to how we make sense of what is happening around us. Despite the horrific overreach of governments with clear evidence of evil intent by Big Pharma, medicine and the media, people have returned to life as though none of this happened. Unless we can see the world as it is – and the battle of good versus evil, we will go like lambs to the slaughter., singing songs about peace and love.
The United Kingdom
Each day I am staggered by the news from the UK, and it has been a fantastic week. Here are just a few items:
A Muslim is favourite to win the leadership of the Scottish Nation Party,
An audit report in Scotland has shown that there was corruption in the tendering process for vital ferries, with a five-fold blowout in costs and a 7-year delay in their delivery,
Rishi Sunak, the UK Prime Minister, declared an income of £5 million over the past five years,
Northern Ireland has been sold down the drain in the new Brexit deal with the EU, which gives the EU control of that part of the UK. So much for independence for the EU. The UK Parliament voted this week to endorse this terrible deal,
The London Metropolitan Police have been declared to be structurally racist, homophobic and misogynistic in a 363-page report handed down this week by Baroness Louise Casey,
140,000 UK children have not returned to school following the COVID-19 lockdown,
Illegal immigrants continue to pour into the UK. The government has no solution and is trying to send them to Rwanda,
Boris Johnson, the former UK Prime Minister, risks being thrown out of Parliament due to an investigation by the Parliamentary Privileges Committee. The investigation, or more properly,“show trial”, asserts that he knowingly lied to the Parliament about parties held in No. 10 Downing Street during the COVID-19 lockdowns,
A COVID-19 enquiry has been launched in the UK and is due to take seven years! Despite the enquiry not having started, 150 lawyers have already been hired, and the cost, even before a submission has been made, already is £150 million,
Both sides of politics are racing to the bottom to embrace the politics of envy,
Prince William, the Prince of Wales, visited Poland and joined Palace staff at an LGBTQ+ restaurant in Warsaw,
Edinburgh schools tell children that if you don’t know whom you fancy, you’re “queer”.
Some of these stories appear to be fiction, but they’re not. They’re signs of the UK's decline and the woke agenda’s rise. Australia and New Zealand are rapidly following suit. King Charles’ coronation in May looks to be set to be a woke festival, and with the death of the Queen, the Palace has moved to the extreme left, apparently signing their death warrant. You can read about some of these stories at this link:
The Rise of AI
Many people have now tried ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence tool being foisted on the world. Technocracy News had an important article this week titled, “Chat GPT May Have Irreversible Consequences for Learning and Decision Making”. Patrick Wood, the editor of Technocracy News notes,
“There are two aspects of the mind. One concerns what you think, and AI can stuff your brain full of nonsense in the blink of an eye. The second aspect is how you think or arrive at conclusions, beliefs, etc. ChatGPT and look-a-likes have the potential to rewire your brain and quietly change your decision-making pathways. This is particularly dangerous for youth up to age 25, as brains are being set for life.”
The article is important to read because ChatGPT and its successors will make their way into every area of life.
Is the US Economy Breaking Down?
As goes the US, so goes the world. The bailout of banks in these last few weeks has demonstrated how weak the financial system is. Also apparent is the remarkable incompetence of the leadership of Central Banks, who failed to understand that the trillions of dollars being splashed around the economy must have some negative downstream impacts. There has been an embrace by the political left of modern monetary theory, a simple version of which is that governments can print money with impunity. It is now clear that this is incorrect. Gold and silver are being bought in large amounts to hedge against coming inflation, and Bitcoin once again has rallied to 6-month highs. There was an interesting article in ZeroHedge this week quoting the billionaire investor Carl Icahn - Icahn said that “the U.S. economy is at a breaking point, blaming “worse than mediocre” leadership and warning that soaring inflation threatens to topple America’s position on the world stage.”
All Western governments went on a spending spree during COVID-19, and we have yet to see all the impacts fully. There are many more challenges to come, as it is certain that the regulators who caused the problem are unable to fix it.
German Health Minister Says that COVID Vaccines Can Cause Permanent Disabilities
After years of governments promoting the idea that the COVID-19 experimental injections were “safe and effective”, it was surprising this last week to see that the German Health Minister admitted that the vaccines could cause adverse reactions. He contended that the vaccines could cause adverse effects in 1 in 10,000 people. The data recorded in the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) indicates a much higher rate of significant side effects. Nonetheless, this is the first time a prominent Western leader has admitted any problems associated with the “vaccines”. The minister was asked what he would say to those whom the vaccine has adversely impacted, and he is reported to have expressed,
“What’s happened to these people is absolutely dismaying, and every single case is one too many,” Lauterbach responded. “I honestly feel very sorry for these people. There are severe disabilities, and some of them will be permanent.”
This is at least a start, but most Western Health Ministers will not acknowledge any problems related to the experimental injections and that there is no evidence that the injections protect even against COVID-19. The mainstream press still refuses to publish anything that would question the “vaccines” safety and effectiveness, but the truth cannot be suppressed forever.
The Xi-Putin Meeting
Besties, Presidents Putin and Xi, met in Moscow, and there were lavish celebrations to cement this friendship, which previously was said to “have no limits”. The dinner menu included: quail and mushrooms, sturgeon soup, pomegranate sorbet, Artic fish, venison and a pavlova dessert. I would have loved to have attended! This meeting is significant to the future world order because an axis is forming that involves Iran and Saudi Arabia, and will promote a more central economic role for the Chinese yuan. Ukraine is the “prize”, and Ukrainians are paying the price for the conflict between the East and West. Breitbart News has an interesting article which provides some details about the meeting, including President Xi’s 12-point peace plan which any of the parties involved will never accept. The Breitbart News article said:
“Xi said when he landed in Moscow that his regime is ready to “stand guard over the world order based on international law” and “resolutely defend the U.N.-centric international system,” which seems like a hollow boast for a leader who refuses to denounce an invasion the U.N. has resoundingly condemned on several occasions over the past year.”
We are living in dangerous times internationally, and China is cementing its relationships in the Middle East, Africa and South America, as well as with their sizeable Russian neighbour.
Meanwhile, as illegal migrants pour across the U.S. southern border and the financial system melts down, Joe Biden has spent his time hosting the cast of the hit streaming series “Ted Lasso” - and handing out medallions to Bruce Springsteen and other left-wing entertainers. Crisis – what crisis?
Also, last week I heard Bradley Thayer interviewed on Steve Bannon’s War Room. He is a China expert and wrote an article that is worthwhile reading. It is called – “A dangerous history repeats: Xi Jinping’s regime is insecure and illegitimate”. He provides a historical context related to the direction that the Chinese regime is heading. He notes that:
“Xi makes frequent references in his speeches to the greatness of Chinese civilization in an effort to enlist its greatness to prop up his illegitimate regime.”
Thayer provides valuable context to what will likely be the significant 21st-century battle between East and West.
The most staggering news this week for me is that American hegemony is now officially over. America is effectively finished. And Satan is now officially fully in charge. To me the fight with Satan has always been over the big stuff. And it doesn't get bigger than this.
Saudi Arabia and Iran— Sunni & Shiite Muslim— are sworn enemies, yet China just brokered a peace deal between them. China.
Saudi Arabia is talking about settling their oil trades in the Yuan, replacing the dollar. This is in spite of being allied with the US.
There is also discussion of Saudi Arabia and Iran joining the BRICS alliance.
-South Africa
That would mean all of the major oil producing countries in the world would be part of the same alliance. These countries also make up half of the global population. And I imagine there would be a level of protection safeguarding Iran from American invasion.
Most apparent, there is no need or room for the US in this new boys club. There is no seat at the table of this super alliance.
For those who cannot see the catastrophe The US Deep State has made America, its values, and its global status a laughing stock. It has taken its much vaunted Bill of Rights for granted, spent all the time and resources prosecuting political dissenters and handed victory to Communism. And it's the Americans in charge who have creamed off the profits of this manouevre and will tell the world they're political Creed is the Holy of Holies. It was a fiasco when America allowed socialism in the back door.
This is the biggest story of my lifetime. I would never have imagined it.
It speaks to all you've written about so correctly.
And yet noone seems to care.
Great piece Reuben. Have you read any of Gary North’s work? He was (he died in 2021) a prodigious Christian Libertarian writer whose major contribution was a detailed analysis of the economic principles embedded in the Bible and his powerful construction of a Christian philosophy of property rights and free enterprise based on the “hierarchy of stewardship”. Start with “Inherit The Earth” available from www.garynorth.com