It sometimes feels as though some of us are living in a parallel universe. For example, there is no shortage of extensive information available about the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines and their lack of effectiveness. A friend send me a recent update from Dr Geert Vanden Bossche who is now based in the US and has a website called – Voice for Science and Solidarity . Dr Vanden Bossche, is a former senior Pfizer scientist, who has proposed that the WHO not recommend vaccination against the Omicron strain of the coronavirus. In his latest newsletter (#25), he has provided summaries of a range of articles indicating health problems associated with the coronavirus vaccines. He reports on 15 studies – all with the theme that COVID-19 vaccination provides no benefits and likely significant detriments to health. It is worthwhile reading Dr Vanden Bossche’s newsletter. In 2020, he warned about the dangers of vaccination, particularly during a pandemic, even before vaccines were released and mandated by governments. All this information has been ignored by government health departments and most doctors seem unaware of the mounting evidence demonstrating the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines and their ineffectiveness. Adverse events continue to climb in reports submitted to the various US , UK and European databases yet there are no reports in the mainstream media. The UK Column team reported this week that when some of the serious effects of the vaccines are drawn to the attention of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), no action is taken to investigate. Anecdotally you will find that almost every person you talk to knows someone in their immediate circle who has had a serious side effect from vaccination – stroke, heart problems, neurological problems and impacts on immune function being the most common.
All of this came home to me this week when I visited my local doctor who told me that I had some blood results that indicated a problem with my immunity, particularly to viruses. He told me not to worry because the COVID-19 vaccines were completely effective and had been shown to have no side effects and so I should get one as soon as possible. Having avoided the vaccines to date, I decided not to argue but walked out of the office as quickly as possible! This advice, probably given to many patients must be having damaging effects on health in the local community here and obviously is magnified many times around the world each day by other medical practitioners who promote the vaccines. The only option seems to be to live in an alternative universe. Could this bad health advice just be incompetence or is it something more malevolent?
It could be incompetence but when a pattern is repeated many times, it becomes clear that there is a central hand behind solutions devised for the created problems. The 32nd President of the US, Franklin D. Roosevelt famously quoted “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way”. We need to take notice of Roosevelt who had information about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 and did nothing to warn about it – apparently to draw the US into war, as outlined in a recent 90 minute documentary
So – what we are seeing all around us today is unlikely to be incompetence but rather a planned response.
A number of commentators have written about the strategy behind the crises we have been experiencing as the Hegelian Dialectic – Problem, Reaction, Solution. Most recently I read a good article by James Corbett – on the controlled demolition of the US economy, highlighting the Hegelian philosophy and I recommend that my readers read the Corbett article. I have attempted to show this Problem, Reaction, Solution concept in a simple diagram below and have provided a summary from The Truthers Journal – from an article published in early 2020. In this article The Problem, Reaction, Solution Paradigm is described as follows:
1. The government creates or exploits a problem blaming it on others (false flag).
2. The people react by asking the government for help - willing to give up their rights.
3. The government offers the solution that was planned long before the crisis.
In the problem, reaction, solution diagram (Figure 1) below, I have given some recent examples of this idea. The important thing is to understand that the solutions have been prepared in advance and so it is just a matter of creating the problem and then awaiting the predicted reaction. The coronavirus “pandemic” has been the most successfully fashioned “problem” to date. It was difficult to promote a sufficient sense of urgency in relation to climate, apart from the creation of eco-anxiety in school children. With the coronavirus, existing biosecurity legislation enabled Western governments to restrict people’s freedom, implement lockdowns and mandate vaccination with untested vaccines. The success of this assault on the world population has provided governments with a new attempt to extend the idea of a health emergency to include climate change. The World Health Organization described climate change as the “single biggest health threat facing humanity”. The US Defence Secretary also has described climate change as the biggest security threat (don’t worry about China). You would hope that all these folks are joking but they’re not. They have identified a solution – give us more power and we can fix the problem – whatever it is! We can anticipate further health crises because such emergencies provide the opportunity to use biosecurity legislation that was anticipated for use in just such events and enable complete government control.
Figure 1: Some examples of the Hegelian Dialectic – Problem-Reaction-Solution
So - without even being a conspiracy theorist, the situation looks very stark and we find that there is a plot against us. As I wrote a few weeks ago – all we have to do (quoting Dick and James Delingpole) is to remember that “they hate us and want to kills us”! Governments will seek more power and an elite global group will manipulate us to gain further control, independent of national interests.
Most people seem unaware of what is happening behind the scenes and believe the government propaganda which has been finely honed by communications consultants armed with hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars. However, one of the benefits of the COVID-19 emergency, is that it is very difficult to believe that there is an innocent explanation in relation to the handling of the “plandemic” and that governments have our best interests in mind. Independent experts like Dr Vanden Bossche can demonstrate that governments are ignoring information about the danger to the health of populations associated with their policies and this information is widely known. The fact that the same policies were implemented in all western countries also is evidence that there appears to be a globally coordinated approach under the direction of a central figure, with the desired outcome being global control over national populations. This is the designated “solution” to all the crises we see in the Problem-Reaction-Solution paradigm. It is important to be aware of what is happening behind the scenes but also it is disturbing to think that the world is not as it seems and that some of us are living in an alternate universe where our freedoms are under daily threat but most others are unaware of the plot against them.
I have felt a bit overwhelmed this week by the evil and bad news in the world and not just about how the coronavirus and climate change are being used against us. The rule of law is being eroded in the US as District Attorneys funded by George Soros choose not to prosecute serious crime and so encourage it. Then with the US Supreme Court handing down a ruling about abortion in relation to the 1973 Roe v Wade judgment, lawlessness has been encouraged by not enforcing the existing law (18 US Code #1507) that prevents judges being targeted in their homes by protestors. Even worse, this week I read that there have been 23 attacks on pregnancy support centers by a group called Jane’s Revenge, in various US states. These attacks have been largely ignored in reporting by the mainstream media and even disregarded by the US Justice Department. Jane’s Revenge is one where there are real domestic terrorists unlike the “fake” domestic terrorists promoted by Biden’s Justice Department where the definition seems to be anyone who supports President Trump!
Now, as I looked back through my newsletters over the last months, I realized that they are mostly bad news and for some, could be depressing. Late last night, as I was contemplating the perspective I have communicated, I recognized that while everything I have written about I believe is true, I haven’t promoted the importance of interpreting everything though the lens of hope – and for the Sons of Issachar – hope in the God of the Bible.
So – what is hope? Hope is a word used in a particular way in the Bible and quite differently to how we use the same word in everyday language. We say things like: “I hope that I win the lottery”, “I hope that my children don’t get onto drugs”, “I hope that the weather improves” or “I hope that I don’t get caught”! It is a kind of pervasive optimism well known as part of the Australian character and typified by the expression “she’ll be right” which means – I reckon everything will be OK. I remember during a recent serious bushfire (known as wildfires in the US) in Australia, watching a man in a television interview in the Blue Mountains outside of Sydney. He was dressed in shorts, singlet and had a garden hose with a small stream of water coming from the nozzle. There was a huge wall of flames behind him and he was spraying a tiny amount of water onto the fire in front of him. The interviewer asked “are you worried” and his reply was “No mate - I reckon she’ll be right”! This is the hope of the foolish and you can anticipate bad outcomes with this type of hope. Some use the term hope in a sense of optimism and positive thinking. There was a very popular book published in 1952 and which has sold more than 5 million copies called “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Dr Norman Vincent Peale. The book influenced many, including President Trump and has some excellent advice. However, there are many situations which can’t be overcome by positive thinking. I did read a quote somewhere that said something like “optimists are happier than pessimists but the optimists are usually wrong”! So – hope is more than optimism and positive thinking.
The word hope is used throughout the Hebrew Bible and the Hebrew verb most commonly used is קָוָה (transliterated as qâwâ). The root is from a word meaning to bind together and most often is translated as wait or to look for eagerly or to be attached to – that is for something that can be anticipated with surety. This is well expressed by the prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 14:22 where he says “Are there any among the false gods of the nations that can bring rain? Or can the heavens give showers? Are you not He, O Lord our God? We set our hope (קָוָה) on you, for you do all these things.” In other words, hope centred on God Himself is something that is definite and is certain to take place. Another verb used in Hebrew and translated as hope is יָחַל (yachal). This verb implies the sense of waiting but waiting with a confident expectation of a good result. The verb יָחַל is used in Psalm 33:18 where the verse says “Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love”. The whole Hebrew Bible is a story of the promises of God (for example to make Abraham a great nation) that were not yet seen or couldn’t even be imagined. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants put their hope in the Lord but like us today, became distracted and often forgot the promises of God. In the big picture, the Jewish rabbis never lost hope in a Messiah (2 Sam 7:12-13) who was promised as a king to reign on the throne of David forever. This promised Messiah when He appeared 2,200 years ago did not come in a form anticipated by the Hebrew leaders even though all the prophetic signs were written hundreds of years in advance by the Hebrew prophets. When Jesus the Promised One appeared, He was viewed as a threat to be eliminated.
In New Testament writings, hope is a word often used in the writings of the apostles and the Greek words used are words for hope are the verb ἐλπίζειν (elpizein), and the noun ἐλπίς (elpis). Both forms of the word convey joyful and confident expectation and the word is only used as a noun or verb in Greek and so would never be used as we use words in English such as - hopefully or hopeful - which convey the sense of “perhaps”. The word in Greek translated as hope has a sense of definiteness. The New Testament writers use the word hope 133 times and it mainly conveys a sense of the certainty (hope) of the return of Jesus and eternal life. St Paul expresses this wonderfully in his letter to young Titus (Titus 2:13) where he writes of
“looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ” and the “hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began” (Titus 1:2).
The ones who knew Jesus personally were prepared to suffer much because of the certainty (hope) of the resurrection of the dead. St Paul writes to the Romans in 8:18-20
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope.”
Then in the famous passage on love in 1 Corinthians 13, St Paul writes that the virtues of “faith, hope and love” will last forever and this is expressed well in the Amplified translation of 1 Corinthians 13:13 –
“And so faith, hope, love abide [faith—conviction and belief respecting man’s relation to God and divine things; hope—joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation; love—true affection for God and man, growing out of God’s love for and in us], these three..”
This is the extended version of a simple idea: when all around us looks hopeless and the forces of darkness seem to have gained ground on every side of modern culture, we can confidently put our hope in God and His purposes in the longer term. In fact, God’s purpose with all that is happening in society that is against His law may be to demonstrate the hopelessness of putting our faith in people and even presidential saviours. There is only one Saviour – Jesus - and He will return to put everything under His feet (1 Corinthians 15:25).
We do need to resist evil and stand up for good in our daily lives. However, it is important that as we are assailed on every side that we don’t give way to despondency but we live in hope – the joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation and Jesus’ return. This is the promise given to those who put their faith and trust in Jesus and this is the parallel universe in which to live!
A Summary of Some Significant Word Events in the Last Week
In the midst of a range of crises in the US – rising inflation and interest rates, crime out of control in US cities, threats to judges, the sham of the Democrats January 6th committee, the promotion of a transgender narrative and partiality in the justice system, attention has been diverted away from the southern border where illegal immigrants are crossing in a veritable tsunami. Not only is there no attempt by the Biden administration to curb illegal immigration but those arriving are being flown or bussed into towns around the US in the dead of night. The outcomes in terms of increased crime and disorder in these areas are predictable and must be part of the agenda of intentional chaos. The latest numbers from the Department of Homeland Security are 239,416 encounters with illegal immigrants at the border in May 2022 bringing the total to more than 1.5 million for the year. This number could increase to 500,000 per month if the Title 42 authority, which allows border agents to arrest to return illegal immigrants to Mexico, is ended as planned by the Biden administration If illegal immigrants continue to rush into the US, in the longer term the country will not survive the cost and the chaos. It is part of a globalist plan to use immigrants to erode national sovereignty and national borders.
The intention is to fundamentally transform the US so that from the planned chaos, the “solution” is a Marxist dictatorial state - see Problem, Reaction, Solution diagram earlier in this newsletter. The leftist agenda has become dominant everywhere: education, politics, the law, media, finance, social structures, the family, religion and entertainment - there’s not much left for the goodies! It is difficult to overestimate the damage that is being done to society and a constitutional system where freedom, individual effort and responsibility once were a hallmark. The symbolism of Biden falling off his stationary bike this week was not lost on many in the media and the latest overall approval ratings put support for his presidency at 32%. It is difficult to know who the 32% of deluded voters would be but this figure is below the lowest point of the Trump presidency. In a Rasmussen poll late in the week, 74% of respondents said that the economy in the US was getting worse - but there is no attempt by the Biden administration to change course or even acknowledge the problem. The silent majority may no longer be silent as they watch the Democrat extremists continue to seek to transform the US into a Venezuelan hell-hole. If fair elections are possible in the December mid-terms, the Democrats will be routed. Unfortunately many of the Republicans may only be slightly better as under pressure, 12 Republican senators have folded in relation to the so called “red flag laws” which will be used to confiscate guns.
It does seem as though the left-wing extremists are pulling all the levers of control and that there is an intention to destroy the principles that have made the US great. You don’t need to be a prophet to project the coming downfall of the US, unless there is dramatic turnaround in the direction and policies. There is a fundamental need for Western societies to understand that we are on a trajectory to disaster and like the people of Nineveh at the time of the prophet Jonah, to repent and turn back to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Supreme Court has taken a turn towards righteousness by voting to overturn the Roe v Wade decision in relation to abortion but the political left is mobilizing against the ruling, to cause violence and chaos. The US is an inspiration to all people who love freedom but it looks as though there are hard times coming as lawlessness impacts the whole country.
United Kingdom & Europe
In seeking to understand the signs of the times, it always is challenging to know when there is an event or sign that could indicate fundamental change is occurring. The European Union is at its heart an evil antichrist system that has a globalist philosophy at its core. Some European countries, notably Hungary and Poland, are seeking to resist the overreach of European bureaucrats and asserting national sovereignty. However, the French are at the centre of the European beast and the “Grandes-Ecoles” are the tertiary education sites more prestigious than universities. These elite training grounds for the technocratic state, have extraordinary influence in government and business. Many of the graduates of “Grandes-Ecoles” have influential positions not only in France but in the European Union. The self-designated “Jupiterian” President Macron a graduate of one of the Grandes-Ecoles, has a sense of entitlement and it is interesting that his first name in Hebrew means “God with us”. Macron seems to have embraced this idea! There was an excellent article written about Macron last year in Newsweek. Since his election as President in 2017, he has sought to rule France and impose his will, which produced a backlash with the so-called “gilets-jaunes” protests in 2018. Even though widely disliked by the electorate, Macron won a second Presidential term last month but was unable to translate this into control of the National Assembly (the French parliament) in the elections last weekend. Macron’s Ensemble Coalition won 245 seats, which is 44 short of the 289 needed for an outright majority in the 577 seat assembly. Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party (a nationalist and right-wing party) dramatically increased its representation to 89 seats and Les Républicains (mainstream centre-right party) 64 seats. Left wing parties have taken most of the remaining seats.
Given this political fruit-salad, it will be difficult for Macron to have his legislation passed and it may be a sign that the globalist progressive agenda will be set back for a period. The US will be in a similar position in January 2023 if the Republicans gain control of the Congress after the mid-term elections.
In the United Kingdom, the Conservative Party lost 2 by-elections yesterday and this resulted in the Chairman of the Conservative Party resigning as he said “someone has to take responsibility”. Clearly it is not Boris Johnson who is in Rwanda for a Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting. The old saying in politics “always bet on the horse called self-interest because you know it is always trying” was never more true as various Conservative MPs can see the writing on the wall and it is certain that Boris will be removed in the months ahead, if he doesn’t resign. In the meantime, it seems that half of the UK is on strike or will go on strike including: rail workers, nurses, postal workers, teachers, airline workers, bus drivers, and no doubt others. Unions in the UK are invariably communist in their roots, have extraordinary power and are embedded into UK Labour, the opposition political party. An election is not due until early 2025 but there are many political machinations to come before then. Interestingly, Chris Reed the new leader of Morningstar Ministries in South Carolina US - prophesied at the start of the year that there would be a female leader replacing Boris later in 2022. This seemed most likely to be Liz Truss, the Foreign Secretary but in the last week, I keep seeing the name of Penny Mordaunt, the former Defence Secretary and current Minister for International Trade - so keep an eye on her. These two appear the most likely female replacements for Boris but whoever does replace him, the UK is in for significant turmoil in the months ahead.
Russia and Ukraine
A friend this week sent me a link to the documentary “Search and Tell” – a 1 hour documentary made by Russian, Alexander Alexyan. If you can’t see it on YouTube - here is a link to the video on Odysee
It could be simply regarded as Russian propaganda but I found it worthwhile viewing as it provided a Russian perspective and information about the war with Ukraine that has not been reported by the mainstream media. From the beginning of the conflict, I thought that there was something fishy about the reports, with all the left-wingers lining up wearing Ukrainian colours and Putin being denounced. The video shows from a Russian perspective how it appears that the West increasingly threatens Russia, most clearly following the US directed coup against the Ukrainian government in 2014. The Alexyan video probably won’t stay very long on YouTube but is worthwhile watching. Of course the people suffering are the Ukrainians themselves who are being killed because of a war that is being prolonged by the West. Europeans also will suffer because of their reliance on Russian oil and gas and undoubtedly there will be an energy crisis in Europe during the coming winter. The severity of sanctions against Russia have given Putin no option but to fight to the death. What the West seems to have done is to have strengthened the Russia-China alliance and also the Russian economy because of the significant increase in oil and gas prices. It seems to be another indication of the decline of the West.
China vs The West
I read a very interesting article this week by Ian Williams, a writer for the Spectator Australia. Ian writes that “a Chinese health app, developed to enforce the Communist party’s draconian Covid-19 restrictions, is being repurposed to tighten political control on dissidents and others deemed to be troublemakers”. The article is important, not only for what it says about China and its authoritarian regime but similar technology will impact Western societies with the tools now firmly in place, thanks to the “COVID passports”. Health will continue to be a weapon used by all governments to gain control of populations and China’s zero COVID policy has another aim other than protection of the Chinese population. China is the model technocratic state and it is good for us to be aware of what is happening there as something similar will be coming to a country near you! Patrick Wood, the author who has studied technocracy more than any other, wrote an article in 2020 that is worthwhile reading.
Israel has finally decided to dissolve its Parliament after the collapse of the unlikely coalition government. This will lead to the 5th election for the Knesset in 3 years which is a significant cost to the economy and challenges for national security. I watched a 20 min video by Amir Tsafarti, an Israeli Messianic Jewish commentator, which I found helpful in its perspective.
Tsafarti noted that the main aim of the coalition government (the so-called “government of change”) was to get rid of Benjamin Netanyahu but had no national focus and oversaw a dramatic rise in terrorism. There were more terrorist attacks in the first year of the coalition government than during the whole of the last 8 years of Netanyahu’s government. Tsafarti also has some information in the video regarding a decision taken by Lithuania in relation to Kaliningrad, which is a Russian port linked to Lithuania and where there is a rail link. He thinks that this could easily lead to direct conflict between Russia and NATO.
Taken together, all these world events point to ongoing instability internationally and the potential for global conflict. Remember that there is an evil hand behind all of these events and the ultimate purpose is global control by the “man of sin and father of lies”. Nevertheless, we can live in hope!!