Let us build a tower whose top is in the heavens make a name for ourselves (Genesis 11:4)
For several months I have been drawn to the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. The concern that kept returning me to this pivotal story in the Bible is the similarity of our circumstances to that ancient time more than 5,000 years ago when men set themselves up not only in opposition to God but implemented plans to try to become like God. The parallels of the story of the tower of Babel to our modern situation has become more evident to me and was highlighted with the meetings this last week in Switzerland of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos and The World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, where globalists gathered to plot the future of society.
The story of the Tower of Babel appears quite early on in the book of Genesis (Genesis 11). The events are significant because the account of the Tower of Babel must have occurred within the memory of those who were the survivors of the great flood – Noah and his family. God sent the flood because “the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). One of the reasons for God to destroy all men (apart from Noah and his family) was a hybrid species that had arisen on the earth before the flood and had resulted from angels mating with women. These offspring were called “the Nephilim”, a type of giant (Genesis 6:4). In contrast with the evil of that day, Noah is described as a “righteous man, blameless in his generation” (Genesis 6:9). One imagines that Noah, his sons and their families would have talked in detail about the events leading up to the flood and their experience of divine rescue.
The key player in the account of the tower of Babel is Nimrod, whose name means “rebellion”. Nimrod is described as a “mighty” man (in Hebrew the word גִּבּוֹר gibbor, also can mean tyrant). Nimrod was the son of Cush, who was the son of Noah’s son Ham, who behaved inappropriately towards his father (Genesis 9:24). So Nimrod was the great-grandson of Noah and must have been well versed in the remarkable family story of the ark and how God had saved this one righteous family. Nonetheless, Nimrod was one of the early globalists who had a desire to make his name great. He must have been instrumental in the construction of the tower in the plain of Shinar, a location most likely found today in modern Iraq. Genesis 10:10-11 tells us that Nimrod had an extensive kingdom including Babel. The reputation of Babel must have been great because people journeyed there from the east and everyone spoke the same language. Their desire was “to build a tower whose top is in the heavens”, and to “make a name” for themselves (Genesis 11:4). In other words – they wanted to place themselves on an equal footing with God. God paid a visit to this wondrous construction of bricks and mortar and said:
“Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” (Genesis 11:6).
God’s response was to sow confusion in language and to scatter people over the earth. The apparent issue was a centrally planned building project to elevate humanity to equality with God in the heavens. As I was writing this present commentary, I read a remarkable post by Dr Naomi Wolf in relation to the horrific vaccine injuries, known in advance of vaccine release by both the FDA and Pfizer. Naomi Wolf and her team have been analyzing tens of thousands of pages of documents that a US judge forced to be released after freedom of information applications. Dr Wolf also referred in her post to the Tower of Babel, which she assessed as “massive arrogance against divine plans”. Her article is a “must read”.
Evil men today are planning a similar project to deify themselves and the “prophet” of this plan is Professor Yuval Noah Harari, whose recent book is the bestseller Homo Deus, essentially man as God through fusion of man and machine. It is worthwhile watching a 13 min interview from 2021 where Harari is interviewed on the US program 60 Minutes
So Nimrod and the central planners of Babel have been in my mind and particularly as the leviathans of our time, the WEF and WHO met for significant planning events last week in Switzerland. The WEF meeting attracted almost 3,000 attendees from world governments and big business and one can get a taste of the agenda by viewing the short closing presentation
A look at the WEF program highlighted to me the buzzwords that we need to have up our sleeves: “resilience”, “global cooperation”, “future-proofing”, “reskilling”, “resilient futures”, “net zero”, “globalization”, “gender equality”, “stakeholder capitalism”, “unlocking the social economy”, “mental health”, “climate action”, “multistakeholder partnerships”, “equitable responses”, “global cybersecurity”, “artificial intelligence”, “digital future”, “health resilient climate action”, “blue foods, “biodiverCities”, “responsible data ecosystems”, “global skills framework”, ..the list goes on and on. There is no doubt that if you can work many of these catchwords into any government grant – success is assured! I also noted that there were sessions on “transforming through trust”, “embracing climate adaptation action”, “central bank digital currencies”, “a reimagined global tax system, “new migration flows” and “global ESG for global resilience”. ESG’s or Environmental, Social and Government scores are increasingly being required for large companies to access finance and will be a tool to ensure compliance with their agenda by the global new world order.
It’s no wonder that in his opening address Klaus Schwab noted: “Let’s also be clear. The future is not just happening. The future is built by us — by a powerful community as you here in this room.” These folks have plans for us and we know that it is that by 2030: “we will own nothing and be happy”. A terrifying moment in the WEF for me was the speech by the Pfizer CEO who spoke about a tablet that is a biological chip that can then monitor whether we are taking our medications – another example of “Big Brother” looking over our shoulders and monitoring everything we do
Remarkably, these guys think that we will be excited about these technologies, which clearly will be used to monitor and control us so that we comply with their evil agenda.
Later last week, in Geneva, the WHO met for their 75th Assembly and it is here that the globalists received a setback. Proposals from the US involved 13 amendments to the International Health Regulations, which essentially involved overruling national health regulations in favour of the sovereignty of the WHO. Fortunately, 47 African nations “smelt a rat” and failed to approve the regulations. A number of other large countries also had reservations and said that they would not agree to the regulations. These countries included: Russia, India, China, South Africa, Malaysia and Brazil. However, globalists never give up and so a working group has been established to “make technical recommendations on the proposed amendments” to be resubmitted in 2024. Fortunately, a number of US Republican senators are aware of the dangers of the power grab by the WHO and are preparing the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act”. Republicans will likely be in control of the Senate in 2024 but the evil globalists will be hatching cunning plans even as you read this article.
The influence of the WEF, WHO and various UN bodies are greater than we can imagine because countries like Australia can become signatories without the requirement for any national vote. One wonders who will be the Nimrod of our time? It is certain that a global leader will emerge who will be not only extraordinarily evil but also remarkably charismatic. We need to do whatever we can to resist the global agenda and to make people aware of the dangers of handing national control to global bodies. Remarkably, after being responsible for the coronavirus pandemic and then covering it up, China has just been elected to the Executive Board of the WHO. Could President Xi be positioning himself to be the new Nimrod?
Joe Biden’s handlers must have handed him a script in March this year that said that food shortages were coming and as Biden said: it’s “going to be real”. Here is an article on groceries that are likely to be missing from the shelves in 2022. The message of food shortages has been coming to us from a number of different sources for the last 12 months, including the World Economic Forum, and so we need to take the message seriously. The crisis is contrived and just this week it was announced 22 million tonnes of Ukrainian grain are being blockaded by Russia in the port of Odessa.
This week Glen Beck spoke about the long-term aim of the “fundamental transformation of America” by the left-wing in a special program “Biden’s Man-Made Disaster” that you can view on this YouTube clip
It is worthwhile watching this 30 minute summary about food and energy crises. Beck’s thesis is that transformation is coming and this revolution won’t be as a result of a democratic vote. The world lockdowns, destruction of small businesses and compulsory injections of the population came about not through a vote but by a so-called “public health crisis”. Next we will face “energy and food crises”, and further “pandemics”, all created to enable dictatorial powers and government control.
The UN has published 17 sustainable development goals or SDGs and these appear to have been promoted and implemented in all member countries. For example, the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Environment and Planning promotes the UN’s 17 SDGs, although these have never been voted on by Australian electors or the electorate even being made aware of these SDGs. I imagine that this is the same in most other countries where bureaucrats are working behind the scenes to implement the UN agenda.
In his YouTube presentation, Beck highlighted 3 pillars to transform America and these pillars, or local variations, would apply to most other countries. The 3 pillars are:
1. An “all of government response to crisis” – mobilizing government departments so that all are in lockstep to implement action;
2. “Executive action outside of Congress” – for example Biden has signed 90 Executive Orders, 72 Presidential Memoranda and 275 Proclamations. Thirty of these executive orders were signed in the first 3 days in office and clearly prepared in advance and without any reference to Congress. Also clear is that Biden could not have read any of these hundreds of Presidential decrees prepared by his evil minions.
3. “International Support with Teeth” – for example the proposed increase in authority of the World Health Organization and various United Nations organizations.
If one looks carefully at most Western countries, it is possible to see similar 3 pillars being implemented. The end result of focusing on the 17 SDGs is undoubtedly serious food shortages as governments restrict farming, energy and food production to “save the planet”.
These UN policies are combined with “re-wilding” programs in the UK and Europe, restrictions on farming practices internationally, and high fuel and fertilizer prices – all of which will contribute to food shortages. “Green” energy is supplying less than 20% of the total energy needs yet governments are implementing legislation to destroy oil and gas exploration and production. Then there are the mysterious fires and events like planes crashing into food processing plants. A food and energy crisis is being created and that this is a classical technique of “problem-reaction-solution”. General Maddox outlines this in an article from 2013. He writes: “Almost all major events in history employ the Hegelian Dialectic of Problem – manufacture a crisis or take advantage of one already in place in order to get the desired Reaction of public outcry whereby the public demands a Solution which has been predetermined from the beginning.” It is easy to see how this methodology has been used with the “climate crisis”, the “COVID-19 pandemic” and now the “food and energy crisis”.
Glen Beck also spoke about Saul Alinsky’s book “Rules for Radicals” – a good summary can be read here. I had read the book previously but decided to re-read it as it is quite short. Alinsky died 50 years ago but clearly many radicals have followed the 12 rules to bring about societal change. Alinsky and his ideas were influential in the lives of Hilary Clinton (who wrote a thesis on Alinsky) and Barrack Obama. Beck noted that one of Alinsky’s key ideas is –“identify the crisis and if none exists create one. Then rebuild society in whatever image you want”. Alinsky wrote that “in the beginning the organizer’s first job is to create the issues or problems.” There is no doubt that Alinsky’s ideas have been adopted widely by the left-wing of politics and progressive political activists. Alinsky also wrote about 8 levels of control that must be obtained before a social state can be achieved. It is interesting that the first one he highlighted was healthcare and Alinsky wrote “control healthcare and you control the people”. Hasn’t this been used effectively by all Western governments?
My advice is to be serious about preparing for the coming food shortages. When you hear so many globalists speaking about food shortages, you know that these are coming to produce another “crisis” which then will allow governments, as Alinsky said, “to rebuilt society in whatever image you want”. It is notable that on the page after Alinsky dedicates the book, he quotes from Rabbi Hillel, Thomas Paine and then himself and says “..acknowledgment to the very first radical….who rebelled against the establishment and did it do effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer”. At least we know the source of all these ideas!
A look at some significant international events of the last week and what they mean
A significant event occurred in Washington DC earlier this week when Michael Sussman, a Hilary Clinton campaign lawyer, was acquitted of lying to the FBI by a 12 member jury. The case against Sussman had been brought by the special prosecutor John Durham, appointed initially in 2019 by former US Attorney-General William Barr. Durham charged that the Clinton campaign paid a tech company to spy on the Trump campaign through hacking Trump Tower servers and even servers at the White House after Trump became President. It is a shocking story which has received almost no media attention, in contrast to a much less sinister story in 1972 regarding the Watergate burglary, which resulted in the downfall of President Nixon. The case against Sussman lying to the FBI was that although he was working for the Clinton Campaign when he approached the FBI in September 2016, he purported to be simply a “concerned citizen” with information suggesting a link between Trump and Russia. Sussman was acquitted by a Washington DC jury which incredibly had members who were previous donors to the Clinton campaign, admitted to disliking Trump and in the case of one juror, had a child on the same sports team as Sussman. People’s eyes tend to glaze over because the case is complicated and Durham has been investigating for almost 3 years. However the case is important because:
1) Media stories in relation to wrongdoing by Democrats are seldom reported because of bias by the mainstream media;
2) Washington DC is an anti-Trump city and so a fair jury trial is extremely difficult. Additionally, the judge in the case refused to disqualify jurors who clearly had a bias or conflict of interest;
3) the justice system is not impartial and is stacked against conservatives, with the support of media and big business.
Increasingly we are going to see the partiality of justice which is going to become more evident as the left and right wings of politics seek to “stack” the Supreme Court (you have to back the left because they will do “whatever it takes”). It is yet another symptom of the coming downfall of the US as a beacon of justice and democracy.
United Kingdom & Europe
The Platinum Anniversary of the Queen’s reign is dominating UK life this week. President Macron of France even sent the gift of a horse but if I was the Queen I would make sure that someone I didn’t like rides the horse first, just in case it is a cunning plot! The trooping of the colour took place last Thursday and this has been a tradition of celebrating monarchs’ birthdays for the last 260 years. It was an extraordinary sight to see the Irish Guards lined up on Horse Guards Parade ground for this ancient ceremony but one wonders about the relevance today? The ceremony involved 250 horses and 400 musicians plus 1,600 soldiers (one hopes that they can fight in addition to wearing amazing uniforms). The non-working Royals, Harry and Meghan appeared with other family members on the balcony overlooking the parade. Arriving via a private jet, Harry and Meghan were collected with a Range Rover sent by the Queen. One imagines that there will be some tension this weekend during the celebrations, with details still not released of Prince Harry’s tell-all book.
The Platinum Jubilee celebration has attracted admirers of the Queen from around the world and her 70 years of service is remarkable and her reign has been a foundation of stability for the UK. Tougher times are ahead as the globalists Charles and William pick up the mantle and promote a “new world order”. Interestingly, the new Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, has announced an “Assistant Minister for the Republic” which has excited Australian Republicans. With the Queen’s health precarious, Albanese may have the timing right for his push for an Australian Republic in the years ahead.
Russia and Ukraine
Despite the promotion of Ukraine and President Zelensky as winning the war against Russia, there is now agreement that Russia controls 20% of Ukraine and has a stronghold to launch further operations. It is 100 days since Russia invaded Ukraine and it appears as though Russia has the upper hand despite the extraordinary sums of money and arms provided by the West. Undoubtedly international financiers are the major winners from the conflict and there are still many unforeseen consequences of the invasion. However it all seems to be part of the creation of crisis that then requires a global solution and further government control.
China vs The West
Last week I wrote about the leaked audio from China about an invasion of Taiwan. A few days ago I listened to Jeff Nyquist, the author of “The Origins of the Fourth World War: And the Coming Wars of Mass Destruction” (1999). Nyquist was nterviewed on Steve Bannon’s War Room Episode 1890 on 29th May. His assessment of the leaked audio from 14th May 2022 is: “Too boring to be disinformation – it is a 56 minute meeting of high level communist officials in Guangdong.” Guangdong is located on the north shore of the South China sea, less than 800 km from Taiwan and so is important as a city from where an invasion could be launched. In assessing the leaked audio, Nyquist said :
“they are following an order from the Chinese Central Committee to transition from normal to war and they’re calling this the final war. They expect sanctions to hit China and they expect strategic and even nuclear counter-attacks on the province that they want to prepare for; they expect social unrest. They discuss an enormous fleet for transporting troops, tanks, aeroplanes..talking about almost 1,000 ships and then they talk about mobilizing Chinese assets overseas. They talk about 260 or 270 tasks under 3 different categories. The discussion itself is very realistic and the way meetings are conducted in China. It looks authentic”.
He also said “Guangdong is not even part of the southern command, which is closest to Taiwan but the eastern command and they are preparing a large number of vessels.” Further comments from Jeff Nyquist relate to a speech by the Chinese Defence Minister made about 20 years ago. The Defence Minister towards the end of his speech said:
“As long as we can resolve the United States problem with one blow, our domestic problems will all be solved. Therefore, our military battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan but in fact is aimed at the United States and the scope is far beyond attacking aircraft carriers and satellites.”
You have to think that there is further international instability coming as China plots its path to world domination.
There must be plans afoot in Israel regarding Iran with information this week that Iran now has enough enriched uranium to make a nuclear weapon. Iran has repeatedly expressed a desire to wipe Israel off the map, a threat that most countries, except Israel, fail to take seriously. It was announced this week that Israel has a “working prototype of a high-powered laser gun that can intercept rockets, mortar shells and anti-tank missiles, in flight”. I’m going to continue to back Israel in any potential conflict.
This week Israeli’s celebrate one of the 7 feasts of the Lord – Shavuot, when harvest occurs and when Moses brought down the Law of God from Mt Sinai. It is also called by Christian Pentecost, a Greek word for 50, because it occurs 50 days after Passover and is also know as the Feast of Weeks. This celebration is one set in place by God Himself and is a reminder that God has His own timetable or “appointed times of the Lord” (in Hebrew moed’i ha’shem יְהוָ֔ה מוֹעֲדֵ֣י ). It is always good to watch out for what is happening in God’s timetable as we look at the various challenges ahead.