Around ten years ago, I first heard the term “transhumanism” at one of the annual Strategic Perspectives conferences held by Dr Chuck Missler, of the Koinonia Institute. It was a puzzling term to me at that time and the idea seemed fanciful that somehow, there were plans afoot to change our DNA and merge mankind with machines.
However, since then, with the unlocking of more of the secrets of modifying DNA and promotion of the ideas of Dr Yuval Noah Harari , the “prophetic” offsider of Dr Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, we face a future where key influencers are leading society into matrix where we they claim that we can become like gods.
Ray Kurzweil, noted futurist and former founding Google engineer, predicted in 2023 that human beings will achieve immortality in seven years (by 2030). He also has predicted a date for the “singularity” – which he defined as: “a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed.” In a 2023 article in the New York Post, Kurzweil is quoted as saying: “I have set the date 2045 for the ‘Singularity’ which is when we will multiply our effective intelligence a billionfold by merging with the [artificial] intelligence we have created.”
Various billionaires, backing self-interest and realizing that they can’t spend their billions of dollars in one lifetime, are pouring funds into various research projects that seek to prolong life and find the keys to immortality.
This is not a new quest. On the plains of Shinar, near ancient Babylon, back at the dawn of mankind, Nimrod (whose name means rebellion) and his acolytes decided to “make a name for themselves” (Genesis 11:4). They wanted to rebel against God’s created order and make themselves as gods and perhaps live forever (this was an era when the normal lifespan was much longer than today). The Bible tells us that at that time, there was only one language (singularity?) and that they said :
“Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4).
However, this early attempt to become like God with a tower in ancient Babylon was thwarted as God intervened, confused people’s communication, and they were scattered throughout the earth.
Now, various mechanisms are in place to move toward a one-world government and, with this, to promote the merging of humans and machines. Artificial intelligence has already gained a strong foothold, and we are ceding our thinking and independence to machines programmed to destroy us. Transhumanism has already moved from an abstract idea to reality.
ChatGPT seems to be widely used now, and with its increasing use, we enable it and other AI machines to learn more about us and replace us.
So, this week, I thought I would alert my readers to some of the challenges ahead as I outline the key ideas in Joe Allen’s 2023 book Dark Aeon: Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity.
Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity
Last year, Joe Allen published an important book, Dark Aeon: Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity. In his foreword to the book, Stephen K Bannon writes:
“Transhumanism—the global scientific and cultural movement to surpass or transcend Homo sapiens—is the central civilizational issue of our time. In its development, processes, and protocols, this radical ideology will sweep all that came before it—our institutions, our values, our society. It will disrupt and destroy, first the fabric of our lives, then our lives themselves.” Allen, Joe. Dark Aeon: Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity (p. 11). Skyhorse Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Dr Naomi Wolf interviewed Joe Allen last year, and the interview provided a helpful overview of what we are facing as a society.
At the beginning of his book, Joe Allen defines transhumanism this way:
“Transhumanism is the great merger of humankind with the Machine. At this stage in history, it consists of billions using smartphones. Going forward, we’ll be hardwiring our brains to artificial intelligence systems.” Allen, Joe. Dark Aeon: Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity (p. 14). Skyhorse Publishing. Kindle Edition.
An aeon is defined as an “immeasurably or indefinitely long period of time…equal to one billion years” and Allen is positing that we are facing a new transhumanist dark age that may have no end.
Apart from the technological changes moving us towards transhumanism, there are other societal signs that we are moving toward what Allen calls a “dark aeon”. These include:
Country borders are being removed;
A new secularism has arisen with a new religious climate cult;
Gender flexibility is being promoted and funded, with the major outcome being the termination of natural reproduction;
Technological tools, including genetic engineering, are being developed to blur the boundary between man and machine;
The Christian foundations of Western civilization, with emphasis on the high value of every human being “made in the image of God”, are being systematically destroyed.
Allen notes that:
“Humanity 2.0 will be transnational, transcultural, transgender, transracial, transspecies, and at its extreme edge, transhuman—the final merger of man with the Machine. Our digital creations are to come to life and we are to become our own digital creations.” Allen, Joe. Dark Aeon: Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity (p. 27). Skyhorse Publishing. Kindle Edition.
He goes on to write that:
“Our culture is being radically transformed to suit the diverse tastes of billionaires, corporate boards, government commissars, intelligence agencies, and the military-industrial complex. They’ve ensnared us in overlapping webs of surveillance and propaganda. The border between actual and virtual identity has been breached.” Allen, Joe. Dark Aeon: Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity (p. 34). Skyhorse Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Various digital tools and AI are certain to dramatically change society. In his book, Allen writes about the important influence of entrepreneurs, “philanthropists” and thinkers such as Dr Yoval Harari, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Peter Thiel and Sam Altman. However, the ideas proposed have a longer genesis and go back to HG Wells and the Huxley family in the early 20th century and before them the dark forces at work on the earth.
Allen also covers a range of conspiracy areas, including a substantial section of the book on UFO cults.
In essence, this is the view by those advocating transhumanism:
“Homo sapiens as we know it has run its historical course and will no longer be relevant in the future, but concludes that we should therefore use technology in order to create Homo deus—a much superior model. Homo deus will retain some essential human features but will also enjoy upgraded physical and mental abilities that will enable it to hold its own even against the most sophisticated non-conscious algorithms.” Allen, Joe. Dark Aeon: Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity (p. 235). Skyhorse Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Undoubtedly, we are moving toward a future where a number of influential overlords are maneuvering us into digital prisons where we can be controlled and made compliant. Incredibly, thousands of Swedes have had microchips inserted into their hands - for convenience. Who said that the “mark of the beast” was just a crazy vision of an elderly man on the island of Patmos 2000 years ago?
Artificial intelligence is having an impact well beyond what we thought possible even one year ago. Today, I had a Zoom meeting, that lasted about one hour, and I clicked the box to be sent a Zoom summary. The summary was remarkable and 95% accurate in its one-page outline and better than I could have done. Convenience is definitely our very well disguised enemny. My only concern is that President Xi probably received the same summary. Fortunately, he is probably too busy to read himself, so his presidential AI alter ego has been updated.
I recommend that Sons of Issachar Newsletter subscribers read Joe Allen’s book Dark Aeon. Joe has a racy style and his book contains an eclectic range of information and ideas but provides a good overall picture of society's current direction and the dangers of transhumanism.
Joe Allen’s Recommendations – How to Stay Human – in the coming Dark Aeon
Allen ends his book with some important recommendations, including “to stay human.” Below is an edited summary of what I consider to be the most important of these recommendations. There are some great ideas in the conclusions made by Joe Allen in his book.
1. Personal Choice
“Cultivate silence in your home. Cultivate quality time with your family and friends. Raise healthy children. Teach them so well, you trust them with your life. Care for your elders. … . Cultivate face-to-face relationships with your coworkers and colleagues. Participate in the communal life of your city, whether it is civic, religious, or pure entertainment. Kill your TV. Keep any digital devices in a drawer or a cabinet as if they were feral beasts. Keep all electronics on the periphery of your living space. … Support print culture. Buy paper books and read them outside. Buy local. Use cash. Avoid online shopping. … Do not use a smartphone unless you absolutely have to. …Delete your social media apps…. Go outside and stay outside as much as possible. Take long walks and absorb the wider world. Identify trees and birds. Identify architectural styles. Say hello to your neighbors. .. When you require an external map, use a paper map. It is a glorious experience, and it builds character. Do not use GPS unless it is an emergency. … Pay attention to life. … Let’s say you still have that smartphone around. Go dark whenever possible. Use end-to-end encrypted email and messaging apps. Use a virtual private network (VPN). Use a private browser. Disable tracking cookies. Remember, though, no true privacy exists on the internet. … Keep your body fit. Eat fresh meats and vegetables. … don’t wire yourself up with IoB biosensors just to know that you went for a run or ate some food. You don’t need it. ... Find a doctor you trust. Seek treatment when needed. Don’t take unnecessary pills or injections. Don’t go under the knife or get irradiated if you don’t have to. … Pray. Meditate. Read those books you bought with cash. Enjoy art. Sing to yourself. Make love. .. Be human.”
2. Communal Norms
“You need friends. You need to visit your family. You need real-life allies out in the world. You need people to hold you accountable. You need to be needed. Cultivate those connections with all your might. …. No devices at the dinner table.. .. Ensure that your sacred space…remains a link to what is ancient and eternal.”
3. Institutional Policies
“Ensure that your workplace is human-centered. Treat your employees with dignity. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie. Don’t treat workers like robots. … Keep human faces up front. Pay a living wage no matter what.
Cultivate a lively classroom. Use paper books. Facilitate challenging conversations. Encourage questions. Allow free inquiry. Allow free speech. Inculcate discipline. Embody virtue.
For vocational schools, make them get their hands dirty. Minimize digitization. Whenever possible: No laptops. No smartphones. No surveillance cameras in the classroom… And reject online courses. The e-learning company will use your rockstar lecture videos to train AI and replace you at the first opportunity. ...
Doctors and nurses are adjacent to clergy, but they are not clergy. Even so, a modicum of spiritual awe goes a long way. … Do not use your patients as cash cows or lab rats. Do not pump them full of expensive, unneeded chemicals. Do not let the Machine steal your hard-earned techniques or intuition. Regain our trust. We need you. And you damn sure need us.
Automation is tricky business, because business is never easy. ..If you only care about profits, you will replace your human workers at the drop of a hat. … If you really do care about humanity, though, as a business owner, you’re faced with difficult choices. Some sort of balance will be necessary to stay afloat.”
4. Legislative Action
“Be ready to rabble-rouse…. Many politicians are worse than clueless—they are bought off by the same tech corporations they are supposed to protect us from. Learn who these candidates are. Vote them out. … Vote your conscience. Insist on paper ballots so you can trust your vote was counted fairly. ... Scrap the voting machines. …
Insist on bodily autonomy. You are not a lab rat. ….. Biomedical establishment officials are not gods. They cannot inject you with the Current Thing. …. Insist on total transparency and rigid standards for vaccine safety. Prosecute any medical official who called for mandatory vaccination. Do not let them escape.
Insist on privacy protection. ….
When the time comes, and it’s coming soon, push for neuro rights. No employer, government, or corporation has a right to your neurological data. (Remember this one. It will come up again.) Protect the freedom to mine and use cryptocurrency. We are going to need it. … Push for strict regulation of genetic engineering. …Ban gain-of-function. Ban bioweapons. …. Insist on labels for genetically modified foods. Push for strict regulation of brain-computer interfaces. …Ban the sale of wearable interfaces for children. …. Push for strict regulation of artificial intelligence. One reason for data ownership and ironclad copyright law is to prevent AI companies from training on your data. …..
Insist on secure borders. No borders, no nation. Insist on child protection. No healthy children, no nation. Insist on environmental protection and conservation
Last thing. Never trust that your government will protect you. Strengthen your own communities. ..”
Quotes from Allen, Joe. Dark Aeon: Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity (pp. 476-484). Skyhorse Publishing. Kindle Edition (NB. I have included my emphases and shortened some of Joe Allen’s recommendations).
As I read Dark Aeon and thought about the push for immortality and becoming like gods, it occurred to me that God is likely to be totally across this new rebellion against His created order. Psalm 2 asks:
"Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying,
“Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us.”
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure” (Psalm 2:1-5)
The Bible also tells us:
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7).
It is no use plotting against God and His creation. The law of sowing and reaping is built into Creation.
Our attempts to become like God and change humankind are likely to have disastrous outcomes. God will have the last word. Just as He did thousands of years ago on the plains of Shinar, it seems likely that He will intervene because otherwise “now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them” (Genesis 11:6).
Watch and pray.
Can Ukraine Win the War With Russia?
With all the conflict in the Middle East, the war in Ukraine seems to have been pushed into the background. This week I read an interesting analysis by the US Senator JD Vance, a potential running-mate for President Trump. The National Pulse reported on an opinion piece by Senator Vance in the New York Times. The report noted:
Senator J.D. Vance has warned that the “math” on Ukraine aid “doesn’t add up,” with Volodymyr Zelensky requiring more equipment than the U.S. can produce.
“Ukraine needs more soldiers than it can field, even with draconian conscription policies. And it needs more matériel than the United States can provide,” Vance wrote in The New York Times, refuting Joe Biden’s allegations that the only obstacle to Ukrainian victory is conservatives’ reluctance to authorize open-ended U.S. taxpayer funding for the war………….
“Both American and Ukrainian leadership to accept that Mr. Zelensky’s stated goals for the war — a return to 1991 boundaries — are fantastical,” Vance concluded, noting Biden “has no viable plan for the Ukrainians to win this war.”
Donald Trump says that he can solve the Ukraine conflict “in a day”!
It may be time for him to step in.
Sam Faddis - Olympus Has Fallen
Sam Faddis is a retired CIA intelligence officer who writes with insight about the situation in the Middle East and beyond. This last week he wrote an interesting post on substack – see below:
about the missile and drone strike by Iran against Israel. I have written previously about the Biden’s administration financial support for Iran and the influence of key pro-Iranian sympathizers in the State Department. This is Sam’s perspective about recent events:
“Since he sat down in the Oval Office Biden has done everything in his power to embolden Iran and to encourage its aggression. He has allowed the Iranians to sell oil in violation of sanctions. They have made at least $35 billion in the last 12 months alone as a result.
Biden released $6 billion in funds frozen in U.S. banks to Tehran. As even Tony Blinken has admitted Iran has used all of that money to fund terrorism and extremism across the Middle East. We have in other words paid for the war machine Iran is now using against Israel, and we have done so knowing that we were doing so.
“Iran has, unfortunately, always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism, on supporting groups like Hamas,” Blinken said recently.
Biden appointed a special envoy to Iran, Robert Malley, who was a known Hamas synthesizer. Before he was ultimately removed from his post for “mishandling” classified information Malley spearheaded a U.S. Government effort to enrich Iran and embolden it.
“Malley and others created an incredibly permissive environment for Hamas, for Iran, to do all these things,” added Gabriel Noronha, a former special adviser on Iran at the State Department. Noronha, who served under former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, said Malley and his negotiating team “purposefully funnelled billions of dollars to [Iran] through lack of sanctions enforcement and provision of sanctions relief that has given them somewhere between $50 [billion] and $80 billion over the last two and a half years.”
It is shocking that the Biden administration is enabling Iran and its terrorist activities while purporting to be supporting Israel. It appears as though the intent of some of the most influential people in the current State Department is to see the destruction of Israel and a conflagration in the Middle East.
Ten Ways to Guarantee Expansion of Current International Conflict
Victor Davis Hanson is a historian and classicist who is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University . He wrote a timely post on X this week highlighting the damaging policies of the Biden administration in the Middle East. Here are a few of the 10 points that he made:
Talk loudly and carry a twig. Issue hollow Obama-like “redlines” or serial Biden threats to aggressive enemies like the vapid “Don’t!” Witness a U.S. President who works a 3-day week, struggles to read a teleprompter, and shouts more at conservative Americans than at America’s enemies.
Destroy hard-won deterrence. Abruptly pull out of Afghanistan. Abandon $50 billion in weapons to terrorists. Abandon a new $1 billion embassy. Abandon a $300 refitted air base. Abandon thousands of NATO allies, thousands of U.S. contractors, and thousands of Afghan allies. Lose 13 Marines in a horrific scramble to get out, while killing collateral Afghan civilians in a supposedly “righteous strike”.
Coddle terrorist Iran. Seem eager to resume the Iran Deal. Lift sanctions. Allow $100 billion in oil profits to flow into Iranian coffers. Restore aid to the terrorist Palestinian authority and Hamas. Ignore Hezbollah’s terrorism. Remove the terrorist designation of the Houthis. Mostly ignore over 120 Iranian attacks on American installations. Transfer suspended funds to Iran at the rate of $1.2 billion for each American hostage it took.
Destroy the U.S. border for rank political purposes. Cancel all prior border enforcement. Abandon construction of the border wall. Allow in 10-million illegal aliens, among them thousands from hostile nations and some with terrorist ties. Provide generous subsidies, exemptions, and entitlements to immigrant lawbreakers, not always accorded to the U.S. poor.
Dr Davis Hanson writes lucidly about the folly of the Biden administration and you realize that these are not mistakes but rather decisions made to destroy the US and its influence in the world. It is worthwhile reading the concise post.
Dr Peter McCullough Now Questions All Childhood Vaccines
Dr Peter McCullough, the eminent Texas cardiologist who was one of the early doctors to draw attention to the damaging effects of the COVID-19 mRNA experimental “vaccines”, recently posted on X about his wider vaccine concerns. Dr McCullough wrote:
“This childhood vaccine schedule is not what we thought... I’m telling you, in total, it doesn’t look good.” The 1986 Vaccine Injury Act even admits vaccines come with “unavoidable harms.” Five separate studies now show that “if children go natural, no vaccines whatsoever, they have the best outcomes.” “When I was a kid, the rate of autism was one in 10,000. Now it’s one in 36,”
@P_McCulloughMD explained. “And there’s about 200 published manuscripts showing it’s immune system dysregulation.” “And the vignettes, the mothers tell us that the child was fine up until the time they took multiple rounds of vaccines, and then they developed autism. Those vignettes are almost certainly correct. We can’t pin it down to any single vaccine. But I’m telling you, in total, it doesn’t look good. This epidemic of autism is a tsunami. And you know how many, many mothers now — [a] recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey shows about a third of mothers and young fathers going natural.”
Senator Robert F Kennedy Jnr, who runs Children’s Health Defense has previously drawn attention to the high rate of autism in children following the implementation of the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act in the US - that indemnified vaccine manufacturers for any liability for vaccine injuries. It is notable that Dr McCullough has now come to the considered view that the childhood vaccination schedule which involves dozens of injections in the first few years of life, may carry more risk than benefit.
Islands that Climate Alarmists Said Would Disappear Have Grown
Climate alarmists increasingly have warned about the impending doom of humanity. In Australia the climate change Czar, Tim Flannery, warned in 2007 of impending doom and claimed that: “Even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams”. He warned that there would be not enough water to supply the cities of Sydney or Brisbane. Now the reservoirs providing water to these cities are full.
This clip from Sky News one year ago, is worthwhile viewing as it is a good summary of how the climate alarmists seem to have no shame about their false predictions. Chris Kenny rightly says that we are not suffering the consequences of climate change but “climate change activism”.
The climate doomsdayers never seem to feel the need to say that they were completely wrong. At each of the COP international conferences, the rhetoric gets more intense and the UN Secretary-General warned last year of “climate boiling”.
One ongoing staple of the climate alarmists has been the likely disappearance of various South Pacific islands. Now, a report in The Daily Sceptic – by Chris Morrison has demonstrated that the demise of these islands has been greatly exaggerated and in fact many islands have increased in size.
Chris Morrison writes:
“An amount of land equivalent to the Isle of Wight has been added to the shorelines of 13,000 islands around the world in just the last 20 years. This fascinating fact of a 369.67 square kilometre increase has recently been discovered by a group of Chinese scientists analysing both surface and satellite records. Overall, land was lost during the 1990s, but the scientists found that in the study period of three decades to 2020 there was a net increase of 157.21 km2. The study observed considerable natural variation in both erosion and accretion. Of course, the findings blow holes in the poster scare run by alarmists suggesting that rising sea levels caused by humans using hydrocarbons will condemn many islands to disappear shortly beneath rising sea levels. By means of such flimsy scare tactics, as we have seen in many other cases, desperate attempts are made to terrify global populations to accept the insanity of the Net Zero collectivisation.”
Climate change activists never seem to let facts stand in their way, but their predictions of doom are like those of the boy who cried wolf. Hopefully, fewer and fewer people will take notice of the climate disaster merchants, and perhaps even Greta can return to Sweden and complete her schooling?
Ivermectin Could be A Positive Drug for Fighting Cancer - articles by Marina Zhang
Marina Zhang writes for the Epoch Times and each week, she pulls together a range of scientific articles in relation to COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines and information on treatments for COVID-19.
This week, she wrote a long article with a variety of different sources, pointing to the efficacy of ivermectin as an adjunct drug to treat a variety of cancers. Ivermectin has been demonstrated to be effective in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, although this very safe and widely available drug has been subject to a scare campaign, and doctors are reluctant to prescribe it.
This is part of her report on the Epoch Times on 10th April 2024:
“The first reports of ivermectin’s anti-cancer properties came in 1995. Two French researchers found that ivermectin—a Nobel Prize-winning anti-parasite drug—could reverse multidrug resistance in tumors. The drug targets tumor stem cells—a driver of cancer tumors and relapses—and promotes cancer death.
Ivermectin also enhances the effects of chemo and radiation therapy. It has a broad impact on the immune system, increasing immune offense against cancers.
It also inhibits cancer cell cycles, helping prevent the formation of new cancer cells. The drug promotes the killing of cancer cells by inducing mitochondrial stress and prevents cancer survival by preventing new blood vessels, which transport energy and fuel to cancers, from forming near cancer cells.
After a number of doctors were cited, the report has an interesting case study:
“Dr. Kathleen Ruddy, a Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center-trained breast cancer surgeon, also became interested in ivermectin after three patients she consulted with experienced a dramatic improvement in their condition after taking it with other adjunctive therapeutics….
The first of the three patients had stage 4 prostate cancer. It came on abruptly, and after exhausting all possible treatments within nine months, his doctors announced that he had three weeks left to live. The patient started taking ivermectin along with other nutraceuticals, and within two months, his prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a potential marker for prostate tumor, became negligible. Within six months, the metastatic lesions had begun to disappear, and in less than a year, “he was out dancing for four hours” three nights per week, according to Dr. Ruddy.
The same scenario unfolded for two subsequent patients.
“I’ve been a cancer surgeon for over 30 years. I’ve never seen anything like this in one patient—let alone three in a row,” she said.”
It is evident that ivermectin has a range of beneficial effects that are still not completely understood. Hopefully, the weight of scientific evidence for the efficacy of ivermectin will outweigh the prejudice against it that seems to have been fostered by Big Pharma and their Big Government partners.
Thanks Tanja - we have been warned if we have ears to hear. I thought that Joe Allen’s tips were really worthwhile
Well written as always,Reuben, albeit terrifying. Schwabs friend Halari has said it very clearly that humans are hackable animals…