I always felt short-changed by my school education. I was sent to boarding school when I was eight years old, and at no stage of my schooling did I ever hear about choices in subjects. I was signed up (presumably by my parents) for an eclectic study program – Music, French, Latin, Physics, Maths, Chemistry and English. I thought that the study of history must only be for losers!
I subsequently studied veterinary medicine, did a PhD in physiology then a Doctor of Veterinary Science in exercise science. However, at no stage of my studies did it occur to me to take an interest in history. However, as I became more interested in the Bible and the Old Testament, I realized that many historical events were important. Still, in all my studies, it was as though these had never taken place. Mark Twain is reported to have said: “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme” so it is important to understand where the rhyming is occurring. Cicero captured my situation succinctly when he wrote:
“To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?”
I would have remained always a child, but about 15 years ago, I started to take an interest in the US Constitution and the US War of Independence. This led me to many other areas as I discovered a strong theme running through the historical narrative – the theme of the war on freedom and the individual.
The Declaration of Independence
The US Founding Fathers had a robust grasp of history and understood the tyranny of governments and the despotism of kings. In founding The Republic, they were aware of the need for checks and balances in all parts of a government system because they all understood history and the danger of unfettered power. These men comprehended the importance of “nature’s God” as they wrote in the “Declaration of Independence”.
I was gripped and remain stunned by the wisdom this group of men showed at a pivotal moment of history. This early paragraph of the Declaration of Independence - captures many ideas, which are expressed beautifully and succinctly:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
A few notable ideas from the document still stand out today:
The truths expressed are self-evident – we can discover these truths through nature and nature’s God. This idea also is conveyed by St Paul when he wrote in his letter to the Galatians, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7) ;
Rights are not given by the government but by the Creator. The rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness;
Government’s key role is to support people’s unalienable rights, and if it fails to do so, then the people have the right to “abolish it”;
Care must be taken when replacing a government “…but when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government”. This right to replace governments is increasingly being manipulated by new technology and “buying” votes. The US Presidential election in 2024 is likely to involve expenditures of $4 to 5 billion. It must be that many in the US, seeing the corruption and tyranny of key agencies such as the CIA, FBI, IRS, and NIH must think that it is time to “throw off such Government”.
The Declaration of Independence has provided a beacon of hope in a world otherwise populated by despots. For many, the US has been a “city on a hill”, a phrase first used by Puritan Pilgrim John Winthrop in 1630 before this brave group ever reached America. The expression was picked up by President Reagan in his farewell address as President in 1989. Reagan said:
“[I]n my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here.”
Of course, Reagan would not have imagined that he would be followed 34 years later by an administration that opened the floodgates of illegal immigration on the southern border so that the entire US population would be placed in peril.
Challenges to the Mainstream Narrative
To return to where I started, I realized my historical ignorance was a problem due to a lack of formal training. However, as I began to read the work of various historians and watch many videos, I formed the view that I may have been fortunate. Many historical events have been reported with a particular bias that serves the purposes of the historian. My eyes have been opened by compelling material from researchers that have challenged quite a few of the key events of the 20th century. These include:
American financing of the Bolshevik Revolution – see Anthony C. Sutton – Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution (1974) Arlington House.
The provocation of Japan by President Roosevelt’s administration to draw the US into the Second World War – see 1945 booklet by John T. Flynn – The Truth About Pearl Harbor. See also the video from Arthur R. Thompson in 2013
The widespread infiltration of the US government at the highest level by Soviet spies, as outlined in Whittaker Chambers' remarkable book Witness. Chambers exposed the spying of Alger Hiss, who was a key advisor to President Roosevelt (but in reality advocate for the Soviet Union) at the Yalta talks. Hiss also was the central player in the drafting of the establishment documents for the United Nations.
President John F. Kennedy’s assassination involved a CIA plot rather than a lone gunman. Many thousands of articles have been published, but this issue has come into the recent spotlight because of the repeated refusal by US administrations to release all the secret documents in their possession. A topical video highlights some of the evidence
Many believe that the CIA acted because Kennedy was about to shut the organization down because of their involvement in the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba.
The strong likelihood that the moon landings were faked. A remarkable book, Moon Man: The True Story of a Filmmaker on the CIA Hitlist and video from Bart Sibrel - see this link, demonstrate convincing evidence that the moon landings never occurred.
The false flag of the Twin Towers and CIA involvement with Al Qaeda - see James Corbett’s reports and also here:
The evidence points strongly to the involvement of the CIA in the 9/11 attack, which may have been a “false flag” to enable draconian legislation to be implemented for the creation of a surveillance state.
The introduction of the biosecurity state using the coronavirus, a bioweapon created with US Defense Department funds in the Wuhan Laboratory. The links to 9/11 are outlined in James Corbett’s report From Homeland Security to Biosecurity. Another excellent article is that by Whitney Webb, “All Roads Lead to Dark Winter”.
These events are just a handful of a much wider narrative that points to a sinister hand behind the scenes of history. Together they attest to the accuracy of a biblical view of history where, as history reaches a climax, a powerful and evil figure, the antichrist, emerges on the scene. This link provides an interesting and short overview of the antichrist. The antichrist will not only be at the head of a global government but will demand worship.
Many people dismiss these ideas as “conspiracy theories”, but when you look into the evidence uncovered by credible researchers, you realize that, as Elon Musk said recently: “some of these conspiracy theories have turned out to be true” -
Of course, Franklin D. Roosevelt famously said, “In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way”. It is important to remember Roosevelt’s quote when you try to interpret seemingly random events and “mistakes” made by government administrations.
Down the Rabbit Hole
I started to “go down the rabbit hole”, as James Delingpole has said, when I heard a remarkable interview with Patrick Wood almost three years ago – listen here. Patrick Wood has done substantial research over the past 50 years into technocracy, the central idea behind the New World Order. I highly recommend all his books – see this link - which focus on technocracy and transhumanism.
A key collaborator and mentor in Patrick Wood’s early work was Anthony C. Sutton. Sutton wrote extensively between the 1960s and 1990s – see this link, and his central theme was the secret cabal controlling world events. I have been making my way through the books of Sutton that are still available and for the last few weeks, have been reading what Sutton himself thought was his most important work: “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones”. There is an updated Kindle version that has the wonderful addendum to the subtitle: “Updated to Prove How the Evil Cult Bastards Engineered the USA Civil War, World War 2, The Vietnam War, Korean War, Gulf War, 9/11, Afghanistan War, War in Iraq, Syrian War, Libyan War, Yemen War.” Undoubtedly if Sutton were alive today, he would include the Ukraine war.
The Order of Skull and Bones
The Skull and Bones (henceforth referred to as “the Order”) is a secret order that has existed at Yale University since 1832 when William H Russell (later General Russell) studied in Germany. He returned to found the secret society at Yale, which has become extraordinarily influential over the last 200 years. Ron Rosenbaum wrote a fascinating article about members of the Skull and Bones, who are known as “Bonesmen”. The exposé was published in Esquire Magazine in 1977 and can be read here. The group (also known as the “brotherhood of death”) is confined to just 15 Yale juniors (no more, no less) who are invited to join the secret society (you can’t apply) in their senior year. The invitees take initiation rites and these were described as follows by Rosenbaum from a secret dossier:
“New man placed in coffin—carried into central part of building. New man chanted over and ‘reborn’ into society. Removed from coffin and given robes with symbols on it [sic]. A bone with his name on it is tossed into bone heap at start of every meeting. Initiates plunged naked into mud pile.”
It does sound rather juvenile, but it is far from that. Anthony Sutton writes that “the Order is powerful, unbelievably powerful”. The initiation rite involves an oath whereby the 15 new members “die to the world and be born again into the Order”.
It is clear that at its heart, the Order is satanic. Whether they know it or not, “the Bonesmen” seem to sell their souls to the devil in exchange for earthly power. At any time, there are about 500 “Bonesmen” alive, and these men (and more recently women) are incredibly well-connected and in powerful positions which involve groups such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council for Foreign Relations, the World Economic Forum, the Bilderbergers and others. There are also secret links to the United Kingdom through Oxford University, where there is an influential body called "The Group”. The links go back to Cecil Rhodes and private merchant bankers through the various relationships, with access to vast wealth from various non-profit foundations.
Sutton was secretly provided with the names of the members of the Order, and they included former President and Supreme Court Justice, William H Taft from the 1800s and, more recently members of the Bush family (including both Presidents) and Harriman family. Other reports have highlighted more contemporary “Bonesmen”, including John Kerry, the former US Secretary of State and current US “climate czar”, Frederick W Smith, the founder of Fedex and Stephen A Schwarzman, who founded the Blackstone Group. A range of other Bonesmen luminaries can be discovered, as outlined in this 2017 article.
What, you may say, has this to do with anything? Well - Sutton’s book demonstrates that a small but influential group can have a major impact on world events when they dominate the centres of power and finance. Sutton notes that at the heart of this secret group of “Bonesmen” is the Hegelian philosophy which “glorifies the State, the vehicle for the dissemination of statist and materialist ideas and policies in education, science, politics and economics.” The central idea is collectivism - that the State is supreme and the individual serves only to fulfill the State's requirements. Sutton writes that: “Progress in the Hegelian State is through contrived conflict: the clash of opposites makes for progress. If you can control the opposites, you dominate the nature of the outcome.”
This “contrived conflict” or “problem-reaction-solution” of the Hegelian dialectic has been widely used in recent “crises” – terrorism, credit crisis, pandemics, gender wars, protests against racism, illegal immigration etc. This brief YouTube video helps understand the concept -
One of the main targets for the Hegelians is education. Sutton writes:
“The existing system of education is little more than a conditioning mechanism. It has little to do with education in the true sense, and a lot to do with control of the individual.”
It is easy to see this in current curricula as noted in a report just published by the Australian Institute of Public Affairs and written by Bella D’Abrera. While the report focuses on Australian education, similar curricula are being foisted on unsuspecting children across the Western world.
The Order, the Hegelian Dialectic and New World Order
Sutton hypothesizes that “The Order has penetrated or been the dominant influence in sufficient policy, research and opinion making organizations, that it determines the basic direction of American society”. At first glance, this seems almost impossible to believe, but Sutton provides convincing evidence, which includes even notable religious educational institutions such as Union Theological Seminary in New York.
It is important to understand that the activities of the Order are not focused on the political left or the political right. Sutton notes:
“The Order is neither "left" nor "right." "Left" and "right" are artificial devices to bring about change, and the extremes of the political left and political right are vital elements in a process of controlled change.”
This “conflict of opposites” brings about change and fits the Hegelian dialectic of contrived problem, reaction, and solution.
In the simplest overview, the State is supreme, and various forms of conflict or problems are used to bring about the desired solution – State control. It is possible to see this methodology most clearly in Western countries' generic responses to the coronavirus lockdowns and then forced vaccinations, in reaction to a contrived “problem”. Undoubtedly, issues around finance, race and gender are similarly being used to promote conflict and, therefore to further the “solution” of State control, and, ultimately a New World Order.
Sutton goes on to write that:
“The activities of The Order are directed towards changing our society, changing the world, to bring about a New World Order. This will be a planned order with heavily restricted individual freedom, without Constitutional protection, without national boundaries or cultural distinction.”
To bring about a New World Order, various societal elements will have to be changed. Sutton notes the following key areas:
“Education - how the population of the future will behave,
Money - the means of holding wealth and exchanging goods,
Law - the authority to enforce the will of the state, a world law and a world court is needed for a world state,
Politics - the direction of the State,
Economy - the creation of wealth,
History - what people believe happened in the past,
Psychology - the means of controlling how people think,
Philanthropy - so that people think well of the controllers,
Medicine - the power over health, life and death,
Religion - people's spiritual beliefs, the spur to action for many,
Media - what people know and learn about current events,
Continuity - the power to appoint who follows in your footsteps.”
It is possible to see the impact of various “crises” over the last 100 years in achieving increasing State control and the erosion of freedom. This is not a random series of events, but the direction is towards furthering the New World Order. Various groups are pushing countries in this direction, most notably the United Nations with the agreed “17 Sustainable Development Goals”. Climate change is the tool that is being used to force nations' compliance with global government. Undoubtedly future pandemics will be similarly used, which is why the WHO seeks additional powers and control.
I have provided a sketch of my journey into understanding history and how my eyes have been opened to more recent historical events where a more sinister interpretation seems likely than random chance. Sutton’s numerous books and those of Patrick Wood provide good evidence that a small cabal can have an outsized influence on the direction of society. The availability of digital technologies, tools for surveillance and digital currencies make the aims of the New World Order very achievable in our lifetime. The World Economic Forum and the UN have a target date of 2030 where “we will own nothing”; presumably, they will own everything!
A manufactured “climate emergency” will continue to be used to promote the need for global government. Schoolchildren are being fed propaganda so that they are now suffering from a new disorder – “eco-anxiety”. For those who are trying to counter the barrage of propaganda about the climate crisis, I can recommend a short article that I read this week titled: Top 15 Unbelievable Reasons That Prove Global Warming Might Be A Hoax.
We need to be aware of the evil gang and their satanic aims behind many current societal “problems”. We also should understand that this group is using powerful media and psychological tools to create a frame of reference for us – the need to give up our freedoms for “protection” by the state.
Many people are aware of many of the crises that beset us in recent years, but most people would see this as government incompetence or “stuff up”. Governments are undoubtedly incompetent, but it is remarkable how competent they became when enforcing lockdowns and movement restrictions via “green passports”. It is possible to gain further insight into the tension between conspiracy and “stuff up” viewpoints by listening to London Calling
a weekly podcast, which is nicely reviewed at this link
Team Toby and Team James at “London Calling”
Like many others, I enjoy the weekly podcast “London Calling” with Toby Young and James Delingpole. Toby believes that most of the world's ills are due to government incompetence. On the other hand, James knows that there is a conspiracy at the heart of almost everything and that what the media tell us bears no relationship to the truth. Each week they battle to understand the other's viewpoint, but it does seem lately that James has given up and is derisive of Toby’s views.
Toby can see many things that are wrong, and he battles with his work at the Free Speech Union - to put them right. He can’t conceive that there would be a vast global plot with evil figures like Klaus Schwab at the helm. James has interviewed a range of conspiracy theorists and knows that there is an evil group manoeuvring us towards global control by the New World Order.
It is hard to find common ground between “Team James” and “Team Toby”, and in recent weeks, there has been ill-feeling that is hard to disguise. The only area of commonality is their assessment of various books and films in their segment called “Culture Corner”.
Their discussions mirror those many of us have with family and friends as we struggle to find common ground to understand the world. This has been particularly true during the “pandemic” and the approach to vaccination. Many of my friends and relations have accepted the government propaganda and lined up for 5, 6 or 7 “jabs”. It is almost impossible to reach a shared understanding.
I have thrown my lot in with “Team James”, but I hope “Team Toby” may be right! I think an evil cabal is creating and directing the various crises that beset us, and there is a simple test to understand whether what is proposed is beneficial. However, unfortunately, many recent “crises” can be explained more effectively with a conspiracy mindset where crises are “manufactured”. Just ask the question – does what is being proposed lead to more individual freedom or less?
Understanding the Times
Those pulling the strings and the levers of power invariably want less individual freedom and more State power. This is not just a battle of ideas but a spiritual battle at its heart. It may seem unbelievable to some of my readers, but ultimately, the forces of darkness seek to control the world and eventually enforce satanic worship. As society has turned away from God, there is only one direction to which it can turn.
Sons of Issachar need to understand the times and stand for God’s truth and law in the face of increasing assaults on individual freedom. There is an ongoing promotion of a collectivist philosophy and redefinition of what is good as evil and what is evil as good, just as in the days of the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 5:20). However, just as at the time of Isaiah, God has a plan, and we can put our trust in Him that there is a coming day when evil will be overcome. We are told in the Book of Revelation that at this future time:
“Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:3-4).
This is a great hope!
It is easy to understand what is at play when you put a conspiracy lens across recent historical events and understand the forces that seek to bring about a global New World Order. I have concluded my post this week with an interpretation of some important recent events.
Some Recent Events and Their Interpretation
Withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan – this was promoted by most as incompetence and “stuff up” by Joe Biden. However, leaving more than $7 billion of weapons behind is not a mistake but a clear sign of a plan to further destabilize the Middle East. The eventual “solution” will be more UN power to enable “peace”.
Ukraine conflict – it is almost impossible to determine how much money has been directed to the corrupt Ukrainian government, but it is in the hundreds of billions of dollars. As money is redirected into Swiss bank accounts, a dictatorship has emerged in Ukraine, which has become a globalist test ground for technocracy. Some of these ideas are explored in the excellent investigative article published on Unlimited Hangout, titled “Ukraine’s Future Lies in the Great Reset”.
Southern US border – over the past two years, as many as 10 million illegal immigrants have crossed the US border and brought child trafficking, crime, drugs and more violence to the US. The Biden administration has turned its face away, and so has the mainstream media. Many see this as government incompetence, but it is evident that this “invasion” is a policy decision designed to destabilize the US and destroy the idea of national sovereignty. Something similar is happening in the United Kingdom. The solution – more global control.
The US Inflation Reduction Act – was named similarly to many left-wing ideas. What is promoted is the opposite of the appealing name. For example, the “Respect for Marriage Act” destroys traditional marriage. The “Inflation Reduction Act” is about the government spending trillions of dollars that they didn’t have to reduce inflation. Who could have guessed? Inflation has increased dramatically. Not to worry – even the Chairman of the Federal Reserve has acknowledged that the debt is impossible to repay. This will pave the way for creating a “solution” - programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies and complete financial control of the population.
Pandemic lockdowns – destroyed small businesses in all Western countries but created super profits for global companies and Big Pharma. This is now followed by bank failures and small business collapse. It is evident that the lockdowns, previously acknowledged by public health experts as entirely ineffective, had another motive. That motive was the move to further government control to keep populations “safe”. Undoubtedly further “pandemics” are coming with the need for additional government control.
Handover of control of health to the WHO – the WHO is under the control of China, a billionaire technocrat and an Ethiopian Marxist. Not surprisingly, the WHO is seeking more power as part of the UN globalist agenda. Control of health is one of the dreams of the globalists, and it seems that many countries are willing to meekly submit to such authority.
Agenda 2030 and climate “emergency” – the plan for depopulation of the earth and control over every aspect of life by controlling energy has been a long time in the making. It started with eugenicists like Darwin and Huxley in the 1800s but has gained traction since the Club of Rome published “Limits to Growth” in 1973. This has led to various international summits, including the annual COP meetings, which have increasingly hysterical messages about the planet’s doom. These guys have a solution – destroying national sovereignty and handing power to the globalist cabal.
My view is that the conspiracists are right. A small, wicked and influential group controls many of the most important Western policies. The bad news for the globalists is that while they have had most of the West fall into line, most recently including Australia and New Zealand, China and India remain suspicious and will likely continue to make decisions to their benefit. Who knows what will happen in Russia?
However, members of The Order and other powerful individuals will continue to have an outsized influence in pushing nations toward globalism. In evaluating what is happening in current events, remember to ask the simple question: does this lead to more freedom or less? Any policy that results in less freedom must be opposed. We must resist further attempts for State control that aim to make us slaves to global overlords. To do this, we may all need to become conspiracists!
Excellent as always, Reuben!
See also the outstanding recent book '180 degrees' by Feargus O'Connor Greenwood. Invert everything, because the conventional narrative plainly makes no sense whatever. Everything we are being told by the Establishment is a lie.