We will own nothing and be miserable!
Ever since the advent of the Soviet Union and Stalin’s 5-year plan in the 1920’s, there has been an attraction for governments, companies and organizations to formulate 5-year plans to achieve various goals. The idea is immediately appealing, and I remember someone telling me once: “without a plan you are just wandering around” – which sounded right to me.
Over the years, I have prepared many 5-year plans for various organizations and at least one of these was a 120-page work of wonder. I did eventually discover that no-one read these 5-year plans and that the worst thing anyone could do was to try to follow them. The reason that planning is so attractive is that in an age of uncertainty, one can hold to the concept of just following certain steps and all will be well. In Russia’s case, the 5-year plan was the start of mass starvation because the central planners in Moscow had no real interest in human dignity, agriculture or incentives as they commenced the collectivization of agriculture in the early 1930s. It is estimated that up to 7 million people died from starvation between 1932 and 1934 as a result of central planning, and Ukrainian grain was exported to meet the costs of industrialization. Despite this, central planning remains attractive to governments and organizations and glossy documents continue to be prepared at great cost but remain largely unread.
An economist friend directed me a few years ago to Friedrich von Hayek’s classic The Road to Serfdom published in 1944. You can read a good summary of the book here. This is not an easy read, but it is a book containing ideas that are critical to our current era. It was written at a time when most of the Western intelligentsia was attracted to communism and the Soviet Union was our brave ally n WW2. The book points out the arrogance of central planners in believing that they understand all the elements to plan an economy (greater arrogance is afoot today with the belief that we can “plan” the climate). At the heart of such planning is the idea that the state can decide and control what is good for everyone. The natural outcome of central planning is that it becomes not enough for the state to control just the economy but also to control every area of the lives of its citizens. We have seen these ideas implemented during the COVID-19 lockdowns and most western governments enjoyed this taste of total control. Von Hayek was one of the key Austrian economists, whose philosophies are influential right up to our present day. The ideas include: the central role of private property rights, the importance of promoting entrepreneurship, and the role of free markets to determine economic success. Unfortunately, because of the power provided to its proponents, central planning has taken hold of the Western world with slogans such as: “global problems demand global solutions”. The complexity of climate is reduced to the need for control of carbon dioxide emissions as scientists with models try to predict the unpredictable. Of course it is not science but scientism, the belief that science (usually selective, if not pseudo science) is the only means to gain knowledge about the reality of our world & the human condition. The central planners, who have taken control of governments, have caught we the people, in a pincer movement.
This idea of being caught in a pincer movement reminded me of a hilarious television sketch called “The War Correspondent” featuring Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. The original video, probably 50 years ago now, seems to be no longer available but the audio is and if you use your imagination you can be transported to the battlefield of a fictional war. A war correspondent interviews troops prior to an attack and the interview then concludes with an interview of the enemy sniper! Have a listen on this link:
The war correspondent determines that the sergeant in charge is planning a classical pincer movement and we today are caught in such a movement. We are under attack from all sides:
central bankers are only funding “green” projects,
governments are signing up to impossible “zero emissions” targets,
governments are restricting planting of crops in the name of environmental protection and farmers are being paid to producing nothing there being a current vogue for “rewilding” the land,
local councils are restricting land use because they are signed up to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030,
the international “green agenda” and planned supply chain crises will result in ever increasing food shortages, (apart from the current created supply chain crisis blamed on Covid consequences and the Russia Ukraine war).
electric cars are being forced on us as contrived fuel shortages force up petrol and diesel prices,
governments are demanding more control over our health and compulsory testing, vaccinations, etc
restrictions on speech are being implemented to prevent so called “fake news” or “hate speech”, such that only government mandated views are permitted,
we are being surveilled by Big Tech and governments,
global organizations are planning to take control of the critical areas of the environment and health, with the UN’s Agenda 2030 and its urgent demand for ‘global sustainable development’, and the WHO’s push towards global legislative control of our health and genetic engineering for a better life (transhumanism) ,
Bill Gates is advocating and preparing to fund through the WHO a global team of 3,000 scientists whom he calls the GERM (Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization) team, who will be lurking about internationally ready to lock us all down & vaccinate us, and these are just a few of the global power moves being made.
We the people, are seen as pawns to be moved about a global chessboard and the globalists have been hard at work for decades moving everything into place. This week, the World Economic Forum (WEF) will be having their 50th annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland under the chairmanship of Klaus Schwab. Schwab is a man of great influence and I have written more about him in this edition of the Sons of Issachar Newsletter. The WEF has the aim of forging global public-private partnerships and bringing about a new economic world order, with central planning and technocracy (scientific dictatorship) at its core. At the same time, the World Health Organization (WHO) (which operates in tandem with the WEF) will meet to develop the next stage of an international pandemic treaty, which seeks to hand power to the WHO to control individual countries’ health regulations and introduce vaccine passports. The WHO is led by the Ethiopian Marxist-Leninist former Health Minister, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Tedros was installed as boss of the WHO by China, which because of large loans to Ethiopia, effectively controls Ethiopian finances. Dr Tedros has no medical qualifications and is an apologist for China and its role in the coronavirus pandemic. These guys have a plan and it is not a plan for our good or for our freedom.
The globalists are coming for us on every side and if they don’t get us with ‘diseases’ and with their consequent restrictions and mandates to ‘contain’ these diseases, they will control us with climate change measures which are escalating on every continent, and even as you read this ,the Secretary-General of the UN has proposed a 2023 Summit of the Future , which will seek further central controls.
Somehow, no-one raises the issues of current central planning disasters such as the much-loved but disastrous National Health Service (NHS) in the UK and here in Australia, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), just to name two. The NHS is a complete calamity in the UK – no-one can get a face-to-face appointment with a doctor, waiting lists for critical procedures have blown out to more than 6 years, babies were killed and maimed in NHS maternity hospitals because of staff incompetence, and recent information has indicated a doubling of NHS bureaucrats with a tiny increase in front-line workers. Case studies show a profligacy beyond anything imaginable and the only solution seems to be to spend more taxpayer money and appoint more health bureaucrats.
In Australia we have the NDIS, a worthy idea to support people with disabilities but one that is bound to fail because as the local saying here in Australia has it – “the government couldn’t organize a party in a brewery”. A $60 billion cost overrun is anticipated in the NDIS. I realized the extent of mismanagement when I met a young woman who was on her way on a Saturday morning to take a NDIS client to a Zumba class and was being paid $55 per hour for this “work”, which was a minimum of 3 hours according to the “rules”.
We need to be aware of the insidious nature of central planning and how we are being prepared for a future where unelected bureaucrats control every area of our lives and we will “own nothing” and supposedly “be happy”. Of course the implication is that “they” will own everything and be even happier!
Our only hope in the natural is to pressure our elected representatives to stand against signing up to the various UN global initiatives and treaties as well as to support our national sovereignty. A global government is coming and ultimately is unstoppable, but we need to awaken and warn others about this and resist while we are able.
“The Great Reset”, “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, “The New World Order”, “Stakeholder Capitalism”, “Build Back Better”, “Sustainable Development” and other similar names and slogans have become widely used as the COVID-19 pandemic has gripped the world. These all derive from Professor Dr Klaus Schwab, the 84-year-old founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) World Economic Forum
Photo: Professor Dr Klaus Schwab encouraging us towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution
and its Davos talkfest held each January in Switzerland since 1972, but rescheduled this year because of COVID-19 to the 19-26 May . The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has just signed an agreement with Schwab for the UN and WEF to jointly accelerate Agenda 2030. Agenda 2030 is described by Schwab as a “universal agenda for all mankind” and at the heart of Agenda 2030 are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, designed to rob nations of both their wealth and national sovereinty. Klaus Schwab has played a central role in the promotion of global government and the Fourth Industrial Revolution – essentially, the fusion of man and machine. Schwab is a key figure in the current reshaping of the global landscape.
I have talked to many people from different walks of life in the last months and most have never heard of this powerful man and so I thought I would provide a brief biography for my readers. A detailed account of the Schwab family can be found at this site - Schwab Family.
Schwab has become extraordinarily influential over the last 50 years and has selected and promoted many current world leaders via the WEF “Young Global Leaders Program” (WEF Young Leaders). The WEF has spread its tentacles widely and even Australia’s current Health Minister was a former Director of Strategy for the World Economic Forum. “Graduates” of the program include: the leaders of Germany, Argentina, Canada, New Zealand, France, Finland, Belgium as well as many European royals. In addition there are corporate czars whom Klaus has mentored in the Young Leaders Program from companies such as: facebook, Google, Skype, Microsoft and Wikipedia. All these leaders have been schooled in the need for globalism and global government, which is often described as the “new world order” and which is planned to be fuelled by “Public Private Partnerships”. The figure below, from Iain Davis, provides an overview of how this all works. I put this into one of my previous newsletters but it is very important and so I am reproducing this great overview again. Run - when you hear the phrase “public private partnership”.
Figure from UKColumn.org article by Iain Davis “The UK New Normal Dictatorship”
Schwab has been hosting annual meetings in Davos for the last 50 years and the planned outcome is the establishment of something like a World Federation with a World Parliament, World Government and World Court – really a UN with teeth. This “dream” (more correctly nightmare) has been promoted by globalists for centuries. However Schwab has built an impressive coalition to support a future where by 2030, as the World Economic Forum says, “we will own nothing and be happy”. So, who is Klaus Schwab?
Klaus Schwab was born in 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany and his father Eugen managed a Swiss-German company – Escher-Wyss – which was closely aligned with the Hitler’s Nazis and the company was awarded the title of “National Socialist Model Company”. Interestingly, although supporting the Nazi war effort with turbine manufacture, the factory was never targeted for bombing by the Allies. Schwab Snr’s company also “employed” thousands of forced labourers (Forced Labour). Young Klaus grew up in a privileged position close to the Swiss border and after studies in mechanical engineering and later the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, went to work for his father’s old company. The company seems to have been involved in development of nuclear technology, even during WW2, and had links to South Africa’s former apartheid regime’s plan to develop nuclear weapons.
Klaus seems to have had early leadership ambitions and after WW2 chaired the Franco-German regional youth association. He did his engineering studies in Switzerland as well as studies in economics then returned to Germany to work in Frankfurt for the German Machine-building Association. He received a doctorate for his research in mechanical engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in 1966. Klaus seemed to specialize in collecting degrees, with another doctorate in 1967 in Economics from the University of Fribourg and a Masters in Public Administration from Harvard’s Kennedy School. While at Harvard, he made friends with Henry Kissinger whom he said was influential throughout his career.
Schwab is a globalist visionary and technocrat who could see the importance of the incorporation of computers into business and he played a critical role in the technological transformation of Sulzer Escher-Wyss, the merged Swiss-German company previously managed by his father. Klaus also was capable of “thinking big” and in 1970 decided to establish the precursor to the WEF called the European Management Symposium, with support from the European Commission. This first event attracted 450 people from 31 countries and was held in Davos, Switzerland in 1972. The event became the World Economic Forum with annual meetings continuing until today and Klaus is the Executive Chairman. Membership of the WEF can cost up to US$620,000 - WEF Contributor Cost and the focus is on government and big business with trillion dollar companies invited.
There were early links of the WEF to the Club of Rome, the first group to widely promote a coming so-called population crisis via their publication The Limits to Growth. One of the founders of this group, Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist, spoke at one of the first meetings of the WEF. The Club of Rome famously identified the need for a common enemy to unite everyone and decided that the common enemy was “humanity itself” (The Enemy of Humanity - Humanity)! Thus population control and reduction, which was a key policy of 20th century eugenicists such as DH Lawrence, HG Wells and Julian Huxley (who was the first Director of UNESCO and also founded the World Wildlife Fund), became well-established along with the need to “save the planet”. Founders of the World Wildlife Fund also included the notorious Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands and Prince Philip of the UK.
Schwab has been able to continue the annual WEF meeting and expand it greatly to include every major “Big Tech” company and international corporations as well as most global leaders. Nearly all of these people refer to Klaus as “dear Klaus” and he is extraordinarily powerful, although holding no government elected position. As the Unlimited Hangout article posits “is Klaus Schwab a kindly old uncle figure wishing to do good for humanity or is he really the son of a Nazi collaborator who used slave labour and helped Nazi efforts to obtain the first atomic bomb”? (Schwab Family). Schwab, together with many global elites, is promoting population control via a focus on a supposed ‘population and climate crisis’ and he has been able to install many of his acolytes in real positions of power around the world. A key slogan is “build back better” which much like the Freemasons’ handshake, identifies those in the “club” of population control, the “climate emergency” and the “new world order”. Build back better refers to the tearing down of what exists in order to rebuild the world according to a new order.
Klaus Schwab is an advocate for the new world order where there is central control of everything and a technocratic state that monitors our every move. The intent is to destroy property ownership and exert power through digital surveillance and control of energy. Read Klaus’ books and listen to his ideas man –Yuval Noah Harari. They are planning a future for us as rodents in a rat race and as I’m fond of saying :“even if you win the rat race, you’re still a rat”!
Additional Reading About Klaus Schwab
Klaus and Young Global Leaders
Meet the Great Reset Supporters
As always well written and it really sums the terrifying situation up.